Beautiful Sophia ~ 4ever Home :)


Beautiful Sophia

the wisdom cat

∞ She is ready for her 4ever home ∞

#petsmakeahouseahome #petadoption #bringhomethefur

Please take a moment to read about Sophia & pass this information on to anyone who might be interested in bringing Sophia into their heart & home!! ~ please note contact information is at the bottom of the post.  🙂

Sweet Sophia  was adopted as a kitten and lived with her adopters until Hurricane Irma forced them to evacuate South Florida for higher ground. They took Sophia with them to a hotel in another town, where they stayed for more than a week.  This must have been a scary and confusing experience for Sophia, and at the time of check out the adopters could not find her.  They alerted the rescuer that she was lost, thinking she had likely had gotten outside the hotel room as they had the door open while carrying things to the car.  They said they had searched the hotel room and looked around the parking lot for her, but could not find her anywhere. They then informed her rescuer that they were leaving the property and could not look for her anymore.  The rescuer could not believe that they could just leave poor Sophia behind like that after her being a part of their family for a year. It later made sense when the woman told her that the hotel had a no pets policy and the husband was afraid the hotel would charge them for having a cat there if they found out she was lost.  The town was too far for the rescuer to get to to conduct a more thorough search quickly enough so she wasted no time reaching out to all cat rescue and trapping groups in the area with an urgent plea for help in finding Sophia.  Since every hour counts when a cat gets lost, a couple wonderful cat rescuers in the area went to the hotel property and began searching rigorously.  The search continued for more than 2 days and nights around the perimeter of the property with no luck.  On the 3rd day the manager of the hotel called the rescuer and told her that Sophia  was found inside the hotel room.  The room
had been rented that previous night and the people in the room woke up to a cat in their bed!  Since Sophia was used to sleeping with her adopter, she thought she could just get up in the bed with the new occupants.  Sophia went into hiding when the people were startled and left the room.  Once again Sophia was abandoned.  

It took 2 more days to get Sophia because she was now terrified of all the hotel security and maintenance men banging around and  moving furniture and grabbing at her.  She hid safely behind the stove until things quieted down. Eventually the local rescuer got her safely into a carrier and another rescue angel drove her all the way back to her rescuer.  Sophia is a wonderful young 1 year old Russian Blue tuxedo kitty fully vetted and
healthy - spayed, tested fiv-leuk negative, vaccinated, and dewormed.  She loves other feline companionship and needs to go to a home with at least one other friendly cat.  Sophia's best friend at her previous adoptive home was
a yorkie, and she is around large dogs at her current foster home.  Sophia's favorite way to pass her time is to look out the window at the birds or chase lizards on a securely screened patio.  At night she may want to sleep with her humans.  Although a gorgeous kitty, Sophia wants to be more than an ornament in her new home - she wants to be loved. She is an affectionate cat and loves to be held, brushed, and sit near her human most of the time.  Is Sophia a purrfect match for you?  If not, or if you aren't looking to add a cat like Sophia to your home, please don't dismiss this plea - please cross-post so that Sophia can finally find a loving permanent home where her humans value her enough to never abandon her.  Thanks for helping Sophia. For more information or to meet Sophia please call, text, or email Lori at 954-661-0666, .  

Visual Imagery by Leslie Sue Photography
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Miracles Happen #stayaware

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

Ecstasy in the Wind ~ She Calls Forth Our Name

¤Ecstasy in the Wind¤

⇑Mystical Autumn Rays⇓

 ◊She Calls Forth Our Name


The inspiration for this blog post, imagery, and poem is three fold. First is the celebratory air synced with the newly arrived seasonal vibration of Autumn, two is the elusive and captivating contemplation of the wind element along with it’s symbolism and significance, and third is my personal attribution of the Divine Feminine Voice carried through and in the wind on the wings of the Autumn season.

Blessings for a joyous healthy Autumn season for all ~ including our pets, our planet, and all of creation.

The GIF above is a compilation of various Autumn digital art works and the image below is from a photo session with Maria Scozzari.

♥The magical mystical tones and imaginings of the Divine Mother♥

Autumn conjures up great visuals of golden oranges, reds, and warm yellows blanketing the trees, ground, and pathways as if to say “Come follow me.” Great art in all disciplines bows to the beauty and grace of Autumn. Autumn serves as a rapturious muse adorned with mystical rich silence that seems to permeate everything this time of year. The Divine Mother energies feel at their peek of magical enchantment and power. Perhaps they always are, yet, Autumn sings Her song a bit more pronounced with great volume so that we may all partake and get caught up in Her delight, prowess. and mystical splendor.

