⊗Cosmic Buddha⊗
℘All Becomes Supra℘
The inspiration for this imagery and poem started with a photograph I took of a Buddha sculpture that blesses our entry table by our front door. Then I turned it into a digital art piece as shown above.
His presence also graces the space where the stairs are located. It is so wonderful to see Lord Buddha while passing by on the way up the stairs and down the stairs. Passing by as a symbol of our life here on Earth, ~ transient ~ passing by of moments, objects, people, nature, seasons, etc… ~ I “pass by’ Him each day and my breath for a moment stops, I become swept into an eternal paradise, then my action continues. I aim to greet Him each time in prayerful reverence and acknowledge his Presence and thank Him for gracing our home.
He waits so patiently for us. For us to anchor within ourselves our highest attainment. To live this exalted fruition out in our lives ~ Our enlightenment is honoring our dharma.
♥Wherever we are, He is with us♥
∞He serves as a reminder to me that all is holy. His elevated state of consciousness radiates as a light reservoir of what is important.
Quotes by Buddha:
In Spirit quotes from Lord Buddha:
Supra defined
A prefix meaning “above, over” or “beyond the limits of, outside of”
I use this word as a reference point to that which we transcend. To go “beyond the limits of” what is considered mainstream reality into a reality that offers a greater picture. A picture descriptive of our inherent nature as God sovereign beings ~ as Creator Light ~ as powerful creators, as One with Mother Father God and all that is.
Sukha defined
“Sukha (Sanskrit, Pali; Devanagari: सुख) means happiness, pleasure, ease, joy or bliss, in Sanskrit and Pali. Among the early scriptures, ‘sukha‘ is set up as a contrast to ‘preya’ (प्रेय) meaning a transient pleasure, whereas the pleasure of ‘sukha‘ has an authentic state happiness within a being that is lasting.”
” Its literal translation is often given as “good space,” coming from the Sanskrit words, su (good) and kha (space).
In the “Rig Veda” it has often been explained in contrast to preya (pleasure). This is because sukha is a deep and lasting state of happiness, while preya is a temporary state, or a passing pleasure.”
ΞWe are here
Then we are gone
Our eternal being lives on forever
We are the BuddhaΞ
⇒Let us awaken our inner Buddha
Where all becomes supra⇐
⊆Gratitude to the Buddha for his great wisdom teachings and paving the way, along with all the Ascended Masters, to point us in the direction of the way ~ the way to enlightenment⊇
→Be aware when Buddha appears at your door
stop, rejoice
know good news be yours↵
⊗Cosmic Buddha⊗
℘All Becomes Supra℘
The Cosmic Buddha
all becomes supra
into the sukha
no limits within
universal sutra
be aware when the Buddha is at the door
shadows become light
thy altar rises up to dance
spreading merriment across the floor
two golden fish and a vase of great treasure
ripe for the devotee to behold in wonder
the exactness has no exactness
it is abstract ~ empty
it surpasses and passes
The Cosmic Buddha
all becomes supra
into the sukha
no limits within
universal sutra
we are here for a moment ~ then depart in a passing
fire up all the burners
become aware at the corners
when the water has boiled
sweet honey tea poured
drink it from the white conch shell
celestial sounds disperse as the Divine Mother rings Her purity bell
ripe now is the disciple
poised to advance with eyes that see to tell
leave to come back
zygote hypnotize in union
destined are all to be the super human
all are a witness in holy communion
watch the wind move the stars
see the stars in the wind
slip into a silent Buddha mind
beside the quiet is the surprise
ears shaped as infinity
one hears as one
know your place in the trinity as divinity
we are the blessed child
free to choose eternity
balanced masculine and femininity
two halves meet in the center to unite as One
lotus flower given to the feminine by the masculine
the feminine receives giving creation spun into awakening
third eye open
silence the river for the spoken
visions that move in the stillness of not
live to fly the victory banner high
live from the eight spoked wheel
become right to right and all is right
the Cosmic Buddha
is like the morning glory
continuously rising
yet at night unveiling
His inner repository
be sovereign and invincible to stock the inventory
take refuge under the Goddess of the White Parasol
where suffering is no more
forgetting all to be all
this is the movement to get from shore to shore
forgive, surrender, and bless all
The Cosmic Buddha
all becomes supra
into the sukha
no limits within
universal sutra
be of no beginning with no end
Buddha wisdom and compassion befriend
be in the heart and be untaught
dive to connect with the eternal knot
symmetrical design and sacred geometry be in your thoughts
jump the hoop when right angles are on the spot
The Cosmic Buddha
all becomes supra
into the sukha
no limits within
universal sutra
taste the juicy fruit from the peach tree
end be the cycle
humanity to live free
enlightenment be yours
Buddha realized spirit decree
The Cosmic Buddha
all becomes supra
into the sukha
no limits within
universal sutra
live to pass
The Cosmic Buddha
walk with Him
fertile becomes the green grass
interconnectedness of all things
universal sutra
the spin becomes thin
one remembers all
on Buddha’s wings
stretch out thee limbs
a Buddha journey begins…..
∞Blessings of the Cosmic Buddha!
⊗ May we all awaken and know ourselves as the Enlightened Buddha⊗
ΞMay everlasting joy, peace, and perfection be our moment to moment conscious choice and permanent way of living and being!
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Have a blessed day!
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