The Twins: The Dance of a Lifetime


⊆The Dance of a Lifetime⊇

#twins #twinmagic #cosmicdance #twinflame


Twin soul eternal dance

℘Moon ~ Super Moon 2017℘

→May 25, 2017↵


∞The Dance that began it all

The Dance that has always danced

∞The Dance that is for All


May your forever Dance be Now and continue on and on….

♥When the Love in your heart

meets you face to face♥



⇒When Love is Here to Stay⇐


♥ Love signals you   

walks towards you

takes your hand

the Dance begins

eternity remembered again♥




⊆The Dance of a Lifetime⊇

#twins #twinmagic #cosmicdance #twinflame


The Twins

The Dance of a Lifetime

the life, all life, beyond life

the dance, the movement, the rhythm


the Twins


destiny greets you

big surprise

starlight strings, angels sing, endless spring

the you in the other, the other in you

new moon ~ super moon

in each other you commune

consume, lover’s moon

bride ~ groom

 dance in the ballroom

the swallow sings a magical tune

into wholeness out of wholeness

interlocking ~ weaving

never ends ~ mends ~ best friends

the cosmic dance ~ the twins embrace

birthplace, first place, take your place

no place ~ fire place

The Dance of a Lifetime

seen and unseen


the heart’s staircase

memory trace

pearls & lace, parallel interface

in the breath of remembering

breathing space

the eye’s awaken ~ open inner seeing

cosmic fire

passion winks ~ wisdom sphinx

 Summer night

heights fly like a kite

up into the sky light

knight, bright, arc light

excite, tonight, insight

best dressed ~ undressed ~ sacredly blessed

twin flame embers

flashes ~ flickers ~ holy light

acceleration ~ penetration ~ celebration

moonlight streaming in ~ sunlight vision

starlight glimmer

a slow simmer

now ~ twin ocean kiss

rapture’s thriller

prize, qualified, two fold ~ unfold

heaven sent ~ a gift from above

here now

as above so below

treasures bestow ~ fluid honey currents flow

higher power

moments that become time

time that becomes moments

blossom rays of flowers ~ wild flower

 so natural ~ petals unfold

all directions

bundled into Oneness

to uphold

 wings wrapped like a bow ~ sun moon silver gold

when given the rose, no thorns appear

when the way is made clear

there is no death ~ only life

lightning streaks ~ thunder rolls, twin souls

union is absolute


love seat ~ heart beat ~ drumbeat ~ box seat ~ white heat

the Twins

The Dance of a Lifetime

sweet, tender, splendor

today ~ surrender

wonder venture, no agenda, Grace dispenser

The Twins

the center


enter now

together forever



∞Blessed Be in your forever dance

♥May all be blessed in the arms, heart, & love of their twin flame♥

⇒Let Love Light the Way⊃

Happy Super Moon! 

Have a blessed day!)

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My My Mermaid #mermaidofmine

*^My My Mermaid^*

ΨMy My MermaidΨ

◊Oh mermaid of mine◊


A look into the symbolism & associations with mermaids #enchantment



The inspiration for this blog post initially came about with the desire to create an art image of a mermaid. I used a photo from a boudoir photo session as my starting off point and then added various elements. From there I imagined what it would be like to meet up with a mermaid from the visual components, to the setting, to the conversation, the timeless aspect, how I would feel and respond, etc…

In my mermaid imagery I added a few elements. *a sword ~A sword as a symbol of  power, protection, purification, & liberty. *a bird ~ A bird as a symbol of freedom, eternal life, and a  bridge between Heaven & Earth. Notice the bird in her hands and bird feathers as a hair adornment.

Mermaids have really hit home in the mainstream popping up as toys, lunch boxes, cartoons, storylines, on clothing, etc…You name it and the commercial, household, and personal use products and services often display a mermaid! How magical and beautiful they are! Nothing like a lil’ magical reminder to start or end our day ~ and all that lays in between.



Let’s have a look into what Mermaids are all about:

∞Go with the Flow∞

The word Mermaid comes from ‘mer’ meaning the Sea∞

→All life flowing from the primordial waters ~ such a Great Life Giving Force can only create that which is Great within it↵ #cosmicpower

Source of Life

Mermaids more often are within a water element ~ in a body of water, on a body of water, close by a body of water, etc… So we see the water element mixed in with the mermaid mystique 🙂

Water can be viewed as representative of life. #livingwaters It is also associated with fertility, birth, & refreshment. Water is often used in ritual such as in a baptism ~ symbolizing a purification ~ also an admission into a faith. Water is also closely linked into human emotions & all the varied states within.

The eternal ocean in some regards is considered the “beginning” of life on Earth.

Water = formlessness of potential ~ potential of form 

Water is deep ~ as deep as the sea * from dreams to intuition * to magic & mystery


The Mermaid as a metaphor

≈take note when the mermaid comes into your life ≈see how it correlates specifically within your life

≈ observe the synchronicity & derive meaning from it ≈

A mermaid is often associated with “something” deeply touching ones Soul. The mermaid also carries within her comparison to “transformation.”

