Happy Spring Equinox!! Life Springs forth………..

Happy Spring Equinox!!! A Celebration of the Sun!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

Communion with the Great Light…………

Life Springs Forth………………the light within

#holylight #sacredlight #christlight

Our life giving source & yet so much more. A case in study through out the world and through out time into the sun’s deeper meaning, significance, symbolism, & role in our collective & individual lives.

Whatever theory or relevance you place on it, I invite you to explore the Great Light. Healing, reviving, all aspects of the Light, the Sun, the Sun behind the Sun, the exquisite eternal energy adorning & wrapping around us & how it can serve as a platform of resurgence in all areas of our lives. :0

All that one needs to do is allow the Grand Light into their awareness, being, & divine presence. Pretty simple. A conscious choice. ๐Ÿ™‚

Let us allow the Light into the great depths of our being, healing all aspects, initiating a return to wholeness, balance, perfect health, & alignment with buoyancy & limitless being of spirit.

Become aware of & immerse yourself in the trans ~ formative properties of the Great Light.

In my two original art works included here, I aimed to visually display healing & receiving from the Great Light. In the first art work the subject is in complete allowance & surrender to the Great Light & receives the healing, uplifting, & multi faceted blessings the Grand Light bestows. She is floating as she is surrounded & upheld by the Great Light. The second art work the subject is again in deep rest & relaxation into the allowance of the Great Light to enter in via a human vessel as a conduit of the Great Light. Divine celestial awakenings abound.

Receiving the Great Light takes place in countless ways & most importantly in any way that resonates with you. Truly it is an individual preference in how one may receive the Great Light. It is not received in just one way, but exhibits innumerable gateways, & it is up to each individual to determine how she or he is most suited to receive Great Light. It is a journey & unfolding that continues on, modifying & expanding on the path it takes. A few simple ideas are to take time to go out into the sunlight & consciously receive as deeply as possible into all that you are, meditate, prayer & direct communion via internal & external rapport, connect with the Great Light & allow it to flow through you via art/music/poetry/dance/playing golf/holding a child or pet/cooking a meal/exercising/shopping/observing the light/imaginative play/the list goes on & on & can be applied while immersed in daily routine activities as well as time carved out for sacred growth & renewal. It is up to you to discover & experience. Most assuredly the Great Light awaits your call. You must call it forth. Certainly it is always present ~ however, you must make conscious declaration. Allow, align, receive the Great Light. Open to it & it opens to you. You don’t need a book or a manual, you just need you & to listen to & follow your inner divine barometer of truth & how receiving best suits you.

Let us be in holy celebration, receiving, & honoring of the Great Light.

Happy Spring Equinox!!!

Blessings of the Great Light!!

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Have a Blessed Day!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ !!!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚


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1 × = seven

Ask a Dreamer

ฮถAsk a Dreamerฮถ

Encouraging all to offer up moments to dream…to be…to explore yourself within…to hear anew…to see anew…to be born anew…

