Samantha Pearl #greenpastures #evergreen

Samantha Pearl ~ ^*Green Pastures*^

◊Samantha Pearl◊ #newearthkitty

⌈Our beloved rescue kitty serving as a beautiful muse⌉

Samantha Pearl’s color is green (a lime chartreuse) 

⊕Green Pastures⊕

⊥In Thee I rest⊥

#greenpastures #evergreen #restwithin


The inspiration for this blog post and imagery is from the well known beautiful Psalm 23:2

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”

Through all seasons of our life we have the Gift of a  non changing eternal living God present within us, as us, around us, and as the guiding principal in our lives when we turn our attention to the Highest.

Often when we transcend a current “reality” via direct contact with our green pastures through deep silence, meditation, and other spiritual practices ~ we become privy to a Higher state of consciousness that offers loving and tender communion with us ~ directing us to see and know an illumined perspective ~ while simultaneously offering refreshment for the Soul ~ a thirst that can only be quenched in such green pastures.

Green Pastures  lay holy in ourselves awaiting our acknowledgment ~ always inviting us to rest within this sacred space





Peace ↔ Contentment ↔ Still Waters

⇓Lay it down, Trust, Rest◊


→A poem for deep relaxation←

entering a inner space of becoming #evergreen

Nirvana #allover


I pray all seasons of your life you remain evergreen




⊕Green Pastures⊕

⊥In Thee I rest⊥


Green Pastures

In thee I rest

I request, suggest, Sunday’s best

In the eternal evergreen ~ ever I dream ~ my breathing machine

sacred Heaven’s Queen

reign supreme ~ 360 degrees

blessed Heaven’s King

 resting ~ nesting ~ green figurine

seven teen ~ seven lean

centerpiece ~ velvet green

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

Christed sheen ~ green intervene

in between ~ Mary Magdalene ~ bathing serene

armrest, mother’s breast, green blessed

 treasure chest

the green spaces

knowledge base ~ Queen Anne’s lace ~ showcase

rich and fertile

my emerald isle ~ Lily of the Nile ~ nautical mile

Green Pastures

I rest in Thee

here I plant my tree ~ fruit tree ~ you give to me

green land sea ~ rest like afternoon tea ~ carefree a guarantee

eternity I see ~ times three ~ laugh with glee

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

 whispering whispers ~ I draw from thee well

bethel ~ liberty bell ~ primary cell

I thirst no more ~ fully quenched

drenched ~ entrenched ~ no expense

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

all is pristine ~ May Queen ~ holy becomes seen

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

 suspending ~ suspension

 time bender ~ sublime ~ infinity chimes

ascended master’s scene ~ green divine ~ prime ~ green climb

I carve out my space

the space to be

forever free, color green, set up the screen

the lines of a vase, Grace, birthplace

green place is common place ~ face to face ~ embrace any place

first place ~ watering place ~ memory trace

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

dreaming, receiving, melting into the absolute

players: I hear the flute ~ in silence I take root

this is my commute ~ follow suit

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

star fruit ~ transmute ~ resolute

transcending ~ I go and you come to me ~ green shelter

we meet in the center

sweet presenter, surrender, mender

together, I render ~ splendor

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

 evergreen rapture ~ I gather ~ passers pass over

green sea takeover ~ 4 leaf clover ~ composure ~ occur over

evergreen aroma

spillover ~ changeover ~ moreover

green exposure ~ super nova ~ enclosure

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

Jehovah ~ composer ~ I reach closure

ambrosia pagoda

Magdala ~ Allah ~ vehicle merkaba

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

open woodland Impala

Brahma ~ Nirvana

I am complete

evergreen window seat

Sadhana ~ Lakshmi ~ Rama

rest upon

green cinerama

 Ananda ~  within my green Madonna

Green Pastures

In thee I rest




Blessings of Green Pastures!!! #evergreen

May we all be led to green pastures for  guidance, peace, resuscitation, holy communion, and purity

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Miracles Happen!!! #stayaware

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

Eternal Sun Within :) #christlight #shine #awaken

Internal Sun Awakening

Sacred Path of Light Divine

Field of Light

The Eternal Sun Within

The Christ Light Rising Within


*alignment with our inner sun ~ devotional*

*as within ~ so without*

#knowyourself #gowithin #brilliance #divinity #innersun


This devotional is aimed to evoke conscious awareness & attuning to our inner sun that lives within us all. Irrespective of gender, we all hold within our Sacred Feminine & Masculine. Balancing these inner aspects is of paramount priority in life as this balance mitigates much distress. First we must align & take conscious note of our inner sun ( & our inner moon) ~ as we open up new portals of self discovery, equilibrium, & balance. The other side of the scale to pay conscious honor & invoking is our Divine Feminine ~ which I will be creating additional devotionals soon. Bringing into Oneness our Divine Feminine & Masculine is an integral part of our evolution as fully enlightened Beings.

