High Five ~ get high on five #celebratorymoments


🙂 Samantha Pearl 🙂 My 5th birthday “High on Five!”

🙂 Samantha Pearl 🙂 Animal & Human as One = Equal


∨ High Five∨

ζGet High on Fiveζ

⇑Let’s get high on five⇑


∴When we High Five someone it is always in accordance to a celebratory moment. Something exciting has or is happening ~ a cause to celebrate.  We connect in this by high “fiving” each other as a commemorative act recognizing the significant event, day, moment, etc…∴



♥Samantha Pearl♥

§The inspiration behind this post is our beloved “rescue” kitty Samantha Pearl’s  birthday ~ turning 5 on May 1st, 2019§

Her color is green ~ a chartreuse apple lime green tone.  

∇A Pearl is a symbol of the Moon & Samantha Pearl was named after the Moon Goddess∇

Here is another post inspired by Samantha Pearl centering on magic and the moon that I hope you enjoy:

ξHere is a post link on receiving the #moonbrew magic of the Moon Goddess, in my Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty blog categoryξ during a recent full moon.

Samantha Pearl Moon Rising ~ Moon in Me #moonbrew Grace



Information on the number 5:



Spiritual significance of 5: 

ξ a sign of major changes to come

ξ changes have already started happening, or there are more to come in the next few days, or weeks.

The Number 5 & humanity:

ξThe number 5 is often also attributed as the number of humanity.

ξHuman beings have five fingers, five toes, five appendages (including the head), five senses, and five major systems of the body.


“The meaning of 555. The number 5 is a powerful number in many forms of divine reading. 5 represents freedom, exploration, travel, and change. 555 is a triple of the number 5 indicating which amplifies its power. 555 indicates that a change is coming.”

Some additional associations of the number 5:

ξ a symbol of love and marriage since ancient times ~ ξ Loyalty


food groups

olympic rings

Great lakes



vowels (if you don’t count y)

points on a star (or starfish!)

basic “w’s”: who, what, when, where, why

flavors in a life-savers pack


boroughs of NYC

digits in a zip code


currently minted US coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar)

lines in a musical staff

~Casey Gries (who I noted has 5 letters in her 1st and last name….) ⇐

More Fives:

Five senses

Five wounds of Christ

Five joys of the Virgin Mary (Annunciation, Nativity, Resurrection, Ascension, Assumption)

Five knightly virtues (Generosity, Fellowship, Purity, Courtesy, and Compassion)

 “5 symbolizes God’s grace, goodness and favor toward humans and is mentioned 318 times in Scripture. Five is the number of grace, and multiplied by itself, which is 25, is ‘grace upon grace’ (John 1:16). The Ten Commandments contains two sets of 5 commandments. The first five commandments are related to our treatment and relationship with God, and the last five concern our relationship with others humans”


Some other interesting information on 5: (Hinduism ~ Wikipedia)

  • The god Shiva has five faces and his Mantra is also called Panchakshari (Five Worded) mantra.
  • The goddess Saraswati, goddess of knowledge and the intellect is associated with Panchami or number 5. “Maa (Mother) Saraswati is a Hindu goddess who represents education, creativity,  music, speech, wisdom, learning, and art. The name Saraswati stems from the Sanskrit root “saras,” which means “that which is fluid.” Maa Saraswati is known to bring order out of chaos and has a calming and centering personality.”
  • There are five elements in this universe: Dharti, Agni, Jal, Vayu evam Akash (Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Space respectively).
  • The most sacred tree in Hinduism has 5 leaves in every leaf stunt.
  • Most of the flowers have 5 petals in them.



∨ High Five∨

ζGet High on Fiveζ



High Five

 get high on five

just to stay alive ~ revive

 dive into five ~ into overdrive

 five multiply ~ swan dive ~ power dive

arrived in five ~ crown ~ renowned

 get high on five ~ five nines ~ five a plus sign

five pointed star ~ a superstar

Dr. Five counts in fives ~ inner eye ~ medicine jar

five angels sing ~ star chamber ~ five the remainder

shooting star ~ blessed reservoir ~ a savoir

five by five ~ five takes favor ~ melody maker

High Five

 get high on five

take five ~ ninety five ~ heaven arise

hang five ~ gimme five ~ five supplies

garden wise ~ edgewise ~ forty five

High Five  

get high on five

actualize ~ harmonize ~ lionize

five likewise ~ a field of butterflies ~ divine baptize

five prize ~ call in your guides ~ synchronize

High Five

get high on five

five elements ~ intelligence ~ magnetic resonance

five senses ~ residence ~ return to Genesis

High Five

get high on five

five & dime ~ half a dime ~ fifty five

we five, us five ~ five unify

High Five

get high on five

five a day ~ five leafed ~ five feast

five fold ~ five gold ~ five behold

five memorize ~ magnetize ~ maximize

High Five

get high on five

pentagon ~ five sides ~ circle inside

five released ~ five increase

High Five

get high on five

 five a celebration ~ transformation ~ new generation

across the nations ~ Aquarius innovations

everyday High on Five ~ Five for High

get high on five

five apply ~ five five five ~ so when you see it ~ recognize

High on Five ~ Five wings of Grace

five a surprise ~ cats eyes

 five this month of May ~ five my birthday ~ mayday

five the lioness ~ royal highness

High Five

get High on five

five the sunrise ~ freedom to fly ~ five sky high

all days ~ holy day ~ holiday

High Five

get High on Five

twenty to five ~ twenty past five ~ any five

set your worries aside 

get high on Five


May we all receive the blessings of 555 and awaken to live in our highest fruition & completion

ΩBlessings of High FiveΩ

⇑555⇑ As above so below…

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

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