∇Mermaids often depict exceptional feminine beauty & are an aspect of the Goddess∇ #sacredfeminine Often artistry of mermaids is inclusive of the Moon #moongoddess #intuitiveself

As a Spirit Guide the mermaids offers us  guidance to live in balance ~ balancing our heart & head. #steadythewaters The heart always taking precedence. Mermaids making themselves known to those of pure heart.

Mermaids weave out & into their own spellbinding tune ~ acknowledging a green light into the realms of non ~ conformity & individuality as a high premium. A spin towards  “just be yourself” ~ express & live in the truthfulness of you ~ regardless. Keep it real & resonate as your own kind of mermaid charm (or merman)  🙂 #beautonomous

Mermaids also are an analogy for “hidden information” #wisdomkeepers  As in the depths of  the sea eliciting fathomless “silence” ~ the type of silence experienced in meditation, self reflection, quiet time, & any other introspective endeavor. What may lay on the sea floor ~ a treasure chest perhaps ~ but we must explore within our inner reaches to access such hidden treasure. A point in the direction of gaining true insight by going within oneself to access deep inner truths 🙂

Some additional mermaid alliance’s suggest a connection to our inner child. Let’s grant the mermaid an open door to rally us up to the innocence & joy of our inner child #playful #trusting. As a guide, she will walk with us, showing us how to have a whimsical, sprightly stance.

The mermaid resides in a twinkling space out of time. She can help position us to cognize a timeless eternal reality #beinthemoment Let’s live in the realm of infinite possibilities 🙂




ΨMy My MermaidΨ

◊Oh, mermaid of mine◊

My My Mermaid

Oh Mermaid of mine

out of the watery depths

you lay upon the shoreline

did you come from a lost continent?

adorned in opulence, confidence, your sensuality divine

is it early morning or late hours?

you seem in between

go on and unravel all the lore

water is peaceful upon a silvery open door

My My Mermaid

Oh Mermaid of mine

moonlight surrounding you

 full moon stardust in your hair

breathtaking and beautiful, do pardon my stare

mysterious and filled with ancient knowledge

from now not lost nor before

My My Mermaid

Oh Mermaid of mine

feathers ~ a bird perched delicately in your left hand

  did you once reign ~ queen of the land?

motherland ~ wetland ~ fairyland ~ wonderland

luminous the mirror shines

sky and stars glimmer at your feminine design

magnetic, your a free spirit ~ a gift from the sea

a sword you do not hold, but it stays near by

power, protection, the bloodline

My My Mermaid

Oh Mermaid of mine

the water is you ~ we all pass through

I see you in blue, gold ~ out of the blue ~ you come into

third eye crowned ~ out of true ~ a dip into

virtue and lure bestowed ~ a fragrant bloom

blessed by Her holy womb

I must go now with a hope to see you soon

let me take a last look ~ let me breathe you in

out becomes surreal ~ realer than real

My My Mermaid

Oh Mermaid of mine

when there is no time and the song plays three times

I will know you are near once again

mist dancing in the atmosphere ~ milk upon the stratosphere

when lunar becomes the years ~  you will reappear

My My Mermaid

Oh Mermaid of mine



Magical Blessings of the beauty & transformational power of the mermaid!

Be aware of when the Mermaid makes her presence known to you via a movie, image, book, comes up in a conversation, etc…

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Have a blessed day!

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WOW: WINGS OVER THE WORLD ~ Aquarius Age #newearth


≈Aquarius Age≈



Samantha Pearl

♥Our Beloved rescue kitty serving as a muse for the New Earth♥


ΩAs we know our Soul, We know the Soul of All, the All in OneΩ


⊕The life and world imagined ~ lived ~ and proclaimed⊕

⇒We envision a world and a life of peace, harmony, joy, abundance,  and freedom. We manifest these qualities when we recognize and live these attributes within us first.

We are the agents of change ~ when our interior life has birthed a habitat conducive to and reflective of the life we desire for ourselves and the world ~ then an exterior manifestation can occur.  

All lasting transformation begins within us as we look to the Source that we are and take measures to know this living reality as the energy current we magnetize with.

A revision and metamorphosis within us impacts the whole as a testament to our interconnection with all life⇐

↔Attuning our heart, mind, and consciousness with that which we desire in our life and the world is the transformative property eliciting the change. No external “looking” ~ we know true about face occurs within us. This is empowerment↔


≈Age of Aquarius≈ ” I know”

An age of networks and information ~ inclusive of esoteric knowledge. We enter conscious participation with the etheric realm ~ division becomes a revision of an all inclusive orientation ~ the Water Bearer’s cosmic waters pouring ~ a horizontal network opens the world to equality in its truest respect.

A restoration to acceptance and wholeness ~ acceptance of self and others ~ where the focal premise is that we know we have All the knowledge and wisdom within ourselves. Clearly cognizant that this resides within us.

