Crystal Light Music ^a song in crystal^

℘℘℘Crystal Light Music℘℘℘

  ℘a song in crystal℘

→*environment observation*←

*^Crystal Light Music 1 *^

*^ Crystal Light Music 2 *^

*^ Crystal Light Music 3 ^*

*^ Crystal Light Music 4 ^*


↔Sacred Kemetic Land and Legacy↔

Kemetic is the native name of the Ancient Egyptian homeland


 θThe Kemetic Way of Life is to be One with the Divine Creatorθ


Ancient Kemetic Spirituality

∴Divine Creator substance within All Creation∴

 Ancient Kemetic spirituality centers itself on the foundational belief of  “The One in Many” ~ the Divine force pro-generated itself into the many. This all ~ powerful Divine Creative force multiplied itself ~ carrying within its creation the seed form of its divine essence. Its living Spirit structured within all manifestation. So all materialization is a continuation, or extension, of the Divine ~ containing within itself its own specified properties as well as Creator Light.

 The inspiration behind this imagery and poem is the Kemetic directive of viewing the world  ~ creation ~ as completely embedded with the energy frequency field of the Divine Creator.

 A basic Kemetic spiritual principle is that the Divine Creator is a living substance within Her/His creation ~ no division or separation. The Divine Creator is in all humans, animals, plants, objects ~ everything.

ξGame Changerξ

As with all great advancement on the evolutionary path, we must adopt, take in, nurture, and give life to on the experiential level to make something a living reality. So, steps towards experiencing ourselves and our world ~ inclusive of All it encompasses ~ as having planted within it Living Creator Light particles provides the invitation to do no harm. No harm to self, others, animals, the natural environment of plants, trees, etc… ~  as all that exists within creation is held in a consecrated light.

As we progress in our conscious awareness and become more cognizant of our subtle body and subtle energies, we tangibly experience the Divine Creator within us as us, as well as a dynamic field of energy within all of creation. This ultimately leads us to the Great Meeting place ~ the immaculate ambrosial space where we meet up with ourselves. What could be better? The final curtain opened ~ revealing the Truth of who we are. Living and experiencing ourselves and all of creation in Unity Christ Consciousness ~ the masterful state of perfectibility.

We owe much to the Blessed Land of Kemet ~ their teachings, spiritual endowments, and ways of living in union are seen in multi fold expressions across the globe ~ more often than not ~ not receiving the credit due as the originators of great cosmic tutelage. The Kemet legacy and way has laid the ground work for much of our modern life.


⊥Becoming aware of our surroundings⊥

Our environment is always speaking to us

The material inspiration behind this poem is some beautiful crystal pieces we inherited that are displayed in a dark wood cabinet in our living room space. Across from the wood cabinet are several panels of glass on the West side of the house. Around sunset hour the space is ablaze with paradisaical light. The afternoon light is a kaleidoscope of singing hymns dancing off the crystal pieces. It was speaking so loud in a fanciful infusion of song that the beauty took me away ~ I could not help but stop in my tracks and honor and be grateful for this melodic light feast before me.

I offer encouragement to be aware of your surroundings ~ attuning to your subtle inner vibrations and that of your environment as best as possible.


℘℘℘Crystal Light Music℘℘℘

  ℘a song in crystal℘

→*environment observation*←


I walked by the crystal

in the glimmer sparkle light

vision of airy white

bright~ ignite ~ I put on the brake light

crystal on display

in the dark wood cabinet

extravagant ~ electromagnetic ~ divine inhabitant

field magnet ~ happening ~ sacrament

my footsteps spanning out

my mind a flood light

lined ~ unwind ~ remind

mastermind ~ designed ~ undefined

Crystal Light Music

 a ballad

I heard it within

violin ~ mandolin ~ next of kin

crystal light kisses spun & woven

opal like colors ~ fire motion ~ spoken

a language of crystal light

flying me like the highest kite

Crystal Light Music

day light ~ eye sight ~ star light

drawing me in

   crystal song they sing

built in ~ therein ~ wherein

Crystal Light Music

listening within

silent presence

omnipresence ~ attendance ~ essence

calling me luminescence

Crystal Light Music

stirring  and moving like water in motion

silvery crystal light

 heavenly bouquet

watch how it plays!

