Unoccupied Space ~ centrally located

Just passing through……..

The Unseen becomes Seen

Space in to space out

The magical space in-between ~ be aware of!

Samantha Pearl flowing in the spaces in~between

Spaces In Between



σUnoccupied Space ~ centrally locatedσ

An exploration & peer into what lays in between

ξEnter a New World

#emptyyourself #spaceinout #renew

*undo what you have realized *realize what you have not realized

It is in our Highest Soul evolution to participate, if we choose to, to adopt a new objective ~ a more advanced interaction within ourselves ~ thus spilling out into our physical life. The premise that all true growth is an inner tempering & metamorphosis ~ the butterfly journeys in its own transformational turnover from egg, larve (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and then into its magical wings of flight 🙂 We obtain a conversion ~ into higher states of consciousness ~ as we clear out, space in & out, & make latitude for a progressive orientation of how we take note of what we are seeing, observing, & realizing.

ΞTake on a conscious attentiveness by surveying & experiencing what lays in betweenΞ

photos are a couple shots I took of Samantha Pearl and the space digital art is from a tutorial I followed and then created


◊What lays in between is a super charged range & play of inter~dimensional possibilities ~ just waiting its bud to bloom fruition in our lives as soon as we position ourselves within it◊



Void Awareness

The Buddha Awakens

The inter~connected awareness of All things through entering a non space that consists of All ~ inclusive of things as well as non things




*Dominion of All

*holding it All together *belonging to All as One *containing the All ~ that we are interconnected to

#goinbetween #midway #inthemidstof


Nothing In ~ Nothing Out

Everything In ~ Everything Out

Emptiness Nothingness #circles

The Dalai Lama describes “emptiness” in his book on the Heart Sutra “the true nature of things and events”
The Heart Sutra says, “all phenomena in their own-being are empty.”

Emptiness can be recognized as Unoccupied Space




circuling around

Our beautiful kitty Samantha Pearl serving as a muse #newearthkitty

Animals in particular have a natural way of straddling awareness of being in between while simultaneously relating to the physical world. So, our beloved kitty is most appropo as an illustrative example of how we can also be like this.  #animalwisdom

If you would like to follow Samantha Pearl she has a Facebook presence & her own blog category 

Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂 blog site 🙂

Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂 on Facebook 🙂

“The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi



⊕This poem is about going into the intermediary ~ the center-most point⊕

The relationship of things as non things #essence

φOpen a gateway within to what lays in between. Not here, Not there ~ than where? What is in between is the unseen ~ perhaps not visibly seen, but undeniably present ~ the thread ~ the interlace  ~ the composer ~ the perpetuation of all life Φ

The opened door is in between #dropin

⇒Being connected to things by interacting with them in between⇐


◊Portico to “out of nothing” is everything◊

“Bodhi is a Sanskrit word. … The Buddhist concept of Bodhi is spiritual awakening and freedom from the cycle of life. Bodhi is also the name of the sacred ficus tree  under which Lord Buddha sat and obtained his enlightenment”



σUnoccupied Space ~ centrally locatedσ

⊕Spaces In-between


before it is day ~ before it is night

the transition point is the Bodhi’s delight

the unseen & seen unite 

sacred ficus tree Lord Buddha

sat within ~ supra ~ the unexplored explored

heads bowed ~ new worlds ahold ~ Brahma unfold

a playing field where all is revealed

seals unsealed ~ dreams become real

the center is gold ~ for eons foretold

a fusion ~ the circle’s conclusion ~ evolution

 no black  ~ no white ~ no day ~ no night

holy union ~ holy communion ~ reunion

dawn & dusk meet ~ in between ~ all becomes a wide screen

move into the midway sight

make this your sacrament ~ within the seam ~ flowing rivers Supreme

 tantra ~ a mantra ~ hosanna ~ manna

the intermediate ~ the answer

universal point ~ focal point ~ turning point

the innermost ~ where eternity is at most 

utmost ~ observation post ~ the holy ghost

the transition from day to night

the midpoint ~ the anoint ~ vantage point

the nothing is the cognition ~ the everything the recognition

just ask the magician ~ it is this submission ~ the condition

occupy the unoccupied ~ with a watchful eye ~ worldly wise amplified

the day surrenders to the night

the night surrenders to the day

take note ~ who might ~ you might

 in the center unite



∴Magical Blessings of awakening to the nothingness of everything & everything as the nothingness!!! #unified

♥May we all lift our wings in transformational flight!

→Blessings of living in the magic of the spaces in between↵

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Have a Blessed Day!

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry!!! 🙂 🙂


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6 × one =

^The Mystic Trystic^ ~ *To Be As* #theseer

The Mystic Trystic ~*^ She is the Mystical Magician of the Cosmic Universe*^


Cheetah rested and confident in Her divine power

The Seer

Cheetah ~ poised in Her elegance and inner knowing

Inner Knowing

ΦThe Mystic TrysticΦ

∴To Be As∴

The Great Seer ~ The One who See’s ~ Beyond

#enterin  #entryway #trustin

⇔Entrance Into⇔ ~ by choice⊥

ΦAs The Mystic Trystic teaches usΦ

◊Her delight ◊Her enchantment  ◊Her sacred bequest

⇔ is to bestow the blessings of the Mystic Trystic to anyone who crosses the bridge in faith ~ in covenant & sureness of & with the Divine

Trusting beyond the reaches of this world ~ to venture into a terrain that affords entranced Gifts from the Divine.




The inspiration for this poem and imagery is to give rise to newness. To open the best we can to a heightened way of daily living that rests within the territory of the magicians, the believers. the magic dwellers, the seers, the knowers in the know. To know that the surface value is just that.

The magnetic pull of Self Realization↵

The Mystic Trystic is real if you say so. She offers a taste of Her magical elixir if we choose to participate. If we choose to get out of our way, out of our fixed ways, and out of traditional thinking and perceiving. The Mystic Trystic teaches us that we can see ourselves and the world with new eyes and new ears. 

We can break free and stop limiting ourselves. Just ask the Mystic Trystic. She awaits our call.


The image of the Mystic Trystic was from a photo I took at a local live nativity scene. This is the woman portraying Mother Mary as she loving gazed down upon the Christ Child and perhaps upon the world as well. 


ΩStand in our Power ~ Stand in our TruthΩ

Every road leads back to the Self ~ as we meet up with our own personalized acquaintances. We only need to answer to ourselves. We are not to “mind” any ones store except our own. #divinesanction


What are we buying? Buying into ~ fear, doubt, uncertainty OR acknowledging those feelings but leaning stead fast in the direction of trust and love. It is our choice. The Mystic Trystic provides us a transcendental involvement & participation if we choose to ~  To Look beyond ~ beyond what we think is there, beyond anything we have ever fancied ~ into an arena of all ~ full scale ~ measureless visibility.


