2021~ Ride the Feeling!

2021 ~ ≈Ride the Feeling≈

Being in the Driver’s Seat


∴Happy New Year!


Yeah! We are approaching a brand new year 2021!

Happy New Year Everyone!


(image is from the internet)



♥Prayer for 2021:

⇒⇒⇒Everyone is back on the dance floor!

The dance floor can be literal ~ I love to dance ~ shall we? Yes 🙂 Or it can be metaphorical and or both.

“Back on the dance floor” is symbolic of good times and celebrations.  That priceless elated feeling that makes us want to dance, that we experience while dancing, and any and everything that makes us happy and causes celebration.

I pray we are all out on the dance floor in 2021. So in preparatory fashion we need to get that body moving, get those feet dancing, and get a good sweat going. Here’s a few songs and videos to get us back out on the dance floor.

Everybody dance now!

Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) (Official HD Video) – YouTube

(2) Tina Turner (featuring David Bowie) – Let’s Dance [Extended] – YouTube

Here’s a good song also as we enter the beginning of 2021. “Begin the Begin” by R.E.M. Add your favorite songs and videos to the playlist. Let the celebrations begin…

Let’s begin again……..

Begin The Begin – YouTube



Spontaneity as Divine guidance:

I wasn’t planning on having a blog post centered on 2021. Actually, I have had some blog posts in the mix for a while now that I wanted to complete. However, I was taken in a new direction.

It all happened rather suddenly. The day after Christmas, during my morning meditation, spontaneously the word “arise” came into my awareness and it was known to be in direct link to 2021. Then a few more words came into my awareness as well as some potentials aimed at 2021. This blog post is more from a place of being guided to share some of these things.

This entire blog post content is from what came into my awareness the day after Christmas while in my morning meditation. I don’t claim to be a predictor of any sort. I am only and simply sharing what I feel guided to present based on what was presented to me in my after Christmas morning meditation.



≈Ride the Feeling≈

Driver’s Seat

≈Ride the Feeling≈  came to me  during my morning meditation the day after Christmas. When the words came to me there was a direct link to the year 2021. Often for me, the knowing comes without words and yet combined with a word or a few words that relate back to the knowing imparted and sometimes with a image (s) serving as a metaphorical guidepost.

 While in my meditation I was experiencing a back and forth consciously of a polarity of feelings. Like a on and off switch. A few times I experienced a feeling rooted in fear and then it switched to a feeling rooted in love. This is the best I can describe it. I was able to move back and forth between the two polarities very fast and this was a new experience for me while in meditation. It happened suddenly and spontaneously. So from there, I was able to “ride the feeling” ~ the love based feeling ~ as in a wave ~ a current ~ moving. The feeling was different from the transcendental unbounded feeling most of us experience while in meditation. It was more like riding a conscious wave and as a choice. Then the words “ride the feeling” came about as the gracious flow continued. So perhaps this coming year, we will be able to make more love based choices and actually direct through our will an experiential wave fueled on love, joy, and bliss. This bliss wave ride feeling felt like being in the driver’s seat. It was as if I was opening the door myself not someone else opening the door for me. I was completely participatory in the ride as opposed to a bystander.

Let’s all “Ride the Feeling….” that lasts and lasts.

So in 2021 be in the driver’s seat. The place of our empowerment. In control of our life via our choices, speech, action, perspectives, feelings. etc… Go places!

A song in our hearts to kick off 2021: This song and video link below conveys the message. Driver’s Seat by Sniff  ‘n’ The Tears. “

“Come what may….gonna dance the day away….” “pick up your feet….gotta move to the trick of the beat…” Get in the driver’s seat! #takeyourplace

sniff n the tears driver’s seat – YouTube 



2021: Words

Below are some words that came into my awareness during my after Christmas morning meditation as related to 2021

⇑Arise ~ this is the first word association I received relative to 2021. It is as it states. It feels symbolic of a long incubation stage completed (or nearly completed) and a full emerging of the Christ Self. 

A few symbols akin to ⇑Arise:  A flower that rises up and out, petal after petal, in its full bloom singing the Glory of its Creator. Another image is a rocket going up and up into space at full force ~ into the unknown. Going higher and higher into unexplored territory. Living to aspire and be our arisen Self as our highest calling. 

∇Understated ~ this is somewhat ambiguous in that I feel the meaning applied to 2021 is not the full literal conventional definition of the word and more spread out to touch many areas. The overall impression I have is that the feel is where things become more subtle and an emphasis on being humble. Less “look at me” substituted with more “look at us.” A broader range and scope of seeing things from a more unified perspective while remaining true to one’s own uniqueness of being.

For example if one’s natural tendency and affinity lines up with a more expressive, flamboyant, flashy way of living and creating on any level that the feeling behind it is understated and not coming from a place of  “look at me” but more on a level of   pure creation without a ego centrality to it. So things can be big and even opulent but it is held within the context of the whole, for the whole, and as the whole. 

Understated is also a reference  for communication ~ where communication will be at a subtle more refined level.

∴Wizardry ~ the word wizardry as opposed to wizard is what I experienced in my meditation and the feel behind it leaned more to a masculine energy in some respects. Magic, nature spirits, an opening of a Merlin portal of the enchanter and wise man. Wisdom and magical realization.

∇Hands ~ Hands are important in 2021 in my estimation. This pertains to what we create with our hands, what we touch with our hands, and anything related to the use. purpose, and creation via our hands. 

ΩAnimals ~ I am not sure how this animal focus will play out. There may be more of a realization collectively (beginning with the individual) that animals are our equal and this frame of reference may institute new loving humane treatment of animals. The feeling I received is that this area of highlight is for all animals ~ domesticated and undomesticated.

This is a huge step in honoring all life and seeing life as One collective unit all in equal status. 


♥However 2021 unfolds may it be a healthy, happy, prosperous, love and light filled year for All!

⇒May we all live from our God centered Self⇐

⊕May we all honor and accept ourselves and extend this to each other and all of life⊕



♥Blessings of Ride the Feeling!!

◊Many blessings in 2021 for all!

⊗May we all take our place in the driver’s seat⊗

Happy Healthy New Year 2021! 

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

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