taking me into doorways ~ endless highway

I walked by the crystal

 this is all I could see

blazing glistening like a Christmas tree

I walked by the crystal

this is all I could hear

all else disappeared

Crystal Light Music

Do you see & hear?

cupid, fluid, somewhat elusive

a crystal song in the wind

unconfined state of mind

radiant diamond like harmonics

an honest promise

corals under the sea

silver jubilee

afternoon tea

Crystal Light Music

sparkling and glowing

particles of different worlds

dream world ~ trans world ~ real world

each time I walk by

the crystal

it speaks to me

commanding its presence

in beauty ~ in song

real magic there in plain sight

delight ~ all in excite

a visual meditation

 creation ~ flirty duration

Crystal Light Music

there in the light

singing praise ~ acoustics heaven’s rays

amaze ablaze

Crystal Light Music

in my line of sight

 clear hear ~ tone highlight

insight ~ dive in ~ take an inner flight

Crystal Light Music

within I unite


Many blessings of experiencing the Divine Source within and around you 🙂

May all the Truths of ancient Kemet be revealed for all to know!

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Jo Jo #2 4ever Home ~ Animal Blessing

Jo Jo

Jo Jo #2 4ever Home ~ #animaladoption

Friends of Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty

∴Blessing for the Animals∴

Say Hi again to Jo Jo ~ this beautiful silky Russian Blue kitten is still in need of her 4ever home. She has been staying in a cage ~ ugh!!! Please pass on this information to anyone you know that might be interested in bringing her into their heart & home.

I dream of a world where All Animals have loving beautiful 4ever homes. That All Animals are treated with kindness, dignity, & respect. That humanity rises to extinct ALL Slaughter houses & pays rightful homage to the animal kingdom to ensure this never happens ever again. That animal abuse is never a thought or action in the mind & hands humanity ~ but rather the human heart opens to see the innocence, purity, loving compassion, & magnificence of the beloved animals we share this planet with. Please join in this vision. Holding this vision across the globe #blesstheanimals #honortheanimalkingdom

🙂 Jo Jo 🙂 Russian Blue

Friends of Samantha Pearl: Jo Jo 4ever home

#bringhomethefur #petsrule #petadoption

Jo Jo was just a small kitten when she was saved from death at the county shelter at the last minute. We knew she walked a little funny so must have had some sort of recent injury, but that’s about all we knew. She was so sweet and affectionate, and so beautiful, we knew she deserved a chance. She went to see the best rehab vet around for an evaluation of the problem. The vet was positive that although something not nice had happened to cause her such an injury to her spinal area, with some intensive therapy she should greatly improve. After all, she was young and had a strong will to live and be a kitten. She stayed at the animal hospital for several weeks receiving daily treatments of acupuncture and physical therapy. She improved greatly and can walk and play like a normal kitten. She absolutely adores all people and thinks she should be giving or getting affection all the time. Everyone at the animal hospital adores her, and they have kept her there all this time trying to find a home for her. It’s been 7 months and still no home. You see, despite Jo Jo being a normal kitten in every way, she has a special need that will require someone to express her bladder a couple times a day. Morning, end of day, and before bedtime would be ideal. The injury to her spine affected her so that her bladder doesn’t work properly. Many pets live wonderful lives with humans that are willing to give them this little bit of extra care. Expressing the bladder only takes a few minutes at the most and once you get familiar with it, it’s just like having a few quality minutes together two or three times a day. Her injury is not painful, and will not cause more problems later. Jo Jo has no idea anything is wrong with her, it’s all she’s ever known. She has spent her entire life until now in a cage. First at the shelter and now all these months at the vet’s office. She has become stir crazy as she is growing and needing exercise. Please, I’m begging you to think hard of any possibility for a home for Jo Jo. She’s a stunning kitten and people are crazy for Russian Blues. Her coat is like pure silk and she smells like a rose. She would light up your life and look like an expensive ornament sitting high up in a cat tree. Although she has been receiving wonderful care at the vets office, she can’t live in a cage much longer. Her kitten life is passing her by. She wants to run and climb and play and lay by your side while you do your thing at home. She wants to sit by a window and look at the birds outside. She would love other cats and dogs, as there is a resident dog at the vet she has befriended. If you don’t know of anyone who might be interested in meeting Jo Jo, please forward this plea to everyone you can think of, as you never know who might see the email and Jo Jo’s photo and might either want to hear more about her or maybe they have another kitty or dog that needs to be expressed also, or they might work around the veterinary field and have experience where they aren’t concerned at all about her special need. After all, a kitty like Jo Jo would bring much happiness to someone and be well worth the little bit of trouble it might be. We have 10 days until Christmas and I’m begging Santa! This is all I want for Christmas! If Santa could find a home for this sweet girl, I would be over the moon with joy and gratitude. Truthfully, my heart is breaking that she is still sitting at the vet in a cage. We just didn’t think it would turn out like this. So now we need to turn things around for her. Please help me help her. I know together we can. We can end this year knowing we really saved this one. Thanks so much for caring and sharing. To get more information or to meet Jo Jo please call, text, or email Lori at 954-661-0666,


