Rock N’ Roll Soul #whenitrunsthroughyourveins

^Rock N’ Roll Soul^



“Gimme Some Neck” ~ Ron Wood

^Sounds in Between^

*^ Red Jackson ^*

^Music as Primordial Flow^

^Primal Force^

The word music comes from the Greek word (mousike), which means “(art) of the Muses.”

∞Rock N’ Roll Soul∞

ØWhen it runs through your veinsØ


§An American Origination§

#rocknrollharmony #rocknsoul #anythinggoes

 ≈The imagery and poem here is inspired by rock n’ roll≈

The electric guitar, the heavy beats and melodies, the bands, the singers, the lyrics, the feel in the air  when our favorite songs are playing…

Rock n’ Roll, for those of us who listened to it as we were growing up, produced a definitive and authoritative style and mood that set the pace in our lives, and shaped and defined us.


There are so many bands and musicians in this genre. We all have our favorites….that song that comes on and within the first couple of notes your lit up on the inside ~ going down that magical rock n’ roll road ~ the world stops for a while ~ it’s just you and that great song ~ transfixed ~ captivated again and again by moments wrapped up in the spellbinding magnetic thrust of rock n’ roll.

Rock n’ Roll Incantation

Entranced in its freedom and no holding back


→Rock n’ Roll roots began in the United States←

  A combination of many musical styles such as rhythm and blues, jazz, boogie woogie, and country music ~ typically based on a twelve-bar structure and an instrumentation of guitar, bass, and drums. Its evolution has taken on many directions, attributes, and mannerisms.


⌈Provocative Rock n’ Roll⌉

⇔Here comes that holy storm of rushing sexy heat⇓

When that rock n’ roll wave hits ~ all you can do is crank it up & enjoy the ride ~ catapulted into some unknown world that’s crashing all around you

⌈When loud just isn’t loud enough⌉

That whirlwind of crazzzaaayyy sounds 

Get out of my way guitar & drums shaking up the ether’s ~ even the clouds give way

So freeing & liberating you gotta hear that fav song twice

Unlock the doors….sit on back…..

Experience that transporting feeling again….




For those that enjoy rock n’ roll it can’t help but run through your veins…



Enjoy this video selection as we set the tone…….






*The digital art images are of my boyfriend Steve Weiss*

I have enjoyed photographing him and creating portraits and stylized photo shoots with him.

My all time fav photo session to date was in Marco Island where we took a junk beat up electric guitar and had an Amazing sunset photo shoot against the backdrop of the beautiful Gulf a blaze in Heavenly Golden Light at sunset. Since we didn’t care what happened to the guitar, he also went into the Gulf water with the guitar for some stellar portraits! Who knew the elements would all line up like that. The profound golden sunset light literally taking over the Gulf water on that photo shoot thus far has been the most out of this world we have seen. Pure Magic!

Steve has been playing in bands for much his life. Mostly rock bands & one funk band. His main instrument is electric guitar. He still gets together with some of his prior band mates, Magnum, once a year to put on a rock n’ roll show. I have also enjoyed photographing their live performances throughout the years. It’s only rock n’ roll……..but she likes it!


Albums and Album Covers

Here are some album’s & album cover’s that strongly influenced me.

Those iconic album covers saturated in bolts of creative imagery 

The images etched in our consciousness

Some gifts of the album days is how we were so deeply moved by the powerful art on the album covers and there was something about the tactile feel of an album in our hands that is almost indescribable. 


ΞRock n’ Roll primordial energyΞ

ΞMusic as primordial rhythm, movement, & flowΞ

The music within & without ~ as primal energy


∞There is an association with primordial energy and the raging wild tide that rock n’ roll music can take you on….where you are transformed in that instant… particles flying in the air ~ primordial power taking you over ~ no beginning no end ~ some omnipotent force sweeping you up in its lightning guitar riff∞

§Music, as well as all the arts are presided over by the Divine Feminine Energy ~ the Creative Goddess energy ~ expressed in a myriad of fashions§

Shakti is the Divine Feminine ~ the sacred creative power ~ primordial cosmic energy ~ Her dynamic forces that move, shape, & create

Her radiance & fullness can be felt, experienced, and seen in the entirety of the universe & beyond

Her Beautiful cosmic existence & spell ~ unleashes multi fold

The Shakti Goddess divine cosmic energy is to be revered ~ her power, might, & blessedness is beyond


¿Who know’s¿ One of those liberating “kundalini” experiences might just be experienced in a rock n’ roll song



∞Rock N’ Roll Soul∞

ØWhen it runs through your veinsØ


∞when it runs through your veins

chains are let loose

 the flow is a luxuriant seduce

 wild horses on the plains

 running ~ a free verse ~ unrestrained

when it runs through your veins

juxapolted into a passionate hurricane ~ electric flames

sound keys, like the breeze ~ a strip tease

when it runs through your veins

a primal force of sorts

the musical course ~ rocking ~ music like intercourse

source ~ immerse

changes in the gravitational force

when it runs through your veins

it is the air you breathe

a breath inbetween

a bridge

where the lines are blurred

so melodies can emerge

a voltaic charge ~ loud to the stars

wires, ears to the door ~ who is on tour?

 the language of choice ~ an active voice

many a British rolls royce

when it runs through your veins

you let go of the reins

the music like wine flowing

on the edge of unknowing

when it runs through your veins

 a whirlwind pours within

a progression, a succession ~ you have all of my attention

when it runs through your veins

you can’t but help want more

do you replenish sweet song or merely align with what’s stored?

 tangible and real

it is a miracle heal

triple loud or low soft

high and low tide

can’t describe, amplified, slide

wide ~ untied

when it runs through your veins

it moves with the wind

intertwined ~ going on a magical climb

musical chairs ~ everyone’s got theirs

when it runs through your veins

colors change hue

into you, through you, in view ~ nothing to do

shaking it loose

where strangers are few

when it runs through your veins

it echoes your name

sounds untamed

round and round

 drowned ~ rewound

non linear crowned

sweat on the brow ~ sacred ground

the primordial dance

everything is enhanced

each soul must take the chance

when it runs through your veins

the song sustains ~ rushing

here it comes

 a fast lightning train

intoxicating champagne

a song for me and a song for you

no worries of rhyme

it sings for all time

It takes over

spinning and wheeling

whirling about

when it runs through your veins

oh so right, en-light, hear it tonight

 take me to endless heights

when it runs through your veins

the water the moon the sun and the earth

crackeling shattering on fire

higher, rewire, inspire, rock n roll attire

it gives a resonance birth

when it runs through your veins

sing a long, prolong, nothing right or wrong

then it fades and comes back

on course ~ flying like night hawks ~ a transport

when it runs through your veins

it stretches to eternity

 then back in the room

when it runs through your veins

your removed from form

when it runs through your veins

the flow is surreal

nature and heaven merged by feel

when it runs through your veins

you look left and right

growing with intensity

all the day and night

when it runs through your veins

you feed the flame

ages and sages but did the same

and when it’s all over

we want a moreover

to experience a mystical Zen

all over again

when it runs through your veins

God and you exchange

up ~ almighty ~ a holy arrange

sexy ~ primordial

get out of control

when it runs through your veins

only silence remains

notes birth songs

awakening whole

blessed be

Rock N’ Roll Soul




⊕Blessings of Rock n’ Roll Soul!!!!!

May all our endeavors be blessed by the creative power of Shakti!

Let me know your all time favorite rock n’ roll album (s) and cover (s) and how they influenced you!

Thank you for viewing!!! 🙂

Have a blessed day!!!! 🙂 🙂

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