#allowtimetodream #dreamwithinsowithout #dream

Ask a dreamer

what you want to know

for when you do not believe it

she will tell you it is so

Ask a dreamer

she will fly high & soar

she won’t come down

you will never be bored

when four did fly

way up high

one to each direction

over the terrain no deny

Ask a Dreamer

If you don’t know

she will show you

the way to go

Ask a Dreamer

when the flowers in the garden are but a few

to connect back to when you were a child

your awareness now open & new

ย your rules & beliefs you hold no more

Ask a Dreamer

a victory will score

If the dreamer goes so far inside

don’t reel her out

she is your guide

Ask a dreamer

when you want the fog to lift

amazing powerful mind body shift

the angels will sing

melody will ring

you will riddle with laughter

for what all souls are after

Ask a dreamer

to push back the veil

beautiful formless female

she will tell the tale

fresh from the river

life giving force

divine magic is the source

Ask a dreamer

when you are in doubt

“On heaven’s wings” you will shout

no place or space

escapes the dreamers sight

she can even see through & into the night

what is known & what seems hidden

born again & again

never tiring nor ceaseless

birthing your genius

almighty sacred knowledge

unraveling with delight

the dreamer pays homage

all unite

Ask a Dreamer

to light the way

shivers & rivers of magnetic waves

it was always in front of you

only a fraction you did see

Ask a dreamer

& certainty will be

Ask a Dreamer

& you shall claim your stake

a reaper of rewards

she is your supporter

make no mistake

Ask a Dreamer

when your truth you must find

she is the reveler

& reveals the mystery of nine

forever the dreamer amidst usย 

in eternity & time

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Have a Blessed day!!!

Miracles Happen!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ #stayaware

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

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3 × = eighteen

Samantha Pearl ~ Go Green #greenlife


Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty

Our beloved rescue kitty serving as a beautiful muse



When Samantha Pearl #nyop (not your ordinary pet ๐Ÿ™‚ ) first magically appeared into our life, it seemed most fitting & relative to her that her color was/is green. Most often we have her collar color a beautiful lime green color. So from there, with green being her dominant color ~ often it serves as inspiration to take that color into a poem & art imagery & enter into this color ~ to see where this color is tangibly, symbolically, & on a ethereal level ~ & see what Green has to say ๐Ÿ™‚


ฮถA celebration of the color Green

#gogreen #newearth #greenlife


โŠ•Homage to the color Green ~ living the green lifeโŠ•



ฮ˜Go Greenฮ˜

Living the Green life

*Enter in *Enter in *Enter in


I am the green

*Enter in *Enter in *Enter in

I am the green of the earth

the green of the land

the green of the leaves

the green ray of the heart ~ of the Mother

the heartbeat & pulse

I am the green

*Enter in *Enter in *Enter in

I am perfect oneness, weightlessness, beauty agelessness

ย green tenderness, selflessness, friendliness

I am the green of harmony, nature, renewal, & growth

I am the green of LIFE

the green divine ~ holy bride ~ Christ align

I am the green

*Enter in *Enter in *Enter in

I am green consciousness ~ auspiciousness ~ forgiveness

I am in flux, yet timelessness

I am the green

I see you when you don’t see me

do you see me now?

I hear you when you don’t hear me

do you hear me now?

I speak to you when you don’t speak to me

do you speak with me now?

I touch you when you don’t touch me

do you touch me now?

I am the green that permeates ~ circulates & breathes anew continuously through all LIFE