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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

Tribute to Goddess Isis #honoringthegoddess

Honoring the Great Egyptian Goddess Isis

#goddessisis #honoringthegoddess #cozmicselfie #ancientegypt

Honoring the Divine Egyptian Goddess Isis

Take time each day to honor the Goddess within, in whatever way appeals to you. This is for both genders as we are composed of both the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine in truth no matter what our physical form is. Stay present, fully knowing & embodying the Divine within 🙂

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Miracles Happen!!! #stayaware

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂




Friends of Samantha Pearl: Jo Jo 4ever home


🙂 Jo Jo 🙂 Russian Blue

Friends of Samantha Pearl: Jo Jo 4ever home

#bringhomethefur #petsrule #petadoption

Jo Jo was just a small kitten when she was saved from death at the county shelter at the last minute. We knew she walked a little funny so must have had some sort of recent injury, but that’s about all we knew. She was so sweet and affectionate, and so beautiful, we knew she deserved a chance. She went to see the best rehab vet around for an evaluation of the problem. The vet was positive that although something not nice had happened to cause her such an injury to her spinal area, with some intensive therapy she should greatly improve. After all, she was young and had a strong will to live and be a kitten. She stayed at the animal hospital for several weeks receiving daily treatments of acupuncture and physical therapy. She improved greatly and can walk and play like a normal kitten. She absolutely adores all people and thinks she should be giving or getting affection all the time. Everyone at the animal hospital adores her, and they have kept her there all this time trying to find a home for her. It’s been 7 months and still no home. You see, despite Jo Jo being a normal kitten in every way, she has a special need that will require someone to express her bladder a couple times a day. Morning, end of day, and before bedtime would be ideal. The injury to her spine affected her so that her bladder doesn’t work properly. Many pets live wonderful lives with humans that are willing to give them this little bit of extra care. Expressing the bladder only takes a few minutes at the most and once you get familiar with it, it’s just like having a few quality minutes together two or three times a day. Her injury is not painful, and will not cause more problems later. Jo Jo has no idea anything is wrong with her, it’s all she’s ever known. She has spent her entire life until now in a cage. First at the shelter and now all these months at the vet’s office. She has become stir crazy as she is growing and needing exercise. Please, I’m begging you to think hard of any possibility for a home for Jo Jo. She’s a stunning kitten and people are crazy for Russian Blues. Her coat is like pure silk and she smells like a rose. She would light up your life and look like an expensive ornament sitting high up in a cat tree. Although she has been receiving wonderful care at the vets office, she can’t live in a cage much longer. Her kitten life is passing her by. She wants to run and climb and play and lay by your side while you do your thing at home. She wants to sit by a window and look at the birds outside. She would love other cats and dogs, as there is a resident dog at the vet she has befriended. If you don’t know of anyone who might be interested in meeting Jo Jo, please forward this plea to everyone you can think of, as you never know who might see the email and Jo Jo’s photo and might either want to hear more about her or maybe they have another kitty or dog that needs to be expressed also, or they might work around the veterinary field and have experience where they aren’t concerned at all about her special need. After all, a kitty like Jo Jo would bring much happiness to someone and be well worth the little bit of trouble it might be. We have 10 days until Christmas and I’m begging Santa! This is all I want for Christmas! If Santa could find a home for this sweet girl, I would be over the moon with joy and gratitude. Truthfully, my heart is breaking that she is still sitting at the vet in a cage. We just didn’t think it would turn out like this. So now we need to turn things around for her. Please help me help her. I know together we can. We can end this year knowing we really saved this one. Thanks so much for caring and sharing. To get more information or to meet Jo Jo please call, text, or email Lori at 954-661-0666,


Thank you for viewing & reading!!!!

