Sisters of the Light ~ Petals of the Rose

ΩSisters of the LightΩ

∇Petals of the Rose∇

Sisters of the Light ~ Petals of the Rose serve in the unification of heart, mind, body to honor the Holy Mother

Sisters of the Light ~ Petals of the Rose awaken within the feminine & masculine wholeness & balance through deep inner work to heal & clear all inner wounds to ultimately rise to Light of the Sacred mysteries and knowing of the Divine Mother

Sisters of the Light ~ Petals of the Rose cultivate and experience inner powers connected to realization of the Divine Mother within and offer to be a conduit of Her sacred beauty, truth, & wisdom to bless humanity & their own awakening under Her direction


∇Welcome Daughters of the Light!

This blog post is in honor of the sacred Divine Feminine energy

 This is a reminder of the preciousness that you are, of your divinity as a powerful co ~creator to manifest a world of beauty, peace, and love when connected into the fullness of your God Goddess sparkle, and to rekindle communion with self love, self appreciation, self acceptance through nurturance and unconditional love overlighted by the gentile soothing Love of the Mother’s Presence.

  The poem below is from the perspective of the ♥Divine Mother♥ as a love letter to her daughters of the Light

Seated from the throne of the ♥Divine Mother♥ ~ She views all Her daughters as Her Blessed own.  All of them ~ none excluded. All inclusive ~ and loves them all with a fervent love passionately glowing and giving forever more… 

This event and blog post is for all the souls who find themselves in a female form who feel a deep connection, reverence, and holy attunement with the Divine Mother and desire to go deeper within themselves to discover more of their feminine essence and receive the sacred knowledge and blessings of the Cosmic Mother.

Many souls in a male embodiment also feel a deep connection and pay homage to the Divine Mother while they nurture and uplift this inner aspect within themselves and throughout. I hope in the near future to channel a love letter from the Divine Mother to Her Sons of the LIght.

ΘI took these photographs of white roses in crystal decor for this blog post to symbolically represent the Sacred Divine Feminine energyΘwhite to symbolize purity, innocence, and a return to our true nature in OnenessΘ


⇓Read below about my upcoming event⇓

Free online Zoom Get Together

◊Women only



ΩSisters of the LightΩ ~ ∇Petals of the Rose∇


⊕Please join me for my new online get together for women!

⊕Free Zoom event

⊕July 14th, 2020 (Tuesday)

⊕from 5:00 p.m.~ 6:00p.m. Eastern Daylight Time 

⊕Email me to sign up and receive Zoom log in info

⊕All ages welcome!

→Here’s what it is about⇓

Sisters of the Light ~ Petals of the Rose join together to connect with the Light of the Divine Mother within ~ the Oneness thread we are all connected to

Experience an online gathering platform to support and uplift women on their spiritual awakening journey

Holy Spirit directed (from my personal perspective the wind ~ breath movement of the Divine Feminine active principle)

Come to receive

Come to share

Come to awaken and to be healed

ΩThe first get together is focused on tools and techniques to connect with the Divine withinΩ

⇒Share your gifts and talents with how you connect with the Divine within, share current experiences on your Soul path remembering, share and receive joy and love

⇒We will open with a prayer and a short meditation

⇒Be present to share your light, receive guidance, Soul growth, awareness, and empowerment

→Find out on Tuesday how I have been guided to use the following words of upliftment:

◊Sisters of the Light

◊Circle as One

◊Shine Bright

◊On the wings of the Mother’s Light

◊We take flight

◊Our holy womb to magnetize

◊Lotus revive Padma magnify

◊Tendered in magical starlight

◊In ecstasy of union we unite


I look forward to seeing you Tuesday, July 14th, 2020

 5:00 ~ 6:00 EDT on Zoom

Sisters of the Light ~ Petals of the Rose

email to the email address below to receive Zoom login details:



ΩDaughters of the LightΩ

∇Petals of the Rose∇

A Love Letter

from the ♥Divine Mother♥

to Her Daughters of the Light



Daughters of the Light

Petals of the Rose

Daughters of Mine

counting in nine

loosening of time

I am your Altar

direct your cares upon Me

do not wander

I hear you

I am the Great Responder

live in blessed order

listen My daughter

the unburdened voice within

with this begin

this is how

the rose

in the garden grows

stand ~ be accounted

hear Me ~ the less crowded

Daughters of the Light

Petals of the Rose

Daughters of Mine

pick up your rose

with this be clothed

 My gift

thy blessed womb

bloom bloom bloom

your purity

the opportunity

all becomes Unity

Daughters of the Light

Petals of the Rose

Daughters of Mine

It is I

who sets you free

come ~ be with Me

let us sit

underneath the tree

a rose so divine

each of you Mine

all is by feel

then you become real

I speak from the Soul

each of you


it is I

so that you know

when you see the moon aglow

connect with me

above and below

the moon is your doorway

it is magic

I bestow

receive from the hallowed chalice

liquid love

you are beauty walking

step into the palace

Daughters of the Light

Petals of the Rose

Daughters of Mine

the feathered royal dove

appears to you now

let this love offering

 be your following

trust in your heart

we are never apart

Daughters of the Light

Petals of the Rose

Daughters of Mine

 live to let go

this is the key

your overflow

watch the swallows

fly~ the birds

that know not of a tomorrow

take this

wherever you go

Daughters of the Light

Petals of the Rose

Daughters of Mine

My blessed fruit

go now

drink of the vine


You are Mine

Love, your ♥Divine Mother♥


Blessings of Love from the ♥Divine Mother♥ for all!

⇒Open & receive the ♥Love and ♦Grace of our Divine Mother♥

⊕May we always be present and open to connect with and share our Divine Light⊕

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

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*Much Gratitude*

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Miracles Happen #stayaware

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Cat Lover’s United!

Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂

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Global Love ~ when the heart goes around

*Global Love* ~ when the hearts goes around

♥Global Love♥

♥when the heart goes around♥


⇒A world coming together⊗


∴Some personal reflections and observations on current global conditions∴

Covid ~19 has impacted all of humanity ~ one way or another.

My heart goes to those who are and have been grieving, to the families ~ friends ~ loved ones impacted, to all those playing a vital role in the forefront within the medical community ~ all those helping keep our lives supplied with necessities. My Highest heart salute for your bravery and commitment. Thank you!

Many of us have begun to treasure and be grateful for our basic necessities being met every day that were often so overlooked. Seeing ourselves, loved ones, our brothers and sisters, our world ~ through new eyes and an awakened heart.

Many of us have been going deeper within ourselves to align with the truth of our heart and our existence. Expanding our capacity for compassion, for love, for reaching out ~ footed on a more Universal perspective ~ a harmony of Oneness that can no longer be denied.

We are arising to the committed knowing and truth of a Universal thread connecting all of us ~ not just in talk but in walk ~ our hearts have been showing us how muddy and narrow our prior expressions and outlook was ~ we have been thwarted face to face to recognize and uphold a humanness that is the new platform from which we all stand. The Unity beneath the layers of illusion becoming clearer with each new breath, each new day, each new experience.

 Every day growing ~ rising Higher ~ new revelations to the left and to the right ~ bringing the light of love into our own lives ~ as the launchpad for actions, thought, speech, feelings, and integrating in God Oneness as the only standard of being toward ourselves and as our outward expressions. 

♥Love as the fluid landscape we share as humanity♥


“The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.” Psalm 28:7


What was before

What is now

What is to come

is but One

When our hearts and minds perceive this

our destiny has come

When we are happier to leave

from where we have come

then Love has won


Can We Do It?

We must surrender to this love filled reservoir flowing within us that is our life force. That means really accessing our thoughts, emotions, why we do or don’t do things, why we respond in the ways that we do, etc… and assessing what needs rectifying, healing, and redirecting. Getting in touch with these shadowy figures, acknowledging them, and deciding that only a God centered way of Being serves our highest evolution. Asking the Divine for the corrected perspective and banishing the illusion of our miss perceptions. This is how we clear our vessel.

It is an intense process that requires bravery, commitment, and continual attention to oneself ~ however nothing could be more important to our own individual and collective evolution.  This is a process and journey I have been on literally on a daily basis for a while now. Although some days have been a darkened night personally speaking, I hold true to the moment it all becomes clear. The day that is the decided day ~ that makes this whole journey worthwhile as it is even now.

It is my hope that my blog posts serve as inspiration and upliftment to you in your life. 🙂

“Be in this world ~ but not of this world”

~ Jesus


A Soul Directed Life

Each dive within our own inner recesses brings us closer and closer ~  so that one day we meet ourselves as our pure, holy, and sacred Self. Where have you been we might ask to our Higher Self? Most poignantly our Higher Self asks the more astute question of where have we been. We have been engrossed in ego based actions, beliefs, thoughts, emotions that are the Great detour to our destiny. I know I have been consumed in this purification process ~ every everything within me from how I respond, think, feel, inner dialogue ~ you name it ~ is scrutinized as to its basis of origin and if it holds promise to my evolution or is a cast away. I have really discovered how habitual much of my reaction tendencies are ~ the best part is with this keen inner awareness I can easily assess if I need to take a higher route. It is easy to get caught into “okay enough already” ~ however from my experience it is all or nothing.

Master Jesus, and all the other Great Masters were Masters as all discordant energy within them was non existent. Only God within ~ Only God both personal and impersonal residing within. Therefore, all thoughts, feelings, actions, motivations, speech, etc… were immersed in an all blazing identity of the God Self within. We are fortunate we have so many great examples of those who have “mastered” this process and set the bar for us.

Who walks with us in our daily walk? Oh, if we really only knew. Guidance and assistance is always available. Shall we but just ask and the door be open. Be bold in your Divine communion and know who walks with you.  

All inner residue must be removed ~ our conscious will to examine and let go all that we carry within us that is of a non pure nature. The fact that it is not our true nature gives us great insight to who we really are. We grow more and more as we shed the old and walk a path anew. The process is individual and perhaps the road less taken ~ it requires constant review, stamina, trust, and honesty at deep levels ~ however, it leads us to the exalted state of enlightened living and being.

Our God centered way of living becomes paramount to every day existence. Enlivening this Self directed focus brings us closer and closer to purification and is of the Highest honor you can bestow upon yourself. It is a strong declaration that you love and care for yourself at your core. This daily core cleansing builds our foundation into a new life ~ a new life of peace, joy, and purposeful living.

WE begin to take note and honor what is truly important in life ~ the channel becomes clearer

How the gift of just breathing is a miracle in itself.

We have begun to reflect heavily at how we have been living, the state of our inner life, choices we have made, actions we have taken ~ in a sense a life review. WE then pick up the pieces of our lives and create a cohesive larger picture inclusive of how we can restructure our ways to be in sync with our Divine God nature and let the rest go.