The Christ Light encompasses the full balance & integration of our Divine Christ Feminine & Masculine within us. It is a inner completion that takes place when the scales of balance are in perfect alignment. We must go within ~ do the “work” ~ in order to achieve this Holy accomplishment. The “work” manifests in self realization as a fully awake conscious Christ Light Being. Aim to come to full resolution of feminine & masculine inner qualities that await conscious recognition & finalization into Wholeness.

As this is practiced daily (or as much as possible) you will be amazed at many new revelations that surface. Such as areas within you that you become identified with that are higher aspects of your divinity ~  other areas of greater expansion ~ being in sync with & aware of nature & Her cycles, cosmic cycles, individual cycles, & self observant of attributes you hold that were always there but pop into your conscious awareness as they become enlivened. Some internal areas that emerge that are not in light cohesion will be present for your acknowledging & then letting go. Impurities must be discarded & dislodged so room is made for our true Light to take up full residence step by step.

Truly the path of self awakening is a Sacred Holy experience, that is the Soul’s Way. We each experience our awakening in our own unique way that is just perfect & tailor~made for what we resonate with deeply. Listen to & answer only to your inner Soul voice that is always guiding & speaking to you. 🙂

Be Blessed in your journey of  Christ Light coherence & unfolding………………..

Either prior to or after reading ~ sit quietly reflecting within ~ experiencing within

your brilliant sun held deep within you




Ever Present ~ Ever Glorious ~ Ever Shining

the Sun deep within All

The Holy Christ Light

 Sun ~ Divine Masculine virtues & attributes

in full balance with the beauty & harmony

of the Divine Feminine within

the living substance of our shared divinity

 Sacred Light

let us all ~ awaken fully to the flame of eternal light

that resides in us all

summon it ~ call it forth consciously ~ it is always listening

it is the aspect of us that never dies ~ that is the bliss of bliss

it is our own self responsibility to awaken to this Heaven Within

no one can do it for you

it is the Best Gift you can give yourself! 🙂

feeling this brilliance within you ~ the Truth of who you are

a holy landing of remembering

the warmth shines within you

the knocking of the door of your sacred heart

opening its petals as the flowers in the field open to the Creator

your voice, your awareness, your desire

crash like waves

the inner sun ~ the heart ~ the energetic force

sustaining life ~ breath upon breath

forever present ~ the time is now

ripe with the fruits of knowing

honoring your sun within ~ empowerment ~ strength

light of light ~ knowing ~ seeing ~ clarity

for each of us ~ in our own unique unfolding

symbols, dreams, higher thoughts & inspiration, breathing, heart awareness,

lifting waves like birds in flight

go within & experience

your inner brilliant  Sun ~ Christ Light

the Holy Light within ~ the Sacred Magic within ~ the Highest of the High

the scents ~ the flavors ~ the colors

inner landscape ~ brilliance & warmth

exalting ~ higher mind ~ Universal Mind

light pouring in ~ light pouring out

arranged especially to your liking

thus go within, & unlock the anointing

that blossoms you ~ that blesses you

that provides for each tree, flower, plant, & blade of grass in the garden

know your freedom

   step by step ~ each moment ~ a strike of lightning within you

amazing moments ~ insights ~ waves ~ treasures

 rivers of unending supply

the heart showers the one that goes within

exploring, unraveling, waking to new eyes

Allow your true nature

to show you the Way ~ yielding to its Divine Wisdom ~ Divine Love ~ Holy Light

 open an eye to what you may be led to

 sings & resonates within you

your Freedom within

inner sun ~ inner glory

Divine Masculine balanced, whole, realized

   the Light within ~ the Heaven on Earth that you are


Light from the inside out

*Blessings on your path to Awakening*


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Miracles Happen #stayaware

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

Living in Joy #joyinallseasons

Samantha Pearl, our beloved kitty, playing with a friend ~ the joy of play!