Cheetah Inspiration

The cheetah images are from a recent visit at the Naples Zoo.

Cheetah’s are the fastest land animals on earth! 🙂 Cheetahs symbolize empowerment, speed, & focus. The Cheetah has a keen inner compass for quick knowing & quick action. With Goddess lines & Grace, the Cheetah knows her Power. #standinyourpower

Her lightning speed & inner knowing of when to take action is a beautiful symbolic representation for us to also posses this inner knowing of when it is “right” to take action with the confidence that no one can outrun us ~ nothing will stand in our way.  #innerknowing #faith




ΦThe Mystic TrysticΦ

∴To Be As∴


The Mystic Trystic

To be As

12 at high

6 from below

3 to the right

& 9 to go

 the tick of the clock ~ not born ~ nighthawk

 the face of time ~ sense it’s just a rhyme

time for time ~ all the time

The Mystic Trystic

To be As

   to the wind ~ spring to mind ~ peace of mind

set foot between the lines

dividing line ~ borderline ~ skyline

nothing is real ~ what is real ~ least you say it is so

off the wheel ~ steering wheel ~ pinwheel

freedom cargo ~ bestow ~ say hello

The Mystic Trystic

To be As

wild indigo ~ Mystic Trystic manifesto ~ angel arpeggio

She takes you beyond the reaches

speechless ~ teach us ~ charging cheetah

lover of the sun & moon

everyday sacred commune

moonshine ~ outshine ~ feline

cheetah spirit sign

The Mystic Trystic

To be As

all 4 points divide evenly in 12

 half a day then it goes round again

catch on ~ catch in ~ a memory game

The Mystic Trystic

To be As

sword obtain ~ cross over the bridge ~ power domain

faith to champagne

take the reigns ~ essential flow will grow

Cheetah speed beyond the hour

sun flower ~ wind power ~ allow Her

The Mystic Trystic

To be As

when quarter of ~ equals nine ~ is nine

eternity chimes

nothing is really a mystery

answers are always in front of us ~ our victory

revelations for those

who notice & recompose

Cheetah inner knowing ~ noting ~ composing

you know that you know ~ the heart speaks it so

The Mystic Trystic

To be As

 the mirror will shine ~ nine divine ~ reflection resurrection

The Mystic Trystic

To be As

a synonym is like cinnamon

aromatic sweet & spicy anointing oil

return to innocence ~ grounding soil ~ Royce of royal

Lauraceae family ~ evergreen tree ~ Sri Lanka India

washes in yellow & a splash of green

heavenly blue in whatever it seems

The Mystic Trystic

To be As

check out the airwaves

receive a go

visionary’s row

shadow-less glow ~ infinity shrine

lays it on the line

opened eyes ~ arise ~ huge surprise

12 & 12 for 24 unlocks the door

12 signs ~ 12 apostles ~ 12 tribes

mysteries at noon ~ the bigger the boon

24 hours to the day ~ am I making headway

on the way ~ take away ~ under way

24 Elders ~ revelations 4 & 4

throne of heaven ~ crowns of gold ~ behold

The Mystic Trystic

To be As

the fem is in 9 ~ the masculine a vertical line

She goes ~ She goes ~ so close ~ in close

 the unknown becomes known

take it or leave it ~ all become reborn

from sky to sky ~ ride high

Buddha’s ears drop low ~ for who listens grows

The Mystic Trystic

To be As

As Above So Below

May the Seer

be the One that is Known




⊥May we all stand placed in our Divine Power, Truth, and Blessed Wholeness⊥

Blessings of the Mystic Trystic coupled with the speed. empowerment,  & inner knowing of the Cheetah!!!

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Have a blessed day!

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Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂



It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry!!! 🙂 🙂

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four + 2 =

Crush in the Dark: When Inspiration Hits


Steve practicing guitar*

Crush in the Dark

When Inspiration Hits



‡Let Inspiration Find You‡

When we are deep within our selves such as during mediation, prayer, communing with our higher aspects, etc… we are transplanted into a void darkness that feels to me like a sacred womb where we can access all. We can submerge within the void with a intention for knowledge, inspiration, direction, guidance, etc… and emerge from it refreshed with insight that sometimes is Johnny~on~the~spot and sometimes is revealed in stages. We can also have great experiences in the void with no agenda so to speak, and just see what comes up. 

This blog post is about inspiration. When I photographed Steve practicing his guitar, he just happened to have his Crush shirt on. From there later on the idea came into my awareness “Crush in the Dark” as a blog post title and accompanying poem.



May we all meet up with Inspiration that is the winged fuel to carry us to heightened states of Soul in action, well being, and provide a sense of accomplishment and purpose

Let’s be open to inspiration arriving at any moment ~ let’s stop, listen, and attune to the Great Spirit indwelling and pay homage to this voice with follow through in spirit guided direction


inspiration that comes in “off hours”

inspiration that finds you in a spontaneous moment

‡Let Inspiration Find You‡


Artistic Inspiration

“Inspiration (from the Latin inspirare, meaning “to breathe into”) is an unconscious burst of creativity in a literary, musical, or other artistic endeavour. The concept has origins in both Hellenism and Hebraism. The Greeks believed that inspiration or “enthusiasm” came from the muses, as well as the gods Apollo and Dionysus. Similarly, in the Ancient Norse religions, inspiration derives from the gods, such as Odin. Inspiration is also a divine matter in Hebrew poetics. In the Book of Amos the prophet speaks of being overwhelmed by God’s voice and compelled to speak. In Christianity, inspiration is a gift of the Holy Spirit.”

A few Ancient models of inspiration

“In Greek thought, inspiration meant that the poet or artist would go into ecstasy or furor poeticus, the divine frenzy or poetic madness. He or she would be transported beyond his own mind and given the gods’ or goddesses own thoughts to embody.”

“In Christianity, inspiration is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Saint Paul said that all scripture is given by inspiration of God (2 Timothy) and the account of Pentecost records the Holy Spirit descending with the sound of a mighty wind. This understanding of “inspiration” is vital for those who maintain Biblical literalism, for the authors of the scriptures would, if possessed by the voice of God, not “filter” or interpose their personal visions onto the text. For church fathers like Saint Jerome, David was the perfect poet, for he best negotiated between the divine impulse and the human consciousness.”



Follow through with your inspirational hits ~ leading you to revelations, awakenings, truths ~ rumbles from the divine



<Love yourself enough to bring life to your passions>

Follow through with your passions ~ your bliss

Have faith ~ offer up trust.

Everything that “needs” to get done will get done.

*Open the doorway ~ the doorway of your happiness*


The Great Ones watch to see who might take a chance

Take a unplanned planned moment

Joy Spreads: When we are in Joy (entertaining our gifts and passions) more Joy fills us and inturn the world.