→We are our own starting point for everything←

Being in command of our lives ~ in the drivers seat ~  we are responsible to keep the momentum moving forward ~ taking responsibility if the train comes off the tracks. No ties to something external as a guiding force in our lives ~ we settle into our knowing of our own course, our own highest path for evolving, knowing our true identity, and what is in resonate vibration with our calling. Accessing the field of all potentiality within us ~ being masterful at connecting to the unified field ~ pairing our consciousness ~ our thoughts ~ our heart ~ our speech ~ our actions ~ all that we are ~ in unison  with the attributes and qualities we behold dear to us and for the world ~ is the fuel that moves us where our desires lay.

◊Personal transformation through self awareness ~ leading to sovereignty ~ lays in our own hands◊

We follow the way that is intrinsically personalized for us as the vehicle that ultimately leads us to enlightenment ~ operating as our Living Spirit of God ~ Soul Awareness ~ our highest attainment ~ fulfilling our life’s purpose on Earth.

 The holy ground within us that we have come to know through purification, devotion, spiritual practices ~ becomes the holy ground we stand on. This holy ground we have cultivated within springs forth and germinates in our outer life as the fruits of our labor.

As we honor our own lives through ritualistic proceedings that serve as the incentives for awakening states to occur ~ honoring  the God Source within ~  we come to the realization that this infinite, unlimited, Creator God Light is who we are ~ that All are.

This wholeness of identity is a powerful becoming


♥Divine Mother’s Love and Grace♥

Standing by ~ fully accessible ~ as we walk our path of Light, is the Divine Mother’s “Grace” ~ an endless supply of Her Divine Love ~ issued forth as a heavenly consecration.

Her Magnificent Blessed Grace smooths the path ~ is soothing and curative ~ a healing invigorating emollient as we progress in our realization of our transcendental existence.

∇What a Holy Gift the Divine Mother’s Grace is∇


As pioneers of the Age of Aquarius and the Ascension, our hallmark steps to leave an old way and open the door to the new way ~ interacting consciously with the life forces ~ attaining higher states of knowing and awareness ~ provides the transition to be easier for others to also become their self ~ governing brilliant selves.

We continue to do the necessary clearing out within ~ as purification rites of passage leading us into the greatest transition of Becoming.

Daily offering ourselves a well spring of compassion, self love and care, gentleness, and kindness. As well as remaining ever grateful as we acknowledge our many blessings and ask for Grace as need be.

We get out of the way, to be the Way, the way ordained for us that directs us to become the rising Sun Stars that we are ~ and forge the Way as a beacon of Light so others may also journey into their dedicated way ~ we all meet in the gathering place of the One.

∴Let’s open our hearts and minds to their exalted presence and live in this truth as we move about in this blessed and sacred new age∴