My boyfriend Steve in joy with his electric guitar


Hibiscus blooms in our garden opening up to its Creator in pure joy



◊ Living in Joy ◊

ζ Joy in all Seasons ζ


⊆ Being in Conversation with Joy⊇

followed by

∴∴A prayer to live in sanctified Joy∴∴



⊕Life is honored when we honor our selves⊕

We look to ourselves, within, to create the life we desire. We honor our life when we gather together our inner encouragements of joy exalt & weave it as an outward manifestation that takes on a daily precedence. #prioritize

Hold praise & reverence for that which on a level of truth brings elation to your Soul ~ breathe life into your joy as action steps are made daily by experiencing them in any & all ways possible. We journey here in some respects on a solo landscape ~ offering honor & gratitude for our loved ones that journey with us ~ however, no one can tell us what brings the sweetest of merriment to us, nor how to pursue it. We elicit forth life giving energy when we have yielded to the Joy of your Soul & have invited it in.

Authentic Joy is identified & made known to the One’s who love themselves enough to be the Joy they carry within ~ never fluctuating from its vocalization ~ giving rise to it as the song that lifts up the world & the Universe. #joysong

Our joy may be in tiers ~ however, diving into the joy pool in any capacity makes clear this aspect ~ as it grows & grows ~ leading us to the prominent position always awaiting our complete declaration. #aworldtocome



A world filled with joy begins with us ~ involving ourselves  with that which brings the light of Joy unto us ~ vicariously influencing the whole.

The avenue of Joy ~ is immaterial ~ the important factor is that we ignite liveliness (daily if possible) in calibration to what rings in jubilant delight with our heart & Soul 🙂

This is a calling of the Highest ~ one of the keys advancing our evolution ~ living empowered ~ trusting ~ allowing our inner looking glass of truth to be a reflected exactitude of our advancing lives.

As we turn inside out the window of inner treasure ~ by recognizing, appreciating, & bringing about what brings us fulfillment, then the tides flow back to us more & more blessedness 🙂  as we walk the path of conviction. Trusting beyond circumspection & fear ~ traveling to the shores calling to us ~ crowning ourselves as worthy ~ leading us to our world of joy, festivity, & wonderment #thestarscomeout

Let us allow our individual genuineness to be authentically acknowledged by following through with our inner guidance of what delivers joy & then actualizing it as a conscious choice.

 #joyinallmoments #trust #faith


Joy Is:






Engaging in our passion (s)

in areas that we are guided in joy to traverse in

are indications we are connecting with our Higher Self

the whispers, directions, hints, ~ all watching & waiting to see if we will follow through

when we quiet the mind of the this & the that

overriding our mind to the richness of the faithful voice within

we then begin to walk the steps of our truth

we turn to a potential of unlimited possibilities

we will reap the rewards of increased joy

the more we actualize continued steps towards  joy

 in whatever avenue of expression we are lead to engage in


to touch our hands ~ to wed with us ~ to awaken us to more joy

 we demonstrate trust, we give our-self permission

 guiding us to our magical destiny




We were not designed to participate in a dis-empowering system ~ fruitless of Joy profound. Rather we, if we choose, are granted the opportunity to reunite & cause to be Joy eternal in our lives.

If we are not sure of our Joy ~ we, in earnest summon, pray & ask for guidance with what resonates with the character of our Soul. Judiciously responding to any & all overtures felt, seen, heard within.

Once we have consecrated a consistent daily existence that places Joy at a premium ~ we tend to our garden ~ making sure we are not being short sided ~ only looking in one direction ~ we allow space for our garden to blossom with new growth. Joy may transform in due time, expanding into new horizons that are spin offs & or completely morph into areas we never contemplated. Either way, we remain open to the sacred winds that carry us to the blossoming abundant life ~ wherever that may lead.