^A world filled with Joy is a world filled with Joy^

Treasures Within: The only way to know our treasures, gifts, talents, and skills is to bring them out. Enhancing current ones, mastering new ones

Let’s Surprise ourself #trust



Crush in the Dark

When Inspiration Hits



Crush in the Dark

remarks with a spark

rock ~ knock ~ zero clock

shadowy dusk

swept in silky grays and red

smokey hues

it was still night ~ dreamy ~ when stars are born

a bird in a tree ~ offering a decree ~ watching me

rune rapture 

a magnetism I fell under

then it struck

inspiration instruct

desire it 

fiery pit ~ no denying it

Crush in the Dark

remarks with a spark

  rock ~ knock ~ zero clock

to milky morn

he played electric guitar

Saturn reborn

strumming ~ up and down the neck


sound vibration 

mystical incantation 

come ~ hither communication

foot on the pedal ~ wah wah 

be the vessel

precious metal ~ overdrive ~ distortion ~ above sea level

fret boards ~ strings ~ burn up ~ wind up

tuner ~ in put jack ~ heads up

Crush in the Dark

remarks with a spark

  rock ~ knock ~ zero clock

early spring bird

still in the branches

channels acts of chances

a hook up ~ a build up ~ a let up

grace cup ~ filler up ~ more pick up

Crush in the Dark

remarks with a spark

  rock ~ knock ~ zero clock

now becomes the daylight

 electric guitar ~ accent mark ~ birthmark

encouragement ~ incentive

soul directive

Crush in the Dark

remarks with a spark

rock ~ knock ~ zero clock





Blessings of Great inspirational hits 🙂

Thank you for viewing!!!

Have a Blessed day 🙂

Miracles Happen #stayaware

View more of my digital art on my website 🙂


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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry!!! 🙂 🙂



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9 × five =

The Sea, The Sun, & Me



Leaving the rational mind for exchange of the intuitive mind

*As Above So Below*

Up to the sun where the birds gather round…

The sea, the sun, the palm trees….speak in light, movement, color, and sound.


∞The Sea, The Sun, & Me∞

∴Trice Three∴



♥Endless sun filled days on the sea♥

⊕Enchanted palm trees⊕

A floating stream of consciousness: A visceral feel and poem about being at the ocean among the palm trees and warm balmy breeze leaving the intellect and structure behind.



⇒Becoming resuscitated

  All will take care of itself⇐

For all those that love the sea, the sun, and palm trees

 *to all the lover’s of the sea…..

*who dream of and with the sea….





⊗ This imagery and poem are inspired by the beauty of nature, specifically, the pull and draw of the ocean and the landscape that accompanies it ⊗

This poem is written in a intuitive non linear conversation with the sun, the sea, the palm trees, the warm gentle breeze ~ leaving behind the rational mind and using words in a non~ structured  descriptive way to elicit and express both emotional and tactile responses. 


 The Visceral Experience of the Sea

Dreaming in colors of the sea…..

Melting into the sun filled terrain…..

The Light of Eternity…..

The feel of the sea on the skin…..

The magical water alchemy…..

the sounds of ebb and flow …

 The paradise of it all……


≈Oh to be at the sea!

≈Oh to dream with the sea!

ΩHeavenly paradise ~ I go to TheeΩ

◊Oh to touch the Sun!

◊ The palm trees so tall

◊ Sun bird come fly with me



The Unknown for the Known ~ The Known for the Unknown

” I followed my heart….and it led me to the beach”

~ Unknown

“There’s no place like home. Except the beach”

~ Unknown



∴Three Three Three∴  ⌈Holy Trinity ∗Three∗ The Triangle⌉

  >the sea ~ the feminine ~ >the sun ~ the masculine ~ >plus me (or you) equals three. ∴Our blessed connection of wholeness∴

∨The Divine Feminine ~ ∧The Divine Masculine ~ ⊕our Self as the Divine Child

= Three points on a ∇triangle∇.




∞The Sea, The Sun, & Me∞

∴Trice Three∴



The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

trinity mystery ~ from antiquity ~ sailing at sea

a lover of the water ~ you take me under ~ like no other

freedom cry ~ liberation sigh

the sea and sun greet me ~ repeat ~ saint victory

you deliver me ~ picture me ~ sea sun glittery

omniscient ministry ~ my pulsing heart ~ sacred conductivity

sweet nectar ~ elite ~ sugar beet

mind body spirit ~ Oneness ~ royal alumnus

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

fluidity and spaciousness ~ spontaneous ~ rapturous

allure, demure, ~ sultry heat

sweet yellow golden ~ the spoken ~ the chosen

the seven seas ~ journey to thee ~ heaven molten

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

embayment ~ saltwater ~ seawater

I pray at your altar ~ I offer

 your language ~ you call to me

carefree ~ sand on my feet ~ you set me free

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

  light filled triangle ~ dangle ~ spangle ~ bangle

watery bliss ~ I can not resist ~ Christ gift

holy transmit ~ submit ~  lifted aboard ship

enshrinement mist ~ enthroned ~ deity tone

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

inside your breeze ~ kissing ~ infinity tease

returning cycles ~ ebb & flow ~ sea foresees

 palm trees ~ here on the scene ~ miles high ~ climbs up to the blue sky

lining the sand ~ quiet dance for me ~ so serene

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

radiant light ~ gliding ~ providing

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

I reach to touch and kiss the sun

circling ~ ever riding ~ sun and moon reuniting

fallen under your spell ~ on a ride ~ seashell pastel

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

riding the breeze ~ sun filled days ~ I have fallen to my knees

nature you are so divine ~ no need for time ~ I drink of your sacred wine

 follow in your steps ~ your breath 

the sea and sun wondrous magic to me

I am drowning so deep ~ measureless sea ~ inexhaustible sun

in skin deep ~ sliding ~ colliding ~ child like delighting

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

  sea turn driving ~  sun cast smiling

I am yours ~ a writer for the rising

melting from your inviting ~ sea and sun forever shining

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

your jubilee ~ magical three ~ us we

the wise ones know ~ the fools glow

to behold you ~ light vertigo

bestow ~ overflow ~ akin to Thoreau

diving ~ unwinding ~ light is blinding

freeborn ~ released ~ at liberty’s edge

I cross the bridge ~ sunburst ~ I must ~ in trust

from dust ~ come just ~ none but ~ just us

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

luminary sphere ~ sun pierced ~ sea baptized ~ mesmerized

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

sea depths hold the key

transcendental yet here ~ new frontiers

great mystifer ~ primal ~ bridal

take me ~  sea sun milky-way ~ reflections gateway

entryway ~ light filled hallway ~ leap day

so at ease ~ freedom of the seas

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

light dance ~ a third sun ~ flashing stars

forever surrender ~ elixir jar

I take you with me ~ even when I am not here

because you are everywhere

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

sacred three ~ holy sea ~ luminescent sun ~ & me

like presents under the Christmas tree

I taste you on my lips 

Sun Three ~ Mother Sea

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me

As Above So Below ~ swing shift ~ night shift

when the sun has set ~ I remain in your afterglow

to be born again ~ Rose of Jericho

The sea, the sun, & me ~ trice three

endless sea may I have a dance with thee?