◊Divine Mother Vision◊ ~ Her Sacred Wings◊




Wings over the World

New Earth

Heaven on Earth

Divine Mother

a Holy wonder

carries us on Her Sacred Wings of Love

She is a masterpiece ~ an altarpiece

we become like Her

heart sphere ~ unconditional love perseveres

attaining states of exaltation

flowing in repeated undulations

a statute of no limitations

for all generations

Wings over the World

New Earth

Heaven on Earth

Her Sacred Wings

bringer of all things

 Her Love light ~ the air of sweet incantations

upon all nations

inspiration ~ unification vibration

Wings over the World

New Earth

Heaven on Earth

communications, associations ~ a new foundation

revelations and celebrations

for eons

we have been preparing

for the new creation

open doors like never before

Wings over the World

New Earth

Heaven on Earth

the treasury indoors is the treasury outdoors

Age of Aquarius implores

freedom informs ~ this transforms

swords of unity our reward

Age of Aquarius wired ~ Motherboard ~ come aboard

universal sisterhood and brotherhood

innovation systems ~ self realization

Wings over the World

New Earth

Heaven on Earth

peace central, all directions

perfection the reflection

unity and harmony breathing in and out

so within ~ so without

Wings over the World

New Earth

Heaven on Earth

creation full rose bloom

blessed from Her sacred womb

all rejoice and know the Light within

shadows have disappeared

clear blueprints appear

we begin the begin again

love holy and pure with our twin

Wings over the World

New Earth

Heaven on Earth

the path of plenty

higher heart and mind ~ solamente

Wings over the World

Heaven on Earth

New Earth

experience your rebirth

a Christmas wreath welcome

all shall come

oneself to Self

Wings over the World

New Earth

Heaven on Earth

 inner sun and inner moon

united balanced attuned

everlasting honeymoon

Wings over the World

the New Earth is here

Go inside and find

your blessed design

Wings over the World

destiny crystalline

Wings over the World

Heaven on Earth

New Earth

go now envision, live ~ henceforth

eyes arise ~ infinity ~ original trinity

Wings over the World

New Earth

Heaven on Earth

Aquarius sing star ~ traveling to distant stars ~ we are not far

sounds of the sitar, tiger ~ becomes wider and wider

high voltage divers ~ inside is the supplier

Aquarian mountain ~ consciousness bouncing

Universal Mind fountain

surrounding ~ astounding

sprouting seeds flowering

no need for counting ~ only encounter

Wings over the World

New Earth

Heaven on Earth

Aquarius mist around Her

a bliss kiss ~ a love kiss

taste of paradise ~ in this

awakening to heaven

777 ~ God’s Presence

meet our omnipresence

in attendance of our essence

Wings over the World

New Earth

Heaven on Earth

light body luminescence

our final destination

Wings over the World

Age of Aquarius

Aquarius the water bearer

cosmic water knowledge ~ Soul acknowledge

in the center ~ all together

Wings over the World

New Earth

Heaven on Earth

ancient ~ threads of  DNA ~ Aquarius airway

God of Earth ~ God of Water ~ God of Heaven

constellation Aquarius give rise

open the gateway

the water way

we enter in

electric ray

electric blue

Age of Aquarius

pass through


Age of Aquarius Blessings!!!

Many blessings of Divine Grace on your path of awakening

Thank you for viewing!

Have a Blessed Day!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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Message in the Wind: I heard the wind chimes #chime

  ζ I heard the wind chimes ζ

∞Message in the wind∞

chime * chime * chime *

The inspiration behind the imagery and poem is a fascination with the element wind. It is that unseen, yet tangible force that often comes out of nowhere ~ yet everywhere. It’s moods and power are as varied as the oceans myriad of states. Sometimes both the element wind and water perform a dance with each other ~ an interconnection that we come to terms with as we know ourselves deep within our own recesses.

Each of the elements have standing ground in and of themselves as well as the interplay they display and weave with.

We carry the elements within us.

Let’s get into the wind element and become more cognizant of it in the moment we experience it and tap into its “voice” and message it is sending us.


♥The View♥

⇔Views set the stage⇔

The space where I edit my art images spills out into a viewing area of our screened in patio & then out into our garden.

On our screened in patio we have hanging a beautiful 6 metal rod wind chime ~ which has heavenly tones that ring out when the wind lifts it.

Often I edit with my sliding glass doors open that go out into the patio area ~ as this aids in my connectivity to the elements which pleases me to no end. I adore the celestial sounds of any wind chime ~ it evokes an angelic presence & magic that dances out into the atmosphere and circulates within my heart.

That blessed moment when the wind lifts & moves the wind chime rods to create divine music ~ there is something being “spoken” through this air ~ song ~ movement ~ music ~ dance.

It makes me stop in my tracks & I quiet myself, attune to the wind chimes, listen, & aim to receive what is being said. 

#elementsspeak  #listen

↔This art piece ~ (the subject holds a wind chime in her right hand)  ~  & poem were inspired by some rather spontaneous night activity of our patio wind chimes that occurred while I was laying in bed. Listening, experiencing, feeling, imagining, receiving……………↔


Blessed are the Sacred Winds

⊗Behold the Mighty Winds and allow them to reveal⊗ We have much to learn from the wind. From its graceful sway to powerful transforming energy. 

⊕The elements speak to us ~ when we stop to listen⊕


ζ I heard the wind chimes ζ

∞Message in the Wind∞

#chime #chime #chime


 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime

through my mind filled with light that rhymes

I turned around

a surprising praise this month of May

brilliant illuminating ethereal rays

expanding & coming my way

spilling out radiant diamond shapes

I opened my hand receiving the Grace

night fall awakens to fully embrace

light is bright upon my face

I received a nudge

from above

in the wind the all rests & moves

life giver ~ Holy Mother ~ baby to a breast

 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime

Play the song you know I love

freedom ~ the sky ~ a flying dove

the sounds are crystal pure

heaven’s singing I adore

 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime

I must say

I heard silence down the corridor

like waves moving on the shore

the wind it takes you through

carries you as angels often do

the walls removed ~ just air rushing through

the light within shining colors varying in blue

a message in the wind

with no words spoken

a holy oath unbroken

 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime

a language etched in the abstract

follow the impressions, blessed stay on track

some you can make out

& others recede back in space

it’s not a place you know to be

unless you go within to see

richness floating breathing with the sea

 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime

melody maker, heaven gives me a sign

it all happens in the blink of an eye

a message in the wind

eternity’s blessing make no deny

so eloquent & regal ~ Oh, so refined

all is given, nothing to sign

sweet taste on my lips

the very best of wine

 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime

a message in the wind

is for those that stop to hear

otherwise it will disappear

 harmony attunes you to bring it near

 receive the message in the wind

be aware when first the curtains take movement to breathe & dance

you will see it in a magical glance

look around

deep within your quietude you will know

the highest of the highest will bow & bestow

 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime

in composition & sequence

like a beacon

symbolic credence

building in frequency ~ make this your allegiance

a message in the wind

 answers you will find

a chorus spiraling

non linear mind

hear it to become undefined

miracles be yours with the wind as your guide

 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime




∈May the Great Winds always bless us!

◊Let us always pay homage to the sacred winds!

⊕ May we receive many blessings of the elements⊕

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Have a Blessed Day 🙂

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My 3rd Birthday :) :) :)


Yipee……….2day……May 1st…….is my 3rd birthday!! Yup, 3 big one’s 🙂

#samanthapearl #animalvoice #newearthkitty #blesstheanimals

In honor of my birthday, I would like to send out some loving thoughts on behalf of our beautiful animals that we share the planet with.

