1,000 prayers


1,000 Prayers◊

∴Took to Flight∴

A 1,000 prayers ~ took to flight!



The inspiration for this blog post sprang from an opening line of a poem that I wrote a while ago. The opening line, which came to me spontaneously while listening to some music, was “I prayed to 1,000 moons.” That was all that came in the moment, so I wrote it down to have it handy when some life would be born from it. After a morning meditation a few more lines came to me that I included following the opening line. I connected the poem with a digital art image I created several years ago. It all seemed to fit. Today I felt guided to move forward with the completion of the poem.


Prayer as Action:

Having an active prayer life is like a 1,000 birds rushing & flying by a near window. I feel we are all praying all the time, setting forth intentions of wishes & desires. Sometimes not in a conventional view of prayer and sometimes in direct prayerful communion with the Divine. When praying, we take an active stance to send out our wishes to the heart of the Divine and wheels are set in motion. During meditation we receive. Thus completes the ebb and flow of holy communion.

Prayer is movement, like the smoke rising from devotional incense moving upward filling the heavens with heartfelt petitions of inquiry, desires, & wishes to be manifested. All is set from within to without through hope, trust, and letting go.


Prayer as Freedom & Release:

Prayer can be connected to freedom and release through trusting and being grounded in sacred belief. When we have cleared enough on the inner plane and know our worthiness, our true innocence, and the cherished love Mother Father God have for us, then we can feel a sense of elevated joy connected into what is possible in our lives and live in that joy. As we surrender to limitation, ideas of separation, and all perceived illusions we move closer and closer to the truth of our Soul in and as higher states of consciousness. We begin to live this truth out as a living testament to the Glory of God, of who we truly are, and what is possible for all. Thus, being healed of all darkness and living through a heart and mind only filled with light divine.



1,000 Prayers◊

∴Took to Flight∴



I prayed to 1,000 moons

I prayed to 1,000 suns

1,000 prayers sent me

open became the entry

1,000 prayers took to flight

all became quiet, all was alright

1,000 prayers lifted me gently

where the eye of the One is all that is sight

above the endless sea I Am

where the Christbird anoints me once again

two birds in flight sing below me

what destined lovers love to write

I prayed to 1,000 moons

I prayed to 1,000 suns

1,000 prayers sent me

open became the entry

the light comes through clouds and colored light

no words, no day, nor night

1,000 prayers perfumed the air

1,000 prayers heard everywhere

1,000 prayers took to flight

the sky bird and nighthawk delivered them in delight

I prayed to 1,000 moons

I prayed to 1,000 suns

1,000 prayers sent me

open became the entry

lifted high upon air as if carried on wings and feathers

beyond cares and Earthly measures

1,000 prayers set me in motion

errors were gone and all was together

creation and my mind set free

Spirit ~ the holy ~ the decree

I prayed to 1,000 moons

I prayed to 1,000 suns

1,000 prayers

carried me into the light

1,000 prayers

became the stairs that burst into engines

as if balloons taking me higher to inner dimensions

1,000 prayers spread upwards

1,000 prayers to parent birds

the winged ones who know my every yearn

I prayed to 1,000 moons

I prayed to 1,000 suns

1,000 prayers went skyward

God’s Grace fulfill thy words

1,000 prayers ascending 

 creating a new world

1,000 prayers

now descending




§Blessings of 1,000 Prayers!

∞May all illusions be replaced with knowing the truth of who we are!

♥May all your prayers be made manifest♥

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8 − = five

ΞSeptember Interlude ⇔Passing Through⇔

ΞSeptember InterludeΞ

⇔Passing Through⇔


September Interlude: the onset of Autumn





September always ushers in a churning within where the tides change. The summer sun fades rearing its head a few more times, yet giving way to the autumn sun that peeks here and there of its coming presence. A passage of time that feels very transitory ~ neither this nor that. A passing though of one door to leave the past behind and enter anew.

The inspiration for this blog post is to connect in deeply with the whispers, nudging, transference of energy experienced when tapping into September. A symbol of motion moving yet being ever still.

A changing of the guards as the tide begins to sing an Autumn tune. A favorite time of year!

September is a once again ~ a once more into what is to be and shows it signs for all eyes to see.



Latin septem- meaning “seven,” is the ninth month of the year.

What does September mean?

According to the original Roman republican calendar, September was the seventh month of the year rather than the ninth. The Roman calendar was only 10 months long and included the following months: Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Quintilis, Sextilis, September, October, November, and December.

The last six months were assigned names according to their ordinal numbers. Quintilis is the fifth month, Sextilis is the sixth month, and so on. September, as you can see, was the seventh month.



Autumn is feminine from the Latin word autumnus meaning fall

She gives all to all



Homemade GIF above is from a compilation of various digital art works I created

The digital art work in the center is from a photo session with Maria Scozarri and the bottom one is from an engagement photo session.




Songs about September: Music for the Season


Earth, Wind, and Fire: September

 Neil Diamond: September morn

Willie Nelson: September Song

James Taylor: September Grass


ΞSeptember InterludeΞ

⇔Passing Through⇔


“..a spiced saffron sun ~ melts and rolls into the ether ~  rising to signal the changing of the seasons”