almighty sun walk with me


♥May your days always be filled with sunshine♥

⊗Blessings of the eternal sea ~ the brilliant sun ~ palm trees⊗

⊕Experience the visceral communication with One Mind and One Heart

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Have a Blessed Day 🙂

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Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry!!! 🙂 🙂

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− 1 = four

Ascension Tickets ~ Free Admission #grace #harmony #selfcare

⇒ Ascension Tickets⇐

↔Free Admission↔

#grace #harmony #selfcare

ΞGifts on the Ascension PathΞ

⇔ Always available to us⇔


A Simple Reminder of Simple Applications on the Ascension Walk:


The Ascension Path ~ Grace, Harmony, Self Care & more!!! 🙂


What do we have at no cost? ⊗that is always available⊗ ~ that can’t be bought?

⊂An exploration into, & perhaps a reminder for us, of what we all have ~ if we choose it ~ that requires no monetary exchange, requires going no where, requires nothing at all from us ~ that divinely offers itself to use freely if we so choose ~ that we in turn offer to ourselves.⊃

↔A couple of “things” surface that we have immediate & constant access to in any & all moments. 🙂 Let’s take a look at some…….↔

∴I placed some of my images into a admit one ticket with a single word to refer back to what we can experience if we open ourselves up to it.∴


⇒ Ascension Tickets⇐

↔Free Admission↔


Divine Mother Grace

Through the sacred blessing of the Divine Mother we have opportunity for Grace. No matter what we are experiencing ~ we can open ourselves up to the truly Amazing Grace offered freely to us. We can ask for Grace pertaining to any arena in our life, for our loved ones, and for all of life.

I placed this one first as I believe that through this magical Grace all is possible ~ this is our transforming power ~ in the ability to receive it.

This is a powerful tool we have at our aid in all moments.


 Placing harmony in a prominent position in our awareness as a daily choice.

There are many breathing techniques available to bring forth ~ restore ~ harmony within our systems ~ just remembering to breathe is of great utility, while focusing on our heart & being grateful for all our blessings.

Harmony pulls us back to our center.


Speak your truth

Offer up truth to yourself ~ to see clearly ~ to recognize ~ to acknowledge.

 Acknowledge truth within and speak  truth with clarity and love

Relate to the “world” in a more truthful light ~ the truth that is in accordance with our heart & soul.

Being truthful to others, in kind & loving ways is a self honoring. Give yourself space to speak your truth, & allow others to have their truth.

Your inner lighthouse lights the way…



Have faith ~ in yourself, in others, the world, the universe, your life………

Maintain a stance that says “Yes” to life ~ a holding ground within that resides as a constant assurance that all is well ~ irrespective of external conditions. When we have faith we relax more, enjoy more, & walk lighter. We have a inner knowing that there is So Much more than meets the physical eyes ~ & we hold trust in this as a universal truth ~ for us ~ for all.

You are perfect & complete just as you are 🙂


Divine Communion

Create holy ground in quiet servitude in the form of prayer ~ an active principle where we “speak” with our Divine Self ~ our True Self.

Our Divine Self LOVES when we commune ~  a beautiful flow is created ~ the Oneness that we are as our divinity


  Bread & butter of thought, speech, & action

When we strip ourselves down to our core essence there in flows Unconditional Love.

 We are loved unconditionally by the Divine ~ by our Divine Self.

Loving ourselves and all that is unconditionally…

Such sweet surrender……

Unconditionally love yourself and all that is…



Celebrate YOU

Place yourself in the greatness & illustriousness that you are. Walk in dignity, nobility, & majesty. And offer this to All life.

What magic will flow………


Having a listen…

Listening within offers tremendous insight which is brought to the surface. Ideas, creativity, solutions, and answers rise to our awareness.

Our divine nature ~ in the form of an inner quietude is a well spring of knowledge & information. Wisdom for our living ~ practical & spiritual.


Love Yourself

It is our responsibility to ourselves ~ on our evolutionary path ~ to issue loving care towards ourselves. We gift ourselves ~ as the basis for all love.

This is both inwardly with thoughts of love & compassion ~ as well as outwardly taking care of our bodies ~ & nurturing our dreams ~ our passions. We heal our wounds in holy self devotion as we cleanse & remove them with a surplus of our mending love.

Self care is at the forefront of growth & transformation. Follow through with self care daily.

Be generous with self care ~ value yourself

Administer appreciation & affection for yourself as yourself!


♥Grace upon your Ascension path♥

℘May your Ascension walk be filled with joy, perfect health, peace, and strong inner knowing℘

◊Blessings of All that is yours!!! 

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two + = 5

Samantha Pearl #moonpearl #symbolism Inter relationship of the Moon & Pearl *devotional

Samantha Pearl

◊Samantha Pearl◊ #newearthkitty

ξOur beloved rescue kitty serving once again as a beautiful museξ


A look into the symbolic inter relationship between the Moon & Pearl

ÕPearls of CreationÕ



♥First a lil’ purrstory on Samantha Pearl♥ #newearthkitty

⇒Samantha Pearl is the inspiration behind this post⇐

⇑Light from the Sun ⇓Powered by the Moon

If you are not familiar with how Samantha Pearl received her name ~ then please read here:

How did I get my name #samanthapearl 🙂

If you would like to find out more about her universe SP7U ~ then please read here:

My Universe SP7U #samanthapearl 🙂  


The Moon as a symbolic reference for the Divine Feminine ~ and the Sun a symbolic reference for the Divine Masculine ~ both of which we carry within us ~  our inner moon & inner sun ~ when balanced within elicit harmony for our awakened lives.

This post is centered on diving into the inter relationship between the Moon & the Pearl.

⊗Plus a poem honoring the Sacred Pearl⊗

∇ Divine Feminine∇

⊆Connecting with the Divine Feminine Within⊇

 #knowthyself #sovereignty

The Divine Feminine energy is considered the “source of all creation.” Which gives “rise” to the Divine Masculine energy.

The Magical Doorway

⊕The Holy & Sacred Divine Feminine⊕

When we tap into the divine feminine within us ~  a magical doorway opens to our Higher Selves allowing for greater truths, revelations, healing, and balance to be enlivened within us ~ knowing ourselves at our core essence ~ propelling us forward as we awaken to highly evolved enlightened beings.