SINCE THE DAWN OF HUMANITY, there remains a group so persistently abused and marginalized, that their suffering is ingrained in our everyday lives. If animals could freely talk, their chorus of cries would drown out every other sound in the world. We are all animals. We are all living, breathing beings who share the same Earth. We all feel pain and suffer when we are hurt or deprived of our lives, our families, our freedom. We all have the right to experience kindness, compassion and dignity. We believe in the kinship of all beings, and the possibility for us to coexist in peace and harmony on planet Earth.  

~ excerpt from the Declaration of Animal Rights



Some friendly reminders to love on our animal sisters and brothers:













Thank you for viewing!!!

⊗Birthday Blessings for all those born in the month of May⊗

Have a Blessed Day!!! 🙂 !!!!

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*Much Gratitude*

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂


Into childhood I go ~ Nothing to know

→Into childhood I go←

Nothing to Know

◊Return to Innocence◊



This poem & imagery are inspired by the wonder, innocence,  & freedom of childhood.

The image of the little girl is from a Easter photo session. I then added some elements to the scene as well as our beloved rescue kitty Samantha Pearl. The home in the distance is the suburban home I grew up in and where most of my fondest sun filled memories come from.

The memories flash in an instant

We are there

Walking the streets of our neighborhood

Navigating within the home we grew up in

All the scents, tastes, colors, & magic dance again ~ as we bring to life moments of childhood that we revisit again & again


Parenting the inner child

We are the parent to our inner child. An important aspect of our evolution is nurturing, reassuring, enlivening, listening, & being an active participant in fulfilling the requirements of our inner child ~ until maturation ~ so that our inner child thrives in its true innocent state. This is our true self.

Offer affirming supportive self love and talk to your inner child ~ especially when you look into the mirror.

Incorporate balance in life ~ the heart centered life is childlike ~ the purity of the child & carrying out this spirit is the world opening up to you again ~ open the door.

⊂Have a homecoming with your inner child⊃

∴Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”∴

Let’s strengthen our bond with our inner child ~ providing loving care ~ being the comforter ~ assuring her or him that they are deeply loved, adored, & looked after. Engage in activities that cultivate this reuniting ~ continuously ~ so that our inner child is  fully integrated & acknowledged as a living consciousness within us ~ allowed to come out to play, to explore, to express, to run free…….


♥Our heart yearns for us to be in our child like state♥

⊥In Truth we stand before the Almighty as a little child⊥

Reclaim your inner child

Be at peace with any dissonance

Trusting as the child does


Part of our self care routine is to honor our inner child

Slow down ~ rewind ~ bring it into Now

The door opens….our inner child

playing games, sleepovers, skipping

candy daze ~ sugar pop pop ~ jolly lolly

the swing set, spinning in circles, coloring

singing, the park, playing dress up

barefoot on the grass ~ running through the sprinkler

non stop giggles ~ cartoons ~ the call that dinner is ready

endless Summer days, ice cream, staying up late…



  the child like spirit

↔as fast & as wild as the wind↔

⊕alive, revived, healed, & whole⊕

∴Let’s resurface the carefree wonderment of childhood & maintain that sense of fascination, newness, & buoyancy∴


ζOur Surroundings Influence Usζ

The house I grew up in had a variety of art displayed ~ where often I would look into them & experience deep visceral responses that carried me off into other worlds ~ an enigmatic something that seemed in juxtaposition to this world.

I am including images of the paintings of such art. I make mention of a few in the poem.

An interesting aspect of abstract art & other kindred art ~ ~  is that one has to bring themselves to the art, in that it defies in a sense what we consider “conventionally” to constitute our world, so in an attempt to “make sense” of it, one must go into the art piece to make heads or tails about it. One example is Paul Klee, who was influenced by & created in the styles of  Expressionism, Surrealism, & Cubism. One of his paintings we had in my childhood home that I saw pretty much every day is below.

 “Realistic” stylized art in some respects lays it out for you ~ where one feels a footing. Abstract art & related art demands more of our full attention to come to terms with it. It is more of a heady intellectual interaction, as well as evoking emotive sensations personal to oneself. Certainly all art offers this to some degree, however, abstract art & its kinfolk is so wide open that it calls us to meet ourselves within it.

So, often while laying on the couch, I would look into these works of art ~ engaging in some kind of silent enigmatic dialogue ~ that seemed to whisper to me & open doors within my awareness of hidden passages that I would travel into.

Studying about art we resonate with & getting to know the artist (s) influences, inspirations, whereabouts, etc…is helpful in developing a deeper connection to them & their artistic expressions, however, ultimately we encounter ourselves within it.

Here are some of the paintings I grew up looking at in my childhood home.


My reference to “Nothing to Know” is about all that is needed to know in a given moment will make itself present.