ΞSeptember InterludeΞ

⇔Passing Through⇔


September Interlude

Passing through

the summer song fades

the last remnants turn to shade

a new season now to come into

early morning across the lake

dipped in the sunlight dew

thoughts and impressions turn to becoming an autumn view

first the churn begins from within

each time this year again and again

September’s breath warm like flannel soft ~ inviting too

it’s a waiting, an anticipating, a moving through

reflection sets it as the heart reviews

September Interlude

Passing through

the veil becomes thin

soon equal day and night

September’s blessing of eternal light

 heaven remembered

hear it in the children’s laughter

listen to the children for they know the life after

this is September we now have entered

 amber glow shimmers in the body down through each toe

  a dab of vanilla on my wrist

oatmeal on the stove

all about our cozy sacred cove

a life cycle ~ a biology

nothing comes, yet everything goes

gather what is in the fields, soon all will pass

September Interlude

Passing through

reds oranges and yellows dance in gold mystical delight

leaves with painted on colors

holy prepared on deciduous trees

gentle yet known

riding on a slightly cooler breeze

maples and birches begin to cast off to the September skies

all must turn and be reborn

the eyes of the soul become baptized

deciduous people take to the moment

shedding all the old to reinvent

be ever near Holy Spirit ~ giver of the atonement

September Interlude

Passing through

a spiced saffron sun

melts and rolls into the ether

 rising to signal the changing of the seasons

transitory ~ times sweeps to eternity anchored in God’s glory

rows of pumpkin stretch beyond my mind

fruits become ripened in misty twine

the winds gather in crackling magic

sprinkled on the earth ecstatic

breathe in the blossom and the enigmatic

September Interlude

Passing through

garnering and gathering

crops ripe for the picking

fields of corn and hearty stews

 tastes of caramel treats kiss the lips

root vegetables, grains, and seasonal fruit

come to the surface to meet and greet

the harvest reaping where sowers collect

alongside the harvest bright full moon

silvery light swings motioning direct

 the pandit chants a Chandra swoon

stardust travels bringing the bride to the groom

everything arranged in advance

under the stars shall we dance?

September Interlude

Passing through

moments become still

listen, attune, trust ~ all is turning

 hand harvesting

stretches across the lands

the lamb of God ~ Christ

fullness, completion, the resurrection

altar to the ram

I am all that I am

a new beginning, a new path

walk with September

at Her center remember

pass through

gather, assemble, and get together

September advances with new treasure



⊕Autumn Prelude⊕

“…in a lover’s heart autumn enchants ~ darlings hold each other forever in a trance.”


⊕Autumn Prelude⊕


Autumn sighs brings a new surprise

nature’s valley transcends

newness for those that go within

the golden honey sun

Holy Spirit all in one

sync to autumn’s step

  leaves rustle trail out a path

follow to enter where the unknown becomes the math

no doubt miracles will be shown

God’s grace shower from Thy throne

the path be aware note you are not alone

true sight be open with Christ knowing

through cedar and spark

 unicorns make themselves known

beside apple orchards lush with taste divine

banjo mountain music apple cider all around

cloves all spice cinnamon dance

in a lover’s heart autumn enchants

darlings hold each other forever in a trance

seasonal blessings thankful and sweet

the humblebee and abundance the harvest reap

 the bighorn sheep lay at the master’s feet

autumn’s winds move to favor

sisters and brothers knock without waver

open the door ~ look down!

God’s above now below

autumn manna windswept

bounty arrives at the doorstep



⊕May September blessings be upon us to illuminate, awaken, and heal!⊕

§Blessings of the Autumn winds and harvest moon to shine abundance, plenty, joy, and peace into our lives!

♥Blessings of wholeness and wellness♥

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8 + = nine

Mirror Affirmations ~ Empower Up

Be the perfect reflection of your shining brilliance and love

⇒Mirror Affirmations⇐

⇑Empower Up⇑



The inspiration for this blog post is to offer a mirror practice that consists of positive affirmations to uplift and direct the awareness towards the truth of our existence ~ to the truth of our soul nature. This is in conjunction with simultaneously looking into a mirror and accessing and experiencing our divine power.

This is a practice that is highly effective to do first thing in the morning as well as any other time. I will outline the simple steps and some affirmations to use. Add your own affirmations and wording to suit your own specific makeup and areas that you want to heal, expand, and experience in your life.



I initially posted this in my Bridge to the Divine group on Facebook ~ a place for healing and awakening.

Here is the link to the group if you would like to join:

Bridge to the Divine group


Mirror Affirmations How To:

Mirror affirmations are a tool to connect in with your soul light and activate this presence in your awareness.

Procedure: While in front of the mirror (as close as possible) (no tv, music, etc…on) look deeply and straight on into your eyes. Do not look away. Connect in with yourself. Invite (say out loud or silently) your God Presence to be revealed and encountered. Stay looking deeply into your eyes with pauses of silence and just experience ~ this can be Very powerful. When you feel your own power do not be swayed, continue a few more times. We are connecting in with our Higher true Self as Spirit through our physical form without getting caught up in our form ~ yet honoring and blessing it. Next, while connecting and eye gazing say the following affirmations on the list below  ~ add to the list, and create ones that resonate with you.

You can also place your hands on your heart while practicing mirror affirmations and eye gazing.


This practice is a good tool to retrain all the negative thought patterns and beliefs the mind has succumbed to and replaced it with an honoring and resurrecting of the Divine Self. 


⇒Mirror Affirmations⇐

⇑Empower Up⇑


I am a being of divine light and love
I am a perfect creation of God
In no moment am I separated from God ~ In all moments I am connected to God
I allow my life to be directed by my Higher Self
My heart is open and connected to the One Cosmic heart
My mind is open and connected to the One Cosmic mind
I am adorable and beautiful
I love and honor myself
I see and feel my true Self and allow my divinity to flow through me
I am strong, healthy, and empowered
My beloved and I are One
I allow my gifts and talents to fully surface to bless my life and serve others
I allow love to replace my fears
Only love and God are real
I am grounded to Mother Gaia and surrender to her love, nurturing, and wisdom
My ego voice is silenced as I listen within to the truth of my soul and speak there of
I am the purity, abundance, and sacredness of God
I am God incarnate
I shine brilliantly like the sun and attune to the magic of the universe with the moon
I activate within my heart my Divine Presence to be made manifest in my consciousness and live through my form
I allow my physical form and consciousness to transform into the new way of being
There are many more affirmations that can be added. Add affirmations that are the positive reflection and victory of areas you would like to see and experience in your life. Let me know which ones you particularly resonated with and ones that you add. 

⇒May our mirror reflect back to us the truth of who we are⇐

ξBlessings of awakening and knowing fully your God Self!

∞May our vision be attuned to the Christ Vision∞

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+ eight = 12

Grace: The Flow of the Feminine Christ



⊕The Flow of the Feminine Christ⊕

⇒Receiving and Knowing⇐

ΞRejoicing in GraceΞ

*~*Receiving Grace……..