The Journey of Self ~ Discovery

The journey of self ~ discovery is inherently our deepest desire ~ a driving force ~ our primary process ~ the divinity that we are as a living conscious truth and reality. We meet ourselves as the sanctified Source lovelight that we are. The realization and full on experience ~ of our sovereign absolute status.

As we become more familiar with our heart and Soul, through kinship and application of spirited methodologies that we resonate with ~ our considerations will result in synergistic unification ~ our consciousness aware of its perfected state as a absolute, infinite, creator God  ~  we become situated face to face with the reality of our existence beyond the Earthly plane but yet coinciding with it.

“Know Thyself” has been a central motif for eons on many platforms through out timelines across our planet. This is a powerful agent of transformation for us as we stand on higher ground in our conscious evolution ~ leading us to the Truth of who we are.

Honoring and inwardly networking with the  Divine Feminine energy  extends as a sacred bridge into Mother Earth ~ where the feminine energy lives, breathes, circulates, & expands into & through ~ that we tangibly experience and are connected to on a spiritual level.

The power of “giving birth” ~ to life ~ to infinite expressions ~ to ideas ~ to dreams ~ from conception to matter on the physical plane of existence are divine feminine properties.

Through direct communion with the divine feminine within us and knowing ourselves in the light that we are, serves as a catalyst to bring out more of our inner storehouse of what is wanting to be made known & experienced. This is akin to dreams coming true as we have set foot upon sacred  ground within our own knowing ~ this becomes the launch pad to release that which is within us desiring to manifest.

The Graceful Voice of the Divine Feminine

Explore ways that resonate to connect in with your divine feminine ~ for healing, love, nurturing, Grace, inner light,  and inner knowledge.

Our hearts are always speaking to us ~ the Divine Feminine voice is soft and a source of complete knowing. We must enter a state of silence to be in receivership of our divine guidance ~ ultimately through cultivation and continuous listening to our inner voice She becomes our steadfast companion directing us on our life journey ~ to the fulfillment of our human destiny.

Being out in nature, communing and honoring the Moon, holding a reverence for all of life are great ways to tap into the energies, benevolence, and loving vibrations the Divine Feminine.

For those that listen to the esteemed voice within ~ a great wisdom pearl is born.


∇ Divine Feminine∇

Divine kinship with Self

A Sacred Pearl is Born

Love yourself ~ as “”key” to personal growth, healing, balance, & peace


From the silky water depths beautiful Pearls are born. The creation of a Pearl is the result of irritation to the soft body of a mollusk. A grain of sand ~ or some type of irritant~ taking up residence on the soft inner body ~ the sea animal in turn soothes itself from this with layer after layer of nacre (an organic crystalline substance secreted by mollusks ~ resulting in an iridescent glow ~ aka mother-of-pearl). 

 We gain insight into the importance of attention to individualized self care. Just as the emerging ~ Pearl to be ~ unburdens itself from the appearance of a irritant ~ by saturating itself in nacre ~ nurturing itself continuously ~ as much as needed ~ as a calming  remedy & consoling act of self love ~ we to ~ as a responsibility to our own evolving ~ must take on the same properties of nurturing ourselves daily ~ softening & relaxing our inner nature. The end result ~ the beauty and perfection of the Pearl.

The Sacred Divine Feminine ~ as the Great Nurturer ~ one of Her many blessed divine qualities ~ leans us in this orientation to self directed loving gentile care ~ a  “peace offering” we offer to ourselves ~ the greatest act of kindness to oneself. No one can do it for you, it is a holy gift we give ourselves. We honor ourselves and deem ourselves worthy ~ we issue forth self love and care into all platforms of our life. We must offer it to our selves as the highest act of worship honoring the divinity that we are.

The Divine Mother ~ The Sacred Divine Feminine ~ will help us with this ~ as She wraps Her loving nurturing Wings of Grace around us.

As we incorporate self love as a main ingredient in our daily life the hard edges of self imposed restrictions soften.

 We love ourselves and healing and wholeness are ours. The realms of potential lay open before us ~ murky waters become clear ~ shipping us to new shores that know life only as joyous, exuberant, and bountiful.

We were not sent here devoid of tools, techniques, and devices. Just the contrary ~ we must, however, be an active partaker ~ shedding all that is in our way so we may be on our Way.

May our life be a reflector of our Soul’s representation


Ω Moon Water PearlΩ

≈Born from the Waters≈

 #wisdom #divineflow #bornofspirit #healingwaters

The Moon δ The Water δ The Pearl ~ connectivity as a feminine symbol


    With the Moon’s gravitational force (& sun) upon the water ~ influencing the rhythms *high tide *low tide ~ cycles ~ a breathing ~ a flow ~ it makes sense that within the watery depths would emerge a beautiful physical form to behold that acts as a carrier of the properties & magnetic qualities associated with the mystical alluring Moon. That manifestation being a Pearl.


The Pearl 

Born in the Sacred Waters

Born of the Spirit

From the Blessed Womb

The Pearl holding both spiritual and earthly significance

One of the Great attributes of the Moon is “Wisdom” ~ divine inner knowing.

The Pearl also holds this wisdom energy. Wisdom as a transporter contained within itself of information vital to the path of the Soul to experience the higher divine realms, as a tool for enlightened conscious expansion ~ knowing thyself.

The beauty and fruit of wisdom.

  The spiritual gift of wisdom ~ “words of wisdom.”

The Greek word for wisdom is Sophia ~ female divinity. Her names, forms, & expressions infinite in nature. Her Wisdom as Source itself and as one self. Powerful beyond measure.


ÕPearl AttributesÕ

Some additional characteristics of the Pearl







Fresh water pearls symbolize purity, harmony and humility.




