Parts of the Whole ~ the Stream of Life

Cat parts from the whole

Cat parts wholeness rolls

Cat parts front view

Cat parts side view

⌈Parts of the Whole⌉

∏the Stream of Life∏

ΩSamantha Pearl #newearthkitty



The inspiration for this blog post is our beloved rescue kitty, Samantha Pearl’s birthday! Each year  I create a celebratory blog post in honor of her birthday. This year she is turning magical mystical “7” 🙂

♥Birthday Magic♥

*Samantha Pearl and her birthday candles on her 7th birthday May 1, 2021*

We presented a few goodies to Samantha Pearl for her birthday. Her fav salmon with 7 candles, a gorgeous blue collar with a peacock motif, a laser toy, a wand toy with dangling feathers, a cat plaque at her dining area that says “All you need is Love and a Cat,” and an attractive sea foam green floral décor box to put her dining dishes on. Remember to raise your pets food and water bowls so they have proper neck alignment while eating.

If you would like to read another one of Samantha Pearl’s blog posts containing symbolism of the peacock as well as a fun poem on cat nippin’ then click below:

Cat Nippin” ~ Cat Trippin’

I refer to her as the #newearthkitty as she serves as a ambassador of unconditional love, unity, self care, honor, wisdom, and joy. Qualities and virtues of a utopian heaven on Earth.



Connecting the Dots: Wholeness in the All:

Bridging the gap of parts to the whole and the whole to the parts to see the all in all. Leaving a belief of separation behind and correcting perception so wholeness is in the forefront of all that is seen, experienced, known, and that is all.


Holiness and Mystery

“Seven is the number of completeness and perfection (both physical and spiritual). It derives much of its meaning from being tied directly to God’s creation of all things.”

Winner: Jackpot!

Why is 777 jackpot?
“777 is used on most slot machines in the United States to identify a jackpot. As it is considered a lucky number, banknotes with a serial number containing 777 tend to be valued by collectors and numismatists. The US Mint and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing sells uncirculated 777 $1 bills for this reason.”



Seven: Symbolism:

“It has had significance in almost every major religion.”

“In the New Testament the number seven symbolizes the unity of the four corners of the Earth with the Holy Trinity. The number seven is also featured in the Book of Revelation (seven churches, seven angels, seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven stars”

777: Reassurance
“As an angel message, the meaning of 777 is reassurance that you are moving on a path towards something better. You just need to pay attention to your intuition and continue to push yourself towards where your soul wants to be.”
“In the Bible this number is represented as the symbol of perfection and completion. Number 7 is repeated three times in number 777, which means that 777 is a perfect number. It actually represents the perfect trinity of God the Holy Spirit, God the Son and God the Father.”
“The angel number 777 is a sign of fortunate circumstances occurring in your love life. The angels remind you to become open to receive love, and excellent new opportunities will appear before you. Open your heart and expect miracles to happen soon.”



⌈Parts of the Whole⌉

∏the Stream of Life∏


Parts of the whole

 whole of the parts

all is One

 dances the stream of life

the whole speaks to the parts

the parts remember the whole

swallowed by the illusion becomes the out of control

nearer to the sky the part recognizes its soul

the giver to the receiver

the receiver acknowledges the giver

what is not true is forgiven

Parts of the whole

 whole of the parts

all is One

 dances the stream of life

it seems like this is here and that is there

some kind of separation in the air

how are you and me the same?

ask the silent mind that knows no names

differences are parts playing a game

live in the heart that recognizes wholeness from which it came

what about a tree and a bird?

 origins are One

God’s Kingdom be done

a sister and a brother

a flower and the grass

gaze at each other

knowing there is no other

the parts speak to the whole

the whole brings us round again

telling us there is nothing else to know

Parts of the whole

 whole of the parts

all is One

 dances the stream of life

puzzle pieces fit snug together

all is One

the wholeness of life




◊Blessings of seeing the whole in the parts and the parts as the whole!

ΘBlessings of completeness and perfection with the number 7!

♥Birthday joy for all those born in May!!

⊗May we all awaken to the wholeness we are⊗

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

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