→Into childhood I go←

Nothing to Know


From suburban sidewalks to beachy shores

I lay my childhood foundation

I walked those sidewalks, barefoot, friendships were born

 the neighborhood, in a circle it goes around

free & feeling each step like a newborn

hypnotic light shimmering I would exclaim

thick ~ yet like a pillowy cloud

a pathway unrestrained ~ fire breathing details ~ in flame

containing some vow, heaven’s crown ~ all abound

the air was sun ~ encrypting ~ transmitting

a new beginning had begun

the sky lifting ~ gifting ~ drifting

 the sights I did see

nature offering me Her decree

each home & lot musically contained

some I thought so warm & some I would refrain

magic & innocence it needed no name

it burns inside, like a candle flame

I saw it in the trees around our house

trees like a prayer shawl

they would whisper & call ~ into night fall

long flowing hair, patterns, strawberry pillow sew

I would walk in the sun

in rhythm and movement ethereal undone

Nothing to know

Into childhood I go

the streets, the grass

the way she would stand, how he called to me

I saw it everywhere

some magical air ~ honey colored air buried there

atmospheric air ~ in each stare ~ so aware

each car & car ride ~ it is so alive and in colors too

If it was not present, I would wonder why, frustrated ~ I must fly

but in a twinkle of time, it bore again, in the next moment

I felt it again

a free reign, coming out of right brain, its domain

the white dining room table ~ some kind of mystical fable

  the doors of glass spill out to the backyard

mysterious & divine I breathed it in many a time

it was so thick, I thought surely all saw and felt it too

the family room palette velvety purples pinks with bricks

mix with Jackson Pollock plus a French milieu

the naps on the fusion of colors, I looked up and saw the bluest sky

but was inside, inside of me

if the TV bored me, I would look out the window ~ Shinto

nature revealed to me, as it does to its young

it spoke a language no one else spoke of

don’t you feel what I feel?

I could not articulate my words

I fell to my knees when I saw a bird

passing along its holy word

its song of heaven, it knows the way

I would run up and down the carpeted steps, as if flying in a delirious sway

dinner in the air, toaster & oven lights, sounds in the kitchen

a meal of delight

why is everyone so serious ~ that really feels laborious

oh my these flavors

I must savor

all so surreal, yet real ~ let’s say our prayers

major, minor, life savors,  and highly favored

I dream & fly an endless kite

it’s going to be a good night

in the morning we would walk to school

head West, books in hand, friends at my side

walking is freedom, too bad the destination was prison

except for first grade, the rest was futile

you must be kidding

none taught an expanded view

like on top of a mountain

touching the sky

up so high ~ eternal fountain ~ no limits I would cry

restrictions, rules, ridiculous sighs

I have no use for that now like I did then

certainly some day your manual will end

all will be born again, as the true child sings

take up thy wings

no strings, bells from heaven ring

merry a melody, neither too fast nor too slow

perfect in the breeze, green light go

Into childhood I go

yes, some candy & cupcakes will do, pretty napkins and plates too

green apple perfume & green apple now & laters to chew

dodge ball in the street ~ that’s where we would meet

our door, we leave it unlocked ~ but do please knock

with the rain of showers, the thunder I felt its power

I walk now again the suburban sidewalks of youth

open to the path, the sun, the light, the fairy takes the tooth

everything so textured new

Paul Klee’s abstract would take me away for hours

in my mind my imagination would  turn

he must know the dance of the formless form

norms, what norms?

platforms, transform, a stage to perform

new art forms, free form, life forms

all held in uniform

I sled in the snow, took to the gold of Autumn’s glow

new rising in Spring, in the Summer cool off with a trip to Westwood

the water in the pool drew me closer to Source

the flow, the ease, zero force

above & below the wingspan of the crow

Into my childhood I go

such plenty I notice in each flower

fresh eyes newly cleansed in a sun shower

I walk the suburban streets of my childhood again

everything swirling moving like zen

Would you like to take my hand?

mystical, grand, we stand

all we know, like a child

 Edgar Allen Poe

Into childhood I go

the trumpet sounds

Into childhood I go

Nothing to know


Great Blessings to be as the child again!

Great Blessings of childhood innocence & freedom 🙂

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WWJB ~ What Would Jesus Buy @dollarstore :)

Contemporary Christ


§What Would Jesus Buy @dollarstore§


⊥Who wants to go shopping with Lord Jesus?

⊥At the Dollar Store ~ yipee⊥

⇑Let’s Go…⇓



Yes, as many great minds have wondered in these contemporary times, if Jesus was in physical form now what in the world would our Beloved Jesus buy at the Dollar Store ?????……….so much to choose from and at only a buckaroo. Such deep contemplation on this most sacred of mysteries must be resolved.



The art image is from a portrait I took and then turned into a version of Jesus I imagined as the Contemporary Christ. 


Here We Go

So much running through my head, what will He buy, what will peeps say, who care’s……….let the $$$ Dollar Tree $$$ journey begin……………

Lord Jesus picks me up on his motorcycle and we are off……Dollar Tree store bound….