φOne Nation under Pearlφ

 One nation Under Pearl

One world under Pearl

One universe under Pearl


℘A poem honoring the Pearl℘

ÕPearls of CreationÕ



Pearls of Creation

 moon interstellar manifestation

traveled from the stars ~ birthed in the waterway

providing a gateway ~ moon day ~ yang expressway

intoxicate me high priestess of the seas

blessed euphoria ~ please

watery magical lunar Pearl

aqueous ~ saturated ~ bathed in holy dress

 we enter your mystical chamber

divine feminine reign ~ saintly pearls of rain

pearlescent ~ Chandra ~ light coming through

milky ~ Mother of Pearl ~ lustrous divine hue

 we become healed, reconciled ~ in your regenerating smile

re~ balance vibration ~ rhythmic undulations

calming reflection ~ centering elation

ebb & flow of life ~ cycles within cycles ~ buttering knife

soul migration ~ flirty rotation ~ immortality destination

balancer ~ dancer ~ Grace you flower

silvery white perfection ~ oceans meteor showers

regal ~ elegant ~ charismatic born

to thee I am drawn ~ adorn ~ reborn

waves encounter ~ nacreous armor ~ great charmer

Poema ~ “pearl of the deep seas” ~ I drown in your stirring mystery

opalescent ~ I begin to dream ~ arousing opaline

Soma dream state ~ Soma ritual ~ cosmic chalice I drink of

polished by nature ~ luminosity abounds

I can not but be kindled ~ amused ~ in awe of your heavenly crown

a sacred pearl ~ a divine pearl ~ a royal pearl

nurturing sultry rapturous ancestral jewel

how beautiful you are ~ shimmering white dove ~ mirror from above

sanctified honor ~ receptivity ~ worship I give to thee

pearl drops ~ water sounds ~ wisdom abounds

legend tells us ~ cultures convey

that when we bow our heads ~ your ancient wisdom comes to bay

gentle guiding force ~ silent communication your course

mystique ~ nature Herself ~ enchantment

illumination your embankment

Oh, creation pearl

lead us to our break through

Oh, pearls of creation

return us to our transcendent formation

through & through

lucky horse shoe ~ deja vu ~ wake us up brand new

One nation under Pearl

all in union, our salvation ~ in appreciation

Sacred Pearl

offerings of fullness of admiration

for you

Pearls of Creation


Heavenly blessings of the Pearl!!!

♥May you always be blessed with the love, harmony, & Grace of the Divine Feminine♥

Blessings of great wisdom, beauty, & illumination in your life!

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a Blessed day!!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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seven + 7 =

When the Water Lilies Open ~ a dance for love* #loverspoem

*^When the Water Lilies Open^*

℘When the Water Lilies Open℘

∞Twin Soul Eternal Love∞

ΦA Dance for LoveΦ



♥♥Valentine’s Day is around the corner!

Adding some romance, love imagery, & poetry to the mixδ

⊆Have a dance for love⊇


*This image is from a wedding I photographed turned into a digital art piece*



≈Water Lilies≈

Symbolism and information:

#symbolism #jewelsofthepond #nymphaea

Water lilies have a symbolic interconnection to rebirth & resurrection. Optimism also.

Further references include fertility, sexuality, & creation.

White water lilies in particular, have a partnership with peace, purity, pleasure, & spiritual enlightenment

*Many lilies close their flower eyes at night ~ to reopen at first morning light*

Blooming is typically Spring through Autumn. Tropical environments give rise to blooms through out the year


ζWhat happens when the water lilies open? Let’s find out……….

♦Water Lily Opening  Prelude:

When the water lilies open

flowing ~ floating

in unbroken devotion

the sun and moon

look into each other

 sensing the One

so it may be done

the Spirit moves

to reunite

that which lives

never far away

within the heart

so come

know this

a lovers poem



℘When the Water Lilies Open℘

∞Twin Soul Eternal Love∞

ΦA Dance for LoveΦ


When the water lilies open

the waters become filled

with a potent thrill

the water lilies signal

the moment is ripe

only the twin

is in sight

a lovers cup

two souls

 swept up

When the water lilies open

 watery sounds weave

the Divine breathes

abstract movements

carried through the breeze

When the water lilies open

you will hear

a magnetic aqueous chant

spontaneously you will dance

 an intoxicating fragrance

makes an advance

the scent in the air

you will feel it aware and let loose a hypnotic stare

she sees him

he sees her

the world fades

silence only lovers know is spoken

the heart opens

two love flames

 acknowledge the creator within as the chosen

When the water lilies open

 the lovers

become pulled

drawn ~ a trance holds the fulfilled

all is assured ~ God’s Will until

heaven sings

the One song

as lovers engage

in a twin soul dance

times says goodbye

the skies open wide

the lovers

bodies swaying

 in a hypnotic tide

watch the water lilies

for when they bloom

legend tells us

  all unfolds

the twin joins with their soul

love is to behold

magnified in this

holy blooming aquatic plant

When the water lilies open

delicate beauty

 enlightenment supplant

 prolific master

 blending like Rembrandt

When the water lilies open

lovers become enamored



in mystical enchant

everything is gone

but this dance

two become the swan

new and repeated like each dawn

When the water lilies open

 lovers true fire amplifies

amber eyes alchemize

the holy

the sanctified

watch, be aware

when it’s your call

opened water lilies will grant

be thankful for this plant

When the water lilies open

true love is cast ~ exact ~ so vast

the lovers dance for this


at last

When the water lilies open

the ground shakes

the waters take shape


 a seductive waxy bloom

cast within this spell

the bride and groom

could be any day now

this moment, perhaps night or afternoon

 the water lilies open

for the lovers to awake

love to celebrate

 resurrection ~ a lover’s potion

from the sacred womb

spirit elixir rises in the air ~ the reception room ~ all consume

When the water lilies open

buoyancy ~ on the pond ~ magical beyond

afloat among the lily pad leaves

lovers dream and receive

When the water lilies open

lovers pair up at first glance ~ eternity takes a chance

a remembered encounter ~ loves power

When the water lilies open

a day becomes forever

infinity ~ such brilliancy

When the water lilies open

his hands go around her waist ~ electricity

holy trinity ~ in the proximity

  her hands on his arms ~ sacred synchrony

the lovers dance for life

a man takes a wife

When the water lilies open

lovers see each other

in other worlds

 nothing to be learned

no concerns

 all becomes returned

When the water lilies open

the ordinary sparkles with divinity

the masculine and feminine

fit together

in perfect symmetry

a primal sigh

this becomes the theme

for song, poems, and imagery

When the water lilies open

the lovers begin their trance ~ played out in romance

  a forecast ~ not happenstance

a currency in circumstance

 super conductivity ~ chivalry ~ everything in synchronicity

When the water lilies open

lovers move in symphony

a graceful fluidity

When the water lilies open

 miles are spoken

twin flames matched ~ already chosen

When the water lilies open

a lovers poem ~ a kiss token ~ a spell woven

although One ~ though One

lover’s open ~ One body ~ like the ocean

   unite ~ a dance for love

  by the Grace

of the morning dove

re-newer of ~ heaven from above

there of ~ in Love

be loved ~ as One

When the water lilies open

get ready

for True Love



⊆Have a dance for love⊇

∞May eternal love bless our every touch, look, breathe, taste, and be fragrant in all minds and hearts!

♥Happy Valentine’s Day!♥

Blessings of Twin Soul Union #4everlove 

Blessings of the water lilies being open!

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3 + five =

Life’s Better With A Best Bud #petadoption

«Life’s Better With A Best Bud»

⇒Please adopt rescue pets⇐

#petsmakeahouseahome #petadoption #blesstheanimals


A friendly reminder to please consider pet adoption from your local (or otherwise) pet rescue agency. Together we can bless our animals we share the planet with.