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂




Windmill ~ As It Will: movement ~ consciousness transformation

^the Windmill^ ~ Samantha Pearl as the silent witness


⊗As It Will⊗

§Movement ~ Consciousness Transformation§

⇒Praise to the Wind⇐ ⇒The Element Air⇐

The wind is a symbol of the spirit, the vital breath of the universe. It is powerful, invisible, but evident by its effects on matter

⊕ a breeze of destiny ⊕

Windmill as a symbol of the movement of transformation from one state of consciousness to a higher state of consciousness


⇓one conscious state

⇔ to a higher conscious state⇔

◊the windmill

May we all elevate into higher states of consciousness with the blessings of the “Windmill”


⊂Symbolism of the Windmill⊃

Windmill’s hold much symbolism, not only in their image but in their function.

Firstly the Windmill uses the element of Air to turn it’s workings. Air among a plethora of interpretation, representative of thought, intellect, idea and synthesis.
Linked to the Astrological signs of Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. Air is the primary basis of all existence.
‘I think, therefore I am’, by Descartes sums up the principle.

~ excerpt from Its All Within


“Windmill ~ Transforming one thing, situation, or dynamic into another (as a windmill transforms wind energy into electricity or other forms) Making the best of a situation or environment (as a windmill takes advantage of windy conditions) Energy, movement, or the ability to keep going or persevere.”

“Windmills are also the universal symbol of life, serenity, resilience, self-sufficiency, and perseverance in a harsh environment. A more playful and colorful representation of the windmill is the pinwheel, which symbolizes diversity, potential, transformation, wish fulfillment and childhood innocence.”


≈The Great Wind≈

§The Element Air§

⊕⊕The Holy Breath⊕⊕

∇The Holy Spirit∇

Ruach Elohim ~  the Holy Spirit ~ the Divine Feminine aspect of God.

⊕Holy Spirit ~ She Is⊕

Ruha, according to Lucy Reid in her book “She Changes Everything” can also be interpreted as “Mother.” ~ derived from the Hebrew word “Ruach.”

The Sacred Wind & Breath of God. The Blessed Holy Spirit in All Her Majesty, Power, & Might. Like the wind ~ She is invisible yet visible. We feel & experience the wind, yet don’t see it ~ for example, we see the wind gracing leaves on a tree to sway about but don’t actually see the energy essence that is literally causing it to be.

She is the breath of life ~ the creative indwelling sacred God Source emanation within us and all.  The Great dispenser of The Life force. The Holy Spirit.

Although these are names we use as attributes, in Her Fullness & Truth, no name exists. She is beyond the confines of a name in Her totality.

Ruach Elohim sets forth motion through Her Great Power. She breathes life into creation and thus causes them to live.

I intuit the true trinity, in its original context to comprise of the Mother (Divine Mother), the Father (Divine Father), and Child (Divine Child). So when I hear ~ in the name of the Father, Son, & Holy Spirit I sense an incompleteness. The incompleteness being the exclusion of making mention of the Holy Spirit~ specifically as the Divine Feminine Essence and “Son” to be incomplete as it is not inclusive of both genders. In my estimation, a correct expression of the Sacred Holy Trinity would be something as follows:


In the union

of the Divine Mother

of the Divine Father

and the Holy Child


This interpretation, I feel, holds a truer mirror of the complete trinity. A fuller expression.

We are the “Holy Child” ~ the blessed offspring of the Divine ~ the pure emanation of Mother/Father God.

Our evolution is to remember, claim, and live this truth. #knowthyself


 As we look into associations with the wind, let’s explore the element of air

Air being the carrier of wind.

Air is the Great Provider of life ~ our human vital breathing system, the powerful air that manifested creation into being. It is also connected to wisdom, the higher mind/mind, and the Spirit of the Soul.

In Sacred Geometry, a octahedron is associated with the air element. A standard octahedron has 8 identical faces, 6 vertices and 12 edge.