⇒Forgive yourself ~ Forgive others⇐ Receive and See the higher perspective

Many of us have been on this self realization path for a while. It ever deepening with the onset of Covid ~ 19 and various other climactic conditions. The inner awakening process ~ no sugar coating ~ can be very dark, heavy, and overwhelming ~ with literally NO where to go but within. One only looks to them self as the the result for their life’s circumstances. The darkness is not just a day, nor a week, nor a month, the process, is a process ~ this has at least been my experience. It has taken every ounce of inner fortitude to keep going at some points. Somehow, through Grace the push pushes through. I have come to deeply know, that the Blessings of the Divine have really been the only way I have gotten through. Yes, I have had to do the inner work, yet, truly, I know the Graciousness of the Divine ~ the Hand of Grace ~ has been my truest and deepest fuel to keep it going. I am Grateful to the Divine more than I can express.

My journey of diving deep within myself and going through this cleansing process has most often as of late ~ rather astonishingly ~ shown me how off many perspectives have been. How at the core all there really is is Love ~ that everything else is a falsehood even when it seems otherwise. It is at this point things get really exciting. It is as if a new door has opened. It has taken a while to get here, however, worth the steps taken.

The journey, like the infinite sky, continues on and on, taking us higher and higher the purer we become by releasing the outdated and  the old.

Blessings on your awakening path!

May new doors be open for you!




What do we really know?

What do we really know? How do you know you know? What if there is another truth? What if there are more truths? Are you sure you really know? We don’t really know ~ we just think we know. I don’t claim to know anything. Really. If I think I know then up goes the red flag, as I don’t really know. I believe this acknowledgement of not knowing actually opens the mind to the unbounded state of awareness that is the true home of our mind and heart. True knowing is found within ~ at our Source connection. In regard to my blog posts, poetry, devotionals, etc…I just ask the Holy Spirit ~ to please tell me what to write and I do my best to allow it to flow out. Sometimes words and themes come into my awareness and it feels so right that there is no need to ask as it is evident the Source from which it came. Thus, this “knowingness” ~ of what we know is only true dependent on from whence it has come. Ego stuff is not knowing, it is a hindrance to real knowing. So best to align with not knowing, unless of course you know.

What if all we think we know is not the reality ~ Okay this I know. Okay maybe not. Is there an underlying truth> what is it > do we even have to know? What’s to know? Who knows what? What is there to know? If you do know ~ does it really matter? There are too many levels to know ~ so nobody really knows because it just keeps going and going ~ deeper still runs deeper ~ it is infinite. How do I know ~ I don’t! Maybe we just give up this game and just relax. How about we will know what we need to know when we need to know. How about what you know and what I know in any given instance is the same and different at the same time and it’s all okay.

How about we let the Universe decide what we need to know.

What about all the book knowledge? All that book stuff may be just non stuff ~ just stuff stuffed into a book to read that contains non true stuff. Maybe some stuff in it to know ~ but what parts to know and not know? Who knows?  Perhaps we just take to flight like the birds ~ aligned with Blessed Nature ~ the birds know ~ they know when it is time for this and then time for that ~ they just know ~ so we agree to know it is in our best interest to be fully connected with Nature (within and without) as our truest Source of all that is. Then we will know ~ and yet that is bottomless ~ so just know that!


ΞBecoming Familiar with the UnfamiliarΞ

Within the larger picture we are all having to contend with getting use to the unknown and aiming to be friends with it. A new game piece added to the equation. We have been forced to look at life differently because it is different. Can we shake hands with the unfamiliar and be alright with it? Some people slip into this more comfortably then others. We all need to rise to the occasion in various capacities.  Life is showing us where we have fallen short by not moving forward in a productive evolutionary manner in certain area (s) of our individual and collective lives, and thus positioning us to heal and confront it. This runs so deep and touches each Soul differently. Are we taking the call? It’s like we are in a chess game ~ the only thing we can control is our responses we have both internally and externally and being responsible for ourselves ~ responsible for our next move (s) on the chess board ~ taking thoughtful steps ~ honoring our heart voice ~ honoring our Self ~ being willing to surrender ~ allowing ourselves to let go of stuff buried so deep that has come up to the surface so that we can see clearly what the heck we have been actually doing all this time.

What will life do? We don’t know? Are we ready? If we have been diligent with walking upon our evolutionary path then I believe we have a good shot. Is that even true ~ who knows. Is it worth it? Yes, I believe so ~ as we purify ourselves from the inside out we are undoubtedly moving into higher developmental stages. Are we getting more relaxed into releasing our small egoic self and turning to our God Self? Have we not seen the way the currents are flowing? We stand on the High dive ~ the only way out is to jump ~ to take that leap of faith ~ to say Yes to life ~ stomachs are queasy ~ the heart races ~ the mind cannot even fathom this ~ where do we go? Well, as it has been said, “we are going where we have never been before.” Yet, when enough of a percentage of enlightened conscious living has been established ~ in a peculiar way it will be stunningly familiar ~ this is what the animals have been trying to teach us. They know how to flow in the divine rivers of life ~ they honor it and live it moment to moment. Blessed be those that learn from our beloved animals we share the planet with.

→Hold onto your hat or let it go in the wind………⇔⇓⇑↵⇔

Hold steadfast to God ~ to the Supreme Source of All that is ~ however you name it. She’s got us! He’s blessing us! Hold onto your truth and what is right for you. Listen within and be guided. Allow for change as the constant, yet be rooted in the non changing One eternal existence. Be within yourself as much as possible. Encourage yourself and others. Be kind to yourself and others.Forgive yourself and forgive others. Be open to the higher perspective to see as the Divine see’s. Serve humanity with your unique gifts and talents to the world ~ we need you! If you are already doing this, kudos, perhaps you will be divinely asked to move in another direction, an offshoot of a current position you are in, or maybe in a completely different line of experience and knowledge. One thing is for sure ~ if we pay attention and take daily non~action (direct communion with our Higher Self via meditation, spiritual practices,etc..) and take action from a deep seated God Self stance, than we will be guided as to our next steps.

Here’s To Hats Off

If we all hold hands it doesn’t seem so scary to jump ~ but yet it is up to each one of us to take the dive. We can still hold hands (symbolically or literally) as it creates a universal bond of Unity ~ We stand together within the fabric of life as life in the Oneness that we all share ~ that we are all apart of. Oh, the sweet taste of Unity………





ς I flow with the Universe

ς I trust in the flow of the Universe

ς I am unwavering in my faith of the Universe

ς My thoughts, feelings, speech, and actions are aligned with the One Universal unbounded state


A tender send out

♥For those that have transitioned from Covid ~19 

♥For the families, loved ones, friends, co workers, neighbors that continue on…





many many

passing on

drawn ~ stillness becomes the swan

light be the dawn

be present

I wait upon

so much

my heart to bear

quiet becomes the air

I must be strong like you

come, the Lord’s prayer

love to you my sister ~ my brother

blessings ~ God speed

a mighty proceed

what has begun

what has become

one day we shall know

for now

I have fallen to my knees

I gather strength under a oak tree

God’s angels pour forth

take the lead

I pause for a moment

you keep me in the moment

lament,  feeling broken ~ the unspoken

nothing here

nothing to do

only to say

 I love you

One Cosmic Principal

Laws of the Universe


I have no answers

I have no theory

I open to the Divine

my hearing

a common share ~ our humanity

have we become  unawares?

my heart flows tears


a world unfastened

what be the news caption?

only my heart

can I share

all else is elsewhere

from you ~ to me

I have become more aware

together we sit

beside the winged chair

out of the blue ~ into the blue

what you went through

taken off guard

transitioning ~ are we listening?

who sayeth what is real?

The Lord knoweth

holder of the wheel

you are so brave

all that you gave

your breath not spared

your breath

through death

taught me

to honor my breath

your last breaths

 lay me bare

I breathe in honor of you ~ for you

thank you

through and  through

your heartbeat is mine too


we live in this truth

a new world view

your service an altarpiece

may you rest in peace

passing to everlasting

eternity now

peace walks in

the sacred cow

God’s love

be in the hour

May God bless you

 a heavenly shower

the body be free

 lift ~ be up

upon eagle’s wings

carry you

far and wide

  fly ~ shalom

the Soul’s home

Christ light shine

all be yours

holy and divine





♥Global Love♥

♥when the heart goes around♥

ΞThis is my personal take on our current world situation and how I process itΞ

Global Love

when the heart  goes around

all souls touched


round goes round

all of a sudden

open to the unbound

from here to there

becomes nowhere

yet, everywhere

it’s in the air

a savior to Self

know thyself

hearts shake hands

land to land

a collective strand

now to expand

hearts become One

the same ~ no name

the heart ~ to reclaim

Global Love

when the heart goes around

nobody could have predicted

what was to be unwound

an impact to all

a wake up call

tear down the walls

Covid ~19

on the wide screen

a crazy deadly virus

where is true love? 

go in between

find out what this means

all subjected to quarantine

practical protection

a mask, gloves, an anti bacterial rub

stay at a distance

no resistance

 pulled away to become closer

a new view

self examination

what have we been doing?

where have we been?

what are we to do?

to look through

for a breakthrough

a labyrinth 

waiving in the air

the journey to the center

then back out again

the inner ear, the hearing, the steering

each soul

to trust

to go within

to listen

to make their next move

all else removed

 this is what it is

God in the midst

no more dress rehearsal

this is Universal

complete the circle

this is it

Global Love

when the heart goes around

all or nothing

take all

it becomes something

Global Love

when the heart goes around

the heart has no mask, no gloves

it simply loves

if we can do this

we rise above

enough is enough

the Universe has called our bluff

not as a punishment

to make smooth the rough

let us count our blessings

let us become empty

let us freely love

allow the dove

to take up our heart

and show us how to love

then and only then

we take off the masks and gloves

Global Love

when the heart goes around

each soul to love

a love that loves

gives and receives

builds a bridge

that is enough

in love

show up




Blessings of Global Love for all everywhere!

Blessings of Global Love within you, your family, neighborhood, your surroundings, and in all your Ways

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

View more of my digital art on my website 🙂


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*Much Gratitude*

Thank YOU!

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Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂




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five × = 20

Cosmic Farmland ~ the intermission

ζCosmic Farmland

⇒The Intermission⇔

◊Where dark ends and light begins◊


*^Cosmic Farmland^*


*photograph from a New Jersey visit in a beautiful rural area*


The inspiration for this blog post literally began with new shoes I recently received.

