*Samantha Pearl* ~ a space to make the unknown known

*Samantha Pearl* ~ a space to wonder
⊆This is where I go⊇…
The Mother Well
ςthe intuitive wellς
A Place of Quiet Solitude
⇔to know, to wonder, to be⇔
⇔to let the vision speak to me↵
♥Samantha Pearl♥ #newearthkitty
If you are new to my blog posts, I often use our rescue kitty, Samantha Pearl, as a muse. Serving as a voice for the New Earth virtues and attributes ~ Unconditional Love ~ Living in harmony with Self, nature ~ enlightenment ~ God consciousness realization.
Samantha Pearl has her own division on my blog filled with imagery and blog’s centering on conscious living. She also has a Facebook page you can like from the link at the end of this post.
⌈Bless our pets and all the animals we share the planet with⌉
⊕Lets get settled within ourselves⊕
As frequent as possible, allow for precious moments where you submerge yourself in that sacred loving eternal home within you ~ attuning to the great voice within ~ acquire momentum in your life for wisdom knowing, direction ~ for peace and tranquil waters within you ~ to output magic and vibrations of higher frequencies to bless your life.
ΩThe Mother WellΩ
The inspiration behind the imagery and poem are derived from the Mother Well.
An aspect of self honoring on our spiritual path of awakening is when we grant for ourselves frequent diving into the crowning ~ always present ~ blooming ~ vigorous yet still voice within.
The ever giving ~ ever presiding ~ divine repository we have immediate access to in all moments.
The grand inner meeting place of comprehension, perceptibly, and elevated prominence.
The Constant Companion
A holy altar, an inner shrine that supports a place of wonder ~ a space and place to dream, to receive wisdom, discernment, illumination
The Mother Well is the Divine Feminine place within all of us that offers great intuition ~ knowing ~ purposeful direction, guidance, and steering in our lives. She is the well spring of all knowing ~ laying beyond the confines of time ~ thus “seeing” what is needed and appropriate in our lives not only for betterment, but for steps on our evolutionary path.
⊂This is the quiet still voice within⊃
I intuit this as the Universal Mother, who knows us intimately, who only offers unconditional love and nurturing ~ the articulation of a wise sage. Supervising and showing us the optimal approach ~ measure ~ system to navigate inwardly and outwardly to any given theme in our lives.
When the voice is heeded, it will most likely be in concert with our hopes and dreams, however, it may not be the way in which we would have gone about it. The linear rational data based limited mind knows not of this realm. It is the voice of reason. There is an order and process on our evolutionary path and She is well versed in it.
Once “the voice” ~ The Mother Well ~ is established and grounded ~ through practice, diligence, and discipline ~ the inner voice is a continuous fluid compass like exactness providing just what we need to excel in all areas of our life.
First Receive ~ Second Take Action
A main governing principle of the Divine Feminine is receivership. So in order to receive intuition ~ higher knowledge ~ we need to “receive” it.
This Universal Mother energy resides in an eternal space irrespective of time.
So, we need to be in a state of being that simulates where our intuitive voice resides in order to access it. This is a non ~ doing state. It is filtered through us in a non ~ activity state. Although the reward, once the Mother Well is a substantiated matter of course, the voice is heard in split timing before an action is taken. However, even at this level of spontaneous inner voice listening and receiving, it still proves beneficial to partake in dedicated time to be with Her in receive mode.
Some approaches to contacting this cosmic information center is through meditation, quietness, stillness, and reflection. Questions, intentions, inquiries may be stated. We then sit and receive. It is a non ~ rushing, patient, slowing down, remaining open point of complexion we want to be in.
Being and receiving are the opened doors to connecting with this profound measureless energy.
Enter this inner climate for blessings of higher instruction, advice, and knowing. It is also an infinite magical arena to experience as a source of inspiration, wonderment, and marvel.
Basically you are getting to know you at a deep rooted, beneath the surface plane. Deep seated within you is the Truth ~ the Truth of you and who you are. So you are accessing yourself ~ the refined, polished, all knowing you.
The only barriers that exist are not taking the “time” to sit and just be ~ with our Higher Self ~ our inner voice. Being in a state of doing ~ outer activity ~ is not the route to reach into Her. However, once an ongoing connection is established and not severed then Her voice will be heard unobstructed while engaged in activity.
