Cheetah rested and confident in Her divine power

Cheetah ~ poised in Her elegance and inner knowing
ΦThe Mystic TrysticΦ
∴To Be As∴
The Great Seer ~ The One who See’s ~ Beyond
#enterin #entryway #trustin
⇔Entrance Into⇔ ~ by choice⊥
ΦAs The Mystic Trystic teaches usΦ
◊Her delight ◊Her enchantment ◊Her sacred bequest
⇔ is to bestow the blessings of the Mystic Trystic to anyone who crosses the bridge in faith ~ in covenant & sureness of & with the Divine
Trusting beyond the reaches of this world ~ to venture into a terrain that affords entranced Gifts from the Divine.
The inspiration for this poem and imagery is to give rise to newness. To open the best we can to a heightened way of daily living that rests within the territory of the magicians, the believers. the magic dwellers, the seers, the knowers in the know. To know that the surface value is just that.
The magnetic pull of Self Realization↵
The Mystic Trystic is real if you say so. She offers a taste of Her magical elixir if we choose to participate. If we choose to get out of our way, out of our fixed ways, and out of traditional thinking and perceiving. The Mystic Trystic teaches us that we can see ourselves and the world with new eyes and new ears.
We can break free and stop limiting ourselves. Just ask the Mystic Trystic. She awaits our call.
The image of the Mystic Trystic was from a photo I took at a local live nativity scene. This is the woman portraying Mother Mary as she loving gazed down upon the Christ Child and perhaps upon the world as well.
ΩStand in our Power ~ Stand in our TruthΩ
Every road leads back to the Self ~ as we meet up with our own personalized acquaintances. We only need to answer to ourselves. We are not to “mind” any ones store except our own. #divinesanction
What are we buying? Buying into ~ fear, doubt, uncertainty OR acknowledging those feelings but leaning stead fast in the direction of trust and love. It is our choice. The Mystic Trystic provides us a transcendental involvement & participation if we choose to ~ To Look beyond ~ beyond what we think is there, beyond anything we have ever fancied ~ into an arena of all ~ full scale ~ measureless visibility.
Cheetah Inspiration
The cheetah images are from a recent visit at the Naples Zoo.
Cheetah’s are the fastest land animals on earth! 🙂 Cheetahs symbolize empowerment, speed, & focus. The Cheetah has a keen inner compass for quick knowing & quick action. With Goddess lines & Grace, the Cheetah knows her Power. #standinyourpower
Her lightning speed & inner knowing of when to take action is a beautiful symbolic representation for us to also posses this inner knowing of when it is “right” to take action with the confidence that no one can outrun us ~ nothing will stand in our way. #innerknowing #faith
ΦThe Mystic TrysticΦ
∴To Be As∴
The Mystic Trystic
To be As
12 at high
6 from below
3 to the right
& 9 to go
the tick of the clock ~ not born ~ nighthawk
the face of time ~ sense it’s just a rhyme
time for time ~ all the time
The Mystic Trystic
To be As
to the wind ~ spring to mind ~ peace of mind
set foot between the lines
dividing line ~ borderline ~ skyline
nothing is real ~ what is real ~ least you say it is so
off the wheel ~ steering wheel ~ pinwheel
freedom cargo ~ bestow ~ say hello
The Mystic Trystic
To be As
wild indigo ~ Mystic Trystic manifesto ~ angel arpeggio
She takes you beyond the reaches
speechless ~ teach us ~ charging cheetah
lover of the sun & moon
everyday sacred commune
moonshine ~ outshine ~ feline
cheetah spirit sign
The Mystic Trystic
To be As
all 4 points divide evenly in 12
half a day then it goes round again
catch on ~ catch in ~ a memory game
The Mystic Trystic
To be As
sword obtain ~ cross over the bridge ~ power domain
faith to champagne
take the reigns ~ essential flow will grow
Cheetah speed beyond the hour
sun flower ~ wind power ~ allow Her
The Mystic Trystic
To be As
when quarter of ~ equals nine ~ is nine
eternity chimes
nothing is really a mystery
answers are always in front of us ~ our victory
revelations for those
who notice & recompose
Cheetah inner knowing ~ noting ~ composing
you know that you know ~ the heart speaks it so
The Mystic Trystic
To be As
the mirror will shine ~ nine divine ~ reflection resurrection
The Mystic Trystic
To be As
a synonym is like cinnamon
aromatic sweet & spicy anointing oil
return to innocence ~ grounding soil ~ Royce of royal
Lauraceae family ~ evergreen tree ~ Sri Lanka India
washes in yellow & a splash of green
heavenly blue in whatever it seems
The Mystic Trystic
To be As
check out the airwaves
receive a go
visionary’s row
shadow-less glow ~ infinity shrine
lays it on the line
opened eyes ~ arise ~ huge surprise
12 & 12 for 24 unlocks the door
12 signs ~ 12 apostles ~ 12 tribes
mysteries at noon ~ the bigger the boon
24 hours to the day ~ am I making headway
on the way ~ take away ~ under way
24 Elders ~ revelations 4 & 4
throne of heaven ~ crowns of gold ~ behold
The Mystic Trystic
To be As
the fem is in 9 ~ the masculine a vertical line
She goes ~ She goes ~ so close ~ in close
the unknown becomes known
take it or leave it ~ all become reborn
from sky to sky ~ ride high
Buddha’s ears drop low ~ for who listens grows
The Mystic Trystic
To be As
As Above So Below
May the Seer
be the One that is Known
⊥May we all stand placed in our Divine Power, Truth, and Blessed Wholeness⊥
Blessings of the Mystic Trystic coupled with the speed. empowerment, & inner knowing of the Cheetah!!!
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Have a blessed day!
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