Ascension Tickets ~ Free Admission #grace #harmony #selfcare

⇒ Ascension Tickets⇐

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#grace #harmony #selfcare

ΞGifts on the Ascension PathΞ

⇔ Always available to us⇔


A Simple Reminder of Simple Applications on the Ascension Walk:


The Ascension Path ~ Grace, Harmony, Self Care & more!!! 🙂


What do we have at no cost? ⊗that is always available⊗ ~ that can’t be bought?

⊂An exploration into, & perhaps a reminder for us, of what we all have ~ if we choose it ~ that requires no monetary exchange, requires going no where, requires nothing at all from us ~ that divinely offers itself to use freely if we so choose ~ that we in turn offer to ourselves.⊃

↔A couple of “things” surface that we have immediate & constant access to in any & all moments. 🙂 Let’s take a look at some…….↔

∴I placed some of my images into a admit one ticket with a single word to refer back to what we can experience if we open ourselves up to it.∴


⇒ Ascension Tickets⇐

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Divine Mother Grace

Through the sacred blessing of the Divine Mother we have opportunity for Grace. No matter what we are experiencing ~ we can open ourselves up to the truly Amazing Grace offered freely to us. We can ask for Grace pertaining to any arena in our life, for our loved ones, and for all of life.

I placed this one first as I believe that through this magical Grace all is possible ~ this is our transforming power ~ in the ability to receive it.

This is a powerful tool we have at our aid in all moments.


 Placing harmony in a prominent position in our awareness as a daily choice.

There are many breathing techniques available to bring forth ~ restore ~ harmony within our systems ~ just remembering to breathe is of great utility, while focusing on our heart & being grateful for all our blessings.

Harmony pulls us back to our center.


Speak your truth

Offer up truth to yourself ~ to see clearly ~ to recognize ~ to acknowledge.

 Acknowledge truth within and speak  truth with clarity and love

Relate to the “world” in a more truthful light ~ the truth that is in accordance with our heart & soul.

Being truthful to others, in kind & loving ways is a self honoring. Give yourself space to speak your truth, & allow others to have their truth.

Your inner lighthouse lights the way…



Have faith ~ in yourself, in others, the world, the universe, your life………

Maintain a stance that says “Yes” to life ~ a holding ground within that resides as a constant assurance that all is well ~ irrespective of external conditions. When we have faith we relax more, enjoy more, & walk lighter. We have a inner knowing that there is So Much more than meets the physical eyes ~ & we hold trust in this as a universal truth ~ for us ~ for all.

You are perfect & complete just as you are 🙂


Divine Communion

Create holy ground in quiet servitude in the form of prayer ~ an active principle where we “speak” with our Divine Self ~ our True Self.

Our Divine Self LOVES when we commune ~  a beautiful flow is created ~ the Oneness that we are as our divinity


  Bread & butter of thought, speech, & action

When we strip ourselves down to our core essence there in flows Unconditional Love.

 We are loved unconditionally by the Divine ~ by our Divine Self.

Loving ourselves and all that is unconditionally…

Such sweet surrender……

Unconditionally love yourself and all that is…



Celebrate YOU

Place yourself in the greatness & illustriousness that you are. Walk in dignity, nobility, & majesty. And offer this to All life.

What magic will flow………


Having a listen…

Listening within offers tremendous insight which is brought to the surface. Ideas, creativity, solutions, and answers rise to our awareness.

Our divine nature ~ in the form of an inner quietude is a well spring of knowledge & information. Wisdom for our living ~ practical & spiritual.


Love Yourself

It is our responsibility to ourselves ~ on our evolutionary path ~ to issue loving care towards ourselves. We gift ourselves ~ as the basis for all love.

This is both inwardly with thoughts of love & compassion ~ as well as outwardly taking care of our bodies ~ & nurturing our dreams ~ our passions. We heal our wounds in holy self devotion as we cleanse & remove them with a surplus of our mending love.

Self care is at the forefront of growth & transformation. Follow through with self care daily.

Be generous with self care ~ value yourself

Administer appreciation & affection for yourself as yourself!


♥Grace upon your Ascension path♥

℘May your Ascension walk be filled with joy, perfect health, peace, and strong inner knowing℘

◊Blessings of All that is yours!!! 

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Have a blessed day!!!

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