Life’s Better With A Best Bud #petadoption

«Life’s Better With A Best Bud»

⇒Please adopt rescue pets⇐

#petsmakeahouseahome #petadoption #blesstheanimals


A friendly reminder to please consider pet adoption from your local (or otherwise) pet rescue agency. Together we can bless our animals we share the planet with.

Rescue pets make outstanding companions, family additions, and warm the heart as we share our journey together.

 When possible donate time and or financial resources to a favorite animal/pet facility. They always can use a helping hand on the premises as well as financial support to supply medical treatments, food, toys, supplies, blankets, etc….

 Prayers to end animal atrocities ~ so that all animals have a beautiful 4ever home and healthy fit bodies makes a Huge difference. Come up with your own prayer to bless the animals and send it out.

*Please consider a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle*

Your Gifts in loving service to our beloved animals ~ in any way that works for you ~ adds to a planet with happy safe healthy blessed animals.


Blessings for your pet (s) & All the animals!!!

May all rescue pets receive beautiful 4ever homes!

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a Blessed Day!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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