I am the green of life giving fertility, balance, & the New Earth

I arise, delight, invite

I am the green mentor, advisor ~ green baptizer

I am the green equilibrium at the center

the center-most ~ half way point ~ inner most

I am the green

*Enter in *Enter in *Enter in

I settle the unsettled ~ green thread ~ I run ahead

I am the Love ~ Anahata

I am the 4th chakra

green venture ~ surrender ~ splendor

I am the green

*Enter in *Enter in *Enter in

I am the green of freshness, of abundance, of healing

ย I wear a calming suit ~ wisdom root ~ youth fruit

I am the green

*Enter in *Enter in *Enter in

I am the flourishing, budding, the verdant

I am blue & yellow mixed ~ with a twist ~ kissed

I am the green

*Enter in *Enter in *Enter in

I am the green submersion ~ the unburdening

I am the green light of your dreams, aspirations, your sensations

I am the jeweled emerald ~ prayer, rare ~ forever

whenever, for whomever ~ in pleasure

green feather ~ blessed endeavors

I am green measure ~ altogether ~ a treasure

I am the green

*Enter in *Enter in *Enter in

I am immortality ~ the resurrection

I am the Spring eternal

the seen ~ the unseen ~ the in between

I am the green

*Enter in *Enter in *Enter in

I am your hope ~ your guiding light

ย the cosmic sound ~ omnipresent

crowned ~ spellbound ~ profound

the humming ~ green buzzing ~ strumming

Green wings ~ the drum ~ green thumb

I am the green sermon ~ the becoming

I am the green

*Enter in *Enter in *Enter in

I am the world over ~ in every direction ~ in every place

I am the inside & the outside ~ the here & there ~ the far & wide

I am the burgeoning, encouraging, nurturing

I am the worshiping, surfacing, encircling

I am the living proof ~ chartreuse

I seduce ~ reproduce

I am on the loose

I am the green

*Enter in *Enter in *Enter in

I reign as queen ~ green empress ~ bliss serene

I am the green

the green fields of endlessness

restfulness ~ lushness ~ boundlessness

I am the green genesis ~ child like playfulness

I am the green

wakefulness ~ gracefulness ~ peacefulness

I am the green

*Enter in *Enter in *Enter in




Many blessings of living the #greenlife

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Have a Blessed Day!!!

Miracles Happen!!! #stayaware

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Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚


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× 6 = eighteen

Rock N’ Roll Soul #whenitrunsthroughyourveins

^Rock N’ Roll Soul^



“Gimme Some Neck” ~ Ron Wood

^Sounds in Between^

*^ Red Jackson ^*

^Music as Primordial Flow^

^Primal Force^

The word music comes from the Greek word (mousike), which means “(art) of the Muses.”

โˆžRock N’ Roll Soulโˆž

ร˜When it runs through your veinsร˜


ยงAn American Originationยง

#rocknrollharmony #rocknsoul #anythinggoes

ย โ‰ˆThe imagery and poem here is inspired by rock n’ rollโ‰ˆ

The electric guitar, the heavy beats and melodies, the bands, the singers, the lyrics, the feel in the airย  when our favorite songs are playing…

Rock n’ Roll, for those of us who listened to it as we were growing up, produced a definitive and authoritative style and mood that set the pace in our lives, and shaped and defined us.


There are so many bands and musicians in this genre. We all have our favorites….that song that comes on and within the first couple of notes your lit up on the inside ~ going down that magical rock n’ roll road ~ the world stops for a while ~ it’s just you and that great song ~ transfixed ~ captivated again and again by moments wrapped up in the spellbinding magnetic thrust of rock n’ roll.

Rock n’ Roll Incantation

Entranced in its freedom and no holding back


โ†’Rock n’ Roll roots began in the United Statesโ†

ย  A combination of many musical styles such as rhythm and blues, jazz, boogie woogie, and country music ~ typically based on a twelve-bar structure and an instrumentation of guitar, bass, and drums. Its evolution has taken on many directions, attributes, and mannerisms.


โŒˆProvocative Rock n’ RollโŒ‰

โ‡”Here comes that holy storm of rushing sexy heatโ‡“

When that rock n’ roll wave hits ~ all you can do is crank it up & enjoy the ride ~ catapulted into some unknown world that’s crashing all around you

โŒˆWhen loud just isn’t loud enoughโŒ‰

That whirlwind of crazzzaaayyy soundsย 

Get out of my way guitar & drums shaking up the ether’s ~ even the clouds give way

So freeing & liberating you gotta hear that fav song twice

Unlock the doors….sit on back…..

Experience that transporting feeling again….




For those that enjoy rock n’ roll it can’t help but run through your veins…



Enjoy this video selection as we set the tone…….






*The digital art images are of my boyfriend Steve Weiss*

I have enjoyed photographing him and creating portraits and stylized photo shoots with him.

My all time fav photo session to date was in Marco Island where we took a junk beat up electric guitar and had an Amazing sunset photo shoot against the backdrop of the beautiful Gulf a blaze in Heavenly Golden Light at sunset. Since we didn’t care what happened to the guitar, he also went into the Gulf water with the guitar for some stellar portraits! Who knew the elements would all line up like that. The profound golden sunset light literally taking over the Gulf water on that photo shoot thus far has been the most out of this world we have seen. Pure Magic!

