Living in Joy #joyinallseasons

Samantha Pearl, our beloved kitty, playing with a friend ~ the joy of play!


My boyfriend Steve in joy with his electric guitar


Hibiscus blooms in our garden opening up to its Creator in pure joy



◊ Living in Joy ◊

ζ Joy in all Seasons ζ


⊆ Being in Conversation with Joy⊇

followed by

∴∴A prayer to live in sanctified Joy∴∴



⊕Life is honored when we honor our selves⊕

We look to ourselves, within, to create the life we desire. We honor our life when we gather together our inner encouragements of joy exalt & weave it as an outward manifestation that takes on a daily precedence. #prioritize

Hold praise & reverence for that which on a level of truth brings elation to your Soul ~ breathe life into your joy as action steps are made daily by experiencing them in any & all ways possible. We journey here in some respects on a solo landscape ~ offering honor & gratitude for our loved ones that journey with us ~ however, no one can tell us what brings the sweetest of merriment to us, nor how to pursue it. We elicit forth life giving energy when we have yielded to the Joy of your Soul & have invited it in.

Authentic Joy is identified & made known to the One’s who love themselves enough to be the Joy they carry within ~ never fluctuating from its vocalization ~ giving rise to it as the song that lifts up the world & the Universe. #joysong

Our joy may be in tiers ~ however, diving into the joy pool in any capacity makes clear this aspect ~ as it grows & grows ~ leading us to the prominent position always awaiting our complete declaration. #aworldtocome



A world filled with joy begins with us ~ involving ourselves  with that which brings the light of Joy unto us ~ vicariously influencing the whole.

The avenue of Joy ~ is immaterial ~ the important factor is that we ignite liveliness (daily if possible) in calibration to what rings in jubilant delight with our heart & Soul 🙂

This is a calling of the Highest ~ one of the keys advancing our evolution ~ living empowered ~ trusting ~ allowing our inner looking glass of truth to be a reflected exactitude of our advancing lives.

As we turn inside out the window of inner treasure ~ by recognizing, appreciating, & bringing about what brings us fulfillment, then the tides flow back to us more & more blessedness 🙂  as we walk the path of conviction. Trusting beyond circumspection & fear ~ traveling to the shores calling to us ~ crowning ourselves as worthy ~ leading us to our world of joy, festivity, & wonderment #thestarscomeout

Let us allow our individual genuineness to be authentically acknowledged by following through with our inner guidance of what delivers joy & then actualizing it as a conscious choice.

 #joyinallmoments #trust #faith


Joy Is:






Engaging in our passion (s)

in areas that we are guided in joy to traverse in

are indications we are connecting with our Higher Self

the whispers, directions, hints, ~ all watching & waiting to see if we will follow through

when we quiet the mind of the this & the that

overriding our mind to the richness of the faithful voice within

we then begin to walk the steps of our truth

we turn to a potential of unlimited possibilities

we will reap the rewards of increased joy

the more we actualize continued steps towards  joy

 in whatever avenue of expression we are lead to engage in


to touch our hands ~ to wed with us ~ to awaken us to more joy

 we demonstrate trust, we give our-self permission

 guiding us to our magical destiny




We were not designed to participate in a dis-empowering system ~ fruitless of Joy profound. Rather we, if we choose, are granted the opportunity to reunite & cause to be Joy eternal in our lives.

If we are not sure of our Joy ~ we, in earnest summon, pray & ask for guidance with what resonates with the character of our Soul. Judiciously responding to any & all overtures felt, seen, heard within.

Once we have consecrated a consistent daily existence that places Joy at a premium ~ we tend to our garden ~ making sure we are not being short sided ~ only looking in one direction ~ we allow space for our garden to blossom with new growth. Joy may transform in due time, expanding into new horizons that are spin offs & or completely morph into areas we never contemplated. Either way, we remain open to the sacred winds that carry us to the blossoming abundant life ~ wherever that may lead.




∴∴A prayer to live in sanctified Joy∴∴




◊ Living in Joy ◊

ζ Joy in all Seasons ζ

devotional prayer

*Please light a candle (if possible) to commence & ignite the passions of Joy

*Invite in the feeling of joy

*Read out loud or silently


I arise with Joy within my rising Sun

I begin my day with Joy Eternal

 the morning light renews the divine within me

I am born ~ delivered by the morningtide 

creation begins again 

I experience as if for the first time

the light of dawn ~ the first light upon the Earth

   illuminated with the joy of my creation

revealing to me the joy that I am

 hail all glory ~ joy exalts my being

the wonder of it all fills me

joy ignites ~ passions ~ bursts ~ fiery delight

the beauty of joy radiates within me

  I express the light of joy in all measures

joy voyages as the wind breathing life into my sails

carrying me, as the current in my actions, thought, & speech

joy within my heart is anchored

as my steadfast companion

 joy of the all ~ the all of me ~ is interlaced as my living presence

 joy my sustenance ~ joy my play, unrestrained

joy moves in me ~ around me 

through me ~ into all my endeavors

joy the subsistence of my world

everlasting joy follows me in my afternoon

the mid day sun increases my joy ~ continuous fire 

I am set alight amidst my joy

joy sequencing into my early evening & late hours

when I retire from the day, joy enters my sleep & dream states

joy in the stars treasuring the night sky

joy loving the moon ~ twinkling in Her eyes

joy in the silent of night ~ blessing the magician’s hours

joy upon arising, again 

joy lifting the sun ascending in the sky

the cycle of my joy

 one rhythmic succession after another

joy originating ~ joy the course

joy ~ mine, soaring ~ like birds ascending ~ escalating into the sky

joy my high spirits

joy my Soul breathing ~ existing, my impulse

joy my victory ~ my eternal substance

joy my heaven here, now

Joy without end

Joy enduring, ageless ~ the heart of my Soul

Joy my hearth, my home, my glow

Joy my life


Blessings to Be In Joy!

Blessing of great Joy in your life 🙂

Choose Joy!

Thank you for viewing!!!

Have a blessed day!

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