♥The Divine Mother’s transcendent absolute Presence emanating from the One cosmic heart of creation♥


The entire concept of wind ~ that which is invisible yet made visible through movement and direction, is an active dynamic in my attraction and wonderment. Many hear what the wind speaks, many observe the wind, many are in awe of the mighty power of the wind, and many if not all at some point hear their name called forth in the wind.


Your Name Called Forth: Who is listening?…

What does it mean when we hear our name in the wind?

Have you heard your name called forth in the wind?

What is the message carried forth through the wind?

What might She be saying? 

I have written a blog post centering on wind that includes information, personal reflections, imagery, windmill symbolism, and a poem all serving as a inquiry and devotional to the element of wind. If you would like to check it out then click below.

Windmill ~ As It Will: Movement * Consciousness * Transformation*




~*~ Ecstasy In The Wind ~*~ Mystical Autumn Rays ~^`~ She Calls Forth Our Name ~^~

¤Ecstasy in the Wind¤

⇑Mystical Autumn Rays⇓

 ◊She Calls Forth Our Name◊

She calls through the wind

the soul that be thine responds

She calls offering a victorious win

Autumn enchanting  sparkles rapturous

come all ~ sit by a fireside deliverance

Ecstasy in the Wind

She calls forth our name

reclaiming wholeness where tree, leaf, and branch are One in the same

She plays, blazes, brings brilliance all in Her holy air

vivid & vibrant star waves

Her Autumn celestial unifying phrase

morning light like honey

high noon ~ after noon

She awaits our commune

Ecstasy in the Wind

She calls forth our name

reclaiming wholeness where tree, leaf, and branch are One in the same

spinning whirling leaves tracing all names

Autumn moonlight, sunlight, undefined ~ unencumbered ~ releasing each hour

She glows all moments ~ Oh, so eternal & divine ~ moving in spaces ~ awaiting new faces

Autumn sun shining filled with chamber magic

awaken to the ecstatic

Ecstasy in the Wind

She calls forth our name

reclaiming wholeness where tree, leaf, and branch are One in the same

 our star of creation ~ Autumn expands this communication

the moment when all sang, praised, then were sent on earthly ways

Ecstasy in the Wind

She calls forth our name

reclaiming wholeness where tree, leaf, and branch are One in the same

harvest colors twirling as Autumn falls

rotation, centering ~ blurring what was there before

vehicle of pleasure ~ inner treasure known together

like rice thrown at a wedding

remember the eternal inside and in each other

Ecstasy in the Wind

She calls forth our name

reclaiming wholeness where tree, leaf, and branch are One in the same

Autumn’s soft whisper in the leaves that rustle

 teapot on ~ thoughts are warm gluing pieces of the puzzle

all is glass as the light beams offer a trance

the wind carries & erupts in the harvest’s sacred dance

shifting light ~ streaming in ~ hues moving through

harmonic toning lifting the Autumn currents

so singular, so pure, no interference

Ecstasy in the Wind

She calls forth our name

reclaiming wholeness where tree, leaf, and branch are One in the same

motion movement with rapid circles in the air

on gold lit wings She speaks out our name

soaring ascending, I die to get high

higher heights to touch the Autumn mystical sky

She calls forth our name

 spelled in warm particles of light

Liberation is Her flight

the cracked and broken know no lack

 wings set to Autumn’s flame, spellbound, the painters brush goes abstract

the last that asks see’s no past

flowing. dreaming in designs

Autumn crocus, citrine crystal lotus

rows become fields stretched beyond where no line can be noticed

Ecstasy in the Wind

She calls forth our name

reclaiming wholeness where tree, leaf, and branch are One in the same

mystical Autumns rays

the voice of the Mother

heard as no other

Autumn bountiful in the wind amaze

Ecstasy in the Wind

She calls forth our name





§May we all hear our name called forth & experience our true liberation§

⊕Blessings of Ecstasy in the Wind!

⊗Blessings of the mystical Autumn rays!

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

View more of my digital art on my website 🙂


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Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂 


It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂





Perfectly Placed: Autumn Love

In Thee I rest………….

Have I told you………..

