Moments: Stage Side




Stage Side View

Magnum Summer 2016 #summerfun #goodtimerocknroll 🙂

*Steel Stacks Levitt Pavilion Bethlehem Pennsylvania*

Some highlights from Magnum’s outdoor pavilion performance

Music ~ Color ~ Motion ~ Emotion

Magnum Summer Highlights 2016 🙂

Visual Poetry: Garden of Music: Painting

Music as a Landscape: the sights, sounds, movements…the energy of a live show

#spontaneity #beinginthemoment #intheair

Motion in the still form: Being there 🙂

What you experience on another level 🙂


Sensations ~ Vibrations ~ Energy ~ Synergy

Musical Dreamscape

When the Soul Speaks……..

whatcha’ got 2 say???

 #coloredlightsound #moments #liveshow


I love doors!!! These are the backstage doors at the Levitt Pavilion. Doors open up a whole discussion of potential metaphors on a myriad of levels. The entering of a space………the exiting of a space……the space in between……….a void of sorts……….a sacred womb……….passageways……. movement……..levels…….I just love the emotions & symbols doors evoke……..

Backstage Door: Endings & Beginnings……….doors doors doors doors……..


Thank you to everyone who attended!!!! 🙂 🙂 We hope you enjoyed the show!!!

Magnum’s next performance will be August 6, 2017 at @steelstacks @musikfest !!!! 🙂 #summerfun #goodtimerocknroll #catchthevibes 🙂 🙂


Thank you for viewing!!! 🙂

Have a Blessed Day!!!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

Follow me on social media!!! 🙂 🙂

Leslie Sue Photography on Facebook 

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

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seven − 6 =

Light Sounds #bedunmade

ℑLight Soundsℑ

ϖBed Unmadeϖ

A messy zesty sweaty very merry gettin’ ready

→accepting what is 

→ seeing the Higher Wisdom

→acquiring a welcoming stance

ΦLoose ~ fittingΦ

Sometimes the “mess” is part of the process to success.

May seem like a mess ~ Oh to be Blessed!

∴The image is of my bf Steve practicing guitar for his yearly band mate get together where the band puts on a rock n’ roll performance

∴This poem is about a kind of dedication ~ about letting it be ~ about things being a lil’ messy & seeing the larger picture. Sometimes when we are solely focused on a project at hand ~ some things (minor things) fall by the way side so that we can give full attention to an area.

So, in this case, a dedication to guitar practicing for an upcoming musical performance ~ where it just is what it is.  

Letting it loose ~ being loose ~ on the loose ℘


A messy kinda fun

The premise with the words “Bed Unmade” is presented here as a metaphor ~ a symbolic representation to illustrate the meaning contained within. It could also be a literal translation as well, however, the intention is a bit more suggestive.