The inspiration for this blog post is to know and receive Grace.

Grace that is always present. Grace that blesses all.


◊Grace the Flow of the Feminine Christ:

♥The heart of the Divine Feminine flows Her Grace to all Her beloved children♥

Grace Has a Mission on Earth

Grace She walks the Earth

Grace speaks to all Her beloveds

Grace gently summons our name

Grace sits at our table

Grace sent from above to below. Grace that never ends nor denies. Grace that is our breath and whom waits so lovingly and peers out to see who might receive today.

Who might partake of Her sweet fruit and receive?


Grace Heals:

Grace heals, releases,  and unifies all that seems scattered and thrown about to reveal that all is whole.

Grace is like the moon. She shines at night out into the darkness to see who might catch her silvery light. Grace is magical waving a wand across the land to see who might look up and see Her sparkly trail.

Grace is like the Sun burning so bright with outstretched hands formed as rays for all to stand in.

Grace the great nourisher, protector, and liberator.

Grace is the portal to our soul. She is within us and all around us. She looks to see who might dance with Her and partake in the mysteries to delight.


Call upon Grace:

Call upon Grace and awaken in Holy Communion to receive. The moments that seem in-between laced with Her soft buttery feel awakens the knower to what is real. Her universal love and sacred heart of infinite power rises from the ocean of Oneness guiding all footsteps back to Her.

The journey ends from where it began.

 *photo is of a bride whose wedding I photographed then turned into a digital art piece*



A simple poem

for a simple day

a quiet day

filled with Grace



ΞRejoicing in GraceΞ

Today I rejoice in Grace

my mind remembers God’s peace is commonplace

I am gentle in the ways of my day

lifted on Grace filled wings I am carried away

to a place that is simple where children play

laughter is heard twinkling like stars

 Grace is holy and lights the way

no duality can overshadow the day

ask the dancers of ballet and those that say anyway

look for the blue jay who sings the song of truth where illusions fall away

Today I rejoice in Grace

my mind remembers God’s peace is commonplace

Grace moves through what seems dark

darkness earmarked for the truth of God’s love to spark spark spark

sparks in the dark turn to flames

 flames stir and awaken the eye of fire

illuminating darkness to calm the roughest sea

 the mind turns to the knowing where all agree and sit under the birch tree

Today I rejoice in Grace

my mind remembers God’s peace is commonplace

I remember the honey bee acknowledging the one in three

receiving Grace opens ~ atman ~ inner Self rides free

The touch of Grace has surrendered me

  star filled eyes meet Ma ray

it is here I am held so dear

in Her arms soft spun silk kisses my spirit

in waves still yet moving all becomes clear

 severing of past ties here I die to rise

quiet hills and whispering valleys vanish

acceptance speaks through silent words to fly fly fly

 as One I become the endless sky

Grace has revealed Herself

at my table She sits to sup and speaks of next to next

particles dance mixing ancient love

where lands of bells ring truth spells

from space to space and place to place

from point to point with no endpoint

Grace covers

Her warm blanket and flowing rivers

wishers and considers know all as brothers and sisters

Today I rejoice in Grace

my mind remembers God’s peace is commonplace

Grace always delivers

a constant flicker who is only a giver

receive to know and change becomes the mirror

no name be given ~ no name am I

nothing is mine ~ yet all is mine

nothing misplaced ~ nothing to trace

all is in place

today I rejoice in Grace

my mind remembers God’s peace is commonplace

lay thee down and rest thee sword

take in Grace and march thee toward


⊕Blessings of receiving and knowing Grace⊕

§May the Presence of Grace fill our life!

⊗Blessings of wholeness and wellness⊗

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Have a blessed day!

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry


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− 5 = four

Being in your Body: 7 easy steps

Being in Your Body *wholeness *wellness

ΞBeing in your BodyΞ

⇒Anchoring for Healing↵

7 easy steps!


ΞBeing in your bodyΞ ~ <anchoring and healing>

In this blog post I will share with you some tools in the toolbelt that have helped me unite and coordinate awareness within my body. You will feel less scattered and be more rooted in your being with greater awareness and for greater healing. With disciplined application and practice, these So simple techniques will become part of your daily conscious living.

We all know being out in nature, physically connecting with the Earth, and meditation are primo connectors to being in our body, however, I was guided to some techniques that I have begun to incorporate that will also help you to be more in tune with your body. These simple practices can be done from the comfort of your home. I will share with you some tips and practical applications that have helped me to become more present in my body. These are easy to do steps that anyone can implement. If you need some direction with being more centered within your body, then this blog post is for you and I will teach you what I have learned.


Lightkeepers ~ Balance ~ Being Anchored 

It is a delicate balance being consciously present in our body and not being attached to it. However we need to first be fully present in our body! Be anchored so you don’t drift!

Many lightkeepers with their keen sensitivity and heightened sense of knowing Earth is not their true home often have a tendency to “jump” out of their body. This is due to a knowing that the body is not our natural state and there can be a pulling to somehow try to regain the preferred and natural state of being pure spirit. This “jumping” out may have been going on for many years and is so automatic that one can be completely unaware of it, yet feel the discord of not being fully present in the body. So we need to correct this as our body is our vehicle to make great evolutionary leaps in our consciousness expansion. We need to be integrated with our body and anchored fully in it as we walk our ascension path. Unity will be experienced within our human vessel.

Do you find that you are often not in your body? That your awareness is typically somewhere else other than in your body? Feeling a bit scattered and all over the place with no anchoring point? Do you find your awareness tends to be more ethereal in nature and not so present on the physical plane?

Being present in my body has been an area I have had to focus on and bridge. Spontaneously in a meditation some super simple techniques came to me that do not require much time. They serve as an ally to remedy body conscious awareness which can be practiced daily in practically any space.