Off to the Dollar Store we go………. Beloved Jesus and I. My camera in hand, my imagination off the charts……… next stop The Dollar Tree around the corner.



$$$ Dollar Store $$$



Well, me Oh my, right smack dab as soon as you enter the Dollar Tree store, Lord Jesus and I see straight away His image on candles. He turns to me and says…” I must be in the right place…………” He further mentions something about the world being a mirror of our inner state of being ~ that we see our own reflection wherever we are. I was doing my best to listen, however, I was lost in a myriad of color, texture, a plethora of items and I was somewhat losing focusing ability. He told me to keep my eye on Him and that would keep me focused.

The World is a mirror……….



Okay, in an effort to be organized, acting like it is a normal thing to be  surrounded by blazing golden light ~  Lord Jesus has such brilliant light surrounding him and he was emitting it onto me also ~  so keeping my cool like this is just an ordinary day at an ordinary store ~ I seek out a shopping cart to begin our shopping experience. I heard him say something about seek and you shall find.  So, just like that a shopping cart appears. It looked a little more shiny and bright then the other carts. Lord Jesus looked over at me smiling as he nodded approvingly.

Let the shopping fun begin……..filler up!!!

The shopping Fun begins…………..



First we head down the sundries isle. Lord Jesus likes that clean fresh scent. I watch, observe, wondering with great anticipation what he will select first. Holding my camera ~ armed and ready ~ what will the Master lay his hands on? Well, what do you know. He loves the Men’s 3n1 shampoo/conditioner/body wash in Cool Ocean Wave. He says the 3 in the 1 holds great significance. Awesome I said as I take a snappy. In goes the first Dollar Tree product into the shopping cart. We proceed down the isle. His gate smooth, rhythmic, and captivating. Next item is a Power Stick, some sort of fragrance, with delight Lord Jesus place’s it in the cart.

The pace is picking up now. Lightening speed is in the air. Hoping I can keep up, we move in and through more isles. Wha~la ~ he  then made a B ~ line  to the Sun night light item. With great reverence he holds the Sun night light. The Light of the World ~ Light in the darkness I heard him say. Moving even faster now ~ he then stops and looks in great stillness ~ as if eternity is speaking ~ at a product. I get a closer look. Feeling the quiet reflection ~ I see he is looking at a can of fish. Mackerel to be exact. With great excitement Lord Jesus says that this is “holy” ~ so in fly several cans.

Items Lord Jesus purchases at the $Dollar Tree$.


I am getting used to the high vibe frequency now and basking in the golden light ~ kinda even chillaxing ~ enjoying such elation in the Dollar Tree ~ almost dreaming ~ until I realize Lord Jesus is in another isle and I better catch up! He leaves a trail of golden white glittery particles so all I had to do was follow them.

Off to various isles I go…… find Lord Jesus.

Isles & Isles




Found him!!! In the electronic section. He looks at me adoringly and mentions he needs some new ear buds for his mobile devices. He likes the yellow ear buds so into the cart goes another product. Glowing with a fervent intensity, Lord Jesus mentions he likes his tire wheels super shiny on his motorcycle and he gets a tire and wheel product.

In the domestics isle, he adds a set of 4 coffee mugs into the cart. I said “You drink coffee?” Lord Jesus somewhat amused and also somewhat serious says to me “Of course!! Never doubt, just have Faith my dear!!” He flashes me a double huge smile. Lord Jesus selects the coffee mugs that say “Live in the Moment” ~ he says that is all that really exists. I smiled back. Just the thought of coffee was incredibly making me want some ~ I started to imagine things ~ coffee related things ~ I saw magnificent delicious coffee in Master Jesus’s new coffee mugs ~ I was deliriously swirling about in mocha java heaven ~ when ~ Lord Jesus placed his Divine hand on my shoulder and said we need to continue our shopping experience. Whoaa ~ brought back down to earthly focus by the Masters touch….. but still thoughts of a splendid cup of coffee were brewing about in my internal atmosphere.

Lord Jesus found a sign or sticker of some sort that had the words “Friends” on it. He mentions he is going to put this in front of his house so that his peeps would know they are welcome. He said all are welcome in his house. Lord Jesus expresses to me that he is glad we are friends and I concurred. We embraced in a hug and a happy dance in the Dollar Tree isle. Good friends are like family he continued saying. He also found a 5×7 picture frame that he added to the cart. The picture frame had a photograph of a couple nestled together inside the frame. He said he felt a kinship with the people in the photo and then expressed something about being created in the image and likeness of. Moreover, he said that this happy love couple photo reminded him of his Beloved Mary Magdalene and that he had the perfect photograph of them together that he would place in the frame. He then spotted some pink roses in the floral section that he added to give to Mary.

WWJB @dollarstore More of Lord Jesus’s purchases 🙂

Pink roses for Mary Magdalene



Sensing that our Dollar Tree shopping extravaganza is complete, we review the items in the cart.

Okay, with a tally of items let’s see what we have:

  • 3n1 shower product
  • Power Stick
  • Sun night light
  • 3 cans Mackerel fish
  • ear buds
  • 4 coffee mugs
  • friends sign
  • 5×7 picture frame
  • a dozen pink roses

= $ 25.00

We are finished with our shopping and getting in line. Lord Jesus presents the cashier with a gold master card. I did not know there was such a thing. He said there is and anyone can apply for one now and that there are many rewards with it.

