Woman spends entire life blessing cats ~ Now needs your help

^Art for Pet Adoption^ *Beautiful cat ready for a 4ever home!*

^Art for Pet Adoption^ *Beautiful cat ready for a 4ever home!*

Woman Spends Her Entire Life Blessing Cats ~ Now She Needs Your Help

South Florida Area

Please read below and see how you and or someone your know may help these precious cats to receive a beautiful 4ever home

Contact Lori Jenkins for more information and adoption. Text or call Lori 954-661-0666, jenkins_lori@bellsouth.net 


Below is a direct copy of the email Lori Jenkins is circulating in an effort to remedy this situation so these beautiful cats can receive a 4ever home ASAP

I will try to keep this as short as possible. I met Gail 10 years ago when I was standing in line at the Broward Humane Society with a load of cats for spay/neuter. Gail was soliciting the line of trappers to get someone to catch a pregnant feral cat in her neighborhood. For decades Gail trapped and fixed and cared for cats in her neighborhood so well that she knew whenever a new cat appeared. She was 70 years old when I met her and went to help her get the cat. During the past 10 years she has called me often to help her with cat issues, mostly cats she had at her house – remnants from her trapping days. Whenever one would become ill she would call me. She has been a cat lady her entire life and has a large cabinet in her living room with ashes from dozens of the cats she has cared for and loved over the years. Her house is filled with cat photos and paraphernalia. She has served the feline population well over her lifetime, and now she needs help saying goodby to her beloved cats which she has had for years at her house. Sadly, Gail is 80 years old now and has become ill with dementia and the State of Florida decided she could no longer care for herself safely and got a court order to remove her from her home. They have placed her in a facility where she will remain in their custody never to go home again. She is devastated and is so worried about her cats.

I have been going to her house to feed and care for the 13 cats she has there for the past few weeks, but any day now I will be locked out of the house and the bank will not allow me access. The day they picked her up with the court order I managed to intervene when Animal Care was there and already had 5 of the cats in the van. If I had not answered my phone that day or been able to rush right there, the cats would be gone. Besides the fact that there is a current ongoing feline distemper outbreak at the shelter, most of the cats are either seniors or have other issues that would have prevented them from surviving the shelter. I am sending this plea to ask for help in one of the three following areas. Time is of the essence as any day now I will be locked out and cats will be destroyed. If you cannot help please send along to all your friends and contacts.

Here is the situation. 1) At least 7 of the 13 cats are adoptable as friendly house pets IF they can get the vet care they need to get them ready. They are older and all need brought up to date on everything, including dentals, which they are in serious need of. You’ll see these 7 below in photos of cats inside the house. I can place these cats within a few weeks of being vetted. I will be working with a discount vet clinic to give them the care they need. If anyone could donate anything at all towards their vet care both Gail and I would be eternally grateful. It will cost approximately $300 per cat. Even $10 or $20 donations can add up and make this possible. I can provide the name of the clinic for direct donations if preferred. Donation letters can be provided for tax purposes. 2) The remaining 6 have been living in Gail’s screened in patio for years with recent access to the house via a kitty door. They have been fed and cared for and have great litter box habits. They are nice kitties, 3 very shy and the other 3 not so much. I’m not sure what environment they would do well in other than a protected area inside or outside where they could be cared for. I don’t think they would be able to find food for themselves after years of being in a contained environment. If anyone has any ideas for placing any of these cats – preferably in pairs at least so they would have one familiar cat with them I would so appreciate your thoughts. I am extremely worried about these 6. If I could find a solution for even 2 of them I could breath for a minute. These 6 will also need to be vetted and updated, and they will be going along to the same clinic. 3) I need a safe place to hold these cats for a few weeks until they are vetted and ready to go. I cannot take them back to Gail’s house once they go to the vet and are awaiting to leave for the adoptions program. I have appointments for the first 5 next week and then the remaining 8 the week after.

Even a foster with a spare room or bathroom or patio or garage or other safe area to place a tall crate or cage for 2 of them would be a lifesaver. It would be a huge help just to find fosters for the 7 friendliest. If 3 different fosters could take 2 cats each it would be great. All of us are overflowing with cats and kittens this summer and until the floodgates open next month there is not any hope with any of my fosters now. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Even one cat or two for two weeks would be so helpful. I realize its been a horrific summer for all cat people here in south Florida, and all of us have situations like this coming at us regularly. I am trying to help so many cats from people who have died or gone to assisted living or other terrible things during this summer I am so overwhelmed I can hardly breath. I cannot let Gail down and will be devastated if I am unable to save these cats. I must have some assistance with this one. It’s beyond what I can manage on my own.

Won’t you please help me help Gail?

I welcome ideas or any help at all. I can send photos and details of individual cats if it would help.

Thanks for taking time to read by “short” email. Please crosspost this. Text or call Lori 954-661-0666, jenkins_lori@bellsouth.net 


Please share and open your heart and home to one of these precious cats and pass on to anyone you know that might be interested

∇ Blessings for all these cats to receive a beautiful 4ever home∇


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Have a blessed day 🙂

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