*Girl Pink* honors the egg ~ as a symbol of the Divine Feminine, of life, resurrection, the awakening of nature.
≈Girl Pink≈ ~ ^the interlink^
⇒The inspiration behind this came about after showering and wrapping myself in pink towels with a mermaid motif. Literally the idea entered my awareness⇐
⊗Girl Pink is you⊗
⊗Girl Pink is me⊗
℘ Girl Pink is anyone who is cognizant of their weave in, of, and through cosmic energy
℘Girl Pink is anyone who is acutely aware of their sensitivity, intuition, and drawn to the mystical life
ℑGirl Pink is a character I created, who carries within her domain the grace and elegance, the sweet side of life, the poetic romance ~ coupled with a lighter playful sideℑ
She is neither here nor there, but is universally present everywhere when the frequency of unconditional love, compassion, and stepping beyond limited confined bounds are tuned into.
She is respectively all of us, an innate part of us, when we choose to live and see how she does.
Girl Pink reminds us of the joyful frolicking nature of one’s being when we air to a friendly, approachable, warm, and trustful disposition ~ as we interact with ourselves, the world, and with our perceptions we place within and without.
℘Girl Pink offers a restorative aroma for both genders℘
If a male is inspired by his Girl Pink he leaves behind his linear mind to give it a rest and opens to a more relaxed set of feelings. Composed within them is a larger grandeur view of the world ~ his world. What he didn’t see or notice before becomes the daily plain sight. This wider angle view lends itself to a more welcoming nature in line with his dreams and aspirations. His heart opens him to a myriad of extraordinary revelations that the linear mind can’t conceive of. Contributing to his overall balance and sense of wholeness, not to mention new found excitement of life ~ his life.
If Girl Pink is ignited within the fiery hearth of the female, then she superlatively is joined up with the miraculous side of life. Her Divine Feminine in full swing. Taking her into moment after moment of heart drawing mystical potential, breathtaking beauty (namely hers), in wonder and gratitude for her new found lightness and jubilant spring like step and being. Emotional heaviness dissipates and her loving trusting nature is what she fully attunes to. Her innate wisdom is on par with her dearest desires ~ which takes her to new heights of knowing ~ landing her in realities she has dreamed of. She is open, trusting, allowing the Divine to sweep her off her feet.
≈Girl Pink≈ ~ ^the interlink^
Girl Pink
lives in between worlds
the bridge
Heaven to Earth
Earth to Heaven
a 777
Holy Spirit procession
Girl Pink
see’s the world in color
and walks about in timeless wonder
Girl Pink
loves the touch of
silks, velvet, and lace patterns
many gowns from these
her fashion
Girl Pink
see’s your aura
and knows what you are about
she can see through it all
have no doubt
Girl Pink
invites the Mother’s Presence
of the Universe
in Her heart
this is the place to start
the One heart
Girl Pink
see’s the mermaids splashing about
she claps her hands and calls out
Girl Pink
hears your footsteps down the hallway
feels your energy
moving the walkway
Girl Pink
stares off into the light
receiving information
about the formation
Girl Pink
follows no one’s footsteps
only the concert of her heart
these are the steps to success
this nexus ~ the access
wear this headdress
the garden be blessed
Girl Pink
can look into your eyes and tell
if you know the wizards way
it is in your walk ~ in your sway
Girl Pink
likes to keep it fresh and real
that’s the deal
Girl Pink
speaks to the animal spirits
that rise up into the room
listen ~ look
eyes and ears a bloom
cat eyes
the winning prize
Girl Pink
lights a candle at dusk
as a sign
that the light be our holy shrine
Girl Pink
runs out to greet the Sun
and communes with the Moon
a silver spoon
golden dragons
hypnotize to widened eyes
diamondize ~ adorn, enrich
add this to
your daily list
Girl Pink
will tell you what is realer than here
that is
if you have an open ear
Girl Pink
see’s the symbolism
and can’t help but laugh
see the design
on our behalf
laugh and laugh
Girl Pink
knows the deeper you go
the more you know
so she goes and goes
Girl Pink
welcomes the morning light
the Divine Mother’s Grace
a blessing
across her face
Her Wings ~ breathing space
She is the morning star
Her light rises to shine
so Her children can see
by Her Great Power
darkness eliminates
arise to sight
of unbarred inner gates
She is the evening star
ready to tuck her children into bed
rest ~ return to the Godhead
Girl Pink
prefers to be
out of doors
in doors
can be such a bore
Girl Pink
offers praise to the sacred egg
the powerful potential
existential ~ providential
bursting forth
possibilities monumental
Girl Pink
the weight of a feather
and the heart
must be balanced ~ all together
Girl Pink
honors originality
and detests the mold
be yourself ~ fivefold
Girl Pink
is empowered
stands in her truth
honoring the wisdom tree
this her decree
Girl Pink
dances in the silence
the song of the Soul
this ~ the whole
Girl Pink
is visionary
she won’t tell you how to do things
that is up to you
she stands by you
as you pursue
Girl Pink
drops the curtain
on fear ~ tattered beliefs ~ doubts that plague
all that is uncertain
is but a diversion
rally to her campaign
to raise the curtain
of the sermon of re ~ birthing
the insertion ~ the dispersion
of the unburdened
return to your core center
God Self while in person
Girl Pink
doesn’t mind standing alone
she stands her ground
she is found ~ all in her own
crowned to the known ~ the unkown
Girl Pink
notices the flowers
and listens to what they have to say
play! play! today and each day
Girl Pink
wants out
knows she’s in
Girl Pink
slows down to rush
this is a must ~ to adjust
to open to the light
that leaves the darkness to crush
Girl Pink
will get you higher than high
ladder included
if you are ready to climb
Girl Pink
allows all to fall into place
is the silent witness
even when things are out of place
Girl Pink
loves cozy and warm
she will tell you
the inflow
the outflow
just relax and enjoy the show
Girl Pink
is both me and you
get to know her
live in the empty space
that secures a view
to pass through ~ see through ~ and preview
drink from her magical brew
for your new world view
dreams now in your field of view
out of true ~ give thanks
Girl Pink
will take you
to your advance
dreams ~ love, expanse
glance into her cauldron
here ~ the fires of good fortune
a waking life
deeper than profound
creation ~ you as creator
burgeoning ~ One
this is homeward bound
Girl Pink
all these miles
you have reached
universal heart mind body beat
presiding as One
so it is done
the final weave spun
Let us all
gather together
the sooner the better
Girl Pink
the interlink
in a moment’s wink
your Kingdom come
through Girl Pink
we all become
in the all ~ to the all ~ from the all
Girl Pink
Great Spirit embody
the know-er knows the One
is the One
our outcome
Blessings of Girl Pink!
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Have a blessed day!
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