  =breath = the life giving force

“Prana is seen as a universal energy which flows in currents in and around the body. Prana has many levels of meaning, from the physical breath to the energy of consciousness itself. Prana is not only the basic life-force, it is the original creative power. It is the master form of all energy working at every level of our being. Indeed the entire universe is a manifestation of prana.”


Ancient Kemet ~ Egypt

Shu ~ God of Air and Light

Egyptian God Shu

“Shu (Su) is the god of light and air and as such personified the wind and the earth’s atmosphere. Thus Shu created the atmosphere which allowed life to flourish.”

“Shu (Egyptian for “emptiness” and “he who rises up”) was one of the primordial Egyptian gods, spouse and brother to goddess Tefnut, and one of the nine deities of the Ennead of the Heliopolis cosmogony.”

“He was the god of peace, lions, air, and wind.”

“As a god of the wind, sailors invoked him to provide the good wind to power their boats. … The Egyptian and Nubian kings often had themselves depicted as Shu.”

“The ancient Egyptian god Shu is represented as a human with feathers on his head, as he is associated with dry and warm air. This feather serves as the hieroglyphic sign for his name.”

“Shu could also be represented as a lion, or with a more elaborate feathered headdress. … He was the god of peace, lions, air, and wind.” Shu is a personification of wind and dry air. He is also the god of the space and light between the sky and the earth. He is the twin brother and the husband of Tefnut, the goddess of moisture. He is sometimes represented with a lion head.”

“As Lord of the Atmosphere, it was Shu’s duty to seperate his children: the sky (the goddess Nut) and the earth (Nut’s husband, Geb). His eternal occupation was holding Nut up above Geb. It was said that if he ever was removed from his place, Chaos would come to the Universe.”

“The Greeks associated Shu with Atlas, the primordial Titan who held up the celestial spheres, as they are both depicted holding the sky.


Vata ~ Ayurveda

“The word vata means to blow or move like the wind. Consisting of the elements air and ether, it is the principle force of motion in the body and mind. When vata dosha is healthy, the movements of the body are graceful, unimpeded, and yet controlled.”

“Vata governs all movement in the mind and body. It controls blood flow, elimination of wastes, breathing and the movement of thoughts across the mind. Since Pitta and Kapha cannot move without it, Vata is considered the leader of the three Ayurvedic Principles in the body.”


 Biblical Wind References

The Bible speaks of North wind ~ the North wind is the direction of the Throne of God.

Fresh Wind ~ The breath of God, or the wind of the Holy Spirit, to blow freshly upon us. In Isaiah 40:31, “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint.” 

The Four Winds are the power of God in the natural world, basically where “miracles” can occur and where the strength of God is made visible to humans. The Prophet Daniel saw a vision by night: “Behold, the four winds of the sky broke out on the great sea.”


Wind and Greek Mythology

Zephyr was the Greek god of the west wind, which was considered the gentlest wind, especially if compared to the colder north wind, Boreas. The warm west wind brought the spring season. Even today the name of the god means a warm and light breeze. Zephyr was the father of two immortal horses, Xanthus and Baliu.

Notus was the Greek god of the south wind known as the god of summer rain storms.

Eurus is the Greek god of the East Wind, and is brother to Zephyrus, Boreas and Notus. Like his siblings, Eurus was a winged god, the strong wind that brought warmth and rain from the east


In conclusion of our dive into wind ~ *the element air* ~~ we owe much gratitude to this powerful seen yet unseen movement that circulates and moves  within our bodies, in our environment, through out all of creation.

It is a mystical divine force to be honored and respected. It is our life force and governing principle sustaining life. Air has its own divine agenda and will.

It is in our best service that we surrender to it. It is not something we can control, nor ought it be. We, can however, through intentions of the good for all, co ~ create with it into innovate systems of energy such as with windmill power. 

“Wind power or wind energy is the use of air flow through wind turbines to provide the mechanical power to turn electric generators and traditionally to do other work, like milling or pumping. Wind power is a sustainable and renewable alternative to burning fossil fuels, and has a much smaller impact on the environment.”

We may also draw wisdom from its properties of simultaneously being invisible (to the human eye) yet directly experienced through matter. Much of our existence is not fully known ~ air teaches us that there is much more than meets the eye. More is going on at other planes ~ other presences ~ than we see with our physical eyes.