Benefits of Being in your body:

⊆ Better integration, assimilation. and anchoring of the Light

⊆ Greater healing can take place (mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical)

⊆ The clearing work (releasing the old) rewards become more evident and more space is allowed to bring in and maintain the Higher aspects of Self

⊄Greater clarity

⊄Cohesive mind, body, spirit wholeness and wellness

Being fully in your body may help reduce binge eating, open channels of abundance, and help open chakras for optimal functioning.

Follow the recommendations in this post to be more present in your body with less headspace reactionary responses and have a more centered peaceful demeanor.


Here I am sharing with you some things you can do on a daily basis to connect in more with your body for anchoring and healing in 7 easy steps.


Here are 7 steps to practice every day:

Start the day honoring yourself and being grounded in your body

Below are step by step actions I received to follow. They are beyond simple, however, with conscious intention to heal and ground they offer a profound influence. Anyone can practice these steps and it does not require much time to complete.

Do this practice before working out, before meditating, and before showering.

Do not have any jewelry on.

Items needed: a towel or yoga mat

  1. As close to awakening in the morning as possible sit on the floor (use a towel or yoga mat if desired). It is best to be partially dressed, a towel around you, or completely nude. While sitting on the floor cross your legs with your palms up on your thighs. Do not stand ~ sit on the floor preferably~ if you can’t sit on the floor then in a chair or on a sofa is fine. Do this before you shower and if you exercise in the morning do this before your exercise routine. It is best to be in silence ~ no tv or music on ~ have your phone and all devices in another space ~ tuning only into yourself. Stay warm in a quiet atmosphere. Be in a well lit room with as much natural light streaming in as possible.

2) Subtle conscious movements: begin with some light stretches and neck rolls. Do not work out (if you work out then follow after completing the grounding exercises) this is about conscious awareness coordinated with subtle body movements. Proceed with light massages beginning at the crown and slowly working your way down the body ~ crown, neck, chest, arms, back, hip and stomach regions, legs, and last at feet. Pay particular attention to body areas “asking” for more massage and gentle touching. As you relax and attune you will naturally stay at certain body areas longer than others. You will become aware of how very powerful your hands are and your sense of touch.

3) Eye contact: make eye contact with your body. Do not close your eyes. Really look ~ lovingly ~ at your body without judgement. On areas you don’t like stay observant and do not judge or label. Be in a place of complete acceptance. Fully surrender. Just experience.

4) Heart energy work: place both hands on your heart → within yourself speak to your body and tell your body truthfully in your own words how much you love it and thank it for being with you in this lifetime. Ask your body to let you know if it needs anything. Let your body know you are listening to it and that you will provide for its requests. Keep a notepad or journal ~ and pen handy to write what you hear and receive. Offer gratitude to your body and openly express this gratitude.

5) Sit in the stillness and quiet. Pull your focus in your body. Stay in this quiet space with inward direction as long as needed.

6) Now stand up and come off the towel or mat. Walk slowly around the space you are in with awareness drawn to your feet. With each slow conscious step focus on your feet and the movement of your feet. You will be surprised how aware you become of  the parts of your feet that move constituting each step and then each next step. Walk in a slow pace like manner. Whether you are in a small space or a large space walk back and forth ~ use the space completely from wall to wall and side to side. At first it will feel odd to walk with such deliberation in a slow even pace, however, you will become acclimated to it. Walk with continued slow conscious steps for several minutes while in total awareness of your feet. You will also be more aware of how your body moves in simple walking actions that are performed daily. Deep gratitude and admiration for the masterful design and functioning of your body will also become apparent. After your conscious walking is complete offer silent gratitude.

7) Last I recommend a shower or a bath. I have found it is best to practice this before a shower, however, if you shower first then it is best to get this practice in regardless. Getting in the shower (or bath) seals in this practice and offers a second wave of body conscious awareness. You will feel different after completing this practice and then showering as opposed to just getting in the shower. There is a distinct difference.


Guided Sessions:

If you feel you need more assistance with Being in Your Body then contact me for a one on one  Being in Your Body session.  I will address your specific concerns and needs to help you be more anchored within your physical vessel. You will experience more of the present moment, a sense of wholeness, and connect more with yourself, others, and the world around you. Being in Your Body individual sessions are a 20 minute online Zoom session.  

At the onset of the sessions I invite the Holy Spirit and Archangel Raphael to over light the session and to bless you with stabilizing your awareness within your body. Then we will address your personal area that your would like to become more whole and present in.  A $35.00 donation into my PayPal account covers the session. You select the day and time for the session.

Blessings! Love & Light always!

PayPal link:





⊕Blessings of Being more integrated within your body⊕

§Blessings of being more present in your daily life!

♥Blessings of wholeness and wellness♥

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

Join our ≅Bridge to the Divine≅ group ~ a place for healing and awakening

Bridge to the Divine group on Facebook

View more of my digital art on my website 🙂


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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry


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9 × three =

Parts of the Whole ~ the Stream of Life

Cat parts from the whole

Cat parts wholeness rolls

Cat parts front view

Cat parts side view

⌈Parts of the Whole⌉

∏the Stream of Life∏

ΩSamantha Pearl #newearthkitty



The inspiration for this blog post is our beloved rescue kitty, Samantha Pearl’s birthday! Each year  I create a celebratory blog post in honor of her birthday. This year she is turning magical mystical “7” 🙂

♥Birthday Magic♥

*Samantha Pearl and her birthday candles on her 7th birthday May 1, 2021*

We presented a few goodies to Samantha Pearl for her birthday. Her fav salmon with 7 candles, a gorgeous blue collar with a peacock motif, a laser toy, a wand toy with dangling feathers, a cat plaque at her dining area that says “All you need is Love and a Cat,” and an attractive sea foam green floral décor box to put her dining dishes on. Remember to raise your pets food and water bowls so they have proper neck alignment while eating.

If you would like to read another one of Samantha Pearl’s blog posts containing symbolism of the peacock as well as a fun poem on cat nippin’ then click below:

Cat Nippin” ~ Cat Trippin’

I refer to her as the #newearthkitty as she serves as a ambassador of unconditional love, unity, self care, honor, wisdom, and joy. Qualities and virtues of a utopian heaven on Earth.