Steve has been playing in bands for much his life. Mostly rock bands & one funk band. His main instrument is electric guitar. He still gets together with some of his prior band mates, Magnum, once a year to put on a rock n’ roll show. I have also enjoyed photographing their live performances throughout the years. It’s only rock n’ roll……..but she likes it!


Albums and Album Covers

Here are some album’s & album cover’s that strongly influenced me.

Those iconic album covers saturated in bolts of creative imageryย 

The images etched in our consciousness

Some gifts of the album days is how we were so deeply moved by the powerful art on the album covers and there was something about the tactile feel of an album in our hands that is almost indescribable.ย 


ฮžRock n’ Roll primordial energyฮž

ฮžMusic as primordial rhythm, movement, & flowฮž

The music within & without ~ as primal energy


โˆžThere is an association with primordial energy and the raging wild tide that rock n’ roll music can take you on….where you are transformed in that instant… particles flying in the air ~ primordial power taking you over ~ no beginning no end ~ some omnipotent force sweeping you up in its lightning guitar riffโˆž

ยงMusic, as well as all the arts are presided over by the Divine Feminine Energy ~ the Creative Goddess energy ~ expressed in a myriad of fashionsยง

Shakti is the Divine Feminine ~ the sacred creative power ~ primordial cosmic energy ~ Her dynamic forces that move, shape, & create

Her radiance & fullness can be felt, experienced, and seen in the entirety of the universe & beyond

Her Beautiful cosmic existence & spell ~ unleashes multi fold

The Shakti Goddess divine cosmic energy is to be revered ~ her power, might, & blessedness is beyond


ยฟWho know’sยฟ One of those liberating “kundalini” experiences might just be experienced in a rock n’ roll song



โˆžRock N’ Roll Soulโˆž

ร˜When it runs through your veinsร˜


โˆžwhen it runs through your veins

chains are let loose

ย the flow is a luxuriant seduce

ย wild horses on the plains

ย running ~ a free verse ~ unrestrained

when it runs through your veins

juxapolted into a passionate hurricane ~ electric flames

sound keys, like the breeze ~ a strip tease

when it runs through your veins

a primal force of sorts

the musical course ~ rocking ~ music like intercourse

source ~ immerse

changes in the gravitational force

when it runs through your veins

it is the air you breathe

a breath inbetween

a bridge

where the lines are blurred

so melodies can emerge

a voltaic charge ~ loud to the stars

wires, ears to the door ~ who is on tour?

ย the language of choice ~ an active voice

many a British rolls royce

when it runs through your veins

you let go of the reins

the music like wine flowing

on the edge of unknowing

when it runs through your veins

ย a whirlwind pours within

a progression, a succession ~ you have all of my attention

when it runs through your veins

you can’t but help want more

do you replenish sweet song or merely align with what’s stored?