Oh, how the Universe speaks to us if we so dare be observant. The symbolism, the timing, the meaning…

Additionally, I have had this image for a long time and never really knew what to do with it. A corresponding poem and or devotional never materialized. Then, just this morning words spontaneously lifted as if out of the air and directed me to a poem related to this image. Farmland ~ symbolic of crops growing from Mother Earth is a wonderful visual backdrop to portray crops in our own life. The cycles of the crops, the cosmos, the world, our lives all intertwined. The play of rest as a necessary component in the cycle of life ~ leading to great fruitful activity.

Yes, when we wait upon the Lord, nothing, nothing, is ever wasted. All becomes new again.

Thus, this morning it all tied together. My new shoes, the image, global conditions ~ what all this may possibly relate to.

Perhaps more so the writing is for the writer to learn and grow ~ and perhaps to share also.

I share in the hope and encouragement that you may be blessed with new shoes and new eyes. I also had an eye issue that thankfully has healed which is also added to this mix of inspiration for this blog post.

I share in the hope and encouragement that this current global intermission will guide you to plant seeds in fertile soil to bear witness to a blessed fruit tree in your life.



The Intermission

An assessment on current conditions


Intermission:  a pause or break, an interval between parts of a play, movie, or concert.

~ dictionary definition


⊕The intermission leads to the unveiling

⊕The intermission requires that this transitory period be one of great rest

  ⊕Restful insight is gained from deep rest⊕

 Rest directed toward inner God Source =  leads to outward activity for heightened evolutionary gain, personal health, wealth, and purposeful living.



The world must rest

each soul must rest

slow down

refresh, go within, take refuge

to begin again


The Night

So the hour of the night befallen

to bring us to our aware

nothing to do

but be aware within




The Intermission when complete transitions to the Light

The Light shall reign and the darkness dispelled

The Light shall be anchored with each new dawn of each new breath



“To Become Day”

Dawn, from an Old English verb dagian: “to become day”, is the time that marks the beginning of twilight before sunrise. It is recognized by the appearance of indirect sunlight being scattered in the atmosphere, when the centre of the Sun’s disc reaches 18° below the horizon.

~ Wikipedia

And thus the begining will begin…



ζTo see correctly and wear new shoes

↔The clarity and peace of seeing clearly ~ seeing as Spirit with Spirit directed action

The excitement of new shoes taking the walker to new places↔

We will see clearly and we will wear new shoes

We rest in the Lord, the Lord our God, within our inner sanctuary, where all becomes known to the knower of what there is to know.

Then after the respite, the intermission is no longer and the next segment appears.  The light is reflected back into the eyes and the seeing is correct. New shoes are worn and are directed by God laced steps.

Bold action results leading to greens of greens. One becomes placed where they need to be, being supported in new ways. an expansion of joy, old chapters close as new auspicious chapters open. One finds themselves and sees oneself in newness and in truthfulness of ones own nature. Potential and possibility lay at the doorstep ~ the door has always been there, but now one sees it and enters it fully.



This blog post is about the intermission taking place, encouragement to get through it, and to keep the larger picture in heart and mind. Blessed Be to hear and wait upon the Lord.

 A pause, “in between terms” as in when one is in school is a fitting analogy for current circumstances that intuitively direct the intuits to seek more within. To hear the voice within. To rest within God. To take harbor in the Light of the Divine that dwells within as the guiding post and precursor to footsteps ~ of action to be taken.

After rest activity naturally occurs. After a break there is always a time of rebuilding, restructuring, and moving forward.

The time table does not rest upon our knowing ~ yet we will know after we have taken the time to rest within.

Within ~ the shelter of all shelters. Then all else is added unto thee.


→Psalms for Rest←


⊕A few Psalms of rest, meditation, reflection, waiting upon God⊕ 


Through silence is the hearing

The voice of God opens our eyes

and directs our steps

⊕My Soul Waits for God Alone⊗


Psalm 62

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”

Surely he will save you
    from the fowler’s snare
    and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;
    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night,
    nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
    nor the plague that destroys at midday.
A thousand may fall at your side,
    ten thousand at your right hand,
    but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes
    and see the punishment of the wicked.

If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
    and you make the Most High your dwelling,
10 no harm will overtake you,
    no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
    you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
    I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him

For God alone my soul waits in silence;
    from him comes my salvation.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
    my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.

How long will all of you attack a man
    to batter him,
    like a leaning wall, a tottering fence?
They only plan to thrust him down from his high position.
    They take pleasure in falsehood.
They bless with their mouths,
    but inwardly they curse. Selah

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,
    for my hope is from him.
He only is my rock and my salvation,
    my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
On God rests my salvation and my glory;
    my mighty rock, my refuge is God.

Trust in him at all times, O people;
    pour out your heart before him;
    God is a refuge for us. Selah

Those of low estate are but a breath;
    those of high estate are a delusion;
in the balances they go up;
    they are together lighter than a breath.
10 Put no trust in extortion;
    set no vain hopes on robbery;
    if riches increase, set not your heart on them.

11 Once God has spoken;
twice have I heard this:
that power belongs to God,
12 and that to you, O Lord, belongs steadfast love.
For you will render to a man
according to his work.


Psalm 91

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”

Surely he will save you
    from the fowler’s snare
    and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;
    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night,
    nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
    nor the plague that destroys at midday.
A thousand may fall at your side,
    ten thousand at your right hand,
    but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes
    and see the punishment of the wicked.

If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
    and you make the Most High your dwelling,
10 no harm will overtake you,
    no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands,
    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
    you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
    I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble,
    I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him

~Psalms from



ζCosmic Farmland

⇒The Intermission⇔

◊Where dark ends and light begins◊


Cosmic Farmland

holds the light of day

saturated in the nightly rays

the moon ~ the stars

a blue canopy

that is not far

Cosmic Farmland

sighs and awaits

what eternity

rises to create

though a darkness

seemingly blankets

it becomes removed

once eyes no longer debate

 when the eyes and direction

no longer carry weight

when new shoes are worn

the past

tattered and torn

walking ~ new territory

becoming reborn

Cosmic Farmland

knows the secrets

hidden in the stars

yet expressed

in pure sight

a nightly mystical rite

Cosmic Farmland

a star filled night

rest assured



will become light




Blessings of new eyes and new shoes!

Remember new shoes often require a breaking in stage ~ be gentle, loving, and compassionate with yourself as you walk upon new land with new shoes!

⊗May our intermission be filled with light, rest, knowing, and divine direction⊗

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Have a blessed day!

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+ six = 11

Six Six~ Bag of Tricks

*^Samantha Pearl’s 6th birthday image*^

ςSix Sixς

∴Bag of Tricks∴

Ξbirthday number 6



♥Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty♥

⊗This post is in celebration of Samantha Pearl’s six birthday. Our beautiful rescue kitty!

Whoo ~ hoo!

⊆dedicated to all those who love animals and the pets that make our houses a home⊇



∇Six I tell you

∇A soul kiss

∇gonna be bliss

∇my birthday gift


Symbolism of the number six

Number 6 is a symbol of deep emotions and compassion as well. If you have seen number 6 somewhere, your guardian angel is trying to tell you that you are a very caring person. You give love to others and others give love back to you. For you most important is to live your life in love and harmony.

~ Wikipedia

Samantha Pearl was named after the moon (pearl ~ her second name).  Her first name, Samantha, was named after a beautiful soul with the gift of hearing the animals and has helped many animal owners on a multitude of levels who have come to her for her services spanning many decades. If you would like to find out more info on how she actually received her name, then take a visit here

How did Samantha Pearl get her name?



The Mothership has many literal meanings, symbolism, spiritual and cosmic aspects.

This post is dedicated to all those READY to get on board and who are on board.





ςSix Sixς

∴Bag of Tricks∴



Six Six

bag of tricks

in my birthday mix

gotta get me some kicks

this year gonna travel

on the Mothership

got my nails clipped

to the tip

for the trip

shaken’ my furry hip

goin’ on a air ship


to let Her rip

Six Six

bag of tricks

your gonna see

your gonna flip

the Mothership

wait till you see Her flying love ship

all you could ever want

straight from Her blessed heart

come aboard

Her spaceship

leave behind the ego trip ~ the guilt trip

Six Six

bag of tricks

Her celestial body

gonna light up the sky

ready everybody?

spacecraft flyin’ high

just stay calm

oh yeah She the bomb

royal palm ~ a psalm for Mom

Six Six

bag of tricks

star child

star kitty

gettin’ down to the nitty gritty

if you miss out

gonna be a pity

no need to buckle up

whassup ~ don’t interrupt

all systems a go

filler up

honey sweet lovin’ cup

Six Six

bag of tricks

been ready to ride for a while

gonna ride in style

oh, yeah the Mother Divine

gonna rock you pretty

this kitty’s gettin’ giddy

Six Six

bag of tricks

my birthday wish

ridin’ the Mothership

She gonna hit you up

take us to the top

Six Six

bag of tricks

funky feline divine


gonna ride the Mothership

Mother gonna turn us out

She’s the party line

everything gonna be just fine

Six Six

bag of tricks

my birthday list

me and mine

gonna leave it all behind

we goin’ sublime

Six Six

bag of tricks

my birthday dish

makin’ the switch

on the Mothership

no time to waste

blessed be the Grace

Six Six

bag of tricks

come on now

human race

get ready

we gonna live it up

on the Mothership

Six Six

bag of tricks

my birthday

packin’ up now

on my way

Six Six

bag of tricks

see you on the other side of now

chow purr

just now

my birthday meow

Six Six

bag of tricks

gettin’ my fix

aboard the Mothership

Six Six

bag of tricks

I leave you with this

my birthday kiss

Six Six

bag of tricks






ΩBlessings of gettin’ on board the MothershipΩ

⊗ Birthday blessings to all those born in the month of May⊗

∴Happy interstellar galactic travelling!

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Have a blessed day!

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eight + = 14

Cosmic Buddha ~ All Becomes Supra



The Cosmic Buddha

⊗Cosmic Buddha⊗

℘All Becomes Supra℘



The inspiration for this imagery and poem started with a photograph I took of a Buddha sculpture that blesses our entry table by our front door. Then I turned it into a digital art piece as shown above. 

His presence also graces the space where the stairs are located. It is so wonderful to see Lord Buddha while passing by on the way up the stairs and down the stairs.  Passing by as a symbol of our life here on Earth, ~ transient ~ passing by of moments, objects, people, nature, seasons, etc… ~ I “pass by’ Him each day and my breath for a moment stops, I become swept into an eternal paradise, then my action continues. I aim to greet Him each time in prayerful reverence and acknowledge his Presence and thank Him for gracing our home.