ℑLight Soundsℑ

ϖBed Unmadeϖ

Bed unmade

early morning hours

foreday encounter ~ empowers ~ devotion devour

guitar ~ electric repertoire

bets are ~ get far

got this ~ get this ~ get high ~ electrify

strum strum strum

them strings ~ roam rhyme rum

light sounds ~ guitar abounds ~ rebounds

responds ~ surrounds ~ around & around

resonance ~ here ~ then disappears

morning like light ~ afternoon like rain

night driving lane ~ out sane

about change ~ exchange

guitar played near the window

lyrics on a page

sounds in the air

mix ~ more ~ amps speaking

tweaking shrieking preaching

body vibrates ~ tone fondue ~ magic brew

resonate ~ amplify ~ metal stew

summer breeze in the room

notes taking form

last night’s dinner on the table

clothes on the floor

sofa half scratched

give thanks for the mess ~ confirm success

a mess none~the~less, let it rest

strum strum strum

them strings ~ roam rhyme rum

morning light pouring in

colored sounds dance from hands

expands ~ withstands ~ hands command

chords in progression

in session attention comprehension

aggression expression confession

strum strum strum

them strings ~ roam rhyme rum

dedicated heart

musical vignette ~ covered in sweat ~ song alphabet

counting down weekends

bed still unmade

headphones on

listen ~ break it down

play ~ replay

strum strum strum

them strings ~ roam rhyme rum

ready for the show

ready ~ not ready

take it as it comes

only the soul knows

strum strum strum

them strings ~ roam rhyme rum

gaining momentum

kinetic spectrum ~ perspective ~ sensory objective

increase the levels ~ adjust the levels

leveling in ~ leveling out

flow to flow

what did you say>don’t know>

gettin’ ready for the show>gotta go

remix ~ new mix ~ opened bag of chips

get a glimpse ~ loud as bricks ~ get over it quick

soda spills on the floor ~ instrumental rapport ~ therefore

restore ~ measure melody ~ troubadour

strum strum strum

them strings ~ roam rhyme rum

in the door ~ out the door

visualize ~ synchronize ~  actualize

the guitar breathes life

play it one more time

strum strum strum

them strings ~ roam rhyme rum

leave it for now

kaleidoscope & light sounds pixelate

up late syncopate articulate

play yourself to self

back when the sun sets low

strum strum strum

them strings ~ roam rhyme rum

Bed unmade

Blessings of dedication & shaking it loose 🙂

Have some messy fun!!

Thank you for viewing!!!! 🙂

Have a Blessed Day!!!! 🙂 !!!!

Miracles Happen!!! #stayaware

Follow me on social media!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Leslie Sue Photography on Facebook  

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

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+ five = 7

A Samantha Pearl Summer #newearthkitty

A Samantha Pearl Summer

Just Sloungin” Around

Slounge thoughts



♥A collection of slounge thoughts♥


Yeah!!! Summer officially is here……… r u ready!!  ~ a lil’ mupload to Facebook  ~ Turnt UP!!! ~ Hashtag WHATEVER” ~ dat swagger

…………just a few slounge thoughts here………..Kk……….#sochill

Lounging thoughts….#sloungin………….#slanguage


When the sun shine’s like it will never end………..#rollin

The P’s killin’ it on the dance floor……….#lit


Livin’ USA style………..#bff……….#bcff………..#fresh….can I get an amen

LB/FB ~ Hundo P 🙂 🙂 🙂


Grill time……….#smokeindaair

Clap back on ur WTF………….



Fresh Fresh brewed ice T is on fire………..

Fam mad chill time……………


No salty nasT here…………..

Excited AF…………

Kiss the kitty #facetime…………….

Love you so much bae………….

Polit rambling…………I can’t even…….

Get a lil’ turn T………….

Summer time is epic……….DGAF………..



Summer Blessings!!!

Sloungin” around blessings

Thank you for viewing!!!!

Follow me on social media!!! 🙂 🙂

Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂

Have a blessed day!

Miracles happen! 🙂 #stayaware

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry!!! 🙂 🙂

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four − = 1

Summer Solstice: Sun Celebration

Summer Solstice: Sun Celebration

June 21, 2017


Celebrating the Light



Sun celebration

the brilliant light divine

creation, elation, endless duration

that lives in the heart

beating, illuminating, the depths of the soul

a keyhole

sun graces the sky infinite

the sky of your life, innocent, magnificent

all glory & humble honor

hour after hour

bursting in warmth & truth

resurfacing of youth

 here,  there, in the air, nothing to compare

golden joy swirls & spirals around me

& on the earth in your holy union

the sky, the sun, the heart in deep communion

nowhere else to be, in the light, for the light,

sacred sun enveloping me, shining rivers of delight

searchlight, daylight, moonlight, first light, spotlight

magic held tonight, new sight, forthright

opalescent shimmers  glaring white light

 filling ~ moving ~ sparks of awareness ~ flashes of light

Celebrating the Sun

Victory has won

uniting & unifying all as One

mystical knowing, solar power, alchemical sun

the new earth has just begun


Blessings of the Light Divine 🙂 🙂 🙂

Thank you for reading & viewing!