∴∴A prayer to live in sanctified Joy∴∴




◊ Living in Joy ◊

ζ Joy in all Seasons ζ

devotional prayer

*Please light a candle (if possible) to commence & ignite the passions of Joy

*Invite in the feeling of joy

*Read out loud or silently


I arise with Joy within my rising Sun

I begin my day with Joy Eternal

 the morning light renews the divine within me

I am born ~ delivered by the morningtide 

creation begins again 

I experience as if for the first time

the light of dawn ~ the first light upon the Earth

   illuminated with the joy of my creation

revealing to me the joy that I am

 hail all glory ~ joy exalts my being

the wonder of it all fills me

joy ignites ~ passions ~ bursts ~ fiery delight

the beauty of joy radiates within me

  I express the light of joy in all measures

joy voyages as the wind breathing life into my sails

carrying me, as the current in my actions, thought, & speech

joy within my heart is anchored

as my steadfast companion

 joy of the all ~ the all of me ~ is interlaced as my living presence

 joy my sustenance ~ joy my play, unrestrained

joy moves in me ~ around me 

through me ~ into all my endeavors

joy the subsistence of my world

everlasting joy follows me in my afternoon

the mid day sun increases my joy ~ continuous fire 

I am set alight amidst my joy

joy sequencing into my early evening & late hours

when I retire from the day, joy enters my sleep & dream states

joy in the stars treasuring the night sky

joy loving the moon ~ twinkling in Her eyes

joy in the silent of night ~ blessing the magician’s hours

joy upon arising, again 

joy lifting the sun ascending in the sky

the cycle of my joy

 one rhythmic succession after another

joy originating ~ joy the course

joy ~ mine, soaring ~ like birds ascending ~ escalating into the sky

joy my high spirits

joy my Soul breathing ~ existing, my impulse

joy my victory ~ my eternal substance

joy my heaven here, now

Joy without end

Joy enduring, ageless ~ the heart of my Soul

Joy my hearth, my home, my glow

Joy my life


Blessings to Be In Joy!

Blessing of great Joy in your life 🙂

Choose Joy!

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Have a blessed day!

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Miracles Happen #stayaware

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Cat Lover’s United!

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂




Samantha Fish & kittycat Bo :)

Samantha Fish & Bo


~ musicians & their beloved pets #kittycatbo

Although I admire Samantha Fish’s musicianship ~ singing, guitar playing, & performance style ~ I was particularly responsive to this image of her & her beloved kitty cat Bo ~ as opposed to an image of her on stage performing. Although I did not take this image, I created the editing & all the art imagery on it.

I saw her perform locally at the Funky Biscuit in Boca Raton, Florida. I love her no nonsense approach & versatility in playing. She has a great stage persona. After the performance I was so excited to have a lil’ personal chat with her & a quick pic 🙂

Samantha is very down to earth & has a wonderful in person presence about her 🙂

I will aim to catch the next show when she is in town!!!

Here is a pic of Samantha Fish & I after her performance 🙂

Blessings of great music, pets, & fun!!!

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Share your CAT pics on Samantha Pearl’s Facebook page ~ click on link below #catsunited

Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂

Have a blessed day!!!

Miracles happen #stayaware

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

Violet Alchemy ~ Receiving

Violet Alchemy


trans-formative ~ violet flame~ regeneration

ceremony of purification


Drinking from the waters

of alchemical rivers

summoning wave after wave

of the violet sacred fire

a fire of bright eternal light

consuming & removing all impurities held within

 fueled & transported ~ a divination of the Divine

a shamanic gift ~ the receiver of thee

one enters a purification of mind ~ body ~ spirit

clear it ~ more clearance

the deeper one can receive this magical fire

the further the cleansing & awakening to the renewal

a new garment worn, but on the inside, that catapults the outer

for liberation, releasing, letting go

a tool provided, given, a transcendent baptism

when the desire is stronger to purify then it is to remain the same

All are free to invoke this Holy Violet Fire

the call is answered ~ appearing whenever it is summoned

bulldozing the Way ~ so the path lay smooth & uncluttered

powers ~ be aware ~ of its mighty force

transmutation ~ transformation ~ transfiguration

bring then, peace within thee

 cleansing mind nonsense, energetic discord, all blockages removed to access the In Dweller

breathing like  new

surely, it will be

 bathing in the alchemy pool

refreshed ~ pure ~ alive ~ new


receive, receive, receive………………………….


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Have a Blessed Day!!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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Kundalini Awakening

Kundalini Awakening

Primal Forces

#shakti #divinefeminine #cosmicenergy



What happens during Kundalini rising?

Kundalini is said to rise from the base of the spine, through the central nadi, and up to the crown chakra at the top of the head.


As Kundalini passes through the chakras, or energy centers, it’s believed to produce different levels of awakening.


Kundalini rising can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual transformations, including increased vitality and mental clarity.

It can alter how you understand your nature and what it means to be human.
In the concept of Kundalini rising, the “snake” refers to a symbolic representation of a coiled energy called “Kundalini Shakti,” which is considered a primordial life force residing at the base of the spine, often depicted as a serpent that when awakened, rises through the body’s energy channels, leading to spiritual awakening and heightened awareness
A common sign of kundalini awakening is a sensation of energy or vibrations along the spine. It may feel like a tingling or electrical current moving upward. Kundalini awakening can bring forth intense emotional experiences. Individuals may find themselves experiencing deep joy, bliss, or even moments of catharsis.
~internet information