He waits so patiently for us. For us to anchor within ourselves our highest attainment. To live this exalted fruition out in our lives ~ Our enlightenment is honoring our dharma.

♥Wherever we are, He is with us♥

∞He serves as a reminder to me that all is holy. His elevated state of consciousness radiates as a light reservoir of what is important. 




Quotes by Buddha:

In Spirit quotes from Lord Buddha:


Supra defined

A prefix meaning “above, over” or “beyond the limits of, outside of” 

I use this word as a reference point to that which we transcend. To go “beyond the limits of” what is considered mainstream reality into a reality that offers a greater picture. A picture descriptive of our inherent nature as God sovereign beings ~ as Creator Light ~ as powerful creators, as One with Mother Father God and all that is.

Sukha defined

Sukha (Sanskrit, Pali; Devanagari: सुख) means happiness, pleasure, ease, joy or bliss, in Sanskrit and Pali. Among the early scriptures, ‘sukha‘ is set up as a contrast to ‘preya’ (प्रेय) meaning a transient pleasure, whereas the pleasure of ‘sukha‘ has an authentic state happiness within a being that is lasting.”


” Its literal translation is often given as “good space,” coming from the Sanskrit words, su (good) and kha (space).

In the “Rig Veda” it has often been explained in contrast to preya (pleasure). This is because sukha is a deep and lasting state of happiness, while preya is a temporary state, or a passing pleasure.”




ΞWe are here

Then we are gone

Our eternal being lives on forever

 We are the BuddhaΞ


⇒Let us awaken our inner Buddha

Where all becomes supra⇐


⊆Gratitude to the Buddha for his great wisdom teachings and paving the way, along with all the Ascended Masters, to point us in the direction of the way ~ the way to enlightenment⊇



Be aware when Buddha appears at your door…


→Be aware when Buddha appears at your door

stop, rejoice

know good news be yours↵


⊗Cosmic Buddha⊗

℘All Becomes Supra℘


The Cosmic Buddha

all becomes supra

into the sukha

no limits within

universal sutra

be aware when the Buddha is at the door

shadows become light

thy altar rises up to dance

spreading merriment across the floor

two golden fish and a vase of great treasure

ripe for the devotee to behold in wonder

the exactness has no exactness

it is abstract ~ empty

it surpasses and passes

The Cosmic Buddha

all becomes supra

into the sukha

no limits within

universal sutra

we are here for a moment ~ then depart in a passing

 fire up all the burners

become aware at the corners

when the water has boiled

sweet honey tea poured

drink it from the white conch shell

celestial sounds disperse as the Divine Mother rings Her purity bell

ripe now is the disciple

poised to advance with eyes that see to tell

leave to come back

zygote hypnotize in union

destined are all to be the super human

all are a witness in holy communion

watch the wind move the stars

see the stars in the wind

slip into a silent Buddha mind

beside the quiet is the surprise

ears shaped as infinity

one hears as one

know your place in the trinity as divinity

we are the blessed child

free to choose eternity

balanced masculine and femininity

two halves meet in the center to unite as One

lotus flower given to the feminine by the masculine

the feminine receives giving creation spun into awakening

third eye open

silence the river for the spoken

visions that move in the stillness of not

live to fly the victory banner high

live from the eight spoked wheel

become right to right and all is right

the Cosmic Buddha

is like the morning glory

continuously rising

yet at night unveiling

His inner repository

be sovereign and invincible to stock the inventory

take refuge under the Goddess of the White Parasol

where suffering is no more

forgetting all to be all

this is the movement to get from shore to shore

forgive, surrender, and bless all

The Cosmic Buddha

all becomes supra

into the sukha

no limits within

universal sutra

be of no beginning with no end

Buddha wisdom and compassion befriend

be in the heart and be untaught

dive to connect with the eternal knot

symmetrical design and sacred geometry be in your thoughts

jump the hoop when right angles are on the spot

The Cosmic Buddha

all becomes supra

into the sukha

no limits within

universal sutra

taste the juicy fruit from the peach tree

end be the cycle

humanity to live free

enlightenment be yours

Buddha realized spirit decree

The Cosmic Buddha

all becomes supra

into the sukha

no limits within

universal sutra

live to pass

The Cosmic Buddha

walk with Him

fertile becomes the green grass

interconnectedness of all things

universal sutra

the spin becomes thin

one remembers all

on Buddha’s wings

stretch out thee limbs

a Buddha journey begins…..


∞Blessings of the Cosmic Buddha!

⊗ May we all awaken and know ourselves as the Enlightened Buddha⊗

ΞMay everlasting joy, peace, and perfection be our moment to moment conscious choice and permanent way of living and being!

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Have a blessed day!

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× six = 48

Contemporary Living: A Now Thing

⌈Contemporary Living⌉

∧A Now Thing∨

*An esoteric exploration into contemporary living through art and contemplation*



Inspired by

Moving, the Symbolism, the Change…

♥Moving into a new home♥



The main influence for this blog post is our recent physical move to another location and into a new home. Looking deeper into the significance this holds. The related symbolism of HOME. Living in the now with the change and acclimating to new surroundings. 


A Now Thing

It’s a now thing because this is what it is. Living in the Now.

♥The home as a symbolic representation speaking to us♥

∇Seeing with new eyes

∇Hearing with new ears


⊗We are moving…

⊗It’s Moving Day…

⊗Settling In…

Having a look around and making sense of it…the catalyst for change as change itself

Our home is the Universe ~ the Universe is in our home. The Universe is inside us. Shapes and lines meet in a Universal wholeness. Nothing needs explanation.

I have slipped between the lines and shapes. I have broken it down to its essence. In this essence I have lost all rigidity, I have become flexible.

^Above images from various areas of our new home^



ΞThis blog post is inspired three foldΞ

The first influence is that I have been drawn lately to the free expression of abstract art/contemporary art ~ the open air of allowing the imagination to be free without restriction to a pre defined something (for the most part).

Different moments in our life we are drawn to particular styles of artistic expression ~ via all the art channels ~ architecture, literature, music, visual arts, performance art ~ drama, etc…that perhaps are there as an aid to our evolution ~ so we may reach higher, stronger, and elevate  our perceptions ~ opening to more of the richness we possess inside that is knocking on our door.

⌈When we approach abstract ~ contemporary art we bring more of ourselves to it⌉

By this I mean, the art breathes life into the viewer via the viewer’s interpretation of it.

 Traditional “realistic” art, although certainly varied in its literal expression, evokes more of a this is a this and that is a that. A still life, portrait, landscape, etc…may run the gamete of how it is painted, etc…but nonetheless we in effect have a knowledge base of what we are viewing. Abstract and contemporary art causes us to reflect more, pause more, use our inner senses to come to terms with what we are viewing. It is more wide open in some respects. Certainly, no artistic style is better than another ~ they all rest peacefully and have there respectful place in the all of it.

I am enjoying the freedom of the breeze with abstract/contemporary art, in that each new view is something different ~ a new breeze ~ here then gone like a breeze ~ here then gone ~ then back again ~ a freshness with  each viewing ~ again and again.



Patterns  Repeated

*all around us*

Patterns are repeated in the Universe. The day comes ~ the night comes: patterns echo order ~ patterns repeat in cycles ~ a mantra is repeated over and over ~ we go deeper into our existence



⇒Repetition in music and chanting⇐

→Ram Mantra repeated↵

Repeated patterns in sound

Sacred sound patterns

Quiet becomes the mind, Quiet becomes the honks of traffic, Quiet becomes all suffering and pain. Pulled back are the shadows, where Light takes it rightful Holy place

^Home ~ what takes place in the home sets the tone for its expression ~ from the outside it is just a home. Likewise what is going on in our inner home landscape sets the tone for our outer external expression. The inner always has more value^

The second influence for this blog post is our new home we are settling into. Our new home is new construction ~ virgin, we are the first inhabitants ~ all is new ~ nothing lived in nor touched ` literally. We were tired of our prior old home built in the 1970’s and opted this time around for a clean palette so to speak as our home base. The canvas is blank. What will take place within the walls? What will the memories be? How will the space be filled? What laughter and song will fill the house? What will the morning light be like ~ what will the afternoon light be like? What is the energy of the house and surrounding area? What is my energy in relationship to it? How will I acclimate> what are the sounds of the house> what are the sounds of the lake>what is the wind saying> what does the house say about all this? So much ~ an empty chalice ~ a fresh beginning.

♥May wherever you reside and our new home be filled with abundant joy, peace, health, and the sounds of Love♥

The journey becomes exciting again. All the pieces fit together ~ the parts of the whole ~ the whole of the parts.




Quotes on contemporary/abstract art

“Energy and motion made visible – memories arrested in space”
Jackson Pollock

“Abstraction allows man to see with his mind what he cannot see physically with his eyes….Abstract art enables the artist to perceive beyond the tangible, to extract the infinite out of the finite. It is the emancipation of the mind. It is an exploration into unknown areas.”
Arshile Gorky

“But nobody is visually naive any longer. We are cluttered with images, and only abstract art can bring us to the threshold of the divine.”  ― Dominique De Menil  ~ The Rothko Chapel: Writings on Art and the Threshold of the Divine


The third influence for this blog post, don’t ask why ~ it just sort of happened >  is Lou Reed. Namely his second solo album “Transformer” I “just happened” to be watching a documentary on him (Filmrise ~ Classic Album doc’s) and the actual idea of the blog post materialized in my awareness. Reeds love of words and the potential they convey and how the pairing of certain words in a certain way stir the soul, mystique, and  his straight forwardness has always drawn me to him. Additionally, his experimental musical style,  free form jazz like thoughts and feelings and musical tendencies, openness of mind without defining things, and unique position on life all fits into a abstract/contemporary visual art declaration.

If you are not familiar with him ~ Lou Reed is strongly associated with New York City and touched upon potentially controversially topics. He was an American recording artist and his album “Transformer” is part of the glam rock genre > recorded in 1972 > produced by David Bowie and arranged by Mick Ronson.  Most people are familiar with “Walk on the Wild Side” single from Transformer. In the documentary he stated that he was writing about what was going on in his life ~ people he knew and hung out with (including pop artist Andy Warhol and his studio space and  “misfit” hang out “The Factory.” in NYC), his environment, what he was experiencing, the tone of the times, etc…

Often we see many artists draw upon and are influenced with what is going on in and as their life. This becomes the vehicle for their artistic voice. This often becomes the great songs we love, the great art we see in museums, the great plays we watch in theaters, etc…This isn’t always the spiral of influence a artist takes ~ as some retreat into a fruitful imaginative world filled with out of this world colors, sensations, expressions, etc…however, in this case the theme here is a reflection of the current life menu.