Perfectly Placed: Autumn Love

🙂 A Song for Autumn 🙂

◊ On the eve of the harvest moon ◊

Perfectly Placed

all in strategic Eternal order

Autumn Love leaves turn into a gold orange song

the worlds & winds dance a cornucopia  tune

rich rusts of red & ginger pop & suede like browns

leaves in the wind ~ embers carried on its wave ~ igniting wild flames in a heart felt space

Autumn has arrived ~ & perfectly placed

pumpkins, cloves, tea, did you bring the cider

cinnamon, apples, a splash of whisky ~ can’t get much higher

nutmeg, allspice, seasonal splendor

You glow with the glow of early October opal magic

I saw it on you, filling me, & all around ~ the planet covered in harvest abound

deepening in the weeks & month ahead

November ripening with sweet reaping crops & diamond light & flowers

Like a chess game in a master’s hand

all parts move within the whole in a likely win

Perfectly Placed ~ it could not get better

Autumn Love has placed you & I there, here, & everywhere

soft kisses in earthy yellow & warm orange

the song for Autumn resides in Heavenly skies

brought down to earth in magical surprise

delighting along the way, baskets brimming & overflowing with seasonal offerings

not on the horizon, but here in the now

My mind painted acorn yellowy orange colors ~ they lay on the ground & swirl in the air

Divine like a candle flame ~ warming

No shadows ~ a dark side is light wouldn’t you know

Perfectly Placed ~ Autumn Love

it’s golden hue greets you & I

did you say hello or walk on by

the door hinges flew off, a door there is no more

open doors, open doors, open doors

enter in

Perfectly Placed ~ Autumn Love

the rest lay when you walk inside

treasures upon treasures

don’t peek in ~ but boldly stride inside

Perfectly Placed ~ both you & I

on the eve of the harvest moon

the open door ~ now it has arrived

A song for Autumn


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Have a blessed day!! 🙂

Miracles Happen #stayaware

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂


Just Passing Through

Just Passing Through

Samantha Pearl: #Pearlz Pearl View

~ a cats eye perspective of humanity, nature, & the world

#newearthkitty #pearlz #nyop (not your ordinary pet “) )


Just Passing Through

I turned a cat’s eye

peering, seeing, having a view

experiencing & feeling the world

Just Passing Through

penetrating deep, noticing the slightest of breeze

the dog next door, the afternoon sun, the lavish of the garden

I could not but speak, but could meow

I cried inside when the palm tree across the road was cut down

I saw him up there in the tree, saw in hand & trimming attire ~ but no one’s fault ~ to no avail

I heard the tree fall ~ I cried inside

a moment paused ~ completely stopped ~ I groomed myself more

Just Passing Through

I watch the Buddha head on the table ~ for he hears all ~ the night candle glows on him & the sun ignites him within ~ he hears your thoughts & mine too ~ the slightest of slightest he is privy to

watching & observing more

the fairies & gnomes dance upon & within the treasures of the Earth

mostly passed by, going unnoticed by many a human form

more celestial visitors they come & go

I greet them & they greet me

no veil exists

Just Passing Through

all humans are awakening to be free

the joy of creation

I roll on my back with elation & glee

just to be happy & know I am loved

loved from the Heavens & loved as me

Just Passing Through

shining glitters of light & inviting moon drops

closing my eyes, I hear a different song

the hammering & nailing, traffic & cars passing go sweetly away

I become immersed in the harmony within that sings me its tune

like the flute of Krishna, the birds of day break, or the angles in the choir

I hear this when I close my eyes

Just Passing Through

offering a resounding high

all is in unity

echoing & breathing in you & I

don’t you notice, don’t you look, don’t you feel,

it is plainer then plain

a go to force to experience as real

it comes in through the light in the window, your heartbeat, your desk, your chair, the food you eat, even the most gentle sigh…………..

Just Passing Through

I turned a cat’s eye

I groom some more

Just Passing Through

Poem & visual imagery by Leslie Sue Photo

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It’s A Visual Thing! ~ Say it in Pictures!! & Poetry  🙂 🙂

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

Have a blessed day!! 🙂

Miracles Happen!!! 🙂 #stayaware



Lilly the Mom Cat & her kittens 4ever home :)

Lilly the Mom Cat & her kittens

🙂 A beautiful 4ever home pleeze 🙂

Friends of Samantha Pearl ~ #newearthkitty #nyop #pearlz


Happy Autumn!! 🙂 With new Seasons come new opportunities. Please take a moment & read about Lilly the Mom Cat & her kittens ~ please consider adopting & or passing this info on to others that may be interested. Contact info for adoption is at the end of the bio.  #blessouranimals #bringhomethefur