∞As we progress on our ^Ascension^ path we draw near to meeting up with more of the truth of who we are, our physical world, galactic occupation ~ ~ the connectivity, inter-folding, and building constructs that have permanence as us, in us, and around us∞

℘Air (wind ~ movement) is so magical in its essence℘ 


ΩSamantha Pearl #newearthkitty

If you have been following my blog posts then you know I often use our rescue kitty, ♥Samantha Pearl♥, as a muse. I refer to her as the “new earth kitty.” 

She is a focal point for me ~ a fully equal shared expression of the Divine ~ and a animal voice advocating the New Earth qualities and virtues.

In the image for this blog post I have incorporated Samantha Pearl in the lower right corner. She is positioned as the silent observer.

Often, animals we become close with are similar to the windmill in it’s symbolism. They are often a catalyst for change within us ~ opening us up to new realities, linking us into higher states of conscious being, providing new thoughts, a heart connection, inspiration, and so much more.

Animals hearken us back to remembering the basics of life: to honor life, to honor Self, to have fun, play, and be innocent. They are exemplary at leading the Way for Unconditional Love as a living example. Not to mention the hours of cuddle time!

Please be kind to the animals. We owe the animal kingdom much ~ both in terms of reverence as sacred beings as well as restoration. They have gone through much. Please consider a vegetarian and or vegan diet and lifestyle. Consider adopting rescue pets, offer donations of time and or monetary support to animal shelters, donate “goodwill” items a shelter can use such as blankets, toys, pet water and food containers, etc…

⊕Let us bless the beloved animals we share the planet with as they most certainly bless us⊕

I am including an image I created a couple of years ago of St. Francis ~ Patron Saint of Animals.

“A cat purring on your lap is more healing than any drug in the world, as the vibrations you are receiving are of pure love and contentment.”

“God requires that we assist the animals, when they need our help. Each being (human or creature) has the same right of protection.”