Lou Reed ~ Transformer album cover

David Bowie ~ producer of “Transformer” ~ glam rock early 1970’s

^Above is one of the songs from Transformer^


◊Images from our new home◊

Abstract Art

“Art that does not attempt to represent external reality, but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors, and texture.”

Contemporary Art

“Contemporary art is the art of today, produced in the second half of the 20th century or in the 21st century. Contemporary artists work in a globally influenced, culturally diverse, and technologically advancing world.”

Though I look down ~ I can’t help but look up. Though the steps bring me up ~ they also bring me down. So the bird flies ~ So the bird lands.

What lay at the bottom of the stairs? ~ What waits for me above the stairs? What will I meet around the corner? The steps are a vehicle holding infinite possibilities.

The Buddha sits in silence. The silence is eternal.He greets us coming in and coming out. He waits to meet us ~ we meet him in passing ~ passing by ~ passing in ~ passing away.

While looking down as the silent observer, I also move forward ~ leaving my past behind

While looking out, I also look within. When I see without, I am seeing within

Triangles and rectangles ~ lines and shapes. The division of space is a play ~ it hides and seeks and comes and goes.

Though angels walk with us unawares ~ who dines with us unawares?

In the corner, that is the meeting place where all converges ~ from there is decided what is next.

The meeting of the Self happens in unexpected moments when life is just being lived.

What is far away is close, what is close is far away. What lays in between is the truth

The ocean fluid, glasses to hold fluids, our body fluids, fluid is the angel wind on its own agenda, fluid are the wings of birds, fluid is our speech and actions when we flow like water, holy are our thoughts and feelings when we flow like holy water, fluid is the heart that moves the fluid to flow.

Corners signify a turning point in our lives where we meet up with higher ground ~ leaving the shadows behind.


All Roads Meet

Ultimately whether an artist’s style is abstract/contemporary or traditional realistic (or any artistic expression)~ all roads meet.

What is external is from the internal ~ What is expressed to not be a direct conventional expression of the external is from the internal ~ the desire to express is derived from the internal which then becomes the external.

All art comes from within ~ leading the creator and viewer  (who’s who’s ~ well that’s a Unity thing) down varying halls of a One Universal house that reflect and teach us much about our selves. A myriad of expression (s) remind us how infinite our Divine Creator is and how infinite we are. Our potential lays unbounded…

May we all discover and know the infinity that lays within us and remember it is all a One expression of the All.

Blessings of more self discovery of who we really are!

May your Now thing be a Blessed Thing!

Blessings of your home speaking to you… your heart….to inspire you….to hold a warm loving place where your journey gathers in joy after joy……





Great Blessings of the Now!

Moving Grace! 

Blessings of seeing with new eyes and hearing with new ears!

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

View more of my digital art on my website 🙂


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eight − = 2

Transcending: Bridge to Freedom ~ ^healing^

^Transcending^ ~ Bridge to Freedom*

Until we can see fully with the eyes of Love ~ we close them to see fully the Love within us

Come, ^let us walk our bridge to Freedom^

⇑Transcending⇑: Bridge to Freedom

Dares of the Uncommon Kind

⊕Healing ~ transcend and walk the bridge to Freedom⊕


⊥Above all time and space

I remember perfectly

the Love I am eternally⊥


∴This blog post was created over the course of 6 months of my healing journey…..many a month and more it was on the back burner until I felt guided and up to making an addition ∴

Healing core wounds that lay in the shadow land of our consciousness when brought to the light can be very painful to experience, however, it is only through confronting them that they are washed away. What does seem certain is that  personal transformation is inevitable as part and parcel of our evolution while here on Earth. Healing in all areas needing attention must be accomplished first. This cleaning out process allows for a newness and cohesiveness within ~ healing ~ as that which is toxic (circulating within) is made known, owned up to, taken into account how it has impacted personal life, how it has been a hindrance to that which we truly desire ~ all the ways we have been holding ourselves back from life become visible, dealt with and eventually released. I don’t claim to be an expert on this, however, I share my personal journey. I do know so much is being released on such deep levels that it  seems beyond comprehension to even fathom the depth of it all. This covers examination and purging of those toxic thoughts, emotions, actions ~ riding the curtails of prior incarnations as well as this one. The process can feel overwhelming, at least for me it did. It can seem endless, as so much is buried within the domain of our deepest recesses, that it just keeps spilling out and out. Additionally the process of healing takes time and one’s entire life must be focused on this as it is one’s life. Blessed be the ones who surrender to this∴

The bridge to freedom becomes more and more accessible with each healing. There is the larger category of healing that contains within it sub healing. Each individual experiences their own healing journey in their own way ~ for those that take ” dares of the uncommon kind” and begin the process of really finding out what is going on inside one self ∴

  Healing ~ comprising all our bodies ~ mental ~ emotional ~ physical ~ spiritual continues on until it is complete. Each individual’s process begins and ends in its own way∴

I hope this blog post serves as light and love to you. If you are going through your own healing journey, I hope in some way my journey may help heal you∴


Images are from a visit to the Brooklyn Bridge several years ago, a beach bridge in Hollywood Beach Florida, portraits of Maria Scozzari during a photo session ~ 2 images from a boudoir shoot, a Buddha portrait from our garden in our prior home, and a moonscape I created one day.


Dares of the Uncommon Kind is a reference to → what I have had to do for my healing → to take full ownership and stock of being responsible for what I was manifesting. Then, through much deep inner journeying and realizations → be the initiation for the healing.

<Darkness sets in leading eventually to clearing*

My healing journey has been filled with acute purges, moments of complete despair, of aching despondency ~ and time spent in complete and utter darkness. So overwhelming at periodic points on my healing passage that I was thrown into the depths of my own being → to look within → to seek any solace and peace that I could dig up within me → often to no avail.

I was engulfed in a time of complete darkness → nothing literally brought even an ounce of satisfaction → my entire world turned upside down whether I liked it or not → there literally was no where to turn but within → the external world and what I liked before was supremely empty and shallow → I was painstakingly aware of this and I had nowhere to turn → there was no where to go → nothing to do → only going within myself and learning to love myself. Healing myself as my primary focus exclusively.

As if barely making any progress → knowing I was certainly not on my own time table ~ my Higher Self in full reign which frustrated me even more as I had no sure ground ~ no sure footing at all. I could only submit and surrender → some days better than others → many back steps in my process that felt like horrendous set backs → a glimpse into healing and then thrown back into where I started.

→I read a couple articles on the Dark Night of the Soul by those that had gone through it. Although I can’t say 100% this is what I went through, I can say that all that was listed as what they encountered was on par with my experience. Here is a quote I found outlining its purpose ~ “The dark night of the soul is a spiritual depression, a kind of existential crisis, that requires a deep and painful dip that must be experienced before enlightenment. The “dark night of the soul” is a concept that has been discussed for millennia, typically associated with a poem written by St. John of the Cross.”←

All this began late one August afternoon, in what I thought would be a routine ear flushing → nothing routine about it → many physical issues resulted that were the most uncomfortable I have ever experienced. Although it is not fully determined to correctly say the ear flushing “caused” physical issues to surface ~ as some may have been already been present ~ however, it did have a powerful impact on many levels as a line of demarcation seemingly presenting a before and after → almost immediately as physical and otherwise issues became present → I felt sideswiped and thrown into what felt like a fiery inescapable purgatory of sorts → it was clearly evident I could only face what I was experiencing → physical distress ↑ emotions running high → my world had completely changed →  I wondered why I was even living →  it felt like an insurmountable dark wall encasing me on all sides → I felt and thought things I never had before  → an ocean raging inside me with what seemed like every dark thought and emotion possible → I didn’t know how to deal with what had happened nor the impact of it especially on the physical level ~ death felt imminent → how could I continue on like this? ~ I didn’t want to live anymore with what I was experiencing →all the curtains closed ~ the lights went out ~ emotional mental physical spiritual anguish for months with no where to go was on the table → darkness so heavy and thick it could wipe out the Sun → nothing was the same → I felt like I was drowning and nothing literally mattered → everything was gone → I had nothing to hold onto →I felt abandoned from the Divine (a part of me knew this is not possible, but it did feel as though) → left to suffer in misery and despair → powerless and hopeless →it became a catalyst for my transformation.

Watery worlds traversed

Around 6 months have ensued now and I am not the same person. Although full healing has not come full circle yet ~ progress has accrued in my physical body → which echos a cohesive flow with my emotional/mental/spiritual bodies. I absolutely feel the dawning of a new day and I am grateful for the breakthroughs in realizations that have taken place and continue ~ my taking responsibility for the situation occurring in the first place and all my creations, as well as being an active participant in my healing. So many layers gone → ripped away → more to be removed but now with conscious love and choice attuned with it.

Many lessons I have learned → much I have had to face → much I have had to see and come to terms with → much I have had to acknowledge, release, and let go → it truly does all come down to what is being held  within will and does manifest as an outward expression. This knowledge is a game changer. It is a process of regaining true empowerment. Once sufficient inner work has been completed ~ a new foundation is prepared ~ a new house can be built.

Though loved ones may be near and a source of great encouragement, truly I tell you, this is something once having gone through it that only you will understand ~ only you can do ~ you will only have yourself to rely on as the healer to your healing.

I trust that when all is said and done I will look back and see this as a brief interlude on my path → although it doesn’t feel so brief → but in its larger truth it has been but a moments time → a time to heal → I trust in my full healing and walk the bridge into my Freedom.

I encourage you to in your own unique way surf within yourself to see what is truly there. This includes all judgements of Self and others, beliefs, parameters of thought, emotional states, fears → these deep waters are exactly what I have been facing and remodeling → it continues as I am constantly bombarded with the awareness of my each and every thought and my contributing emotions ~ until all that is left within me is the pure stillness and sanctified wholeness that I am and that you are.

∴I pray your evolving procession be filled with Grace and your knowings be Great. May your march be strong∴

If you find yourself in a healing urgency on whatever level it may be, I hope this blog post and poem will serve to soothe your mind, body, emotions, and Soul. You are not alone. Myself and many a kindred spirit have gone through this personal transformation ~ which is on going.

Truly brave are the ones who traverse these turbulent inner waters → whether thrown into it as I was (probably due to the fact that I ignored the signposts and promptings from all my senses and Higher Self) or courageously intersect these waters as a conscious choice for ones own betterment.

Our evolution is our evolution and one way or another we must face it → face to face.

