In the Arms of the Divine Mother ~ #devotional

Divine Mother blessing the Earth: We are nestled within Her Loving Arms




In the Arms of the Divine Mother

ΩShe is the AllΩ

⊗ Devotional to the Divine Mother⊗ 



This blog post is devoted to the Divine Mother

This blog post is a combination of Mother May I’s, Affirmations, and a devotional aimed to generate an awareness that transcends linear thought and moves into an awake flow state using select word choice and structure to connect into the feel of the Divine Mother’s Presence. Using words in and of themselves to conjure up imagery, memory, feeling, and a transcendental state. Add your own words that elicit a feeling response within you to align with the divine feminine energies.


⊗Auspicious Divine Mother ⊗

⇒Blessed Healer ~ Nurturer ~ Confidant ~ Companion↵

ΩDivine Feminine Mother God ◊ Miracle & Magic WeaverΩ

*the digital art works are from a variety of different photo sessions*




Mother May I:

Connecting our human everyday senses into a divine experience and sensation

⇒May I see You in all that I see

⇒May I hear You in all that I hear

⇒May I touch You in all that I touch

⇒May I know You in all that I know

⇒May I taste You in all that I taste

⇒May I smell You in all that I smell


Earth keepers of the Way ~ Divine Feminine leadership, receptivity, and empowerment



May I experience Divine Mother’s heartbeat in each beat of my heart from the start of each day through the darkest of night,  only to return to the Light while here on Earth ~ be with me Divine Mother now and even during my final depart.

⇒May my heart be open to feel You in all of Your ways

⇒May I serve You in all of my days

⇒May I come to Your Presence as my mainstay

Thank you Divine Mother for your continuous Grace, Love, and Holy Presence in all of our lives

♥ I love You with All that I Am♥


♥Divine Mother as the Ultimate Giver of Birth♥

Divine Feminine Creative Force: Giving birth. *literal & metaphorical*



Being Birthed Within:

∞enter the new ~ the new is now∞

May the Divine Mother birth within us our highest expression of blessed thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, speech, creativity, guidance and direction.

May the Divine Mother bless all of our bodies (mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical) as awakened eternal expressions of our wholeness.

May we all be birthed anew into a fully realized being consciously living in our highest exalted state of pure consciousness fulfilling our soul mission and the Divine Plan.

Blessings of awakening and being birthed anew!




Let us open

to the exquisite refined Love & Light energetic composition of the Divine Mother

If possible light a candle to ignite a pathway of conscious connection

We enter our heart stream

Simply breathing, relaxing, and receiving

ΞYou are perfect ΞYou are whole ΞYou are loved 

Rest now in Her Beloved Arms

 ∇Receive the Grace of the Divine Mother∇




♥In the Arms of the Divine Mother♥

ΩShe is the AllΩ

⊗ Devotional to the Divine Mother⊗ 

*written in a style to bring into awareness thoughts and feelings of entering into holy presence through select word choice and flow*

*dismiss the need for complete sentences and a logical linear thought process and open to words and flow as launching points within for conscious expansion, memory, feeling, visuals, and wonderment*


In the Arms of the Divine Mother

holder keeper

a love like no other

no measure, endeavor, winged feather

soother, smoother, enlightenment seducer

discover many colors, Her love uncover

In the Arms of the Divine Mother

a love like no other

among Her, from Her, shudder

touch Her ~ become Her

Holy Goddess Mother

 cradler nurturer uplifter

Her tender Love ~ the gift

gentle dove, silk gloves

In the Arms of the Divine Mother

a love like no other

the love that frees

cow to calf ~ all have forgotten to laugh

day or night fall in love ~ labor of love

milk breasts ~ sweet nectar there of

 aware of, drink of

divine thread of, well of, in care of

In the Arms of the Divine Mother

a love like no other

 overflowing into endless streams ~ in dreams both seen and unseen

 seamstress of seams ~ Blessed holy queen

justice beam ~ balance beam ~ heart beam

light strands ~ multiple hands ~ homeland

beauty of spirit ~ wide screen ~ exalted supreme

star board ~ adored ~ umbilical cord

above ~ below ~ in between

angelic teams ~ by all means

  surrender ~ birthed in Her sheen

encoded in all genes

In the Arms of the Divine Mother

a love like no other

reconvene ~ Magdalene ~ saint adding machine

assemble ~ disassemble ~ resemble

jade green ~ sage green ~ sea green

intervene ~ silver screen ~ golden mean

In the Arms of the Divine Mother

a love like no other

baptize white rose ~  She who knows ~ meadow fields a glow

reformer, transporter, installer~ sanctified altar

sons and daughters ~ the world ~ no borders

replenishing, caressing, refreshing

mending, fencing, presenting

 each Soul ~ the Earth

all of worth ~ unearth ~ rebirth

bring forth ~ call forth ~ magnetic force

In the Arms of the Divine Mother

a love like no other

 in front, behind, to the side, and through

in all She comes through

pass through ~ steel blue ~ world view

In the Arms of the Divine Mother

a love like no other

ripe fruits from Her vine, bloodline, life line

no start nor end line ~ draw the lineless line ~ power line

perfumed now with Her rose scent

assent, ascent, advent

 emergence ~ occurrence ~ establishment

look after, take after, sought after

bringer of answers, a ladder, just ask Her

primed, rhymed, Her shrine

In the Arms of the Divine Mother

a love like no other

 Her presence, harmony of mind, alchemy of nine

beautiful bouquet, Her milky Way

gateway, archway, enter Her hideaway

as perfect as a perfect Summer’s day

eternally our sanctuary ~ majestic pink ray

In the Arms of the Divine Mother

a love like no other

primary, rosemary, luminary

winged wearer, childcare, Lords prayer

re-calibration ~ into the new

break through, out of true, floral tattoo

In the Arms of the Divine Mother

a love like no other

nestled in this Holy space

giver of magical Grace ~ Queen Anne’s lace, upper case, everyplace

 in thankfulness and wonder

oracle thunder, music inspire

nothing is required

 prayer shawl ~ free for all

once and for all

In the Arms of the Divine Mother

a love like no other

supplier, multiplier, magnifier

love like wild fire, afire

acquire Her desire

behold and admire

Mother of all

In the Arms of the Divine Mother

a love like no other

together ~ whether ~ wherever ~ whenever


In the Arms of the Divine Mother




♥Praise and honor to our Blessed Holy Mother♥

⊕May we all be richly blessed by our Divine Mother⊕

∴ Blessings & Miracles from our Divine Mother!! ∴

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