144,000 friends #soulfamily

Homemade digital Earth space art

Pleiadian Starship Eyes

Homemade digital art: Earth surrounded in golden light ~ *New Earth Light*

∴ 144,000 Friends∴

New Earth  ~ fully awakened Beings of Light

7th Golden Age

#soulfamily #sacredflamekeepers #ascension



The inspiration for this blog post and tribute poem is to thank and honor all the blessed light keepers across the globe who everyday step into their light and love and set the frequency tone to vibrate in unconditional love and be wayshowers of a new way ~ as higher dimensional beings experiencing a whole new reality on Earth.

The New Earth

Heaven on Earth

As Above So Below


∞A triumphant salute∞

from across the globe ~ across the nations ~ across the stars

 144,000 friends ~ we continue on the only path we know

waking up to the Light within ~ the Light without

ignited spark ~ celestial hallmark


∴ 144,000 Friends∴


 144,000 friends

healers ~ healing

teachers ~ teaching

writers ~ writing

beings ~ just being

connected ~ connecting

transmutes ~ transmutation

transforming ~ transformation

galactic star light threads weaving ~ linking ~ joining

journeys within~ home landscape wherein

 144,000 friends

mystical initiations ~ sacred teachings ~ ancient rites enlivened

individual self ~ higher self ~ cosmic self

conscious awareness ~ divine spirit ~ holy spirit

Law of One

alchemical marriage ~ solar lunar blend synthesis

Sun days ~ Moon days

self God identity ~ marriage of our soul

 144,000 friends

non-physical ~ physical ~ matter ~ non – matter

what matters

multi ~ dimensional ~  all aspects rolled into One ~ limitless

 Union, for our Union, for all in Union

 light workers ~ anchors of light ~ Soul Family

star children of light

measureless ~ infinite ~ universal bright

 aligning to our our divine perfection ~ alchemical resurrection

Source perfection ~ recollection

   All live in their true divine perfection

 144,000 friends

Christ Light awakening ~ peacefully ~ Christ Light frequencies

illuminated ~ enlightened ~ soul embodiment

first phase ~ first wave ~ azure days

surplus, purpose, earnest

  rebirth ~ Divine child surface

 144,000 friends

sealed with a bond

keepers of the eternal flame

name of the game

a recognition ~ for each other

sister ~ brother ~ another

out of time ~ into time ~ before time

one time, anytime, full time, life time

it’s a wonder

  wings ~ signed & contracted in Heaven ~ fly the sacred wind

designed ~ assigned ~ outlined

blooming & blossoming

we celebrate each remembrance

 144,000 friends

we walk the path the Master’s walked

we knock, unlock, never stay at the dock

acknowledgement, humility, reverence

Christ Consciousness full expression

individual & planetary Ascension

we know the Way ~ we make the Way ~ we are the Way

we honor each Way

 144,000 friends

star seeds, light Beings, from here, from there, from everywhere

we are prepared, inner-ware, outerwear

other worlds, other dimensions, incarnated now

purposeful ~ holding the vision ~ releasing the vision as we become the vision

precision ~ provision ~ envision

the inevitable shift upon humanity

we experience & take up our sword first

cloud burst, dispersed, heart-first

 144,00 friends

 the pillars, the sign posts, the map makers

 self discovery & self realization

 we pass through all the gateways

at this time, for this appointed time, removed from time

we follow in the foot steps of the Great Ones

praise, gaze, amaze, always, doorways

 144,000 friends

a salute, homage, welcoming

our call, our song, commencement, celebration

vibrating columns of air ~ angels choir ~ trumpet fanfare

elation ~ carnations ~ liberation

sky rays white opalescent light ~ molten amber colors dance

doorsteps ~ accept ~ star born soul event

  the stairway ~ advance ~ golden romance

ascend the steps

the final portal


sparkle, transported, full circle



Heaven on Earth


⊕Blessings on your awakening path⊕

∴May we all awaken and slip into New Earth reality consciousness!

Blessings to our Soul Family of Light!

Thank you for viewing!!!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

Have a Blessed Day!!! 🙂

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