Samantha Pearl ~ Go Green #greenlife


Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty

Our beloved rescue kitty serving as a beautiful muse



When Samantha Pearl #nyop (not your ordinary pet 🙂 ) first magically appeared into our life, it seemed most fitting & relative to her that her color was/is green. Most often we have her collar color a beautiful lime green color. So from there, with green being her dominant color ~ often it serves as inspiration to take that color into a poem & art imagery & enter into this color ~ to see where this color is tangibly, symbolically, & on a ethereal level ~ & see what Green has to say 🙂


ζA celebration of the color Green

#gogreen #newearth #greenlife


⊕Homage to the color Green ~ living the green life⊕



ΘGo GreenΘ

Living the Green life

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I am the green

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I am the green of the earth

the green of the land

the green of the leaves

the green ray of the heart ~ of the Mother

the heartbeat & pulse

I am the green

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I am perfect oneness, weightlessness, beauty agelessness

 green tenderness, selflessness, friendliness

I am the green of harmony, nature, renewal, & growth

I am the green of LIFE

the green divine ~ holy bride ~ Christ align

I am the green

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I am green consciousness ~ auspiciousness ~ forgiveness

I am in flux, yet timelessness

I am the green

I see you when you don’t see me

do you see me now?

I hear you when you don’t hear me

do you hear me now?

I speak to you when you don’t speak to me

do you speak with me now?

I touch you when you don’t touch me

do you touch me now?

I am the green that permeates ~ circulates & breathes anew continuously through all LIFE

I am the green of life giving fertility, balance, & the New Earth

I arise, delight, invite

I am the green mentor, advisor ~ green baptizer

I am the green equilibrium at the center

the center-most ~ half way point ~ inner most

I am the green

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I settle the unsettled ~ green thread ~ I run ahead

I am the Love ~ Anahata

I am the 4th chakra

green venture ~ surrender ~ splendor

I am the green

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I am the green of freshness, of abundance, of healing

 I wear a calming suit ~ wisdom root ~ youth fruit

I am the green

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I am the flourishing, budding, the verdant

I am blue & yellow mixed ~ with a twist ~ kissed

I am the green

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I am the green submersion ~ the unburdening

I am the green light of your dreams, aspirations, your sensations

I am the jeweled emerald ~ prayer, rare ~ forever

whenever, for whomever ~ in pleasure

green feather ~ blessed endeavors

I am green measure ~ altogether ~ a treasure

I am the green

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I am immortality ~ the resurrection

I am the Spring eternal

the seen ~ the unseen ~ the in between

I am the green

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I am your hope ~ your guiding light

 the cosmic sound ~ omnipresent

crowned ~ spellbound ~ profound

the humming ~ green buzzing ~ strumming

Green wings ~ the drum ~ green thumb

I am the green sermon ~ the becoming

I am the green

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I am the world over ~ in every direction ~ in every place

I am the inside & the outside ~ the here & there ~ the far & wide

I am the burgeoning, encouraging, nurturing

I am the worshiping, surfacing, encircling

I am the living proof ~ chartreuse

I seduce ~ reproduce

I am on the loose

I am the green

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I reign as queen ~ green empress ~ bliss serene

I am the green

the green fields of endlessness

restfulness ~ lushness ~ boundlessness

I am the green genesis ~ child like playfulness

I am the green

wakefulness ~ gracefulness ~ peacefulness

I am the green

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Many blessings of living the #greenlife

Thank you for viewing!!! 🙂

Have a Blessed Day!!!

Miracles Happen!!! #stayaware

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

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