St. Francis of Assisi ~ surrounded by his boundless love for animals and nature


⊗As It Will⊗

§Movement ~ Consciousness Transformation§


⇒Praise to the Wind⇐ ⇒The Element Air⇐

Oh, Windmill

as you will

air autonomous

on purpose ~ prosperous

unity consciousness

move into place

from your place of no space

in goodwill

human destiny fulfilled

Oh, Windmill

generate your power


on the move

illusions consume

great wind


making room

my heart to you

air pure true

rising me through

Oh, Windmill

Queen of Queens

King of Kings

immaculate zephyr

changing measure

your will to approve

fruits of thy womb

Oh, Windmill

make your

spirit filled advance

wind that enchants

Grace the air

with your perfume

a magic wand

bride marriage groom

the song ~ the boon

union tune



sun and moon

synthesize within

 wholeness to bloom

Oh, Windmill

blades in motion

ancient knowing ~ wisdom ~ Rosicrucian

I listen to your whirl ~ your swirl

wind ~ a bird, a sacred pearl

esoteric order to the world

holy gusts twirl

Oh, Windmill

lift me


to become bare

here, there, and everywhere

 connection with Source

in the air ~ the atmosphere

Oh, Windmill

you ~ my mighty sheild

the inseparable field


nothing concealed

Oh, Windmill

 propeller of


the Light

from us, among us, as us


gracious wind flow

as above so below

Oh, Windmill

universal heart mind

holder of the sacred breath

on unseen wings

from higher heights

your might takes flight

a precise device

Oh, Windmill

stir to clear

wind unwind

to become aligned

inside ~ alive ~ the holy child

free and primed like you

Divine Mother ~ Divine Father



the love child

running wild

limitless ~ liberated

spinning, rhyming ~ in no time

this the wind chimes

Oh, Windmill


remind me

everywhere at once

wind sustainability

thank you

for your invincibility

Oh, Windmill

the you I cannot see

awaken in thee

passages of new

wind shift me through

into the new, knew ~ anew


Oh, Windmill

rotating sails

radiating out

 circle my closure

bless me be observant

rise the divine serpent

sweet current

 Oh, Windmill

lead me to your gateway


Eternal Wind

  breath of life

Holy Spirit

seen, yet not seen

rising in and out

my heart chest

 my life ~ all life

and what lays in between

a divine machine ~ no one can intervene

Oh, Windmill

Windmill ~ as you will

unity of all ~ for all


wrap me in your sacred shawl

Oh, Windmill

transformer ~  dancer

air ~ carrier of answers


your light momentum

velocity ~ your tempo

within the center


 heavens emenation

 your synergy

Oh, Windmill

I invite you

this moment

conscious indivisibility

to see you ~ I see you

take me

in your quickening awake

untouched ~ retouched

your cosmic on going stream

 Christ Consciousness

Solar Light

Shakti immersed

in this

I reunite

Godsent ~ rejoice

the Ascent

Oh, Windmill

within the space

of no space

the air space

I become awakened

as in the beginning of creation

breathing new

my lovelight coronation

celebration, crowning

the final culmination

Oh, Windmill

thank you

to you ~ your divine will


I know thyself

as Oneself

none else


Blessings of the transforming Windmill in your life!!!

May the satori flute come to awaken you 🙂

May St. Francis bless all our beloved pets!!

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Have a blessed day!

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Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 :)Miracles Happen!!! #stayaware

Samantha Pearl & Dragonfly #newearthkitty

Samantha Pearl & Dragonfly

Fly Dragonfly Fly

#samanthapearl #newearthkitty #dragonfly #fly


When I took a look

a little look

into the light

a dragonfly I did but see

glee, carefree, enveloping me

not your typical dragonfly

but one with rubies & diamonds

flying, rhyming, chiming, & shining

it came close

close to me

fluttering wisdom, transformation, for each individual & nation

new earth, all in rebirth, sacred creation

fly dragonfly fly

fly near me, above & below

holding meaning, revealing, self realizing

glowing, illumined in bright heavenly light

wings of prayer

tender bells ring in the air

you fly for change, you fly to be free

your rubies & diamonds & silver tail ~ carry symbolism from beyond the veil

fly to the high sea, the fruit tree, & back to me

fly dragonfly fly

Ty for reading & viewing!!! 🙂

Have a blessed day!!! 🙂

Miracles Happen!! #stayware

Original art & poetry by Leslie Sue Photography

Please follow me on social media!!! 🙂 🙂

Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂

Leslie Sue Photography on Facebook 🙂

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂



Within the Earth

A faerie did glow

Within the Earth

🙂 a faerie did glow 🙂

Within the Earth

a faerie did glow

bubbles of rain

hazy blue green terrain

a wind swept whisper

sounds new like at birth

much lives deep within the reaches of the earth

She holds buried treasure & beings sacred that dance divine

music, playing, laughter abound

living & breathing just as we do

I did see a faerie, perhaps one or two

colors drenched in dreamy hue

how could it be, she is so merry & free

her smile delightful like afternoon tea

magical alchemy the faerie did speak

gentle & calm, so pretty & chic

Within the Earth

a faerie did glow

the sun that shines outwardly, also shines inwardly

sometimes the light tones change from warmer to cooler

light streaming & patterning like peering into the microscope of a jeweler

you may have seen a glimmer or sparkle

of a faerie’s a sweet hello

crystal like celestial show

Within the Earth

a faerie did glow

Thank you for viewing!!! 🙂

Have a Blessed Day 🙂

Miracles Happen #stayaware

Please follow me on social media!!! 🙂

Leslie Sue Photography on Facebook 🙂

Leslie Sue Photography on Twitter 🙂

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

Have a blessed day!!!

Miracles Happen 🙂



Hamilton: 4everhome #monetkitty :) :)

Sweet Hamilton: 4everhome #animaladoption

🙂 Friends of Samantha Pearl 🙂

#monetkitty #waterlily #parliament

∴ Art work inspired by the great French impressionist painter Claude Monet ∴

Please read about Sweet Hamilton & consider opening your heart & home to him. He gets along great with other dogs, however, he does prefer to be the ONLY cat. He will make a wonderful companion & will delight in being able to roam freely in a home after Way 2 long in a room by himself. Please pass on & share on social media this info to anyone you know who may be interested in pet adoption. Please contact Lori to meet him ~ her info below his bio. Ty 🙂