Kundalini Awakening

◊Sacred Divine Mother Blessing◊

“Shekinah Glory” ~ Holy Presence of the Divine Feminine

σRoot chakra awakening into the heart chakra openingσ


When the oceans of eternity rise & the Light has filled the vessel well

 the veil is in between opaque & sheer

the moon full within, majestic, divinely revered

Ra in its inner fullness bright

 the walk has centered back

the Great Awakening begins to surface

all 4 corners gathered ~ wrapped in wings of light

circulating  through conscious awareness

transformation, healing, transfiguration

ancient rites enlivened ~ alchemical fire

appearances ~ birds, seraphim, winged Ones, stars, galaxies,  portals ~ animated & exhilarated

no day, no night, no time, in a moment of great stillness ~ in  receiving

eternity’s all consuming sacred light ~ holy recognition in surrender

many hands, many eyes, inner vision flying like doves set free

opened doors ~ spirals of unifying light

cosmic truths revealed, star-gate crystals ~ colored rays

 Holy Divine Mother regenerates & awakens

death of the old

rebirth for ascension

Her call, we have received

Her awareness, we have merged with

Her Love, we overflow with

 seen in all worlds known to unknown

She rhythms in sacred fire dance around

swirls of anointing light

serpentine wisdom illuminates within

 Divine Mother Creation ~  Power ~ Birthing

removing all illusions, bestowing gifts

 conscious awareness in its original state

all knowing remembered, each moment the Light

 Divine Source realized

 Oneness thread of all of creation

Her Holy breath breathed into all pillars, cells, organs, liquid, all ~ drenched in Her ecstasy

Pearls of Her Grace surrounding

Bliss of Divine Love consecrating, igniting, overseeing

heart beating with this newness

harmonic vibrations ~ frequency as the permanent Way

Mystical Divine Feminine

Shekhinah, Shakti, Prajnaparamita, Isis, Pistis Sophia

Divine Presence, the Mother’s heart flame

Purely ~ Divinely received

sanctified interchange of Spirit & Matter

Christ Consciousness birthed

   Divine Mother ~ Divine Father in Bliss Union

Complete Unification

sacred heart ~ sacred mind

enchanted  ~ enchanting

 flowing,  ~ in magical splendor

serpent knowledge ~ serpent gate

primal freight ~ true birth date ~ accelerate

update ~ reinstate ~ invigorate

kundalini awakening

Divine Mother

 the colors of Her Perfect Love

mesmerize hypnotise energy channels

rising to uncover ~ recover

kundalini awakening

 Divine Mother complete in Gift of Grace

 Wholeness, Beauty, the new in form

transformation in and through the form

from consciousness partake

serpent rising to awaken

 I am Presence, Holy Christ Self, eternal soul

living free ~ forever One

blessed now

truly, as in stated in days of old


the one true goal



♥Many Blessings on your path of awakening & spiritual development 🙂 #now

♥Many blessings of the Divine Mother upon all ~ aim to know, feel, acknowledge, honor, and be Her

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Have a Blessed Day!!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

Dogs with Crowns ~ Portraits

ΩDogs with CrownsΩ ~ Portraits

Celebrating! Our furry canine friends!!! Year of the Dog ~ Happy Chinese New Year! 🙂 February 16, 2018

Entering a magical world with our beloved animals! Dogs with crowns ~ #soregal  #dogswithcrowns #royalty

Blessings for you, Blessings for our dogs, & Blessings for ALL our Beloved animals we share the planet with.

ΩHappy 2018 Year of the DogΩ

The Crown as a symbol for the Crown Chakra or Sahasrara, our 7th chakra.
It is located at the top of the head, & is a gateway to higher states of consciousness as we open to what is beyond our everyday preconceived notions & perceptions of the world & ourselves. The Crown Chakra brings forth that which is Universal. May we all fully open our Crown Chakra & be brought into the Light of that which is Eternal in our conscious awareness. #christlight 🙂


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Miracles Happen #stayaware

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

Oh! To be a Bird #theascent




∈Oh! To be a Bird∋

⇑The Ascent⇑

Sky High

#takeflight #freedom #rising #wingsofgrace



⇑Sky In ~ Sky Out⇓



When we take time to commune with nature ~ be in nature ~ observe nature ~ we begin to take flight into our own connectivity with nature & all of Her creation. We are presented with both symbolic & tactile appearances  that are illustrating to us a carbon copy of who we are within, while also providing specific individual “messages” relevant to a given circumstance  (as long as we tune into it 🙂 ) as a Gift from the Heavenly realms.