Have a Blessed Day!!! 🙂 !!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

digital art & poetry by Leslie Sue Photo 🙂

Follow me on social media!!!! 🙂 🙂

Leslie Sue Photography on Facebook 

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂


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four × 4 =

Cosmic Light of Awakening

Cosmic Light of Awakening: the soul’s journey

#museawakening #souljourney #union

🙂 Awakening Within 🙂

The cosmic light of awakening

dreamlike state

gentle unfolding, in your oneness make no doubt

sacred light from the heavens join the light within

you dream ~ you be ~ as if no movement, yet a cosmic spin

entering higher levels, particles ~ star dust ~ source stream~ light beams

Center of the galaxy, portals opening

feeling ~ breathing ~ alive

all realms synchronize ~ unity realized

fully awake, each soul unto its own

for you, for me, & the birds up in the trees

Source light shining ~ all embodies ~ all will see

non changing ~ ever changing ~ the souls circle

eyes filled with light, heartbeat emitting divine purpose

great golden immortal

all deep knowing

sweet scent of roses

The cosmic light of awakening

enlightenment ~ the light inside you & me

rediscovery ~ awaking ~ realization

divine spirit descending

it is here

sending & always attending

receive now

your holy birthright

supreme glorious light

ever lasting & unending

we move forth ascending

into our

cosmic light of awakening

Blessings of cosmic light of awakening 🙂

Thank you for viewing!!! 🙂

Have a Blessed Day!!! 🙂 !!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

Follow me on social media!!!! 🙂 🙂

Leslie Sue Photography on Facebook 

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

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− 1 = three

4 Days: when the rains fell

4 Days: When the rains fell

A shower of blessings………

Garden Watch

#rainsounds #eternalobserver #heavensent

4 days the rain did fall

ceaseless, seamless, endless  sight

unbridled spirit, linking day to night

moment to moment lingering around

each drop reverberating

natures playground

the heavens poured wide ~ reaching out

filling & thinning  both high & low

music in divine timing

I listened both day, afternoon, & night

I watched the garden, receiving its sacred love from above

feeling its refreshment I smiled thereof

winds heavy & movement strong

4 days when the rains fell

all nonstop, rain like the door bell

who’s there ~ who’s there?

a divine showering ~ wings drenched ~ answered prayers

spirals of knowing ringing in the air

a higher awareness ~ holy aware

4 days when the rains fell

Within Within Within

the mind at a deep place of observing

the heart still, quiet, peace amidst the downpour

a new chapter  about to unfold

most certain paths of gold

as the earth drinks gifts from above

 rain 4 days on

time vanishes, but not fully gone

4 days when the rains fell

deep cleansing, fortifying, speaking to anyone that will hear

a grand time for the seer

being the eternal observer

Oh, yes, when is the pinnacle?

I thought & pondered

the garden is moving mystical

 the chorus rises louder at intervals

pure notes moving across time

like keyboard strokes, or pen, the rhythm the rhyme

4 days when the rains fell

sometimes so sleepy ~  my heartbeat in sync with the rain

as I lay myself down

a showdown, a countdown

returning then fading

gifts are unfolding…….

Up to rise & gaze through my window

how is the garden? I watch & I stare

all of nature speaking in One

all unity, all whole ~ no parts

nature knows indefinitely

 a grand conversation all respectively

connecting all, connectivity

I am so happy with what the garden will bare

fruits, flowers, & green everywhere

4 days when the rains fell

surrender, releasing, letting it all melt away

4 days when the rains fell

cleansing & healing through & through

4 days when the rains fell

I watched & listened to the sky, wind, & earth

4 days when the rains fell

newness & freshness was to be

4 days when the rains fell

I knew it was a grand plan

from where it all began

4 days when the rains fell

everything merging & aligning ~ harmony dwells

I looked through my window, I looked inside of me

4 days when the rains fell

casting a benevolent spell

the garden allows all

4 days when the rains fell

I watched the garden

from early morn’ & through nightfall

4 days when the rains fell

Ty for reading & viewing 🙂

Have a Blessed Day!!! 🙂 !!!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

digital art & poetry by Leslie Sue Photo 🙂 🙂

Follow me on social media 🙂 🙂 🙂

Leslie Sue Photography on Facebook 

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

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+ three = 7

7 Cat Magic: Hot June Day

7 Cat Magic: Hot June Day

Samantha Pearl makes her entrance #newearthkitty

#3yearsago #freshstory #nyop

Today we celebrate!! One hot South Florida June day….on the driveway in front of our house…..under the car……..the P’s (parental units) found my cute self 3 years ago today!! A few meow’s  later…..

