∈Oh! To be a Bird∋
⇑The Ascent⇑
Sky High
#takeflight #freedom #rising #wingsofgrace
⇑Sky In ~ Sky Out⇓
When we take time to commune with nature ~ be in nature ~ observe nature ~ we begin to take flight into our own connectivity with nature & all of Her creation. We are presented with both symbolic & tactile appearances that are illustrating to us a carbon copy of who we are within, while also providing specific individual “messages” relevant to a given circumstance (as long as we tune into it 🙂 ) as a Gift from the Heavenly realms.
≈Birds are linked to our Spiritual Growth≈
⊆Best we break free from the surrounding walls ( literally & symbolically ) & immerse ourselves (as much as possible) into the ⇑lifting ⇑freeing ⇓revealing aspects of nature ~ as She guides us so brilliantly into the reality of our physical & non physical existence. Many of us “crawl” ~ as a newborn does ~ crawling here ~ crawling there ~ never realizing we have wings that will carry us to heights far reaching ~ if we set them into motion & allow the voyage to set sail ~ our wings will take us higher than high.
Die to the crawl & take to wings of flight ~ fly as the birds do soaring free in a boundless sky.
No end of ~ No end to
Without End #passageways
Explore a new Way to travel #upabove #birdlike
℘Unify ~ be like the birds who traverse through life in aerial navigation & perspective℘ #towering
Typically a bird symbolizes FREEDOM. What could be better than walking the Earth, swimming in the sea, & taking to flight in a moments notice into the endless skies. Birds are also associated with ETERNAL Life ~ a bridge between Heaven & Earth 🙂
⇑As Above So Below⇓
∈Oh! To be a Bird∋
⇑The Ascent⇑
Sky High
Oh! To be a bird
the winged ones ~ feathered ones
wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began
way up high
to touch the sky
air spring, where the angels sing
left wing right wing ~ up swing
highland free ~ worshiping
nearing the sun ~ outstretched wings ~ a sky run
Oh! To be a bird
the winged ones ~ feathered ones
wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began
soaring! flying! a vaporous breeze ~ abounding
on top of clouds ~ no ground ~ surrounding
hail to the expansive sky ~ sweeping ~ increasing
mounting ~ announcing ~ land below astounding
Oh! To be a bird
the winged ones ~ feathered ones
wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began
windswept force ~ home to Source ~ intercourse
wings of Grace ~ air space ~ no space
destiny for the human race
center of gravity ~ equilibrium ~ momentum
above the wind ~ ascent ~ the event
Oh! To be a bird
the winged ones ~ feathered ones
wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began
velocity ~ riding on air ~ do you dare
open breezeway door ~ open air ~ in the air
being nowhere & everywhere ~ this my prayer
stratosphere ~ high gear ~ charioteer
Oh! To be a bird
the winged ones ~ feathered ones
wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began
landing only in limitless reach ~ within reach ~ freedom unleashed
soaring up high ~ countless regions ~ arise
spaciousness ~ weightlessness ~ playfulness
a new religion ~ super vision ~ arisen
liberty fly ~ spirit fly ~ die to the sky
sky rocket ~ like a comet ~ where? ~ up there!
air power ~ empower ~ The Power
break out wings ~ tower! aspire
Oh! To be a bird
the winged ones ~ feathered ones
wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began
greater heights ~ destiny in flight
overhead ~ restoration ~ atop flotation
whisk in the wind ~ air currents ~ holy observance
wheel aerial navigation ~ foundation application
Oh! To be a bird
the winged ones ~ feathered ones
wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began
the birds lead, sign by sign, step by step
singing & hearkening to awaken
break in ~ winged vibrations ~ bird communication ~ aviation
children of starlight ~ come fly with us ~ above sight
rising through the air
open your wings of light
wide ~ sky rider ~ sky glider
air traveler ~ up to ~ sightseer ~ upper room ~ sup
fly ~ raise ~ uplift ~ pick up
your life ~ lift off ~ take off
vault of heaven ~ azure blue ~ wild blue
sky blue ~ renew ~ on high view
Oh! To be a bird
the winged ones ~ feathered ones
wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began
children from the stars
set in motion your wings ~ rouse into the blue sphere
out of doors ~ aware
up here
carefree ~ bird free
fly high over the seas
as you return back to Me
May you always be Sky High⇑
Blessings of Freedom & birds in flight ⊗
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Have a blessed day!
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