ย tangible and real

it is a miracle heal

triple loud or low soft

high and low tide

can’t describe, amplified, slide

wide ~ untied

when it runs through your veins

it moves with the wind

intertwined ~ going on a magical climb

musical chairs ~ everyone’s got theirs

when it runs through your veins

colors change hue

into you, through you, in view ~ nothing to do

shaking it loose

where strangers are few

when it runs through your veins

it echoes your name

sounds untamed

round and round

ย drowned ~ rewound

non linear crowned

sweat on the brow ~ sacred ground

the primordial dance

everything is enhanced

each soul must take the chance

when it runs through your veins

the song sustains ~ rushing

here it comes

ย a fast lightning train

intoxicating champagne

a song for me and a song for you

no worries of rhyme

it sings for all time

It takes over

spinning and wheeling

whirling about

when it runs through your veins

oh so right, en-light, hear it tonight

ย take me to endless heights

when it runs through your veins

the water the moon the sun and the earth

crackeling shattering on fire

higher, rewire, inspire, rock n roll attire

it gives a resonance birth

when it runs through your veins

sing a long, prolong, nothing right or wrong

then it fades and comes back

on course ~ flying like night hawks ~ a transport

when it runs through your veins

it stretches to eternity

ย then back in the room

when it runs through your veins

your removed from form

when it runs through your veins

the flow is surreal

nature and heaven merged by feel

when it runs through your veins

you look left and right

growing with intensity

all the day and night

when it runs through your veins

you feed the flame

ages and sages but did the same

and when it’s all over

we want a moreover

to experience a mystical Zen

all over again

when it runs through your veins

God and you exchange

up ~ almighty ~ a holy arrange

sexy ~ primordial

get out of control

when it runs through your veins

only silence remains

notes birth songs

awakening whole

blessed be

Rock N’ Roll Soul




โŠ•Blessings of Rock n’ Roll Soul!!!!!

โˆžMay all our endeavors be blessed by the creative power of Shakti!

Let me know your all time favorite rock n’ roll album (s) and cover (s) and how they influenced you!

Thank you for viewing!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a blessed day!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

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Miracles Happen #stayaware

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

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five × = 15

Ruff it up @thebeach :)

Ruff it up @thebeach

#blesstheanimals #petsmakeahouseahome

Susan & her beloved dog Kona take to the beach!!!! #sun #beach #wuff #wag

The morning sun doth quenched my thirst

over the grand ocean if not by birth

only us around

to play & roll in the sand, sun & surf

celebration of love

human to animal

the years & moments all in ONE

faithful & true I speak with you

through ocean depths & warm glowing sand

a walk, a kiss, an embrace with the waves so close at hand

we know each other, how could we not

our spaces shared ~ our hearts ever entwined

I have had you since young & in between time

always our love

forever it shines



Thank you for viewing!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ !!!!

Have a Blessed Day ๐Ÿ™‚

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

Miracles Happen!! ๐Ÿ™‚ #stayaware

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

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one + = 3

How did I get my name? ~ naming our pets

Samantha Pearl gazing at the full moon. She was named after the Moon Goddess ~ which is where the name Pearl came from. ๐Ÿ™‚

โ—ŠSamantha Pearlโ—Š #newearthkitty

ฮจHow did I get my name?………

โ†’Naming our pets

ย #animalcommunication #moon #petnames



How we name our pets usually trails back into an interesting story. Sometimes it is a characteristic they possess and an aspect of their personality surfaces and becomes their name, sometimes it is a physical feature that lends itself to their name, sometimes it may be a situation or circumstance involving the pet and or owner that becomes the suitable name. So many possibilities.

Here I tell the story from the perspective of our beautiful rescue kitty, Samantha Pearl. Aiming to step into her paws for a moment. I refer to her as the #newearthkitty as she upholds the qualities and virtues of a utopian new earth such as unconditional love, unity, Self love and care, wisdom, compassion, and living in joy!


*The first image is from a photo I took of Samantha Pearl in strong contrast light and then worked it up digitally.

*The second image is from a photo I took of Samantha Pearl from behind and transformed it into a digital art piece incorporating the full moon with her gaze into it ~showing her connectedness to the moon. Later I used it in a October Halloween spell blog post.


ฮจHow did I get my name?………

โ†’Naming our pets


Okay, since you asked. How did I get my name? MMmmm………stretch…………memory rewind ~ fast forward ~ back slash ~ paw lick ~ snack first.

Well, the night before I bolted out of my initial residence to arrive at my new “real” home at only 4 weeks of age ~ yes I took off on my own as a young kitten and set out to find my true home. I escaped my living space where I was born and headed into the arms and heart of my to be owners. So the night before I took off my female parental unit, aka Mother of Pearl (hee hee ~ get it!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ), had a rather interesting experience before she even laid eyes on me.