….and the celebrating continues……….

Ty for reading & viewing

Have a Blessed Day!!! 🙂

Miracles Happen #stayaware

digital art by Leslie Sue Photography & Design 🙂 🙂

Follow Samantha Pearl on social media!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂


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four + = 10

On the Wings of the Sunrise ~ Sun devotional

∞On the Wings of the Sunrise∞

Devotional to the Sun Within

∧Experience Your Sacred Brilliant Sun Within∧

⇒Tune into the Brilliance that you are⇐

#wingofthesunrise #goldenwings #gowithin #shine

heat of the sun ~ blazing ~ glowing

*Experiencing the warmth & golden nature of the sun held within*

As a practice  ~ consciously I attune within to my inner sun (of course we have our inner moon as well to pay honor to) ~  summoning forth my divine sun to commune directly with it. In great fervor, reverence, & holy communion ~ knowing this is me ~ a real living aspect of me ~ having a direct knowing & experience with my inner sun ~ allowing it to burn bright ~ shine bright ~ be bright. Warm me inside out with its eternal golden shine. Many benefits ensue ~ on the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual levels. As well as a means to move towards unification, wholeness & balance of our Divine Masculine (sun) ~ with our Divine Feminine (moon) as individually & collectively they are invoked with sacred rituals. Sometimes I like to feel stillness within my inner sun ~ as if basking in its brilliance ~ sometimes it is like a rising within ~ emulating the outer sun that rises each day. As if a progression & building ~ into its full crescendo of mighty rays pouring out. I stay open to new ways as well to experience & journey with my inner sun.

This inner sun honoring can be practiced any time ~ not just at sunrise. You can be facing our planetary sun ~ or in direct recognition of it ~ if it helps ~ indoors or outdoors ~ however, remember it is about the sun “spot” within you that you are consciously melting into to experience as a viable tangible life force energy that already exists within you. You can begin with visualizing warm colors with eyes closed ~ golds, yellows, oranges, sienna, etc….that evoke a sun like glow ~ going into your heart & solar plexus regions ~ just feeling & experiencing. If you have a strong advanced sense of smell you can enliven the scent of warm spices such as cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, etc….There is no right or wrong so you can’t mess up 🙂 If you are having issues focusing, you can ask your Higher Self for some assistance. These are just some starting off tips as you become situated with what works for you. You will be guided to what elicits a divine resonance with your inner sun ~ such as what to have in your physical space, or do before conscious attuning, as well as other practical ways that will benefit you to access this life force energy residing within you. Beautiful sun filled memories may sweep across your conscious awareness, or seeing or sense seeing a bright light, or warm filled peaceful feelings circulating within, or just a sense of relaxation & an emptying out of worries as the mind takes a welcomed back seat, or perhaps warm filled sensations, etc… Many potentials exist, what is right for you in each connected heart felt concentrated moment of inner sun deep presence awareness is just perfect for you. 🙂 This is such a blessing for you to do 🙂

As part of our daily (if possible) tuning into our sun within moves us towards our individual evolution as awakened Light Beings. In conjunction with inner Moon devotionals we gain momentum in our inner balance of our Sun (Divine Masculine) & Moon (Divine Feminine). This balance in our life helps eradicate extreme pendulum swings that can become out of context with our personal growth. Honoring both our inner sun & moon in ways that merit a sense of magic & delight promote a sanctum of flowing peace & Grace. Healing & an overall sense of well being.

You can not look outside of you ~ so we begin within where it all emanates from. Be bold & dazzling in attuning & mastering your Sacred Brilliant Inner Sun.

