My My Mermaid #mermaidofmine

*^My My Mermaid^*

ΨMy My MermaidΨ

◊Oh mermaid of mine◊


A look into the symbolism & associations with mermaids #enchantment



The inspiration for this blog post initially came about with the desire to create an art image of a mermaid. I used a photo from a boudoir photo session as my starting off point and then added various elements. From there I imagined what it would be like to meet up with a mermaid from the visual components, to the setting, to the conversation, the timeless aspect, how I would feel and respond, etc…

In my mermaid imagery I added a few elements. *a sword ~A sword as a symbol of  power, protection, purification, & liberty. *a bird ~ A bird as a symbol of freedom, eternal life, and a  bridge between Heaven & Earth. Notice the bird in her hands and bird feathers as a hair adornment.

Mermaids have really hit home in the mainstream popping up as toys, lunch boxes, cartoons, storylines, on clothing, etc…You name it and the commercial, household, and personal use products and services often display a mermaid! How magical and beautiful they are! Nothing like a lil’ magical reminder to start or end our day ~ and all that lays in between.



Let’s have a look into what Mermaids are all about:

∞Go with the Flow∞

The word Mermaid comes from ‘mer’ meaning the Sea∞

→All life flowing from the primordial waters ~ such a Great Life Giving Force can only create that which is Great within it↵ #cosmicpower

Source of Life

Mermaids more often are within a water element ~ in a body of water, on a body of water, close by a body of water, etc… So we see the water element mixed in with the mermaid mystique 🙂

Water can be viewed as representative of life. #livingwaters It is also associated with fertility, birth, & refreshment. Water is often used in ritual such as in a baptism ~ symbolizing a purification ~ also an admission into a faith. Water is also closely linked into human emotions & all the varied states within.

The eternal ocean in some regards is considered the “beginning” of life on Earth.

Water = formlessness of potential ~ potential of form 

Water is deep ~ as deep as the sea * from dreams to intuition * to magic & mystery


The Mermaid as a metaphor

≈take note when the mermaid comes into your life ≈see how it correlates specifically within your life

≈ observe the synchronicity & derive meaning from it ≈

A mermaid is often associated with “something” deeply touching ones Soul. The mermaid also carries within her comparison to “transformation.”

∇Mermaids often depict exceptional feminine beauty & are an aspect of the Goddess∇ #sacredfeminine Often artistry of mermaids is inclusive of the Moon #moongoddess #intuitiveself

As a Spirit Guide the mermaids offers us  guidance to live in balance ~ balancing our heart & head. #steadythewaters The heart always taking precedence. Mermaids making themselves known to those of pure heart.

Mermaids weave out & into their own spellbinding tune ~ acknowledging a green light into the realms of non ~ conformity & individuality as a high premium. A spin towards  “just be yourself” ~ express & live in the truthfulness of you ~ regardless. Keep it real & resonate as your own kind of mermaid charm (or merman)  🙂 #beautonomous

Mermaids also are an analogy for “hidden information” #wisdomkeepers  As in the depths of  the sea eliciting fathomless “silence” ~ the type of silence experienced in meditation, self reflection, quiet time, & any other introspective endeavor. What may lay on the sea floor ~ a treasure chest perhaps ~ but we must explore within our inner reaches to access such hidden treasure. A point in the direction of gaining true insight by going within oneself to access deep inner truths 🙂

Some additional mermaid alliance’s suggest a connection to our inner child. Let’s grant the mermaid an open door to rally us up to the innocence & joy of our inner child #playful #trusting. As a guide, she will walk with us, showing us how to have a whimsical, sprightly stance.

The mermaid resides in a twinkling space out of time. She can help position us to cognize a timeless eternal reality #beinthemoment Let’s live in the realm of infinite possibilities 🙂




ΨMy My MermaidΨ

◊Oh, mermaid of mine◊

My My Mermaid

Oh Mermaid of mine

out of the watery depths

you lay upon the shoreline

did you come from a lost continent?

adorned in opulence, confidence, your sensuality divine

is it early morning or late hours?

you seem in between

go on and unravel all the lore

water is peaceful upon a silvery open door

My My Mermaid

Oh Mermaid of mine

moonlight surrounding you

 full moon stardust in your hair

breathtaking and beautiful, do pardon my stare

mysterious and filled with ancient knowledge

from now not lost nor before

My My Mermaid

Oh Mermaid of mine

feathers ~ a bird perched delicately in your left hand

  did you once reign ~ queen of the land?

motherland ~ wetland ~ fairyland ~ wonderland

luminous the mirror shines

sky and stars glimmer at your feminine design

magnetic, your a free spirit ~ a gift from the sea

a sword you do not hold, but it stays near by

power, protection, the bloodline

My My Mermaid

Oh Mermaid of mine

the water is you ~ we all pass through

I see you in blue, gold ~ out of the blue ~ you come into

third eye crowned ~ out of true ~ a dip into

virtue and lure bestowed ~ a fragrant bloom

blessed by Her holy womb

I must go now with a hope to see you soon

let me take a last look ~ let me breathe you in

out becomes surreal ~ realer than real

My My Mermaid

Oh Mermaid of mine

when there is no time and the song plays three times

I will know you are near once again

mist dancing in the atmosphere ~ milk upon the stratosphere

when lunar becomes the years ~  you will reappear

My My Mermaid

Oh Mermaid of mine



Magical Blessings of the beauty & transformational power of the mermaid!

Be aware of when the Mermaid makes her presence known to you via a movie, image, book, comes up in a conversation, etc…

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

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