→Inner Voice Check
♥Holy Spirit Attunement♥
A checklist used as a tool to evaluate how well we are hearing and allowing our blessed inner voice to guide us in our daily lives
During a recent meditation some words formulized in my awareness from the Holy Spirit as a guideline to gadge how much inner voice acknowledgement and follow through is taking place within. It is a major focus of mine to be in concert with the Holy Spirit to receive any and all guidance moment to moment (ideally). It requires continued daily practice and a desire to be in deep communion.
Although my word reference choice is Holy Spirit, feel free to substitute a word that you resonate with that kindles within you the loving heart and voice of the Divine. The list below is by no means complete, there are many general and individual ways that the Holy Spirit reaches us and multiple ways to determine if we are in check.
Perhaps in part, the Holy Spirit presented me with some barometers of how well I am hearing Her as I had presented what felt like deep issues to resolve and receive guidance on. My perception was not in sync with Her as I was allowing more egoic thoughts to enter in and clutter up space. In an effort to simmer down a bit and focus, the Holy Spirit ushered forth a check list to help me stay on track. Always truth and light is to be shared, so here I offer what was given to me in the hope that it will be of service to you to have a deeper alignment with your inner voice in all moments.
See what resonates with you and add your own stamp to the list. Write in the comments how you personally are reached by the Holy Spirit and how you can tell how aligned you are.
◊Blessings of great Holy Spirit listening and follow through◊
*digital art is an Earthscape I created with a couple different versions.
Inner voice quotes to get the inner fire burning:
Always listen to your inner voice
~Oprah Winfrey
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice
~Steve Jobs
Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself
To find your angels….start trusting your inner voice & intuition
Listen to your inner voice
You will find the answers
~Karen Hackel
→Inner Voice Check
♥Holy Spirit Attunement♥
∴Read the checklist below slowly, check in with yourself for areas that are in sync and areas that need some tlc with continued monitoring.
Δ∇ Are you engaged daily in your passion & joy?
Δ∇ Do things feel blah? Home, work, neighborhood environments seem dull ~ not new & fresh?
Δ∇ How aware are you being in paying attention to Spirit clues and answers in your immediate environment that come in various ways such as seeing & literal hearing resulting in inner prompts? Are you making a inner connection & knowing?
Δ∇ How body conscious are you being versus Spirit conscious being?
Δ∇ How much are you buying into time & space?
Δ∇ Track your thoughts ~ are they predominantly ego mind or Spirit mind? Which side are you weighing in on?
Δ∇ How much compassion and gentleness are you offering to yourself?
Δ∇ How much “time” are you spending one on one with Spirit? How open are you being to receiving and connecting in with your divinity?
Δ∇ How much of your thinking is based on that you know? This limits Spirits voice as the assumption is already taken that you know.
Δ∇ How much effortlessness is their in your life?
Δ∇ How much happiness and joy are you experiencing daily?
Δ∇ How much of your thinking is based on the past or in the future? Breathing & coming back to the present moment helps us hear Spirit (be easy with yourself as this one in particular takes continual diligence, focus, and awareness to wipe out past conditioning).
Δ∇ How much are you trusting? How much are you believing in yourself through the power of God within?
Δ∇ Are you offering your divine gifts?
Δ∇ How much of your day is filled with synchronicities?
Δ∇ Are you resisting? This is particularly in regard to when you hear your inner voice, it surfaces in your awareness, and there is resistance to following through with the guidance.
Δ∇ Are you daily taking “time” to play, have fun, and take it easy and just be?
Δ∇ How much forgiveness & acceptance are you offering?
Δ∇ Is your self care routine practiced daily?
∴Take time to reflect after reading the list and just be with yourself. Assess without judgements. Love yourself unconditionally and thank yourself for being open to walking in truth and anchoring your sovereign light to shine and shine more and more.
∞May we all live from the indwelling holy voice of the Holy Spirit to guide our every step, flow through us to bless our every thought, word, action, & allow miracles to shine in our life and to bless all.
ΞBlessings of Holy Spirit inner voice attunement in all areas of our lives!
℘Blessings of joy, peace, great health on the awakening path℘
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Have a blessed day!
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