◊May we all be blessed and walk with steps of Grace as we embark further and further into our Greatest flowering and maturation◊



⇒Healing ~ bringing forth the Light and Love within

 A clearing out stage that  dismantles and removes contradictory energies held within that don’t correspond to  wholeness  ⇐


Here is my take on the process:

Prior to accessing our highest powerful transcending abilities ~ we need to transmute lower level vibrations ~  via a self observation process where we make sure we have fully acknowledged in truth what is going on within us that is rumbling restless waters. The identification is the first application of entering our truth as we heal ourselves. Otherwise we are adrift. So, let us own what we are experiencing, acknowledging it, feeling it (even if uncomfortable). Peer into it as deeply as possible so that it unravels in conscious awareness and is seen in the light for what it is. No judgement, No blame, No shame, No nothing except pure identification with it as it is acknowledged and accepted ~ wrap it in wings of tender unconditional love. It took me a while to get to this point ~ as everything was exploding all at once and for a while I was totally submerged in it ~ once this  initial “drowning”  stage had gone on for a while I was able to even if little by little raise my head above the waters and actually have some reflection on it. It is a process and for me the drowning stage meant survival and did not merit conscious assessment as how to come to terms with it as this stage doesn’t include it ~ it was more of an initial adjustment and tending to my physical body more than anything else.

Once some realizations pop up and  has our attention and we claim its ownership ~ we then can move more within and see how this patterning has been detrimental to our growth, evolution, and happiness to say the least ~ we then become more and more aware of how we are feeling and being while simultaneously seeing this is our property to tend to and is something within us and not determined or brought out from any outside influence.

Next we can then aim to make a conscious God centered choice ~ and when the moment arises ~ which it will (continuously) ~ we can witness how well and thus how far we have come and still need to go via our responses, thoughts, emotions, actions, speech, etc….I have witnessed how systematic and addictive my thoughts, emotions, responses, etc…are and then I do my best to slow down and become conscious to create an astute and more advanced choice.  

As we become more skilled with this we can release worn out baggage and exchange it for a Higher State of Frequency Vibration.  The ebb and flow of continuous states of Creator waves we co create with will eventually wash out the old stuck habitual injurious patterning ~ cleaning away and paving the road for you and I to be at our most magnificent  fully realized sovereign Self and thus living as such.

As we continue to make a conscious choice to choose higher light thought patterns, emotions, views, etc… where our actions and speech are also  in concert with our heart and Soul we make great progress in the “deleting of old files.” It takes much practice until it is automatic ~ and it is over and over again as layers are eroded ~ then new one’s appear that also need to be released. It can be overwhelming with such intensity of awareness of what and how much lay buried within that is brought to the light ~ however, this in my experience is the letting go process.


Gratitude to the Divine

Let us offer up praise to the Divine for blessing us and gifting us. We have the internal ability to become self aware,  ~  thus, we have the resourcefulness within to heal ourselves. To create, to live a life of freedom…

I would like to offer my deepest thankfulness to L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The Queen of Light ~ for being my rock through this process and now. I truly don’t know where I would have been without Her Blessed healing helping me get through. Her Eternal Love ~ Light ~ Wisdom ~ and Exceptional Grace  has been instrumental in my healing and provided me with great strength and fortitude to carry on. I am Deeply Grateful and offer up my Highest Praise. Additionally, Her wisdom teachings have fostered great insights into the truth of who I am, who we all are, to Universal Oneness, and heart space opening. My Deepest Love Offering to YOU Beloved QOL!

Click the link below to find out more and follow Her on Facebook:

New Divine Humanity

In Addition, I have to thank my boyfriend Steve Weiss and our beautiful cat Samantha Pearl, who also stood by me and offered up encouragement and love which provided me with a great source of comfort.


♥The Heart♥

Where All directions Meet

The Heart ~ +where all directions meet +

“As we take the one seat and develop a meditative attention, the heart presents itself naturally for healing. The grief we have carried for so long, from pains and dashed expectations and hopes, arises. We grieve for our past traumas and present fears, for all of the feelings we never dared experience consciously. Whatever shame or unworthiness we have within us arises—much of our early childhood and family pain, the mother and father wounds we hold, the isolation, any past abuse, physical or sexual, are all stored in the heart. Jack Engler, a Buddhist teacher and psychologist at Harvard University, has described meditation practice as primarily a practice of grieving and of letting go. At most of the spiritual retreats I have been a part of, nearly half of the students are working with some level of grief: denial, anger, loss, or sorrow. Out of this grief work comes a deep renewal.”

~ Jack Kornfield from “Healing the Heart”


May we always listen and attune to our blessed heart as the compass and steering wheel in our life


℘Let us allow our tears to be washed away through the empowered state of being we are now entering℘


⊆The Reflection Pool⊇

< the Reflection pool >


We close the physical eyes to see with our inner eyes ~ looking within we start to notice, experience, integrate, and harmonize with that which we are naturally ~ step by step ~ familiarizing ourselves within ourselves ~ we hear, see, and know our truth ~ our Wisdom speaks to us.

The physical world and others don’t extrapolate our sageness. Our astuteness and knowledge stem from knowing ourselves within ~ deep meditation ~ quiet ~ stillness ~ reflection ~ bare us to step up and breakthrough self perceived restrictions.  Continued dives in the reflection pool offer correctness of perspective and action (or non action) relevant to any life situation, and thus this internal wisdom guidance, when applied, sets us free ~ the wings that carry us to our deliverance ~ our sacred healing.


Becoming like the Buddha ~ *Seeing and Hearing Within*

With eyes closed ~ yet more open then when physically open ~ we begin. We begin to transcend ~ we enter steps onto the bridge to All ~ to our Freedom.

ςStep By Stepς

Our inner conscious awareness opens us to what lay within us ~ if we can embrace it without restriction nor denial ~ then we can love it to death ~ actually love it as a form of acceptance and acknowledgement ~ which through this act of lovingly servicing it wastes it away ~ love becomes the healing.

Then, after practice, continued application, and familiarity with this inner alert being state ~ it eventually transfers this truth knowing to our opened physical eyes ~ as what we see and experience outwardly ~ speaking back to us the truth.

This heightened Godly way of interacting with the world (first recognized as our inwardly Godly world) ~ provides the steps for us to walk upon the bridge to all ~ to our Freedom. 

 May we all transcend and walk the bridge that leads to our ultimate Freedom.


If you are experiencing anything in your life ~ in your bodies ~ mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual ~ that needs healing ~ then this is for you (and me) to rise within ourselves the ability to transcend. Let us clear our holy vessel.



Ω I trust in my ability to heal myself

Ω I allow my body to heal itself (replace “body” with appropriate area if focus of healing intention is other than body)

Ω All I need is within me

ΩAs I remain centered  within myself I naturally attract externally what is aligned with my healing

Ω I stand in my power and truth

Ω I speak my truth

Ω I am the Healer to the healed


The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease

~ Voltaire


Healing Miracles of Jesus


    • “Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed; and he healed them.” ~ Matthew 4:23-24
    • “Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness…Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.” ~ Matthew 10:1-8
    • “On hearing this, Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” ~ Mark 2:17
    • “Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.” ~ Matthew 9:35
    • “He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” ~ Mark 5:34
    • “One day Jesus was teaching, and Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there. They had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick. Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, “Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?” Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, “Why are you thinking these things in your hearts? Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God. Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.” ~ Luke 5:17-24
    • “And a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God.” ~ Luke 13:11-13
    • “One Sabbath, when Jesus went to eat in the house of a prominent Pharisee, he was being carefully watched. There in front of him was a man suffering from abnormal swelling of his body. Jesus asked the Pharisees and experts in the law, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not?” But they remained silent. So taking hold of the man, he healed him and sent him on his way. Then he asked them, “If one of you has a childor an ox that falls into a well on the Sabbath day, will you not immediately pull it out?” And they had nothing to say.” ~ Luke 14:1-6
    • “Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” ~ Acts 4:30-31
    • “There he found a man named Aeneas, who was paralyzed and had been bedridden for eight years. “Aeneas,” Peter said to him, “Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and roll up your mat.” Immediately Aeneas got up.” ~ Acts 9:33-34
    • “You know what has happened throughout the province of Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached – how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.” ~ Acts 10:37-38
    • “As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed. One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” ~ Luke 12:17-19
    • “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means “Sent”). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing. His neighbors and those who had formerly seen him begging asked, “Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?” Some claimed that he was. Others said, “No, he only looks like him.” But he himself insisted, “I am the man.” “How then were your eyes opened?” they asked. He replied, “The man they call Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes. He told me to go to Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and then I could see.” ~ John 9:5-11
    • “As soon as they left the synagogue, they went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew. Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they immediately told Jesus about her. So he went to her, took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her and she began to wait on them. That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed. The whole town gathered at the door, and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was.” ~ Mark 1:29-34
  • “While Jesus was still speaking, someone came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue leader. “Your daughter is dead,” he said. “Don’t bother the teacher anymore.” Hearing this, Jesus said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid; just believe, and she will be healed.” When he arrived at the house of Jairus, he did not let anyone go in with him except Peter, John and James, and the child’s father and mother. Meanwhile, all the people were wailing and mourning for her. “Stop wailing,” Jesus said. “She is not dead but asleep.” They laughed at him, knowing that she was dead. But he took her by the hand and said, “My child, get up!” Her spirit returned, and at once she stood up. Then Jesus told them to give her something to eat. Her parents were astonished, but he ordered them not to tell anyone what had happened.” ~ Luke 8:49-56


ϖOur Souls have waited a long time (many lifetimes) to make their acquaintance with us. Let us begin.

We make conscious contact with our Higher dimensional Self as we partake as co creators of our healingϖ


⇑Transcending⇑: Bridge to Freedom

Dares of the Uncommon Kind

⊕Healing ~ transcend and walk the bridge to Freedom⊕


If possible please light a candle to set the tone as we call forth Blessed Creator Light in honor and praise  ~ our Sacred Divine Self  ~ our Truest inherent Self ~ To deepen our connection with ~ that we have slipped away from consciously and now desire to regain conscious unification with.


