ξPrayer to Become the Christ
→A Simple Prayer to transform and allow our holy I AM Presence to flow through us∴
Spontaneously during one of my morning meditations the words in this prayer came to me.
It’s a wonderful feeling to sit in silence and spontaneously receive precious downloads that serve to guide.
Being open to the unbounded field during deep silence, in communion with Source while in meditation is a great place to be!
It’s just a few days after Christmas celebrations and soon we will be in a new year, 2022! Many blessings to all now and in 2022! ♥
The digital art of Jesus Christ is from a photo I took of my boyfriend Steve’s prior band mate. His features and bone structure lent a feel for the basis of a digital art piece emulating my version of Jesus.
The Vision of Christ:
The Vision of Christ, to awaken to the inner Christ that resides in all, to be the Christ while living on Earth serves our greatest fulfillment and purpose. To live in such an exalted state of purity of heart, light mind, & body is to remember at the core who we are eternally. All falsehoods and illusions trail away as one gains maturity in spiritual vision. It’s a process within a process that requires much dedication. To live as the Christ, as Jesus taught in his ministry, is our highest calling. Our paths unique and varying, yet united in the One vision of the Christ. This is who we are. This is who we are waking up to. This is who we are becoming as our perfected state of being and conscious alignment.
Beyond all preconceived notions, beyond what we have been taught and think we know ~ we go deeper into our being to experientially come face to face with our shining truth lovingly gazing back to us reflecting our divinity in true knowing and light eternal.
The Download:
The words that came into my awareness during my morning meditation came in such a way as if it is to be a prayer. It felt more prayerful and to be presented as a devotional then a straight up poem. The words came in covering all the senses and in practical ways relating to the human form and our daily experiences.
Prayer of Forgiveness:
Prelude to becoming the Christ:
Forgiveness unto me blessed be
to have seen and lived a non~reality
Forgiveness unto me blessed be
to now live free in the One true divine reality
coats of old and worn out trousers
now replaced with golden treasures
night vision brought to glory’s door
knower of now to see the Christ awakened in me and outpour
Forgiveness unto me blessed be
no longer illusions and darkness prevail
for my Christ heart has awakened to dissolve all veils
all forgiveness to those that seemed like others
who seemed to bring about much distaste and worldly hunger
Forgiveness unto me blessed be
all that was once in a unhealed mind
now stands in correction undefined
opened are eyes no longer blind
Forgiveness unto me blessed be
the world, myself, and all that held me under
is forgiven with eyes that rest to see only Thee
no shores do separate nor do walls exist apart from my One true reality
Forgiveness unto me blessed be
life now lived in symmetry
all my parts revealed to me
One station, One declaration, One Self
the truth, the Christ
risen inside myself
Forgiveness unto me blessed be
all is forgiven, ascended, and set free
I Am the Christ
I Am the Buddha
Awakened inside myself
I believe in the majesty and grandness I do possess
here now wholly blessed
Holy Spirit Blessing of Awakening:
the eyes of my heart fill with holy smoke
saged, cleansed, and ready for the inherit
Holy Spirit come, bless me eternal love flames apparent
all becomes One as One has spoke
my great I AM shown and known
humbled I am at thy Christ throne
ξPrayer to Become the Christξ
Thy Great God grant to me:
⊕Read aloud or silently once or in repetition⊕
⊕Light a candle nearby if possible⊕
Thy Great God grant to me
the vision of Christ
so I may be the eyes of Christ
Thy Great God grant to me
the hands of Christ
so I may be the touch of Christ
Thy Great God grant to me
the fragrant air of Christ
so I may be the breath of Christ
Thy Great God grant to me
the feet of Christ
so I may walk as the Christ
Thy Great God grant to me
the voice of Christ
so I may speak as the Christ
Thy Great God grant to me
the sweetness of Christ
so I may have the taste of Christ upon my lips
Thy Great God grant to me
the ears of Christ
so I may hear only the Christ
Thy Great God grant to me
the mind of Christ
so I may be the knower of Christ
Thy Great God grant to me
the heart of Christ
so I may be the holy love flame of Christ
Thy Great God grant to me
the form of Christ
so I may be the embodiment of Christ
Thy Great God grant to me
the essence of Christ
so I may be the presence of Christ
Thy Great God grant to me
the remembering of Christ
so I may be the awakened Christ
Thy Great God grant to me
the bones of Christ
so I may be the strength of Christ
Thy Great God grant to me
the living risen Christ
so I may be the miracle of Christ
♦As we move into 2022 may all be blessed in bountiful gifts of healing, awakening, and living as the risen Christ!♦
♥Happy New Year! 2022!
⊕May all awaken to the living Christ within⊕
♥Blessings of wholeness and wellness♥
Thank you for viewing 🙂
Have a blessed day!
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*Much Gratitude*
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