≈Birds are linked to our Spiritual Growth≈

⊆Best we break free from the surrounding walls ( literally & symbolically ) & immerse ourselves (as much as possible) into the ⇑lifting ⇑freeing ⇓revealing aspects of nature ~ as She guides us so brilliantly into the reality of our physical & non physical existence. Many of us “crawl” ~ as a newborn does ~  crawling here ~ crawling there ~ never realizing we have wings that will carry us to heights far reaching ~ if we set them into motion & allow the voyage to set sail ~ our wings will take us higher than high.

Die to the crawl & take to wings of flight ~ fly as the birds do soaring free in a boundless sky.


No end of ~ No end to

Without End #passageways



Explore a new Way to travel #upabove #birdlike

℘Unify ~ be like the birds who traverse through life in aerial navigation & perspective℘ #towering


Typically a bird symbolizes FREEDOM. What could be better than walking the Earth, swimming in the sea, & taking to flight in a moments notice into the endless skies. Birds are also associated with ETERNAL Life ~ a bridge between Heaven & Earth 🙂



⇑As Above So Below⇓


∈Oh! To be a Bird∋

⇑The Ascent⇑

Sky High



Oh! To be a bird

the winged ones ~ feathered ones

wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began

way up high

to touch the sky

air spring, where the angels sing

left wing right wing ~ up swing

highland free ~ worshiping

nearing the sun ~ outstretched wings ~ a sky run

Oh! To be a bird

the winged ones ~ feathered ones

wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began

soaring! flying!  a vaporous breeze ~ abounding

on top of clouds ~ no ground ~ surrounding

hail to the expansive sky ~ sweeping ~ increasing

mounting ~ announcing ~ land below astounding

Oh! To be a bird

the winged ones ~ feathered ones

wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began

windswept force ~ home to Source ~ intercourse

wings of Grace ~ air space ~ no space

destiny for the human race

center of gravity ~ equilibrium ~ momentum

above the wind  ~ ascent ~ the event

Oh! To be a bird

the winged ones ~ feathered ones

wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began

 velocity ~ riding on air ~ do you dare

open breezeway door ~ open air ~ in the air

being nowhere & everywhere ~ this my prayer

stratosphere ~ high gear ~ charioteer

Oh! To be a bird

the winged ones ~ feathered ones

wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began

landing only in limitless reach ~ within reach ~ freedom unleashed

  soaring up high ~ countless regions ~ arise

spaciousness ~ weightlessness ~ playfulness

a new religion ~ super vision ~ arisen

liberty fly ~ spirit fly ~ die to the sky

sky rocket ~ like a comet ~ where? ~ up there!

air power ~ empower ~ The Power

break out wings ~ tower! aspire

Oh! To be a bird

the winged ones ~ feathered ones

wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began

greater  heights ~ destiny in flight 

 overhead ~ restoration ~ atop flotation

whisk in the wind ~ air currents ~ holy observance

wheel aerial navigation ~ foundation application

Oh! To be a bird

the winged ones ~ feathered ones

wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began

the birds lead, sign by sign, step by step

singing & hearkening to awaken

break in ~ winged vibrations ~ bird communication ~ aviation

children of starlight ~ come fly with us ~ above sight

rising through the air

open your wings of light


wide ~ sky rider ~ sky glider  

air traveler ~ up to ~ sightseer ~ upper room ~ sup

 fly ~ raise ~ uplift ~ pick up

your life ~ lift off ~ take off

vault of heaven ~ azure blue ~ wild blue

sky blue ~ renew ~ on high view

Oh! To be a bird

the winged ones ~ feathered ones

wing span ~ this can ~ you can ~ where it all began

children from the stars

 set in motion your wings ~ rouse into the blue sphere

out of doors ~ aware

up here

carefree ~ bird free

 fly high over the seas 

as you return back to Me




May you always be Sky High⇑

Blessings of Freedom & birds in flight ⊗

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Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂



This is where I go…the Mother Well ~ the intuitive well


*Samantha Pearl* ~ a space to make the unknown known


*Samantha Pearl* ~ a space to wonder

⊆This is where I go⊇…

The Mother Well

ςthe intuitive wellς


A Place of Quiet Solitude

⇔to know, to wonder, to be⇔

⇔to let the vision speak to me↵




♥Samantha Pearl♥ #newearthkitty

 If you are new to my blog posts, I often use our rescue kitty, Samantha Pearl, as a muse. Serving as a voice for the New Earth virtues and attributes ~ Unconditional Love ~ Living in harmony with Self, nature ~ enlightenment ~ God consciousness realization.