Hamilton loves dogs and all people, but must be the only cat. He is fully vetted including recent blood work and is perfectly healthy. He is super affectionate, he just wants to be loved and be near his human. He is quite the talker, so expect him to ask you about your day and tell you all about his.. He has a good appetite, and especially loves his wet food. He is 7 years young, but has endured more than anyone can imagine in his short life. He is a true survivor and oh-so patient, and deserves a wonderful outcome to his story. He weighed just 4 pounds and had hardly any hair when he came to us from a terrible hoarding situation, and had suffered from severe neglect. After months of care and vetting and yummy food he is now a solid hunk of boy kitty with a full shiny coat of hair. He would love to have a special human to call his own, although he will be equally loving to all. He would be overjoyed to curl up on your lap while you’re on the computer or lay beside you watching TV until you go to sleep together. Please everyone! Don’t dismiss Hamilton’s plea. He’s a really good boy with no issues. He deserves to get on with his life. The loneliness of living in a room alone is heartbreaking. Take 5 minutes and post him on Facebook and another 5 minutes to email everyone you can think of asking them to cross post him. There must be a wonderful person or family out there somewhere who doesn’t currently have any cats and is ready to bring Sweet Hammy home. Thanks so much for caring and sharing..For additional information or to meet Hamilton please call, text, or email Lori at 954-661-0666,

Ty 4 reading & viewing!!! #petsrule #bringhomethefur 🙂 🙂

Visual imagery by Leslie Sue Photography 🙂 🙂

Follow us on social media!!! 🙂 🙂

Leslie Sue Photography
It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! 🙂

Samantha Pearl 21st Cent Fresh kitty on Facebook 🙂

Leslie Sue Photography on Facebook 🙂


Have a blessed day!! ~ Miracles Happen 🙂


Samantha Pearl: She Hears #newearthkitty

Samantha Pearl: She Hears

◊Samantha Pearl◊  #newearthkitty

ςShe Hearsς

#shehears #innerhearing 


Our Beloved rescue kitty, serving as a muse for this blog post


Animals are known for their great hearing ~ varying from specie to specie. However, animals have an amazing ability to hear what is actually present, but often not privy to most humans.

We can develop this magical sense through practice, devotion, & Grace. This is our inner voice that affords us knowledge beyond ~ always steering us in the direction for our highest blessing.

Let’s listen & honor our inner voice ~ so that it becomes a side by side friend ~ our real true voice ~ leading the Way ~ the Way that is our divine path.

Let us also bless our animals as they are great Teachers as we journey together ~ progressing on our path of evolution.





◊Samantha Pearl◊  #newearthkitty

ςShe Hearsς


I listen

to the sounds

in between the sounds

to the Divine Voice

to the silence

to the chords of music strummed by nature

to the sounds carried through the wind

to the sounds that come from the earth

I listen

to the movement of the clouds across the sky

to the sounds that permeate & structure the air

I listen

 to the traffic going by

& the distant trail of sound they make as they move down the road

to the birds singing in the deep of the night & in the morning light

I listen

to the sounds of the trees, the leaves, the branches that reach out to its Creator

to the blades of grass that whisper sweet song

I listen to the sun & what is spoken in its shine

I listen to the words & meaning in the light

I listen to my heartbeat

to your heartbeat, & those around me

I listen to your thoughts, I hear what is spoken & what is not

I listen to all matter

a table, a chair, the house, it all speaks & I listen

I Listen

to the faucet drip in the kitchen

to the hairdryer, the ceiling fan, & the currents that move from space to space

I listen to the patterns, the shapes, & textures

I listen to the rain & into each rain drop

I listen

to the shower as the water meets the tub, the coffee as it pours into the cup

I listen to it all

I listen with my outer ears & my inner ears

I listen & hear it all

I listen


∴Blessings of Great inner hearing!!!

→May we all listen, honor, and be attuned to our sacred inner voice←

∞May we all hear with the graceful agility of our beloved animal kingdom∞

Gratitude to our pets and our beautiful animals that we share the planet with who share their blessed wisdom with us.

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!! 🙂

View more of my digital art on my website 🙂


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*Much Gratitude*

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Miracles Happen #stayaware

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ΩCat Lover’s UnitedΩ *post pictures of your cat and say Hi to Samantha Pearl!

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Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂

Miracles Happen!! 🙂 #stayaware

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry!!! 🙂 🙂