A balanced life consists of both activity and reflection. We breathe in (take in) and we breathe out (take out) ~ a flow of in and out. Likewise we learn from nature ~ our intrinsic design, how to best operate for blessed living.
The Mother Well is like the director, the instructor of how to proceed. Once we receive this information, then our divine masculine kicks in. He takes this knowledge and implements it. The divine masculine carries forth the outer task or doing of it.
Ideally, in perfect coordination, our inner divine feminine and divine masculine work together in sacred unison. Each having their roles and governing principles. Heeding the wisdom knowing of our divine feminine guides us into clarity and She tells us which way to proceed in a given endeavor ~ our divine masculine is the motor that does the action based on how he was instructed.
Balanced Living
We get off the wheel of unconscious living, and slip into conscious living when we gift ourselves with self honoring practices such as balancing doing with being. We then progress and advance, as we have paid homage to our inner presence. We receive more green lights! This is because we are not moving about blindly doing, but rather have contacted our Mother Well ~ our inner resource ~ for conscious definition and transparency.
⊆This is where I go⊇…
⇔to know, to wonder, to be⇔
⇔to let the vision speak to me↵
This is where I go
to transcend
conceiving the inner world in wonder
going under
where the magic is revealed ~ The Mother
This is where I go
Light gazing
where reverie is the air
it is nowhere, yet somewhere
rising Sun ~ morning prayer
nothing to compare
This is where I go
to know, to stand in awe
what has been unwritten
begins to glisten
Her mission, handwritten ~ now written
This is where I go
to revolve around my center
be the Sun vested
the vessel ~ majestic ~ destiny’s method
This is where I go
to allow the muses to shake me ~ ruminate
This is where I go
to connect with my divinity
to be purposeful
to be virginal
This is where I go
to hear the wind
to be informed by the Light
to see the eagle’s view
we are just passers through
take to the Mother’s Well
our breakthrough
This is where I go
to receive Her Love
to be coddled in Her Wings
to be lulled by Her delivering song
Her birdsong ~ nearest now drawn
This is where I go
to enter a place realer than here
This is where I go
to drink from the well
This is where I go
to replenish ~ to furnish my Soul
This is where I go
to remember all of who I AM
This is where I go
to breathe the rapture in and out
This is where I go
to inflame the secrets of my heart
This is where I go
to know all is sacred and beautiful
This is where I go
nothing excludable
remover of the illusional
This is where I go
to let go, release to increase
to acquire a new set of beliefs
to quieten ~ to become timeless
silence Her diamond
This is where I go
for the mystical to be unbound
This is where I go
to taste the sweetest of fruits from heaven’s vine
to realign ~ to enshrine
to step out of the lines that confine
This is where I go
to let my Spirit fly
however it is inclined
This is where I go
to be interconnected ~ resurrected
Holy Spirit
joviality ~ universality
This is where I go
to be anchored in the sublime
This is where I go
to lay surrender to all
This is where I go
to experience the cause of forces divine
This is where I go
to be well versed ~ nursed ~ submersed
This is where I go
to be instructed, reconstructed, uninterrupted
love’s animating principle
invincible, seen yet not seen
until the blessed moment
I realize I Am all this
the Buddha awakens from the slumber
elusive to numbers
except a whole number
the Satori flutes play
now becomes the real birthday
nature ~ prajna ~ Self the creator
wisdom, the rhythm ~ anchors aweigh
the ship officially on its way
the Way ~ in play ~ the stage to portray
arise ~ renaissance ~ metamorphosis
no more forgetfulness
moksha, liberation, nirvana
now a state of permanence
I wear my re~birth crown
new dawn be mine
the culmination ~ the summit ~ paradise keys found
recorded by the scribes ~ guides, change of tides
quickened ~ awake within the dream
the unseen now seen
then, now
This is where I go
this is what I AM
the circle
the marriage of the lamb
the long night over
perfection, union
the new way to be human
hallowed conclusion ~ ultimate evolution
this is what rests therein ~ there for all to win
enter wherein
let the marriage feast begin
ΩGreat Blessings of the Mother WellΩ
→May we all always hear the still voice within↵
◊Blessings of awakening for all
⊕Blessings of peace, knowing, love, and joy!
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Have a Blessed Day!
Miracles Happen #stayaware
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