โ†’You all cuddly & ready for the story? โ‡

Out of the blue, or perhaps out of the green ~~ green is my dominant aura color ~ย  look closely and you will see it ~ it is a Chartreuse green. Okay back to the story. So the night before I arrived, Mother of Pearl happened to listen for the first time to a lecture by an animal communicator. Yes, these humans connected into the animal frequency do exist and are a powerful force to aid in understanding and caring for the blessed animal kingdom.ย  Then the next day like BOOM ~ me in my cute kittenness appeared in the driveway.

Putting one & one & ONE together, Mother of Pearl, thought this is not a coincidence. Animal communicatorย  and then a kitten magically shows up…….some linkage here. So, with my agreement, she provided my first name “Samantha” after the animal communicator whose name this was as well. The name “Samantha” means Listener #sheknows ~ Iย  know things and hear with great depth. The top image above of me is my look when I am in deep contemplative thought ~ okay so continuing on…………………:)

So after a few months, as I won over the official parental units ~ Mother of Pearl, had another interesting experience. She kept seeing a full moon around me…..it was like an inner knowing and seeing ~ and just like that, she picked me up and said “……your name is “Samantha Pearl.” Pearl being a symbol of the Great Pearl in the sky ~ the Moon Goddess. Also, the moon serves as a symbolic reference to the Divine Feminine ~ the mystical illuminated magical light ~ the light as a revealer ~ seeing through the “hidden.” The moon also has an association with wisdom ~ inner knowing. Just so ya know the moon and cats ~ (the entire feline species both domesticated and undomesticated) are interrelated to one another as family and hold similar symbolic references. So there you have it ~*, my name was created!

#animalcommunicationย  #fullmoonย  ~ gotta luv it!! = Samantha Pearl

…..and the rest as they say is purrstory……………………………………….

…………………& the adventure continues……………….. ๐Ÿ™‚




Please share your story of how your pet was named. Dog, cat, bird, etc…any pet that resides in your home and heart. Share on Samantha Pearl’s Facebook page and provide a pic of your pet. Link is below.



โŠ•Blessings for our pets and all the animals we share the planet withโŠ•

โ†’Blessings of the Moon & inner knowing!!!โ†ต

Thank you for viewing!!! “) ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a Blessed Day ๐Ÿ™‚ ~~~ ๐Ÿ™‚

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Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

Miracles Happen!!! #stayaware

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

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seven × 2 =

Samantha Pearl 7 Universe #sun #moon

โ—Šย Samantha Pearlโ—Š

ฮฉย Samantha Pearlฮฉ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ย  My Universe!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ย  #SP7U #sun #moon


#newearthkitty #nyop #animalvoice

#nyop (not your ordinary pet)

#lightfromthesun #poweredbythemoon


I am the Sun & the Moon ~ I am light from the Sun & I am powered by the Moon


Yes I have my own universe ~ โ‰คSamantha Pearl 7 Uโ‰ฅ ~ ๐Ÿ™‚ย  First, let me tell you a little bit about me & my universe. I am from the star system Sirius which is the brightest star in the Earth’s night sky. I am a Taurus by earth birth & my flower is Petunia. The color associated with me is called Samantha Pearl Green which is my collar color in my image here ~ kinda a apple green color. I mysteriously appeared on the 7th day of June on a hot summer S Florida afternoon to my human soul familyย  ~ after I left my initial home at 4 weeks of age. A true pioneer & free spirit! ๐Ÿ™‚

โ‡‘Other worlds existโ‡“

Do you believe in other worlds, realms, existences ~ what is your existence about?