Poor Lilly has been through so much in her short life. She’s between 10-12 months old and has already been a great mom to 5 little kittens. It seems Lilly must have been looking for a safe place to have her babies when she climbed up into a 40′ container full of airplane parts. Shortly thereafter the truck was driven to Ft. Lauderdale where warehouse employees unloading it found Lilly and her nursing babies at the very back of the container. Lilly eventually moved her babies down out of the truck and under a dumpster to keep them safe. A warehouse employee started feeding momma Lilly and the kitty family stayed there for a couple weeks until they were trapped and brought to a foster home so that momma could nurse her babies in the clean comfort of air conditioning and good clean food and water. A short time later they were moved to another foster to begin the socialization process. We were hopeful that Lilly was semi friendly and would want to be a house kitty and take to human handling with a little work. However, being the height of the worst kitten season in south Florida’s history, and dozens of other pressing feline emergencies put Lilly at the back of the line and she never got her turn at trying to socialize. Without a safe place to return her to – there is no cat colony and no visible outdoor cats anywhere near the warehouses where she was found, so no regular food source – we started planning for another option for her. By this time she was beginning to tire of being caged and once separated from her babies it seemed she probably would be a lot happier being an outside kitty. We were planning to place her at a nursing home on several shady acres with a number of cats after familiarizing her to the place. However, once more bad luck came her way and hurricane Irma came barreling in so her release was delayed and Lilly had to be moved once again. She became stressed and more depressed and stopped eating. After several days of not being able to get her to eat Lilly went to the hospital where she spent a week during the hurricane. The medical team got her eating again with lots of sedation, IV fluids, and appetite stimulants. After the hurricane she came back to her cage in preparation to be released. However, the nursing home had suffered devastating damages resulting from a large tree falling onto a major power line in front of the facility, where electricity was cut from the entire street. It’s been two weeks and they aren’t even close to having the necessary repairs done. Moreover, this has caused a lot of problems with other aspects of the facility, and the management now says it’s just not possible for Lilly to be released there. Much begging and pleading has not helped and now we are urgently in need of a new plan ASAP before Lilly stops eating again or worse. It’s just not possible for her to stay in a cage any longer. She needs a safe place to go, perhaps a nice back yard with a few other cats around to make friends with and spend her days being a happy cat. She would probably love to have a patio or screened porch to hang out on. A nice farm or ranch would also be wonderful. We don’t want to risk releasing her to a colony where she might be rejected or to an unsafe area. She’s put up with so much cage time and hospital time, she’s been patient with us, and we so want to ensure she ends up safe and cared for. She’s a beautiful kitty and very healthy. She’s been spayed, tested negative, vaccinated, and lots of deworming. We believe over time she will trust her caretaker and become quite a nice outdoor companion. She will likely catch mice and chase away unwanted pests if given the opportunity, so she won’t be a burden. She’s not totally feral, but all the time in the cage has not helped. Can everyone please crosspost Lilly’s dilemma so that we find a solution for her. She was a wonderful mom and now deserves a life of her own. We are willing to transport her and/or provide a nice starter kit of food for anyone that can help. We will appreciate any ideas you might have or any leads. Thanks so much for caring and sharing! Please call, text, or email Lori 954-661-0666,


Thank you for viewing!!!! 🙂 ~ Have a blessed day 🙂

Visual imagery by Leslie Sue Photo 🙂

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Miracles Happen!!! #stayaware

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Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂



Big Apple Bites


🙂 Bite This 🙂

#NYC #freedomtower #ladyliberty #brooklynbridge #USA

Here are some Big Apple Bites in a homemade GIf with luv 🙂 from a recent NYC visit. The Freedom Tower is really something to see ~ great silence & reverence surrounding it, a walkway close to the Brooklyn Bridge, the Brooklyn Bridge, & the Statue of Liberty. Walking on the Brooklyn Bridge really gives the viewer an interesting perspective, that is, if you can make your way through all the peeps ~ tons of peeps walking and biking going here & there. There is a yum smoothie stand on the Manhattan side that got me through walking it on a Summer’s day. Its structure is just beautiful & enrichingly warm. No matter how many times I have seen the Statue of Liberty it commands such a Divine Presence that truly it takes your breath away ~ a v profound energy surrounding the beautiful Lady Liberty. #freedomrings #USA


#nyc highlights recap 🙂


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Have a Blessed Day!!!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂


Magnum @musikfest 2017 #steelstacks


Magnum Concert Highlights ^Summer 2017^


Here are  some Summer 2017 moments from Magnum’s performance

when they played inside the Musikfest Cafe ~ ArtsQuest venue

@steetstacks @musikfest2017 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania #steelstacks #summerfun

Set list included both originals & classics such as *long way 2 the top (if u wanna rock n roll) *rosalita *allentown *public memory #1 *hot nights *uptown funk *roadhouse blues & more!!!! 🙂

We hope everyone that attended had a great time #demboyzcanplay


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Have a Blessed Day!!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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Leslie Sue Photography on Facebook 

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂


Wedding Bliss :) ~ Wedding Services :)

🙂 Wedding Bliss 🙂

Wedding Services provided by Leslie Sue Photo

I currently am available for 3 types of wedding services. After close to 10 years of photographing weddings, I have combined my experience, knowledge, & interests into some wedding services that will benefit couples both prior to the wedding day as well as on the actual wedding day itself.


  1. Wedding Gown Bliss!!! 🙂 BLISS OUT  Brides once you have purchased your wedding gown, you can hire me to assist you in providing ideal posing of you in your gown based on the gown specifics ( i.e. length, style, veil ~ no veil, etc…) as well as poses best suited to YOU. This pre~wedding instructional time that I provide will highly increase your understanding of how to move in your wedding gown & pose with it BEFORE your wedding day!!! Each gown is so individual & so are YOU ~ that it is paramount to get familiar with it ahead of the BIG DAY 🙂 * packages include beautiful photo’s of you in your gown * album for you or as a fiance gift * share with family & friends ~ hair & make up is not included but strongly suggested ~ pamper yourself~~~!!!
  2.  Wedding Day Scheduling!!! 🙂  Wedding Day Outlining  During my many years photographing weddings, I worked closely with brides & grooms with their actual Wedding Day Itinerary. I often found that couples did not have realistic “time frames” for All the activities & events that are desired within the wedding day. With some understanding of various protocol that will take place I can “realistically” create a COMPLETE wedding day schedule from beginning to end ~ allowing for adequate time for ALL the specifics that are preferred. This prevents unnecessary rushing & possible omitting of various wedding day activities due to lack of prior planning. This is a service I provided for my wedding couples as I worked very closely with them to assure a smooth harmonious wedding day filled with All that you desire. Some pre~thought and structure goes a long way. I am available as a Wedding Day Scheduling Consultant for your Best Day Ever!!! 🙂
  3.  Wedding Day Art!!! 🙂  Hallmark Wedding Art   I am also available as an Artist on Location on your wedding day to photograph select Romantic images ~  Typically this is after the wedding ceremony while guests are in cocktail hour. This service is NOT full day wedding photography ~ it is hiring me for the sole purpose to take beautiful romantic images of you on your wedding day that I then take back to my studio to edit. After editing, you decide which one you would like for me to “kick up” into full blown Wedding Day Art for you!!! The finished work is provided in either a Signature Print or Gallery Wrap.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions on my Wedding Day Services!!!

Here’s to YOUR BEST DAY EVER~~~~


Thank you for viewing!!!

Have a Blessed Day!!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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Leslie Sue Photography on Facebook

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

The World’s gone GIF Crazy :)

🙂 GIF Cray Cray 🙂

#GIF #light #heal #receive

Healing with Light 🙂

Sunrise: Wake Up @thebeach 🙂

Light is such a provocative, alluring, captivating magnetic, enigmatic yet tangible frequency vibration to observe & be closely attuned to.

🙂 We are light ~ all is light ~ Blessings & Honoring of the Great Light 🙂



Thank you for viewing!!!

Have a Blessed Day 🙂

Miracles Happen #stayaware

Follow me on social media!! 🙂 🙂

Leslie Sue Photography on Facebook 

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

New Pearl Necklace #freshpearlz

New Pearl Necklace

*Samantha Pearl receives a pearl necklace*


I have a new Pearl necklace!!!! ~ !!!!!! ~ !!!!!!

#luvit #freshpearlz #newpearlnecklace #melikey

My second name was given to me in honor of the moon

🙂 Honoring the moon & Moon Goddess ~ Sacred Feminine 🙂

Gotta show you 🙂 ~ it’s like wearing a million full moon’s ~ so fem!!! Yipee!!!

Okay, moving on to other things…………….   #justsharing 🙂


Thank you for viewing!!!

Have a Blessed Day 🙂

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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Leslie Sue Photography on Facebook 🙂 🙂

Follow Samantha Pearl on social media!!! 🙂 🙂

Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