Connecting the Dots: Wholeness in the All:

Bridging the gap of parts to the whole and the whole to the parts to see the all in all. Leaving a belief of separation behind and correcting perception so wholeness is in the forefront of all that is seen, experienced, known, and that is all.


Holiness and Mystery

“Seven is the number of completeness and perfection (both physical and spiritual). It derives much of its meaning from being tied directly to God’s creation of all things.”

Winner: Jackpot!

Why is 777 jackpot?
“777 is used on most slot machines in the United States to identify a jackpot. As it is considered a lucky number, banknotes with a serial number containing 777 tend to be valued by collectors and numismatists. The US Mint and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing sells uncirculated 777 $1 bills for this reason.”



Seven: Symbolism:

“It has had significance in almost every major religion.”

“In the New Testament the number seven symbolizes the unity of the four corners of the Earth with the Holy Trinity. The number seven is also featured in the Book of Revelation (seven churches, seven angels, seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven stars”

777: Reassurance
“As an angel message, the meaning of 777 is reassurance that you are moving on a path towards something better. You just need to pay attention to your intuition and continue to push yourself towards where your soul wants to be.”
“In the Bible this number is represented as the symbol of perfection and completion. Number 7 is repeated three times in number 777, which means that 777 is a perfect number. It actually represents the perfect trinity of God the Holy Spirit, God the Son and God the Father.”
“The angel number 777 is a sign of fortunate circumstances occurring in your love life. The angels remind you to become open to receive love, and excellent new opportunities will appear before you. Open your heart and expect miracles to happen soon.”



⌈Parts of the Whole⌉

∏the Stream of Life∏


Parts of the whole

 whole of the parts

all is One

 dances the stream of life

the whole speaks to the parts

the parts remember the whole

swallowed by the illusion becomes the out of control

nearer to the sky the part recognizes its soul

the giver to the receiver

the receiver acknowledges the giver

what is not true is forgiven

Parts of the whole

 whole of the parts

all is One

 dances the stream of life

it seems like this is here and that is there

some kind of separation in the air

how are you and me the same?

ask the silent mind that knows no names

differences are parts playing a game

live in the heart that recognizes wholeness from which it came

what about a tree and a bird?

 origins are One

God’s Kingdom be done

a sister and a brother

a flower and the grass

gaze at each other

knowing there is no other

the parts speak to the whole

the whole brings us round again

telling us there is nothing else to know

Parts of the whole

 whole of the parts

all is One

 dances the stream of life

puzzle pieces fit snug together

all is One

the wholeness of life




◊Blessings of seeing the whole in the parts and the parts as the whole!

ΘBlessings of completeness and perfection with the number 7!

♥Birthday joy for all those born in May!!

⊗May we all awaken to the wholeness we are⊗

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Have a blessed day!

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Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry



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+ 6 = eleven

The Whispers of the Heart ~ the sublime of the Divine

Surrendering: the foundation to hearing the voice of the Divine within

Listening to our heart prepares us ~ just as the bride prepares for her groom

≅The Whispers of the Heart

~ the sublime of the Divine≅

An exploration into communication with the Holy Spirt 

⊕Ω⊕ the still quiet voice that speaks through our heart and reverberates through out our entire being⊕Ω⊕


Art images: The first one is from a photo session with Maria Scozzari, the second image is from a wedding I photographed ~ turned into a digital art piece.




The inspiration for this blog post is to become more acquainted with the Holy Spirit and to share my personal experience communing with the Holy Spirit. It has been a radical head change and awareness provider to repeatedly day after day invoke the Holy Spirit for guidance. I ask for guidance in practically everything and particularly in trigger moments when I want to see ~ move ~ speak within correct perception.

Establishing the Connection

A Continual Process

Building a stable foundation to hear the Holy Spirit is a continual process that requires discipline and dedication, however, with continued practice the benefits become blatantly evident. Some of the benefits have included as if in an instant download, a broader scope of vision and knowledge about a given situation. On many occasions I have radically viewed a person, situation, etc…literally in a new way while immersed the moment that afforded me not only truth as revealed to me regarding the situation (and person) but also resulting in a deeper compassion for myself and whomever may have been involved in a given situation as well as the situation itself. In turn the Holy Spirits teaching express the falsehood of old behavior patterns and thoughts which provide a new road for action, speech, and thoughts aligned with a higher frequency.

  This expansion of knowledge and insight has attuned my awareness to reveal that I truly don’t know, that there is so much more, that things are not as they appear, and has reflected back to me my miscreation’s in my thought processes and perceptual nature (which also impact the emotions). It is only through actively participating in calling upon the Holy Spirit for direction that all these revelations have been possible. The spontaneous insights weren’t right away, however, they began around a few months of immersing myself in this process. It is as if this vast source of wisdom knowledge, which lives beyond  definition, can in a split second piece together and download all pertinent information into my consciousness which then awakens me to the truth and higher perspective of a situation, person, or a question I am asking. I am sure this is just scratching the surface and this ignites the impetus to stay the course.

Surrendering to the Moment

 Tricking the Tricky

To invoke, receive, and follow the Holy Spirit’s direction when in a moment of distress is a little tricky. It is only tricky as the habitual patterns of thinking and acting tend to dominant and take hold so fast that often it is only in retrospect that their is awareness and realization that a situation or thought process could have been completely eradicated if I would have summoned the Holy Spirit and listened and followed. The Holy Spirit is ever present so that’s not the issue. The issue is to step back from a situation while in the midst of it and call upon Her Grace.

  After enough episodes one knows not to put their hand on a hot stove and thus seeks refuge in the One that Knows. 

As with all things, it does become closer to second nature through devotion and a desire for clarity and peace above all else.



A Blessed Friend

Viewing the Holy Spirit as the Divine Feminine

She is within our heart in the depths of our being

Although not the conventional interpretation of the Holy Spirit, I perceive the Holy Spirit as a Feminine Presence. This is the energy I pick up on and what sits right with me. Perhaps, it doesn’t need a male or female reference point, however, this wind and breath life force, feels inherently feminine.

