The Whispers of the Heart ~ the sublime of the Divine

Surrendering: the foundation to hearing the voice of the Divine within

Listening to our heart prepares us ~ just as the bride prepares for her groom

≅The Whispers of the Heart

~ the sublime of the Divine≅

An exploration into communication with the Holy Spirt 

⊕Ω⊕ the still quiet voice that speaks through our heart and reverberates through out our entire being⊕Ω⊕


Art images: The first one is from a photo session with Maria Scozzari, the second image is from a wedding I photographed ~ turned into a digital art piece.




The inspiration for this blog post is to become more acquainted with the Holy Spirit and to share my personal experience communing with the Holy Spirit. It has been a radical head change and awareness provider to repeatedly day after day invoke the Holy Spirit for guidance. I ask for guidance in practically everything and particularly in trigger moments when I want to see ~ move ~ speak within correct perception.

Establishing the Connection

A Continual Process

Building a stable foundation to hear the Holy Spirit is a continual process that requires discipline and dedication, however, with continued practice the benefits become blatantly evident. Some of the benefits have included as if in an instant download, a broader scope of vision and knowledge about a given situation. On many occasions I have radically viewed a person, situation, etc…literally in a new way while immersed the moment that afforded me not only truth as revealed to me regarding the situation (and person) but also resulting in a deeper compassion for myself and whomever may have been involved in a given situation as well as the situation itself. In turn the Holy Spirits teaching express the falsehood of old behavior patterns and thoughts which provide a new road for action, speech, and thoughts aligned with a higher frequency.

  This expansion of knowledge and insight has attuned my awareness to reveal that I truly don’t know, that there is so much more, that things are not as they appear, and has reflected back to me my miscreation’s in my thought processes and perceptual nature (which also impact the emotions). It is only through actively participating in calling upon the Holy Spirit for direction that all these revelations have been possible. The spontaneous insights weren’t right away, however, they began around a few months of immersing myself in this process. It is as if this vast source of wisdom knowledge, which lives beyond  definition, can in a split second piece together and download all pertinent information into my consciousness which then awakens me to the truth and higher perspective of a situation, person, or a question I am asking. I am sure this is just scratching the surface and this ignites the impetus to stay the course.

Surrendering to the Moment

 Tricking the Tricky

To invoke, receive, and follow the Holy Spirit’s direction when in a moment of distress is a little tricky. It is only tricky as the habitual patterns of thinking and acting tend to dominant and take hold so fast that often it is only in retrospect that their is awareness and realization that a situation or thought process could have been completely eradicated if I would have summoned the Holy Spirit and listened and followed. The Holy Spirit is ever present so that’s not the issue. The issue is to step back from a situation while in the midst of it and call upon Her Grace.

  After enough episodes one knows not to put their hand on a hot stove and thus seeks refuge in the One that Knows. 

As with all things, it does become closer to second nature through devotion and a desire for clarity and peace above all else.



A Blessed Friend

Viewing the Holy Spirit as the Divine Feminine

She is within our heart in the depths of our being

Although not the conventional interpretation of the Holy Spirit, I perceive the Holy Spirit as a Feminine Presence. This is the energy I pick up on and what sits right with me. Perhaps, it doesn’t need a male or female reference point, however, this wind and breath life force, feels inherently feminine.

◊Blessed is the Holy Spirit ~ and Oh, what a Gift She Is◊

My personal view on the Holy Spirit is that it is a feminine energy. This is contrary to conventional support, however, this is my resonance. She is an ever present guiding light and love force to help direct our lives when we allow it ~  when we surrender……as we let go…..

◊How blessed we are, all of us, to have built within us such a trusted friend and wise One who walks with us◊

Call Upon the Holy Spirit

It’s A Daily Thing

Call upon the Holy Spirit and in that instant She is there. She has always been with us.

Each day, and the moments that make up a day, I focus as much as possible on hearing, feeling, and experiencing this Grand inner voice and following without waver Her splendid and always amazing direction. I ask tons of questions on the day to day daily “stuff” as well as share thoughts, feelings, observations, on any and all seemingly relevant issues and pause to hear what comes. Often I have been so amazed, and Grateful beyond measure. I am on a journey to grow deeper and deeper into this communion until it is automatic. The Divine Voice experienced within me as One.

Adore Her in moments of sacred communion and seek daily Her ingenious practical guidance and infinite reservoir of information. She far surpasses what we know or how we could even organize a day, an event, a project, or handle any personal issue. The Holy Spirit knows us better than we know ourselves. Most importantly She knows how to reach us ~ knowing what moves us uniquely, what inspires us, what we need to learn and see with new eyes, and what will bring forth the desires we wish to live out.

◊She is our Dearest confidant and Divine resource for all that we need.  Addressed by many names, nonetheless, the Holy Spirit always hears and answers our call◊

Following the Voice of the Holy Spirit

Conscious Choices

The deeper I go into making conscious choices to inquire within and commune with the Holy Spirit the more I am truly amazed and grateful. It is a releasing of the ego’s (lower self) decision making process to the honoring of the One True Voice. It is also an act of honoring yourself as this connection is also you.

∞Hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit within and following through with the guidance heard is demonstration of trust ~ of trusting the Divine and yourself∞

The Blessed Voice

The Voice of Knowing

Connect with the Holy Spirit for guidance, love, support, advice ~ you name it. From daily activities to the areas in need of clarity and insight.

Her voice can even anticipate the next moment and what is in our best interest to know and or to do. It is really amazing! The ego thinks it knows ~ we think we know, however, we don’t. When we surrender to knowing that we don’t know and open a space within us by attuning to our heart then we can know by hearing the Holy Spirit’s redirection and thus new direction bringing us greater fulfillment.

◊When we fully let go of the ego ~ then we will continuously hear Her Divine voice inside us◊

I encourage you to give it a go and experience your best friend if you haven’t already ~ if you are in constant communion with the Holy Spirit then I hope you can share some of your experiences as we all learn and grow from one another.


♥What a Precious Gift to have this Magnificent Friend built within our dwelling place. Thank You Dear Holy Spirit!♥




≅The Whispers of the Heart

~ the sublime of the Divine≅


The heart is an ear to hear

the whispers of the heart

the Divine makes clear

Holy Spirit

comes to visit

speaking in lyrics

awakener to no limits ~ a fearless spirit

the whispers of the heart

the sublime of the Divine

bridging the space of no space

separation is a mistake

the Voice alive from the Throne


know Ye are gods

awaken to know thyself

Her call back to home

all will be shown

She speaks

in the realm beyond sound


to be found is to wear your crown

the whispers of the heart

the sublime of the Divine

draw near


Her Voice appears

a door becomes clear

the knower with a message

answers come without guessing

wherever we are

to listen is the blessing

the whispers of the heart

the sublime of the Divine

in silent repose

the comforters Voice is known

the advisor speaks

when the ego is hung low

quiet still mind

Her Voice

awakens the blind

the whispers of the heart

the sublime of the Divine


Holy Spirit

holder of the three in One


our lifeline

a guideline to the finishing line

become familiar with the vine

drink of this wine

the whispers of the heart

the sublime of the Divine


Holy Spirit

breath of life

speaker through the heart

dance to hear

the eternal

the whispers of the heart

the sublime of the Divine


Holy Spirit

keeper of the One Vision




♥Great Blessings of Perfect Communication with the Holy Spirit♥

⊕May we always be present within ourselves to hear the whisperings of the heart from the Holy Spirit ~ the sublime of the Divine⊕

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Have a blessed day!

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