Rescue pets make outstanding companions, family additions, and warm the heart as we share our journey together.

 When possible donate time and or financial resources to a favorite animal/pet facility. They always can use a helping hand on the premises as well as financial support to supply medical treatments, food, toys, supplies, blankets, etc….

 Prayers to end animal atrocities ~ so that all animals have a beautiful 4ever home and healthy fit bodies makes a Huge difference. Come up with your own prayer to bless the animals and send it out.

*Please consider a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle*

Your Gifts in loving service to our beloved animals ~ in any way that works for you ~ adds to a planet with happy safe healthy blessed animals.


Blessings for your pet (s) & All the animals!!!

May all rescue pets receive beautiful 4ever homes!

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a Blessed Day!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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Cats United follow Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty on Facebook

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry!!! 🙂 🙂

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4 + = five

Mystery @atthelake #angelinblue

Mystery @atthelake *^Angel in blue^*


℘Mystery @atthelake #angelinblue

⊕Angel at tree 28⊕



The Day of Now

An angel to help you find your way

As you cross the lake

to experience your new now day



An angel calling to you

come, receive

 the sphere of light I hold

I greet you

this day

come, behold



The tree behind the angel is from a photograph I took  from a visit to Battery Park, New York. Somehow that image was chosen and then I just added the other elements. What I love about the creative process, at least in my experience, is often it has its own trajectory. Best to just go with it. 



The inspiration for this blog post is multi ~ fold, however, primarily it is to serve as a reminder that we are the light and the journey back to Self Realization (crossing the “lake”) is our ultimate fulfillment while here on Earth. Although it seems like a journey, it is also not a journey. Mystery and truth meeting. 

Call upon the Angels! You are worthy to receive and our beloved Angels await our every call. We have Divine assistance and don’t have to go at life “alone” ~ we do need to take the action though to initiate the call. May you be richly blessed by your Angels and guides.

Additionally I would like to offer a reminder to trust in yourself, offer up faith, and step out a bit into the unknown to receive your “sphere of light.” When the old doesn’t work any more ~ not bringing happiness and joy ~ we must usher in our new now day by “crossing our lake” as in the poem below. I pray blessings on our journey of a destination fully realized.

Those that dare cross the lake ~ teach and encourage others! 


Believe in Yourself ~ Serve Yourself:

The premise behind this imagery & poem is to believe without reservation ~ in yourself ~ your dreams ~ your potential.

♥To serve the “voice” that beats your heart ♥

Magic & Receiving:

ΨTo be aware that magic lives in your receiving.

ΨTo lay open to magic around the corner ~ to magic in your corner ~~ let this be your transporter.

ΨLet magic be the Wings you rally & set free 

ΨReinstituting the innocence and zest from our childhood into everyday trusting and magic!



In this post I have combined a resonance with the angelic kingdom and a reverence for the land of India. I have an eclectic nature so it works for me and I hope for you too.

It is my intention that this blog post will inspire you to hold onto your dearest dreams, believe in yourself,  cross the “lake” and rekindle an adoration to the mystical life!

I see with new eyes when I peer deeper than the surface value of anything. I hope you too will look at your life, surroundings, and the world in new and exciting ways! Where all becomes possible………



Cross over to the “lake”  (lake used as a symbol)

I chose a Indian Hindu reference, imagery, and video because I have a love, fascination, and admiration for the land, people, and culture of India ~ not to mention the supreme knowledge echoing within the land.

When I was 26 I learned transcendental meditation and a door opened of great interest and inquiry into the knowledge and sacredness of the Vedic Scriptures. I owe much to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of transcendental meditation.  His multiple lectures on eternal truth, wisdom, and knowledge of higher states of consciousness have had a profound impact on me (and so many others). Maharishi’s  simple yet powerful daily meditation practice to bring the awareness to the still quiet transcendental field of pure consciousness for evolution and stress release has been a life saver.

The Vedas are the religious texts which inform the religion of Hinduism (also known as Sanatan Dharma meaning “Eternal Order” or “Eternal Path”). The term veda means “knowledge” in that they are thought to contain the fundamental knowledge relating to the underlying cause of, function of, and personal response to existence. They are considered among the oldest, if not the oldest, religious works in the world. They are commonly referred to as “scripture”, which is accurate in that they can be defined as holy writ concerning the nature of the Divine. Unlike the scriptures of other religions, however, the Vedas are not thought to have been revealed to a certain person or persons at a specific historical moment; they are believed to have always existed and were apprehended by sages in deep meditative states at some point prior to c. 1500 BCE but precisely when is unknown.


Hindu Temple on a Lake ~ South India (internet photo)

Lake symbolism

Apart from rivers and streams, lakes were an important source of food and water to many ancient communities. Lakes offered mystery and a tantalizing source of drama and adventure to the people with imagination as the life beneath the surface was invisible and not fully known. Hence, overtime a number of myths became associated with the water bodies.

A lake in Hinduism is not just a body of stagnant water, but manifestation of god. In the Bhagavadgita, Lord Krishna states that of the lakes he is the vast ocean. Lakes exist not only in the world of humans but also in the heaven of Indra and in the supreme heaven of Brahma or Vishnu or Shiva. The Kaushitaki Brahmana Upanishad mentions (1.4) the existence Lake Ara and Lake Vijara in the world of Brahma, which a liberated souls have to cross on their way to the immortal world. Lakes are also resting places for many gods such as Brahma, Saraswathi, Lakshmi, and several other gods and goddesses.

The placid waters of a lake represent tranquility, mystery, life, flowering of consciousness, purity, impurity, duality, and illusion. It is also a place where celestial nymphs often descend from heaven and take a bath. A lake may house water fairies, kind spirits as well demonic and evil spirits, besides serpents like Kaliya which Krishna slew. Lakes nourish life and take life. The lake also symbolizes existence with lotus flowers representing the souls that remain untouched by the impurities present.

Associated with every Hindu temple is a small water reservoir or a water tank (kovila) where devotees bathe before entering the temple. A lake may also act like a portal and open into another world to present a mystery or pose a challenge. In the Mahabharata the Pandavas were put to test by a Yaksha when they entered a lake that was filled with poison. To save them, Dharmaraja had to answer several questions. It was in a Lake that Bhima met the king of serpents and obtained boons from him. The lake was also the place where Duryodhana hid in the end when his brothers and his entire army was destroyed by Pandavas and he was left alone. Symbolically thus lakes represent life, consciousness, mind, tranquility, duality, illusion, impermanence, dream world, stagnation, impurity, divinity, abode, world, mystery, mother, nourisher, and spirit world



Watch this video to view magnificent Hindu Temples. *

Number #2 is on a lake*




In this journey

Cross the “lake”

*^ May we all cross over the lake

 receiving an unleashing

of unrestricted

magical blessings!




