The Sea, The Sun, & Me



Leaving the rational mind for exchange of the intuitive mind

*As Above So Below*

Up to the sun where the birds gather round…

The sea, the sun, the palm trees….speak in light, movement, color, and sound.


∞The Sea, The Sun, & Me∞

∴Trice Three∴



♥Endless sun filled days on the sea♥

⊕Enchanted palm trees⊕

A floating stream of consciousness: A visceral feel and poem about being at the ocean among the palm trees and warm balmy breeze leaving the intellect and structure behind.



⇒Becoming resuscitated

  All will take care of itself⇐

For all those that love the sea, the sun, and palm trees

 *to all the lover’s of the sea…..

*who dream of and with the sea….





⊗ This imagery and poem are inspired by the beauty of nature, specifically, the pull and draw of the ocean and the landscape that accompanies it ⊗

This poem is written in a intuitive non linear conversation with the sun, the sea, the palm trees, the warm gentle breeze ~ leaving behind the rational mind and using words in a non~ structured  descriptive way to elicit and express both emotional and tactile responses. 


 The Visceral Experience of the Sea

Dreaming in colors of the sea…..

Melting into the sun filled terrain…..

The Light of Eternity…..

The feel of the sea on the skin…..

The magical water alchemy…..

the sounds of ebb and flow …

 The paradise of it all……


≈Oh to be at the sea!

≈Oh to dream with the sea!

ΩHeavenly paradise ~ I go to TheeΩ

◊Oh to touch the Sun!

◊ The palm trees so tall

◊ Sun bird come fly with me



The Unknown for the Known ~ The Known for the Unknown

” I followed my heart….and it led me to the beach”

~ Unknown

“There’s no place like home. Except the beach”

~ Unknown



∴Three Three Three∴  ⌈Holy Trinity ∗Three∗ The Triangle⌉

  >the sea ~ the feminine ~ >the sun ~ the masculine ~ >plus me (or you) equals three. ∴Our blessed connection of wholeness∴

∨The Divine Feminine ~ ∧The Divine Masculine ~ ⊕our Self as the Divine Child

= Three points on a ∇triangle∇.




∞The Sea, The Sun, & Me∞

∴Trice Three∴



The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

trinity mystery ~ from antiquity ~ sailing at sea

a lover of the water ~ you take me under ~ like no other

freedom cry ~ liberation sigh

the sea and sun greet me ~ repeat ~ saint victory

you deliver me ~ picture me ~ sea sun glittery

omniscient ministry ~ my pulsing heart ~ sacred conductivity

sweet nectar ~ elite ~ sugar beet

mind body spirit ~ Oneness ~ royal alumnus

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

fluidity and spaciousness ~ spontaneous ~ rapturous

allure, demure, ~ sultry heat

sweet yellow golden ~ the spoken ~ the chosen

the seven seas ~ journey to thee ~ heaven molten

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

embayment ~ saltwater ~ seawater

I pray at your altar ~ I offer

 your language ~ you call to me

carefree ~ sand on my feet ~ you set me free

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

  light filled triangle ~ dangle ~ spangle ~ bangle

watery bliss ~ I can not resist ~ Christ gift

holy transmit ~ submit ~  lifted aboard ship

enshrinement mist ~ enthroned ~ deity tone

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

inside your breeze ~ kissing ~ infinity tease

returning cycles ~ ebb & flow ~ sea foresees

 palm trees ~ here on the scene ~ miles high ~ climbs up to the blue sky

lining the sand ~ quiet dance for me ~ so serene

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

radiant light ~ gliding ~ providing

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

I reach to touch and kiss the sun

circling ~ ever riding ~ sun and moon reuniting

fallen under your spell ~ on a ride ~ seashell pastel

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

riding the breeze ~ sun filled days ~ I have fallen to my knees

nature you are so divine ~ no need for time ~ I drink of your sacred wine

 follow in your steps ~ your breath 

the sea and sun wondrous magic to me

I am drowning so deep ~ measureless sea ~ inexhaustible sun

in skin deep ~ sliding ~ colliding ~ child like delighting

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

  sea turn driving ~  sun cast smiling

I am yours ~ a writer for the rising

melting from your inviting ~ sea and sun forever shining

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

your jubilee ~ magical three ~ us we

the wise ones know ~ the fools glow

to behold you ~ light vertigo

bestow ~ overflow ~ akin to Thoreau

diving ~ unwinding ~ light is blinding

freeborn ~ released ~ at liberty’s edge

I cross the bridge ~ sunburst ~ I must ~ in trust

from dust ~ come just ~ none but ~ just us

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

luminary sphere ~ sun pierced ~ sea baptized ~ mesmerized

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

sea depths hold the key

transcendental yet here ~ new frontiers

great mystifer ~ primal ~ bridal

take me ~  sea sun milky-way ~ reflections gateway

entryway ~ light filled hallway ~ leap day

so at ease ~ freedom of the seas

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

light dance ~ a third sun ~ flashing stars

forever surrender ~ elixir jar

I take you with me ~ even when I am not here

because you are everywhere

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

sacred three ~ holy sea ~ luminescent sun ~ & me

like presents under the Christmas tree

I taste you on my lips 

Sun Three ~ Mother Sea

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

As Above So Below ~ swing shift ~ night shift

when the sun has set ~ I remain in your afterglow

to be born again ~ Rose of Jericho

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me


♥May your days always be filled with sunshine♥

⊗Blessings of the eternal sea ~ the brilliant sun ~ palm trees⊗

⊕Experience the visceral communication with One Mind and One Heart

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