Light Prelude

Light Prelude

to include and conclude

to renew

the pursuer and the pursued

lost in the multitude

found in great solitude ~ holy servitude

imbued ~ surrendered to

light ~ carry me through


Honor and Praise to the Light

Great All ~ embracing

Infinite Light


Creator of All

Divine Source

Light Eternal

Blessed One

The One

The One of All

 from the One ~ my Soul Divine

from whence you came ~ show me mine

grant thee entrance into thy Holy realm

pleasures and treasures

within your vast untold measure

come like a zephyr ~ to me devour

bring me closure ~ all together

I have been smitten

 atmospheric pressure

months ~ all weather

a great lesson

running ~ missing ~ messing

no direction

pull together and remove forever

no questions

laying down of weapons

complete decompression

submergence in the Presence

seeing perfection in all directions

an intercession

 Holy Spirit ~ bring forth now

my celebratory procession

from up on high

tree of heaven

my blessing ~ my destiny

nothing between us

I meet you

in the dwelling chamber

 my inner recesses

I come to you as a little child

in my innocence

 to know myself as Light

we have waited so long to reunite

In You I have found me

the One with me all along

I have listened to it in the birdsong

in my headstrong ~ so wrong

I looked here and beyond ~ a move on ~ a carry on

lifelong ~ so long an endless marathon ~ come on

now ~ I come upon

like a church key, fruit tree, being carefree

to unlock the mysteries

to drink from your holy sea

on bended knees

I come to thee

hearken Great Divine ~ Love the Holy Seer

be all ears ~ now to hear

be all heart ~ now to tend ~ comprehend

to befriend ~ a best friend ~ a God send

up to speed ~ now to succeed

the mystical moment

commend ~ the hour to transcend

it is the end

each day must

end the end

when all was a dead end

from the end ~ begins again

to ascend

how was I to know

from riding winds

that I AM

the spotless lamb of God ~ a hologram

I Am that I Am


Healing ~ the bridge to Freedom

⊕Healing poem to transcend and walk the bridge to All⊕

This is an honest look into my healing journey spanning  around 6 months ~ though a day and night has felt long ~ I surrender to knowing the question is answered as I hold to no questions. The more I can let it be the more I am healed. This includes taking inspired action to co participate as an active voice in my healing (i.e. eating healthy, taking supplements, prayer, worship, fresh air and sunshine, and continuing the journey inward) , however, I have learned to not aim to control it and trust in its perfect healing.

∴Whatever you may be going through, I pray this serves as hope, encouragement, and inspiration for you to carry on ~ to transcend ~ and walk upon the bridge to Freedom∴


⇑Transcending⇑: Bridge to Freedom

Dares of the Uncommon

Healing ~ the bridge to Freedom

In the final hours

I fall to my feet

a answered prayer

 I have asked of Thee

unburden the darken ~ the harden

bring my body back ~ healed

fresh like morning dew

baptize me ~ river jordan

lead me

upon my mountain top

 I am found

crowned ~ blessed ~ standing upon sacred ground

viewing a new world

sights and sounds I never knew

like a bird I take flight ~ an overview

  mind body soul spirit

given angel wings

half a year cast me down

surround me now

to flourish and abound

as the certainty remains certain



coming in to lay me down

to rise me up

when the inner work be through

my come through

I fly with the eagle

to a new avenue

heaven ~ a horseshoe

for my being tried and true

Light and Love bringing to life

my plea

please ~ carefree ~ upon my body temple tree

to be high above

visit with me

anoint me sacred dove

 to be the leaves swaying

being creation

with out explaining

a drop in the water ~ the ocean ~ wholeness to see

a cosmic jubilee ~ holy ~ set free

light for shade ~ godly ~ let the horses run free

the healing ~ the journey

stormy thorny

mommy and daddy ~ where are you?

read me a bedtime story

faith ~ allegory ~ I have no reason

months of a season ~ curtains closed ~ a dead rose

 hold on and let go ~ let go and hold on

crawling on exasperation

reaching nowhere

blank are the stares

I must be dying

my body not feeling right

not acting right

everything to rewrite

I am here, yet I have disappeared

all is gone

only silence to dwell on

 finally reducing the equation

 to letting it be on an occasion

slow ~ slowly the dam breaks

what runs out I must face

strapped into no place

there is no escape

accepting the brakes ~ the heavy weights

head on, although displaced

I begin to awake

free ~ building a foundation

there is no fix for this

all I have known is completely unknown

no light time zone

no window to see out of

when in darkness you die ~ gradually

the soul’s agenda sets the table

doesn’t matter if your willing or able

I go on excavation ~ internally

Cain or Abel ~ good and bad ~ heavy are labels

when no crops grow ~ nothing to sow

as the waters came ~ the plow to the field

all was to yield

 faith, trust, gratitude

here go the wheels

from out in left field it becomes revealed


infield ~ becomes the landing field

seeds being planted

 setting the stage

my emancipation

steady the light

I heard my invitation

calling me outright

cleansing ~ a process

lower self  becomes sacrifice

rolling of dice ~ fools paradise


there is no asking price

it is all goodbye

with no flotation device

through days and months so long

I was becoming reborn

darkness vaporizing

misty ~ but not as thick

realizations bubbling ~ I could not miss

truth lay bare ~ I took a dare

 a dim light hallway ~ voices screaming scared

I went on hiatus from the world

cast into the underworld ~ the real world

time crept on

nothing seemed to exist ~ not even a word

having to invent the rhyme ~ without a dime

signs ~ divine ~ nothing in line

enclosed in my own shrine

suddenly, after much lament

a dragging on that became a run on

then became a come upon

could this be? ~ my break through?

are the birds singing again?

even if faint ~ I will have a listen or two

 a chain begins to break ~ releasing the pain

beyond all planes ~ I began to regain

now and then

repent, amend, intense ~ no pretend

building up aware ~ nothing to compare

ascending seemed like a nightmare

ahead ~ to somewhere

sun moon help me to transcend

miles walked ~ now I must fly again

hope lay forward ~ healing ~ up goes the curtain

 burdens lifted ~ so speaks the waters virgin

an emergence ~ an add on ~ a bring on

a knock on ~ a take on ~ a walk on

the land ~ springing life again

a return ~ a turn ~ darshan

flowers awakened in the garden

a turning sermon

healing ~ god living being doing

blooming after much review

losing to win ~ the light shone again

through a place of concealment

I have become learned

through confirming

I have become confirmed

through disheartening

my heart affirmed

through the despondency

a higher spirit rides

inside the guide

a change of tides

bride and groom arise wise

silenced are the cries

my Soul ~ to speak to me ~ to see

the unheard to be heard

the within to be noticed

nothing disguised

what was inside

if be of divide, was to die

through the pain ~ my tears endless rain

 unraveling goes the cord

evolving ~ holy center ~ to obtain

Oh, my dearest and Mighty Lord

when it felt too much to bear

I cried out in despair

 please not another day like this

spiraling bottomless abyss

I must meet You ~ kissing me ~ sweet upon my lips

holding ~ even if slightly ~ upon a wish

there is nothing ~ I have no list

so much I have dismissed

I felt as if on trial

weary to walk another mile

becoming purified ~ through sacred fire

 slow a backstroke ~ a flat tire

   Grace’s crowning fire

in surrender ~ I climbed higher

sometimes a door briefly opened

then shut quick once again

pain and chains over and over again

why the night so long? ~ the day so short?

why the night tainting the daylight?

through not a moment more

Victory and I to meet ~ could it be? ~ an opened door

God in my heart ~ the key

 green grass ~ awaiting a green light

my heart take flight ~ see me right

nothing is normal

fits the mood this night

the day too speaks this outright

somehow through might

through this plight

I said yes ~ to moments more

through aloneness

a conscious wave consistently hit

bits and pieces ~ like a puzzle began to fit

beyond all the charades

by going deep ~ deep into my soul

a Oneness began to grow

I became contained within

 attuning ferociously

my inner voice

the lion’s roar ~ the lioness rapport

she is here, over there ~ she is everywhere

I remember her well from childhood

 reclaimed now is she

standing right in front of me

where she stood before

crops in the field ~ restored

she has been wanting to speak with me

where have you been? she asks of me

a boat with no oar won’t get far

come, let us sail

beyond ~ the stars

where truth is the plough

the know how

bringing her to the ear to hear

here and now

her knowing ~ put on your horns

the sacred cow

her life sustaining milk ~ Mother is Goddess

our Father too ~ all knowing and kind ~ remover of blinds

through my letting go

I receive the promise

written in the stars

cosmic, Gnostic

unleashed in the breath

my healing tonic

I continue on

providence not forgotten

though a moment be weary

I lay it upon the feet of thy glory

 if screams speak at fears door

I scare them out the back door

my faith in Self to choose

renewed ~ great be the news

like the sun that rises

leaving darkness behind


open becomes the air

now a life so rare

 rise the lotus from mud

beauty it declares

patterns ~ thoughts and emotions

becoming more aware

“Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts

in Eternal awareness or pure consciousness

without objectification

knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity.”

said Voltaire

true going within

leaves you with nothing to wear ~ bare

I have learned to honor and love myself

releasing beliefs that lead to nowhere

my heart to dwell

cast, I am willing ~ its magical spell

to that which is parallel

if it not be of sacred divine

  release it all

let it all go

a baker with some dough

now has somewhere to go

this mess has been all mine

I have had to walk the line

with steps of faith

this assignment

I have become totally redefined

through the illusions

I have seen what lay beneath

it must be cleared out ~ to not repeat

delete ~ be humble

incomplete is obsolete

I die to unify at Christ’s feet

though nothing to stand firm on

I have found inner equilibrium

to rest upon

this mess has been all mine

the mind must stop its story line

the emotions to be spirits of wine

to have grapes on the vine

that which I sent away

I now recollect

that which I engaged in

I have left behind

 the old tracks


to make a new house my home

to make my body healthy and strong

to open my heart to all

and All is Divine

as the air begins to lift

the heaviness dispelled

as symptoms disappear

and clarity is clearer then clear

I have freed myself

new becomes the year

 like the sailor sails on

getting out of the way

so the true Self

waters the way

the nothing turned to something

 the something turned back to nothing

I feel momentum

a buzzing, a coming, continued trusting

 my path

I take steps

my best

to be wrapped in holy dress

dares of the uncommon kind

have lead me

to where I anchor the line

to presence, the Presence of mine

though the fire just a flame

I fan it well

each flame a cell

giving nothing a name

knowing Presence shall lead me

to my wishing well

on bent knees ~ bethel

I am lead to the holy place

where all becomes a farewell

signs now

the stairwell ~ up

the mother cell ~ the father cell

this personal journey

the carousel

celestial ringing in the air

what fear could still be there?

doesn’t matter

next stop

the poets pen

begin again

a new chapter

before and after

the cleansing, the purging, the inner journeying

has been my ladder

nothing matters

so whats so ever

it be

at all

is all

for all

will be answered


⊕May we all open to the Healing Love Light and allow it to awaken us to our perfect Self and perfect health⊕


Great Blessings of abundant health!

Grace upon your healing journey

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Have a blessed day!