◊Blessed is the Holy Spirit ~ and Oh, what a Gift She Is◊

My personal view on the Holy Spirit is that it is a feminine energy. This is contrary to conventional support, however, this is my resonance. She is an ever present guiding light and love force to help direct our lives when we allow it ~  when we surrender……as we let go…..

◊How blessed we are, all of us, to have built within us such a trusted friend and wise One who walks with us◊

Call Upon the Holy Spirit

It’s A Daily Thing

Call upon the Holy Spirit and in that instant She is there. She has always been with us.

Each day, and the moments that make up a day, I focus as much as possible on hearing, feeling, and experiencing this Grand inner voice and following without waver Her splendid and always amazing direction. I ask tons of questions on the day to day daily “stuff” as well as share thoughts, feelings, observations, on any and all seemingly relevant issues and pause to hear what comes. Often I have been so amazed, and Grateful beyond measure. I am on a journey to grow deeper and deeper into this communion until it is automatic. The Divine Voice experienced within me as One.

Adore Her in moments of sacred communion and seek daily Her ingenious practical guidance and infinite reservoir of information. She far surpasses what we know or how we could even organize a day, an event, a project, or handle any personal issue. The Holy Spirit knows us better than we know ourselves. Most importantly She knows how to reach us ~ knowing what moves us uniquely, what inspires us, what we need to learn and see with new eyes, and what will bring forth the desires we wish to live out.

◊She is our Dearest confidant and Divine resource for all that we need.  Addressed by many names, nonetheless, the Holy Spirit always hears and answers our call◊

Following the Voice of the Holy Spirit

Conscious Choices

The deeper I go into making conscious choices to inquire within and commune with the Holy Spirit the more I am truly amazed and grateful. It is a releasing of the ego’s (lower self) decision making process to the honoring of the One True Voice. It is also an act of honoring yourself as this connection is also you.

∞Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit within and following through with the guidance heard is demonstration of trust ~ of trusting the Divine and yourself∞

The Blessed Voice

The Voice of Knowing

Connect with the Holy Spirit for guidance, love, support, advice ~ you name it. From daily activities to the areas in need of clarity and insight.

Her voice can even anticipate the next moment and what is in our best interest to know and or to do. It is really amazing! The ego thinks it knows ~ we think we know, however, we don’t. When we surrender to knowing that we don’t know and open a space within us by attuning to our heart then we can know by hearing the Holy Spirit’s redirection and thus new direction bringing us greater fulfillment.

◊When we fully let go of the ego ~ then we will continuously hear Her Divine voice inside us◊

I encourage you to give it a go and experience your best friend if you haven’t already ~ if you are in constant communion with the Holy Spirit then I hope you can share some of your experiences as we all learn and grow from one another.


♥What a Precious Gift to have this Magnificent Friend built within our dwelling place. Thank You Dear Holy Spirit!♥




≅The Whispers of the Heart

~ the sublime of the Divine≅


The heart is an ear to hear

the whispers of the heart

the Divine makes clear

Holy Spirit

comes to visit

speaking in lyrics

awakener to no limits ~ a fearless spirit

the whispers of the heart

the sublime of the Divine

bridging the space of no space

separation is a mistake

the Voice alive from the Throne


know Ye are gods

awaken to know thyself

Her call back to home

all will be shown

She speaks

in the realm beyond sound


to be found is to wear your crown

the whispers of the heart

the sublime of the Divine

draw near


Her Voice appears

a door becomes clear

the knower with a message

answers come without guessing

wherever we are

to listen is the blessing

the whispers of the heart

the sublime of the Divine

in silent repose

the comforters Voice is known

the advisor speaks

when the ego is hung low

quiet still mind

Her Voice

awakens the blind

the whispers of the heart

the sublime of the Divine


Holy Spirit

holder of the three in One


our lifeline

a guideline to the finishing line

become familiar with the vine

drink of this wine

the whispers of the heart

the sublime of the Divine


Holy Spirit

breath of life

speaker through the heart

dance to hear

the eternal

the whispers of the heart

the sublime of the Divine


Holy Spirit

keeper of the One Vision




♥Great Blessings of Perfect Communication with the Holy Spirit♥

⊕May we always be present within ourselves to hear the whisperings of the heart from the Holy Spirit ~ the sublime of the Divine⊕

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5 × five =

Little White Church ~ ^up the road

**Victory Worship Center**

Little White Church

Up the road




This poem was written last summer after several months of all of us getting accustomed to a new normal, which in this case was a remolding into a new routine which was vastly different from the prior one. My prior routine was going to the church up the road (from our home) called Victory Worship Center on Sunday, Tuesday evening, and Wednesday evening. This had been my routine since we moved into our new home which at the time of Covid making its global appearance was around 3 months.

From my East windows, I can see the top structure of Victory as my eye moves past the lake, trees, houses, and street. It is close to a straight line visually out of my window ~ like a B line. Here is the Urban Dictionary definition of a B line: A B line refers to the direction in which a bee flies after gathering nectar. Bees use the sun to navigate their way around and when they are ready to return to the hive they fly in a straight line back. This is why when someone is trying to get to their destination quickly they are said to be “making a B line.”

Although Victory has opened its doors again for a while now, I haven’t attended a service close to a year now. However, I follow them on social media and connect in with them in this fashion. I have much admiration and gratitude for the pastors who keep Victory going. When the music flows and the worship begins alive becomes the atmosphere in the Spirit and Presence of God.

*Photograph taken on a sunny windy afternoon*

Not all is at it appears:

This blog post is not about religion or symbolic references pointing to the way. It is about change, allowing, and adapting to a flow that knows how to reach us and lead us to our victory. It’s a converting and restructuring that births a newness inside of us when we yield to its calling and guidance. Sometimes easier said than done. Some are master’s at it and we can learn from them. We become our shining brilliant realized Self as we accept and trust in ourselves, the moment, and say yes to life without a struggle.