ΞCross over the “lake” & gather your Wings in Mighty FlightΞ




℘Mystery @atthelake #angelinblue


Mystery @atthelake

standing at the edge of the lake

in front of me

a beautiful angel in blue

asking me to partake

I shook my head to awake

shake shake shake

she said

cross the lake

times three

take from me

my glowing sphere to shake

shake shake shake

the water with ripples ~ adorned in night glow

although it was wet it did not show

one foot then the other

across the lake I go

the lake water

a cast speller

onward I go

home ~ my inner dweller

the angel said

cross the lake

times three

take from me

my glowing sphere to shake

shake shake shake


surface to waves

 deeper I go

head to toe

consciousness gain

everything rearranged

crossing the lake

a mystical exchange

the angel said

cross the lake

times three

take from me

my glowing sphere to shake

shake shake shake

an angel right here

come closer she called

here, take  this

the light sphere

her left hand outstretched

come get it

the light sphere

it seemed like a door


I wanted it like never before

the angel said

cross the lake

times three

take from me

my glowing sphere to shake

shake shake shake

on my way

I connect


a magical effect

the angels arm remained outstretched

an eternal stir

propels me more and more

although not moving

I draw near

the lake

turned to stillness

the angel said

cross the lake

times three

take from me

my glowing sphere to shake

shake shake shake

blue crystal clear

I become more awake

the angel began singing

soft sounds

the light sphere

she was giving

the angel said

cross the lake

times three

take from me

my glowing sphere to shake

shake shake shake

mist brimming


the lake air

indigo and samphire blue my only field of view

a revealing

the lake was speaking

be once, meet once, repeat once

legend holds

secrets told

cross the lake

times three

take from me

my glowing sphere to shake

shake shake shake

now daybreak

light through the tree

a jubilee

the new moon above

the angel glowing in love

my feet touched the land

miracles now at hand

shake shake shake

I crossed the lake

I reached for the glowing sphere

in the angels left hand

she released it

suddenly a loud cheer

her wings flapping ~ fulfilled

all that is possible

is right here

I looked on with eyes revered

Truth, the Goddess, and the Universe appeared

the angel said

you have crossed the lake my dear

the times three has been revealed

all your dreams and more

unleashed now

into the atmosphere

they are realer than near

they will never disappear

 blessings now to you


the light sphere

is you

all becomes new

in thankfulness I turned away

 I blew a kiss

gratitude for showing me the way

a new day has risen

Christ light given

crossing the lake

was a chance I had to take

you too

go now

cross the lake

take up your glowing sphere

to shake shake shake

the light sphere is you

like magic

all becomes new

blessed be this new day

when all awake







∴Blessings of our New Now Day!!!

⇒Blessings of the Mystery @atthelake!

ΨBlessings of crossing the lake ~ to living a magical life!

⊗Blessings from the Angelic Kingdom!

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

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Bud to Bloom ~ *eyes behind time*

The bud emerges from the nothingness

The bud receives powerful creator light

The bud is growing even if no evidence appears externally ~ it will blossom in its own way.

§Bud to Bloom§

⇔eyes behind time⇔


→The Magical Transformation the flower goes through from bud to bloom⇔

∴The promise & blessing of staying the course∴

#childrenofthelight #wayshowers #keepersoftheflame


→In  the midst of varying circumstances where we desire progress to move faster ~ pearls of wisdom suggest we allow it to take its course ~ trusting and knowing in due season as directed by the Divine the bud will manifest into its full blossom↔

⇒The analogous metamorphosis we also go through deep within our Soul from our bud state to full blooming⇐

Whatever you may be growing and going through, it is my hope that this blog post may serve as confidence, support, and hope that you Will receive Victory ~ and to gather up inner strength and stamina to continue on ~ knowing that the Divine will dissipate all heartache, discomfort, and pain as the Great Divine Godhead see’s fit when that moment is to be. Let us trust and know that moment is just a step away ~ a breath away ~ it is here for us ~ let us rejoice in this knowing. Let’s awaken and rise to meet this Glory moment!

∇This is a splash of encouragement for all of us ~ the diligent Soul’s pioneering the way for the New Earth.  As the star children of Light ~ we are bravely traversing sacred ground as keepers of the eternal flame∇ Grace Be With us

δMay our steps be blessedδ


Bud Symbolism:

θThe *bud as a symbol of humanity’s path and our individual path of progression ~ that we are all on ~ into full embodiment of living as highly evolved beings. The *bloom* as the magical transformation of full blossoming from the bud state into our Divine sovereign status ~ individually & collectively ~ as Oneθ

ϖ Images are photos from our garden of hibiscus flowers ϖ

#eternalgarden #walkinthegarden #gardenofharmony



§A conversation with the ∞eyes behind time∞

§Bud to Bloom§

Oh ∞eyes behind time∞ ~ I am finished with the classroom

let alone the standing room

enter I must the master’s playroom

the journey so long ~ it has gone along

 move in tempo the cadence is mine says ∞the eyes behind time∞

not when you have eternity in mind

but the labor so much

just ask an expectant mother waiting for her baby to touch

can’t I be behind time? ~ I am staying the course

I know I am Source ~ I don’t outsource

 move in tempo the cadence is mine say ∞the eyes behind time∞

but the nighttime feels in overtime ~ how much more of a climb?

∞the eyes of time∞ just mimic the rhyme

but I do tell you ~ says ∞the eyes behind time∞

you are far past mid course

though ~ let go of tomorrow ~ let the past be divorced

now is your force ~ this I endorse

I spin you, weave you, magically all nine

I open your shrine in due time

like the grapes on the vine

when all is aligned ~ no longer blind ~ fully shined

you may not know

you will know when you know

that your flow was to show that your bloom was enclosed

nothing removed ~ wouldn’t you know

remember this ~ from long ago

then you are at your plateau

bridge to Thoreau

from there you will grow ~ full know

rainbow ~ it is just but a window

Bud to Bloom

you will have risen from the tomb ~ born a new from the Sacred Womb

into the ∞eyes behind time∞

you will look into mine

Bud to Bloom

Go, now enter

the eternal garden of mine

perfect ~ complete ~ design ~ divine

your full blooming

this I decree for you

in My due time

your wintertime will warm

with your life reborn

miracles and wonder

shall be your new platform

from bud to bloom

BEHOLD ~ come ~ let us hear the trumpet blow

look see it now ~ like anyhow


full blooming coming into focus

approach it

it awaits

see it within

now we begin


*The Full Blooming*

Blessings for our Full Blooming

May our walk be that of faith, trust, and knowing

May we allow the Great Divine to have our “time”

Thank you for viewing!!!!

Have a Blessed Day 🙂

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry!!! 🙂 🙂

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