Samantha Pearl has her own division on my blog filled with imagery and blog’s centering on conscious living. She also has a Facebook page you can like from the link at the end of this post.

⌈Bless our pets and all the animals we share the planet with⌉


⊕Lets get settled within ourselves⊕

As frequent as possible, allow for precious moments where you submerge yourself in that sacred loving eternal home within you ~ attuning to the great voice within ~ acquire momentum in your life for wisdom knowing, direction ~ for peace and tranquil waters within you ~ to output magic and vibrations of higher frequencies to bless your life.


ΩThe Mother WellΩ

The inspiration behind the imagery and poem are derived from the Mother Well.

An aspect of self honoring on our spiritual path of awakening is when we grant for ourselves frequent diving into the crowning ~ always present ~ blooming ~ vigorous yet still voice within.

The ever giving ~ ever presiding ~ divine repository we have  immediate access to in all moments.

The grand inner meeting place of comprehension, perceptibly, and elevated prominence.

The Constant Companion

A holy altar, an inner shrine that supports a place of wonder ~ a space and place to dream, to receive wisdom, discernment, illumination

The Mother Well is the Divine Feminine place within all of us that offers great intuition ~ knowing ~ purposeful direction, guidance, and steering in our lives. She is the well spring of all knowing ~ laying beyond the confines of time ~ thus “seeing” what is needed and appropriate in our lives not only for betterment, but for steps on our evolutionary path.

⊂This is the quiet still voice within⊃

I intuit this as the Universal Mother, who knows us intimately, who only offers unconditional love and nurturing ~ the articulation of a wise sage. Supervising and showing us the optimal approach ~ measure ~ system to navigate inwardly and outwardly to any given theme in our lives.

When the voice is heeded, it will most likely be in concert with our hopes and dreams, however,  it may not be the way in which we would have gone about it. The linear rational data based limited mind knows not of this realm. It is the voice of reason. There is an order and process on our evolutionary path and She is well versed in it.

Once “the voice” ~ The Mother Well ~ is established and grounded ~ through practice, diligence, and discipline ~ the inner voice is a continuous fluid compass like exactness providing just what we need to excel in all areas of our life.

First Receive ~ Second Take Action

A main governing principle of the Divine Feminine is receivership. So in order to receive intuition ~ higher knowledge ~ we need to “receive” it.

This Universal Mother energy resides in an eternal space irrespective of time.

So, we need to be in a state of being that simulates where our intuitive voice resides in order to access it. This is a non ~ doing state. It is filtered through us in a non ~ activity state. Although the reward, once the Mother Well is a substantiated matter of course, the voice is heard in split timing before an action is taken. However, even at this level of spontaneous inner voice listening and receiving, it still proves beneficial to partake in dedicated time to be with Her in receive mode.

Some approaches to contacting this cosmic information center is through meditation, quietness, stillness, and reflection.  Questions, intentions, inquiries may be stated. We then sit and receive. It is a non ~ rushing, patient, slowing down, remaining open point of complexion we want to be in.

Being and receiving are the opened doors to connecting with this profound measureless energy.

  Enter this inner climate for blessings of higher instruction, advice, and knowing. It is also an infinite magical arena to experience as a source of inspiration, wonderment, and marvel.

Basically you are getting to know you at a deep rooted, beneath the surface plane. Deep seated within you is the Truth ~ the Truth of you and who you are. So you are accessing yourself ~ the refined, polished, all knowing you.

The only barriers that exist are not taking the “time” to sit and just be ~ with our Higher Self ~ our inner voice. Being in a state of doing ~ outer activity ~ is not the route to reach into Her. However, once an ongoing connection is established and not severed then Her voice will be heard unobstructed while engaged in activity. 

A balanced life consists of both activity and reflection. We breathe in (take in) and we breathe out (take out) ~ a flow of in and out. Likewise we learn from nature ~ our intrinsic design, how to best operate for blessed living.

The Mother Well is like the director, the instructor of how to proceed. Once we receive this information, then our divine masculine kicks in. He takes this knowledge and implements it. The divine masculine carries forth the outer task or doing of it.

Ideally, in perfect coordination, our inner divine feminine and divine masculine work together in sacred unison. Each having their roles and governing principles. Heeding the wisdom knowing of our divine feminine guides us into clarity and She tells us which way to proceed in a given endeavor ~ our divine masculine is the motor that does the action based on how he was instructed.