Blessed be to opening to a change that comes from the unchanged and only seeks to provide us with what will clothe and feed us beyond what we could ourselves.

Offering a certainty of true rest in the Divine even when we are completely uncertain is the key element to unlock the door of that which we truly desire to experience that lays with open arms within our heart.



Little White Church

Up the road


I used to go

Sunday Tuesday Wednesday

haven’t been back since the pandemic hit

no not yet

I’ll be back

when the Aquarius light is lit

the little white church up the road

called Victory

I can walk there

a stones throw

I see Her out my East windows

 all day and night

glowing with a glow

The senior pastor keeps Her alive

God’s love shines

the other pastors nurture Her too

keeping the sacred fires tended to

Thursday morning chats

keep me connected

it’s all how about that

welcome welcome welcome

Love the Lord Thy God

simple, just like that

the little white church up the road

called Victory

I can walk there

a stones throw

I see Her out my East windows

  all day and night

glowing with a glow

I’ll be back in Her arms again

my sweet Victory

I’ll be back

when the Aquarius light is lit

Christ Love and Light

Victory in my sight

 little white church up the road

called Victory

I can walk there

a stones throw

I see Her out my East windows

  all day and night

glowing with a glow


onward with the show

that flows and flows

Holy Spirit Presence becomes known

 little white church up the road

called Victory

Oh Her voice

the sound that leads to liberty


little white church up the road


a stones throw


♥Blessings of Victory in our life!! Skillful in adapting, changing, and being in the flow 🙂 

◊Christ Love and Light blessings for all!

⊗May we all know who we are and live in the Highest of our calling⊗

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one + = 5

Spring: On a January Morn #catchthebuzz

**Catch the buzz… ~~the cosmic bee~~

℘Spring: On a January Morn

∞bumble and hum in winged form

⊆Catch the Buzz




I hope everyone’s new year 2021 is starting off great!

Oh, what the morning can bring

The inspiration behind this poem and imagery happened exceptionally spontaneously on what seemed like a pretty typical Sunday morning. While viewing the morning sky and outdoor scene from our lanai doors, my eye was drawn to a bee close by buzzing around the plants just outside the door. Bee’s are generally more active during the warmer weather and summer months ~ even for South Florida. Okay, so perhaps not the most unusual of events, however, revelatory was the moment. It just was. In that instant I locked into something that wanted to get my attention and speak to me. I could feel it deeply and it just sort of happened.

Ordinary Changes

Sometimes the ordinary ~ or somewhat ordinary ~ becomes extraordinary when we zone into it and allow the meaning, symbolism, and or message to communicate to us. Often it is when we least expect it, seemingly coming out of nowhere when we are just going about our life. Hand crafted with great care and organized by the Divine for each of us are these ongoing daily “hello’s” from Spirit. When we stop to look, listen, and receive then on goes the switch and here comes a showering of inspiration, soul connection, and perhaps even a miracle or two!

Answers and inspiration right in front of us.

The bee turns out to be a cosmic bee buzzing out a message born out of the gracing of its presence. It really spoke to me and carried me on wings of inspiration on a cold (yes, even for S. Florida), pale, winter morning in the month January. Buzzes like Morse code tapped out a rhythm representing a bee to be viewed at an abstract level. Highly noted is the “promise of spring” and spring in all its symbolic references. It was a reminder to honor each moment, pay attention, cycles and changes of season, hold onto hope, and to be open to what wants to come through.



℘Spring: On a January Morn

∞bumble and hum in winged form

⊆Catch the Buzz

On a January morn

something new was to be born

kneeling to view the pale still sky

all seemed the same yet something new knocked at the core

in comes a breeze riding a chill

traveling from the opened lanai door

my eyes gazed down at the plant snuggled outside

I saw a bee

the bee spoke of spring

spring, could it be on a January morn?

the bee did its thing

buzzing around the plant to see what it might bring

I listened with my eyes

the scene spoke to me with nothing to hide

I listened with my heart ~ ear to the ground

without words the meaning came through

the bee to the plant

the rhythm, the rhyme, speaking out of time

the bee to pollinate the soul

a buzz ~ a humming what is whole

in quiet wonder I watched

the bee ~ here now at daybreak

the moment contained what is to awake

it all came together

like a destined handshake

   the way only the Maker can make

spring on a January morn

bumble and hum in winged form

though it be a winter sojourn

I take comfort to know

the bee, its message, its buzzing about

the Earth’s axis to tilt towards the sun is surely to sprout

the moment spelled it all out

spring on a January morn

bumble and hum in winged form

the wind changes direction

winter shakes off its haze

winter slumber opens its eyes to the infinite skies

  the old dies and the new positions itself to arise

the bee like a kite

free to fly, yet tied to a string made of honey

whirring and scuttle ~ here on Sunday

the buzz of the bee like laughter

 that rumbles and tumbles

catch the buzz to receive the answer

Oh, cosmic bee you have helped me to see

spring on a January morn

bumble and hum in winged form

behind Earth’s curtains the seers wait patiently

soon the earth Mother to reveal her fruit

who climbs the sacred tree and hears Krishna’s flute?

the queen bee, yes, your majesty!

spring on a January morn

bumble and hum in winged form

Oh, morning bee thank you for reminding me

first, new, laying down of thorns

the bee buzzes ~ no fooling around

so much realized on a January morn

gratitude and gifts

bumble and hum in winged form

how was I to know all this from paying preview to the sky?

from the sky, to the bee, to the plant

to what it revealed inside of me

Yes, come spring

on this January morn

the bee so perfect

the tears of the Sun God Ra

birth, death, resurrection

all goes according to plan

all becomes reborn

Yes, come spring

on this January morn


Blessings of the bee!

Blessings of many a magical morning!

Hold onto Spring and being reborn!

♥Blessings of inspiration and revelations!!

◊Happy Healthy 2021!

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Have a blessed day!

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+ three = 10

2021~ Ride the Feeling!

2021 ~ ≈Ride the Feeling≈

Being in the Driver’s Seat


∴Happy New Year!


