Kingdom of Heaven ~ #freedom #joy

~^~ Living in the Kingdom of Heaven ~^~

⇒Kingdom of Heaven∴

Removing the illusions that veil our true knowing of our God Self in order to live in our sovereign divinity!

#freedom #joy

 What resides in the Kingdom of Heaven resides within our inner dwelling place. The accessing, acknowledgment, and living forth as the Kingdom of Heaven is our greatest happiness and highest calling here on Earth.

When we focus through purposeful spiritual practices and pathways to dissolve the veils of illusion our mind and heart sync to a holy rhythm and flow. The eternal song of a resting place immersed in brilliant light and love become our thoughts and heartbeat. Through our dedication to shine as wayshowers and heal, clear, and transmute our inner shadows we receive glimmers and shimmers along the way of a potential of living and being that echos the Kingdom of Heaven. After much purification through our dedication to inner work, ultimately we will fully become situated with and slip into a state of surrender where a new world appears before us. We enter our home of homes.

There is nothing else that remains. Only our holy reflection shining back to us the truth of our being

When we take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, and face our fears as our own then a powerful impetus develops that moves our awareness step by step in the direction of knowing who we are as eternal beings.

Be an ever lit candle of encouragement to yourself to move forward and continue, love on yourself, and be this source of encouragement and love to others in kind gesture and measure

  When we know the truth of our being and allow this truth to be our day to day conscious attention then a state of freedom and joy becomes the momentum. This takes discipline, constant observance, and dedication to detect what the mind is placing its attention on and serve to remove illusions and opt for a higher state. Going deeper into oneself to see errors of thought perception that belong to a mind confined to limitation, past and future static, and then taking measure to clearing them is purification. Favored is an open heart and a mind transfixed in a transcendental operating field consciously creating blessings from where all potential exists.

*digital art work is from a photo session with Maria Scozzari*


~^~ Claiming the Kingdom of Heaven ~^~

∞Claiming the Kingdom of Heaven as our Own∞

 The Kingdom of Heaven accessed within is to be claimed! Claimed to be a living reality! The content and attributes remind us that we are not separate from the Kingdom of Heaven and these qualities are ours.

⇒Kingdom of Heaven∴

Removing the illusions that veil our true knowing of our God Self in order to live in our sovereign divinity!

#freedom #joy




Below is an affirmation list consisting of aspects belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven to remind us daily of our divinity.

Allow them to saturate the mind to envelope Kingdom ways of thinking, seeing, and knowing

⇒Add to this list and create your own Kingdom of Heaven affirmations!

Claim your Joy, exuberance, and freedom 


In the Kingdom of Heaven there is only

 wholeness, therefore I am wholeness

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no

 illness, therefore I am perfect health

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no

darkness, therefore I am all light

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no

 lack, therefore I lack nothing

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no

 doubt or worry, therefore I have nothing to doubt or worry

In the Kingdom of Heaven there are no

mistakes, therefore I have made no mistakes

In the Kingdom of Heaven there are no

 judgments, therefore I have nothing to judge

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no

 death, therefore I can not die

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 nothing to gain, therefore I having nothing to gain

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is only

perfection, therefore I am perfection

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is only

love and that which is loved, therefore I am love and I am loved

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is only

 One, therefore I am One

In the Kingdom of Heaven

the eternal is real and everlasting, therefore I am eternal and everlasting

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 relaxation and ease, therefore I live in relaxation and ease

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 only truth, therefore I live in truth

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 only beauty, therefore I am beautiful and all I see is beauty

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 abundance and plenty, therefore I am abundant and plenty

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is only

 harmony and bliss, therefore I am harmony and bliss

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 only radiance, therefore I am radiant

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 only purity, therefore I am pure

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

only innocence, therefore I am innocent

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 only happiness and joy, therefore I am happiness and joy

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 pure flow of light, therefore I flow in pure light

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 only peace, therefore I am peace

In the Kingdom of Heaven there are only

 glorious creations, therefore I create glorious creations

In the Kingdom of Heaven

all is fruitful, therefore I am fruitful

In the Kingdom of Heaven

all is blessed, therefore I am blessed

In the Kingdom of Heaven

all is holy, therefore I am holy

In the Kingdom of Heaven

all is forgiven, therefore I am forgiven and offer all forgiveness

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 all, therefore I am all


⊗Blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven while here on Earth!

∞May all experience the Kingdom of Heaven within and so without!

∇Many joyous Gifts of the Kingdom of Heaven!

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

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