We must reach within ourselves & experience worlds that color the landscape & lay magic in our breath ~ otherwise for what are we living for? —ย  we must see beyond our eyes ~ to see the eternal eyes that are the wellspring of the imagination, that offer a doorway ~ an opened sky ~ an emptiness & fullness all at once ~ the magical passageway ๐Ÿ™‚ #enterin

โˆžYou must know this is not all there is ~ how could that be so?โˆž

Your kisses tell you of this, your dreams tell you of this, your heart tells you of this

How could inventions, progress, breakthroughs, great art, literature & poetry, amazing music, etc…be created if not for these inner worlds ~ they are a bell ringer ~ a deliver ~ for you to consider

ย How but could the grass grow………

Free yourself from conventional restraints

โˆžIt’s all a divine proposition ~ it is liberation to the knower ~ bright drops from the hands, minds, hearts of those that offer an expressed representation of an explanation that needs not an explanationโˆž

โˆžIt is known, known in a world beyond this oneโˆž


Okay, back to my SP7U ~ world

I am a strong advocate of promoting the New Earth. #ascenion #newearth #7goldenage #peace #harmony #unityconsciousness

I promote the welfare of All animals ~ as the sacred beings that they are ~ to be honored.

Advocacy also includes a vegetarian & or vegan diet & lifestyle

My Universe ~ โ‰คSamantha Pearl 7 Uโ‰ฅ ~ is a living breathing energy ~ ever changing & evolving.ย  Here are some of the specs in my universe:

  • your love is your joy ~ your joy is your love
  • flowers are magical ~ alive ~ flowing ~ breathing with eternity
  • flowers are fresh, constant & everywhere ~ in full bloom
  • animals are treated with kindness, honor, & respect
  • ย animals desiring a domesticated experience are in loving beautiful 4ever homes in perfect health
  • animals desiring a undomesticated experience are safe, blessed, provided for, & living in perfect health
  • Mother Earth is loved, protected, cherished, vibrant in all Her colors & richness ~ & Her Bounty & Beauty is all over
  • Green means Go, Green means living in your heart chakra, Green is the freshness & aliveness of the Soul, Green is the sweet fragrant aroma of ripe fruit that flirts with the air, Green are my eyes
  • I speak with you through my heart ~ I hear you within my heartbeat
  • ย uncontrollable giggles are common place
  • silence speaks
  • the celestial realm is visible
  • snackage is a good thing………..”did someone say snackage……….”
  • independent thought is a must
  • lounging, slounging, laying about in blissful wonder is encouraged ๐Ÿ™‚
  • being original gets my attention
  • silliness is an art form
  • cuddling works
  • the door is on the floor
  • frequent naps make for the perfect day
  • it’s just one big mo’
  • the crunch factor is important
  • meditation daily
  • easy breezy ~ that’s my easy
  • TOYS!!!
  • ย the sun & moon are exalted
  • unity exists
  • all is possible
  • all is answered for
  • water is living waters & are in abundance in charm & flow
  • all is divine light
  • kisses & hugs pleeeeeze
  • a little catnip will do you right
  • you are your own key & nothing else matters
  • freedom is here for evermore



Blessings of the Great “Awakener”

Thank you for visiting SP7U

#blesstheanimals #honortheanimalkingdom

Have a Blessed Day!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Miracles Happen ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ #stayware

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Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ย 