Yeah! We are approaching a brand new year 2021!

Happy New Year Everyone!


(image is from the internet)



♥Prayer for 2021:

⇒⇒⇒Everyone is back on the dance floor!

The dance floor can be literal ~ I love to dance ~ shall we? Yes 🙂 Or it can be metaphorical and or both.

“Back on the dance floor” is symbolic of good times and celebrations.  That priceless elated feeling that makes us want to dance, that we experience while dancing, and any and everything that makes us happy and causes celebration.

I pray we are all out on the dance floor in 2021. So in preparatory fashion we need to get that body moving, get those feet dancing, and get a good sweat going. Here’s a few songs and videos to get us back out on the dance floor.

Everybody dance now!

Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) (Official HD Video) – YouTube

(2) Tina Turner (featuring David Bowie) – Let’s Dance [Extended] – YouTube

Here’s a good song also as we enter the beginning of 2021. “Begin the Begin” by R.E.M. Add your favorite songs and videos to the playlist. Let the celebrations begin…

Let’s begin again……..

Begin The Begin – YouTube



Spontaneity as Divine guidance:

I wasn’t planning on having a blog post centered on 2021. Actually, I have had some blog posts in the mix for a while now that I wanted to complete. However, I was taken in a new direction.

It all happened rather suddenly. The day after Christmas, during my morning meditation, spontaneously the word “arise” came into my awareness and it was known to be in direct link to 2021. Then a few more words came into my awareness as well as some potentials aimed at 2021. This blog post is more from a place of being guided to share some of these things.

This entire blog post content is from what came into my awareness the day after Christmas while in my morning meditation. I don’t claim to be a predictor of any sort. I am only and simply sharing what I feel guided to present based on what was presented to me in my after Christmas morning meditation.



≈Ride the Feeling≈

Driver’s Seat

≈Ride the Feeling≈  came to me  during my morning meditation the day after Christmas. When the words came to me there was a direct link to the year 2021. Often for me, the knowing comes without words and yet combined with a word or a few words that relate back to the knowing imparted and sometimes with a image (s) serving as a metaphorical guidepost.

 While in my meditation I was experiencing a back and forth consciously of a polarity of feelings. Like a on and off switch. A few times I experienced a feeling rooted in fear and then it switched to a feeling rooted in love. This is the best I can describe it. I was able to move back and forth between the two polarities very fast and this was a new experience for me while in meditation. It happened suddenly and spontaneously. So from there, I was able to “ride the feeling” ~ the love based feeling ~ as in a wave ~ a current ~ moving. The feeling was different from the transcendental unbounded feeling most of us experience while in meditation. It was more like riding a conscious wave and as a choice. Then the words “ride the feeling” came about as the gracious flow continued. So perhaps this coming year, we will be able to make more love based choices and actually direct through our will an experiential wave fueled on love, joy, and bliss. This bliss wave ride feeling felt like being in the driver’s seat. It was as if I was opening the door myself not someone else opening the door for me. I was completely participatory in the ride as opposed to a bystander.

Let’s all “Ride the Feeling….” that lasts and lasts.

So in 2021 be in the driver’s seat. The place of our empowerment. In control of our life via our choices, speech, action, perspectives, feelings. etc… Go places!

A song in our hearts to kick off 2021: This song and video link below conveys the message. Driver’s Seat by Sniff  ‘n’ The Tears. “

“Come what may….gonna dance the day away….” “pick up your feet….gotta move to the trick of the beat…” Get in the driver’s seat! #takeyourplace

sniff n the tears driver’s seat – YouTube 



2021: Words

Below are some words that came into my awareness during my after Christmas morning meditation as related to 2021

⇑Arise ~ this is the first word association I received relative to 2021. It is as it states. It feels symbolic of a long incubation stage completed (or nearly completed) and a full emerging of the Christ Self. 

A few symbols akin to ⇑Arise:  A flower that rises up and out, petal after petal, in its full bloom singing the Glory of its Creator. Another image is a rocket going up and up into space at full force ~ into the unknown. Going higher and higher into unexplored territory. Living to aspire and be our arisen Self as our highest calling. 

∇Understated ~ this is somewhat ambiguous in that I feel the meaning applied to 2021 is not the full literal conventional definition of the word and more spread out to touch many areas. The overall impression I have is that the feel is where things become more subtle and an emphasis on being humble. Less “look at me” substituted with more “look at us.” A broader range and scope of seeing things from a more unified perspective while remaining true to one’s own uniqueness of being.

For example if one’s natural tendency and affinity lines up with a more expressive, flamboyant, flashy way of living and creating on any level that the feeling behind it is understated and not coming from a place of  “look at me” but more on a level of   pure creation without a ego centrality to it. So things can be big and even opulent but it is held within the context of the whole, for the whole, and as the whole. 

Understated is also a reference  for communication ~ where communication will be at a subtle more refined level.

∴Wizardry ~ the word wizardry as opposed to wizard is what I experienced in my meditation and the feel behind it leaned more to a masculine energy in some respects. Magic, nature spirits, an opening of a Merlin portal of the enchanter and wise man. Wisdom and magical realization.

∇Hands ~ Hands are important in 2021 in my estimation. This pertains to what we create with our hands, what we touch with our hands, and anything related to the use. purpose, and creation via our hands. 

ΩAnimals ~ I am not sure how this animal focus will play out. There may be more of a realization collectively (beginning with the individual) that animals are our equal and this frame of reference may institute new loving humane treatment of animals. The feeling I received is that this area of highlight is for all animals ~ domesticated and undomesticated.

This is a huge step in honoring all life and seeing life as One collective unit all in equal status. 


♥However 2021 unfolds may it be a healthy, happy, prosperous, love and light filled year for All!

⇒May we all live from our God centered Self⇐

⊕May we all honor and accept ourselves and extend this to each other and all of life⊕



♥Blessings of Ride the Feeling!!

◊Many blessings in 2021 for all!

⊗May we all take our place in the driver’s seat⊗

Happy Healthy New Year 2021! 

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

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