🙂 As you shine ~ we all shine 🙂



On the Wings of the Sunrise

I rise & awaken

to the Sun within me ~ a raven ~ Divine light breathtaking

I feel your Divine warmth surrounding me

shamanic over taking ~ wildfire degrees ~ dream captivating

intoxicating ~ creating ~ solar playing

royal ~ portal ~ immortal

You live within me, among all the stars ~ moons ~ planets

organic ~ garnet blanket ~ inner mechanic

the Universe resides within & I create with Thee

the bridge from Heaven to Earth

pouring like rain continuously

feeding the flame & becoming sacred aware

the sun rises within me strong

along ~ belong ~ birdsong

my internal Creator I have joined with Thee

the worlds we create

the love heights we know

 deep within calling always

 on all planes ~ gains ~ solar lanes

I respond most joyously

Sun Sun Sun

I awaken to Thee

burning bright within so without

the Presence within ~ Holy ~ reverence & remembrance to Thee

Sun Sun Sun

how quickly I become enraptured ~ Almighty ~ One of no difference

generous ~ benevolence in each ray ~ illumination deliverance

  inner light archway ~ the Way ~ child’s play

Let me know forever more

the Oneness we are

luminary sphere star ~ dawning daybreak ~ superstar

On the Wings of the Sunrise

I rise & awaken

again & again

Sun Sun Sun

Zen like state ~ heart light windowpane ~ left & right brain

grower of grains ~ golden chain ~ power domain

unto Thee I AM

nova ~ pulsar ~ incandescent brilliance ~ day glow ~ resilience

eternally radiant~ with Thee ~ I enter

center ~ mentor ~ fiery dispenser

Sacred lighthouse ~ forever storehouse ~ genius glimmer light

inward I go ~ inner beacon ~ endless duration

Honor to you ~ inner Sun ~ my salvation

Giver of Light ~ torch of the morning air

Sun Sun Sun

I offer up my dedication adoration

On the Wings of the Sunrise

I rise & awaken



Many Blessings!!!!

Ty for reading & viewing!!!! 🙂

Have a Blessed Day 🙂

Miracles Happen!!! #stayaware

Follow me on social media!! 🙂 🙂

Leslie Sue Photography on Facebook

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

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× seven = 28

HAMILTON #4everkittyhome :) :)

🙂 Handsome Hamilton is most ready for his 4ever home!! 🙂

Friends of Samantha Pearl 🙂

#4everhome #adopt #bringhomethefur

~ pets make a house a home ~

digital art by Leslie Sue Photo

Hamilton has had a rough 7 years of life full of neglect until now, but after several months of care and vetting he is in great shape and long overdue to be roaming free in a home - whether a short term foster or his forever home. He has spent way too long alone - first in a cage and then in a room by himself crying to get out and be with people. He has no bad habits and will make a great pet for someone who prefers to be a "one cat" household.  He loves to be brushed and he loves his little stuffed bunny rabbit. He was very underweight when he came to us, but loves to eat and has gained a few pounds already. He's easy to please and will purr at the sight of a person, hoping they will give him some attention. Transport can be provided to a great foster or home. Thank you for sharing Hamilton's story with your friends and contacts! For more information or to meet Hamilton, please call, text, or email Lori at 954-661-0666,

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two × = 8

This is where I go

This is where I go


This is where I go

to feel the light divine

This is where I go

when I meditate & explore within

This is where I go

when I experience time no more

This is where I go

when I transcend & merge with Thee

This is where I go

to feel the Sacred Heart

This is where I go

to be healed & whole

This is where I go

where I know it’s warm inside

This is where I go

to feel infinity for evermore

This is where I go

to know the lines don’t exist

This is where I go

to rest & honor Thee

This is where I go

to know I am home

the window to my soul

This is where I go



Thank you for viewing!!!!

Have a Blessed Day!!! 🙂 !!!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

Follow me on social media!!! 🙂 🙂

Leslie Sue Photography on Facebook

Thank You 🙂

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂


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