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚




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5 + four =

The Light, the Path, the Cat & Me #samanthapearl

โŠฅThe Light The Path The Cat & MeโŠฅ

♥Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty♥

Our beloved rescue kitty serving as my muse




โŠฅThe Light The Path The Cat & MeโŠฅ

When I stood amidst the elements

speaking loudly ~ yet silently

nature vibrant, hiding, smiling, & present for all to see

The path, sun drenched, my eyes in spirals ~ย  afternoon primal

light in flight, takes me with it, form like a satellite

orbiting, communicating, collecting information

elation, creation, fixation

Unite ~ Uniting

The Light The Path The Cat & Me

The trees ~ how I love the tree’s ~ acknowledging

cosmic trees ~ trees in the breeze ~ at ease ~ reprise

light patterns ~ leap & jump ~ dance & shimmer on the woodsy path

ย the golden path ~ the path I see ~ before me

Spirit ~ She decrees ~ feathery & carefree

never is She absentee

The Light The Path The Cat & Me

from under my feet

some twigs & sticks go crunch crunch crunch

walking ~ floating ~ gliding

the Light I am riding ~ providing, presiding, Magdalene inviting

My cat, Samantha Pearl, adorned ~ engaged ~ shining

sun moon in her walk ~ a fierce refining

ย at my side always, eyes like headlights. genuine, chorus line

forthright ~ cloud nine ~ crystalline

sighting, striking, blood line~ by design

The Light The Path The Cat & Me

Samantha Pearl like starlight ~ shrine ~ sparkling wine

earth star ~ hand in the cookie jar

then through the air, outright

A blue bird did appear ~ a most heavenly sight!

I realized, surprised, magnetized

The Light The Path The Cat & Me

I had walked this path, but in a dream

a dream so real, realer then here, known by Shakespeare

I knew this path, this breeze, these trees, the light

harmonize, synchronize,ย  ~ a sacred prize

I could not but speak, could not but move ~ crystallized

then dancing ~ entrancing ~ advancing

We swayed & moved but no one knew

We danced & sang but no one knew

The Light The Path The Cat & Me

This dream walking through ~ break through ~ coming through

feeling brand new ~ angle of view ~ royal blue

well, the blue bird did stay

I suppose enjoying the debut

a mighty thank you

perhaps again, we shall all meet

absolute, simple fruit, union suit

The Light, the Path, the Cat, & me



Many blessings on your path of Light!

Remember you are the Light ~ Return to the Self

Thank you for viewing!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a blessed day!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

View more of my digital art on my website ๐Ÿ™‚


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*Much Gratitude*

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Miracles Happen #stayaware

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Cat Lover’s United!

Say Hi to Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty and post a pic of your pet (s)

Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

Miracles Happen!!! #stayaware

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

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9 × nine =

Animal Adoption Visionary Art: Friends of Samantha Pearl :) :)

“The Greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated. “

– Mahatma Gandhi

Bless our animals!! Bless our pets!! Francis, Christine, Bernie, & Thunder ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

๐Ÿ™‚ Friends of Samantha Pearl ๐Ÿ™‚

With a heart big for our blessed animals, I devote time & energy to photograph & or create original art work ofย  rescue animals that are up for adoption to find their 4ever home. ๐Ÿ™‚ It is my hope that perhaps if someone see’s an art image of a animal ready for adoption that it may prompt them to invite the beautiful animal into their home & heart. How factual this is I don’t know, however, I desire to assist in this process in whatever way I can.

Above is a potpourri of various art images I have created of rescue cats that were circulated to prospective peeps. Such beauties & sweet souls deserve a loving happy 4ever home.

To the best of my knowledge all of these rescue cats did (yipee!!!) land their 4ever home.

Most certainly, the real hero’s are the many many amazing peeps that work tirelessly everyday to bring love, justice, humane treatment, healing, & 4ever homes to our beloved animals. I have heard many stories, some unbelievable, some heart wrenching, & I believe & envision a new earth where all animals live in great joy, health, & abundance. We owe much to the animal kingdom for such cruel & barbaric treatment that has plagued the earth for too long. Any strides we each can make contribute to the whole. Consider adopting a pet, having more vegetarian/vegan meals, be kind to animals, donate in any way possible, & together we give voice to our most sacred animal kingdom.

If anyone is considering adopting please get in touch with Lori Jenkins, who aforementioned is one of the beautiful souls who round the clock gives of her time, energy, & resources to rescue animals. She can provide you with information of rescue pets ready for adoption ๐Ÿ™‚ Text, call, or email Lori at 954-661-0666, jenkins_lori@bellsouth.netย 


Thank you for viewing!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Have a Blessed Day ๐Ÿ™‚

Follow me on social media!! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

Leslie Sue Photography on Facebook

You can stay current with friends of Samantha Pearl animal adoption visionary art on Samantha Pearl’s Facebook page. #newearthkitty #nyop

Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

Miracles Happen!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ #stayaware

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚


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