Balanced Living

We get off the wheel of unconscious living, and slip into conscious living when we gift ourselves with self honoring practices such as balancing doing with being. We then progress and advance, as we have paid homage to our inner presence. We receive more green lights!  This is because we are not moving about blindly doing, but rather have contacted our Mother Well ~ our inner resource ~ for conscious definition and transparency.



⊆This is where I go⊇…

⇔to know, to wonder, to be⇔

⇔to let the vision speak to me↵


This is where I go

 to transcend  

conceiving the inner world in wonder

going under

where the magic is revealed ~ The Mother

This is where I go

 Light gazing

where reverie is the air

it is nowhere, yet somewhere

rising Sun ~ morning prayer

nothing to compare

This is where I go

to know, to stand in awe

what has been unwritten

begins to glisten

 Her mission, handwritten ~ now written

This is where I go

to revolve around my center

   be the Sun vested

the vessel ~ majestic ~ destiny’s method

This is where I go

to allow the muses to shake me ~ ruminate

This is where I go

to connect with my divinity

to be purposeful

to be virginal

This is where I go

to hear the wind

 to be informed by the Light

to see the eagle’s view

we are just passers through

take to the Mother’s Well

 our breakthrough

This is where I go

to receive Her Love

to be coddled in Her Wings

to be lulled by Her delivering song

Her birdsong ~ nearest now drawn

This is where I go

to enter a place realer than here

This is where I go

to drink from the well

This is where I go

to replenish ~ to furnish my Soul

This is where I go

to remember all of who I AM

This is where I go

to breathe the rapture in and out

This is where I go

to inflame the secrets of my heart

This is where I go

to know all is sacred and beautiful

This is where I go

nothing excludable

remover of the illusional

This is where I go

to let go, release to increase 

to acquire a new set of beliefs

to quieten ~ to become timeless

silence Her diamond

This is where I go

for the mystical to be unbound

This is where I go

to taste the sweetest of fruits from heaven’s vine

to realign ~ to enshrine

to step out of the lines that confine

This is where I go

to let my Spirit fly

however it is inclined

This is where I go

 to be interconnected ~ resurrected

Holy Spirit

joviality ~ universality

This is where I go

to be anchored in the sublime

This is where I go

to lay surrender to all

This is where I go

to experience the cause of forces divine

This is where I go

to be well versed ~ nursed ~ submersed

This is where I go

to be instructed, reconstructed, uninterrupted

love’s animating principle

invincible, seen yet not seen

until the blessed moment

I realize I Am all this

the Buddha awakens from the slumber

elusive to numbers

except a whole number

the Satori flutes play

now becomes the real birthday

nature ~ prajna ~ Self the creator

wisdom, the rhythm ~ anchors aweigh

the ship officially on its way

the Way ~ in play ~ the stage to portray

arise ~ renaissance ~ metamorphosis

no more  forgetfulness

moksha, liberation, nirvana

now a state of permanence

I wear my  re~birth crown

new dawn be mine

the culmination ~ the summit ~ paradise keys found

recorded by the scribes ~ guides, change of tides

quickened  ~  awake within the dream

the unseen now seen

then, now

This is where I go

this is what I AM

the circle

the marriage of the lamb

the long night over

perfection, union

the new way to be human

hallowed conclusion ~ ultimate evolution

this is what rests therein ~  there for all to win

enter wherein

let the marriage feast begin



ΩGreat Blessings of the Mother WellΩ

→May we all always hear the still voice within↵

◊Blessings of awakening for all

⊕Blessings of peace, knowing, love, and joy!

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Have a Blessed Day!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

View more of my digital art on my website 🙂


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*Much Gratitude*

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂


Touch the Moon: Steel Moon

Steel Moon


Touch the Moon

Steel Moon

 Under the Bethlehem Moon

Winter Summer #flashback

Steel Moon ~ Steel Stacks

Magnum: classic rock ~ originals

Bethlehem, PA  ~ concert performance 🙂

#musikfest #bethlehemsteel #artsquest #musikcafe


A Winter flashback to last Summer when Magnum took the stage at the Artsquest cafe in early August during the annual Musikfest celebration series at the Steel Stacks in Bethlehem, PA

Be sure to check them out next Summer for their annual concert performance (s)


Higher than the Summer Moon

  temperature rising like a balloon

rolling in the valley

full force until the finale

shining like the Bethlehem Star

music racing like a jaguar

strong as steel

rock n’ roll appeal

louder than Summer thunder

until the end ~ it’s all magic & wonder


Thank you for viewing!!! 🙂

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Leslie Sue Photography website 🙂

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

Have a Blessed Day!!!

Miracles Happen 🙂 #stayaware