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Magic carpet ~ Archie #petadoption #catadoption

^Art for pet adoption ~ Handsome ^Archie^ ready for his 4ever home #catadoption

ΦMagic carpetΦ ~ ^Archie^

Pet Adoption #catadoption

South Florida


Meet 12 week old Siamese kitten Archie! Ready for his 4ever home ℘

→Pets make a house a home↵


Archie is a special boy who will find his forever home with humans who are experienced cat owners who appreciate the Siamese personality. Archie loves cats, dogs, and all humans and will be adopted into a home with another kitten his age or size so that he will have a best friend to play with and grow up with. His adopters can either already have another young kitten or we will help select one. Two kittens are much better than one! It helps them to grow up well socialized onto gentle, confident cats who enjoy other cats. Most cats need feline companionship and get lonely without it.

Archie purrs all the time and loves to play and explore. He is extremely affectionate and wants to sleep in bed with his favorite human. Applicants must have an established vet history and want to adopt this kitten to be an active part of the family living inside the home only. He is fully vetted and healthy and ready to make some loving family very happy.

Transport can be provided outside the south Florida area for a very special home. For more information or to meet Archie call, text, or email 954-661-0666,


ςBlessings for Archie to secure his 4ever home!

∴Blessings for all the animals we share the planet with∴

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Have a blessed day 🙂

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one × = 4

Cat Nippin’ ` Cat Trippin’



Samantha Pearl ~ peacock high priestess. Lickin’ those lips after some catnip trippin’


⊕Cat Nippin’ ‘ Cat Trippin’⊕

ς Lip Lickin’ ς

↑ Taste buds kickin’ ↓



The inspiration behind this post is to just have a laugh, let down our hair, toss our cares to the wind, see the lighter brighter side of things, and take time to just laugh and be silly.

 I had to create a blog post and poem after much observation of Samantha Pearl “turning it out” while on a cat nip high and all the accompanying fun loving antics. Then ideas surfaced to incorporate a peacock feather and its symbolism, the 42 Laws of Ma’at and more….

What better than our pets to light the way towards a light heart, more fun, and taking the time to play and enjoy. If you have followed my blog posts than you know our beloved rescue kitty, Samantha Pearl, serves as not only a blessed teacher but also as a muse for many blog posts. 



Laugh our way through the “illusions”



Balance is key to living in universal cosmic order.

Take frequent dives into humor ~ see the funnier lighter side of your everyday life.

Be silly and childlike ~ remember when just about everything made you laugh! Explore this in ways that feel right to you as health conscious maintenance so you can release and let go ~ allow burdens to fall away as you see them for what they are ~ illusory. 

Watch comedians performing live or on video, watch a funny movie, Google funny jokes and see what comes up.



Famous Quotes:

Earth laughs in flowers. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Even the gods love jokes — Plato

God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh. — Voltaire



Φ I open to see the humor in everyday life

Φ I allow myself frequent belly laughs

Φ I live with a light heart, mind, and body



♥Samantha Pearl♥ #newearthkitty

If you have been following my blogs, then you may be familiar with our beloved rescue kitty, Samantha Pearl ~ who serves frequently as a muse for many blog posts. I refer to her as the #newearthkitty as she holds the ideals of a perfect new world infused with unconditional love, unity, peace, and Oneness. 

Here, I have Samantha Pearl adorned in peacock feathers. On our screened in patio we have a peacock feather which has been there several years that she often loves to play with. This helped tie the imagery and concept together. It was not a far stretch then to imagine her on a cat nip buzz swirling around in another world as a high priestess adorned in peacock attire.

Every now and then ~ typically a celebratory moment (and just to celebrate life itself) we give Samantha Pearl cat nip. Like most cats, she loves to rub on it, chew it, do a lil’ cat nip dance, and really get into it.

Peacock Symbolism:

“The peacock is a symbol of immortality because the ancients believed that the peacock had flesh that did not decay after death. … This symbol of immortality is also directly linked to Christ.”

“Peacocks relate symbolically to the following  ~ Vision, Royalty, Spirituality, Awakening, Guidance, Protection, & Watchfulness. In Greco-Roman mythology the Peacock tail has the “eyes” of the stars. In Hinduism, the Peacock is associated with Lakshmi who represents patience, kindness and luck.”

“It is believed that a peacock (sometimes a pair of peacocks) stands guard at the entrance to the Gates of Paradise. In Buddhist iconography, peacocks are symbols of wisdom.”


Honor the Animal Kingdom:

Please remember to be kind and loving to all the animals we walk and share the planet with. When possible, open your heart and home to a rescue pet (s), volunteer at an animal shelter, provide donations to animal shelters in the form of financial assistance and or donating in good condition “used”  home goods that they can use, such as towels, blankets, bowls, etc…

ΩBless the animals

ΩBless our pets

⇒Animals are sacred wisdom keepers that we owe much to↵


Ancient Kemetic Spiritual Life:

42 Laws of Ma’at

Within the wisdom teachings of  Ma’at ~ through her 42 Principles of living a Divine life ~ we see she has included “I will not mistreat animals.”

So, over 4,000 years ago, animals were valued and were not for humans to mistreat.


Beloved Ma’at:

Ma’at was both the Goddess and the personification of truth and justice. Her ostrich feather represents truth. Maat or Maʽat (Egyptian mꜣꜥt /ˈmuʀʕat/) refers to the ancient Egyptian concepts of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice.”

“The Goddess Ma’at, in mythological terms, was the daughter of the Sun God Ra and the sister of the Air God Shu. Her husband, the Moon God, is known as Thoth”

“Ma’at ruled everything, which made her a very busy goddess. Every day she helped Ra to steer his boat across the sky, making a path for the sun. She was the partner of Thoth and the mother of the eight deities known as the Chief Gods and Goddesses of Hermopolis.”

⇒During the sacred days of Ancient Kemet ~ Egypt when one arose in the morning they would read Ma’at’s 42 principles stating with each one “I will not…” ~ and then while retiring during the evening would read them again stating “I did not…” Even today those that follow the Kemetic spiritual practices also follow these laws ~ Blessed Ma’at provides  practical, moral, and righteous laws of conduct that are applicable to all of us today←



Enter the World of a Catnip Buzz:

φAppropriate vid below to watch before reading Cat Nippin’ ‘ Cat Trippin’φ

∇flowerific ~ where all life is in bloom ~ in the magical garden∇



⇓Ready?……cat nip is now being served…⇓


⊕Cat Nippin’ ‘ Cat Trippin’⊕

ς Lip Lickin’ ς

↑ Taste buds kickin’ ↓


 got my lip’s lickin’

taste buds kickin’

took me a lil’ dip

cat nippin’

now goin’ on a crazy trip

got some pips in the mix

cats got the bag of tricks

doin’ a lil’ side steppin’

on a mission

 out passed the edging

magic to the magician

no conditions

 got my lip’s lickin’

taste buds kickin’

no mind guessin’

gettin’ a fixin’

ain’t no resistin’

light through the prism

in my Spirit ~ Holy vision

I’ll take another snippet ~ for the tippet

just some twitchin’ and sniffin’

my condition is slippin’

my lips are nippin’

I am just zippin’

goin’ over tippin’

 got my lip’s lickin’

taste buds kickin’

 some wiggin’ ~ some flippin’

 that sweet

cat nippin’ tippin’

I am totally trippin’

got me some lip smackin’

 tail waggin’

not  braggin’ ~ I am swaggin’

 got my lip’s lickin’

taste buds kickin’

no time for chattin’ ~ let’s get crackin’

this buzz has got me thinkin’

cats reign sippin’ with a eye a winkin’

gonna set myself free

olive tree ~ master key

gonna ascend ~ like Jesus ~ count to three

holy trinity ~ my divinity

 got my lip’s lickin’

taste buds kickin’

Goddess lives ~ where the cat is

Gonna be Brahmin high ~ Atman sky

so rad ~ never gonna die

 got my lip’s lickin’

taste buds kickin’

catchin’ ~ a cat thing

cat ching ~ cha ching

feelin’ like a queen

swing swing swing

eternal spring ~ on the upswing

 got my lip’s lickin’

taste buds kickin’

endorphins blastin’

rockin’ the scratchin’

cat nippin’ in action

lip dashin’

lip flashin’

lip lickin’

ying yang on a fling

thrashin’ ~ hash taggin’

 on the brink

no time to think

everything is passin’

things are just amassin’

flappin’ ~ lap slappin’

jammin’ spanin’

rappin’ to the hatchin’

 got my lip’s lickin’

taste buds kickin’

rub my belly

life’s a cherry

 this cat buzz

is gonna be lastin’

don’t wanna come down

gonna need a rebound

on the resound

 got my lip’s lickin’

taste buds kickin’

cat nippin’

cat trippin’

goin’ in for the chillin’

slippin’ into the dippin’

taken this ship shippin’

cat nippin’

cat trippin’

gonna send out some wishin’

with a whole lotta kissin’

all be livin’

with some dippin’

in the cat nippin’




◊♥◊ Blessings of many laughs on our journey…awakening with a smile and a giggle

∞May our hearts be light each day as we play and remember our innocence in the Kingdom of God∞

ΞMay we all be dippin’ in the cat nippin’

⇒ Blessings for our pets & all the animals we share the planet with

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Have a blessed day!

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four × = 8

Reddington ~ Pet Adoption #4everhome #catsunited

*Reddington* ^art for pet adoption^

Reddington ~ Pet Adoption

#4everhome #catsunited

South Florida Area


≅Meet beautiful Reddington. He is ready to receive his 4ever home! Here is some information on this sweet boy≅

 For more information or to meet Reddington call, text, or email Lori 954-661-0666,  


This precious boy is a truly an amazing kitty.  He is confident, kind, and loving toward humans, dogs, and other cats.  He grooms and loves on all the kitties he encounters.  He loves attention and wants to be close to you. He still likes to play but not as much as catching some sunrays while taking a cat nap.  He is a gentle cat who will be a wonderful addition to any home.  He would do fine in either an active or a quiet home and with kids of any age, dogs, and/or other cats. 

Reddington is estimated to be three to five years old and has been completely vetted and up to date on vaccines and has had a recent full panel of perfect bloodwork and a nice dental to send him along to his forever home.  He is simply a Beautiful Soul and anyone blessed with his presence will be happy.

Reddington has a bit of a travel anxiety and when in a crate in a vehicle will pant and salivate.  We have kept him in the front seat with us in a crate where he sees us during trips to the vet.  Once he gets home and settled, he is fine.  We don’t know what happened to him to cause him to have this travel anxiety or claustrophobia.  If this does not resolve he needs be in a home where he won’t need to travel much.  He will be adopted locally to a home in the South Florida area. 

For more information or to meet Reddington call, text, or email Lori 954-661-0666, 

∴Blessings for all our precious animals to secure loving 4ever homes∴


Blessings for Reddington!

Blessings for your pet(s)

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⊕Have a Blessed Day⊕

Miracles Happen! #stayaware

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry!!! 🙂 🙂

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