As we leave, Lord Jesus points upward. I notice the sign above the entrance and exit doors giving thanks for shopping: Gratitude coming in and Gratitude going out.

Giving Thanks




Lord Jesus says we will have another shopping escapade sometime in the near future. He did notice some other products to get, but that will be for another day.

So, out into the brilliant Light Lord Jesus & I go………………………..

While in the gift bag isle, I took a pic of these words on one of the gift bags as I knew this would sum things up…………

Best Day Ever!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂



∴Blessings of shopping with Lord Jesus∴

ΩMay all your shopping experiences be GoldenΩ

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Brides with Spirit

ΩBrides with SpiritΩ

∴Brides with an animal totem∴


 #brideswithspirit #animaltotem

#lion #peacock #foxfam #leopard



ΩBrides with SpiritΩ

I began this series, Brides with Spirit, several years ago. Here are a few samples of some of the art pieces from this series. As a fun and different twist to bridal imagery, I came up with the concept of pairing beautiful bridal photo’s  with animal totems ~ the bride selects her animal totem connection and it is added to one of her bridal images.

Often a Brides with Spirit image is of the bride solo with the animal spirit, however sometimes both the bride and groom have a particular shared kinship with a blessed animal and the image is woven together.


“A totem is a spirit being, sacred object, or symbol of a tribe, clan, family or individual. … For some, knowing what is their totem animal is almost an innate process. It’s as if they’ve always known, inexplicably drawn to the animal or having a special feeling for the animal’s energy”



What is your animal totem?

Many  people feel a direct link in both literal and symbolic terms with a particular animal (s).

Animal totems can be perceived as and serve on a platform as a



⇔⇔ healing

influence on many levels ~ spanning beyond this lifetime.

They bring in “something” of greatness, perhaps an awakening, an epiphany,  true companionship, unconditional love, and so much more!!!

These animal totems range from the domesticated, non domesticated, to beyond.

It is about what each individual, in this case a bride, is drawn to.

This deep felt animal association, can last a life time and also can change based on current circumstances as one cycles through life.


May your animal spirit bless you always!

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Veggie Burger in Paradise #vegout :) :)


♥Veggie Burger In Paradise♥

Sing to the tune of Jimmy Buffett’s “Cheeseburger in Paradise.”

#samanthapearl #newearthkitty #parrotkitty #goveggie #vegout #vegburger

♦Gave up my carnivorous ways

Feelin’ better everyday

Lookin’ hot & moving with ease

Surfing the ocean & catchin’ the rays

♦but at night I have the most wonderful dreams

The whole earth of veggie lovin’ ways

Blessing all the animals & treating them right

livin’ in a heavenly veggie Light

♦Veggie Burger in Paradise

Heaven on Earth in every bite

No cholesterol ~ Oh! What a sight

Just a Veggie Burger in Paradise

♦No more old patterned ways

Only human love & veggie days

Have wine & beer in an icy glass

 have a whiskey sour ~ but only 2 an hour

 give it to me

A little mayo please

♦Times are fresh these days

each person & restaurant a veggie craze

Listen’ to me vegans

Hear what I say

♦Veggie Burger in Paradise

Heaven on Earth in every bite

no grease or cholesterol  ~ Oh! What a sight

My Veggie Burger in Paradise

♦I like mine with lettuce & tomato

Hey beef & bacon I’ll see ya later

 oh some cornbread  ~   & some collard greens

Oh Good God Almighty ~ I’m in Heaven it seems

 Veggie Burger in Paradise

 I’m celebrating my vegan life

Worth every damn bit of sacrifice

to get my

 Veggie Burger in Paradise

my Veggie Burger in Paradise

I like mine with lettuce & tomato

 Hey beef & bacon I’ll see ya later

  oh some cornbread ~  & some collard greens

Oh Good God Almighty ~ I’m in Heaven it seems 

  My Veggie Burger in Paradise

Lyrics & Digital Art by Leslie Sue Photography 🙂 🙂

With Special add on lyrics by Davey Werkhiser 🙂 🙂

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Miracles Happen!!! 🙂 🙂 #stayaware

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#petadoption #bringhomethefur

Say Hi to Sasha ~ a beautiful sweet & lovable 4 year old. 🙂 🙂 🙂

She loves to run about & is very energetic & benefits greatly from daily exercise. Sasha would make a great companion & gets along very well with other dogs!!! She is great with children, however, she would be most suited with children not too young.

It is believed that she is a shepherd mix and is about 55lbs. Sasha was found wondering the streets and was taken in by a volunteer. The owner was found and we were told she just had puppies and with his lack of effort to look for her, all of the puppies had died. She was then surrendered officially to the rescue. She is great with other dogs and is very friendly with all people. She is house broken and well behaved but again, does require some energy to burn. Sasha also loves to swim which we found out recently at an adoption event at a dog beach. 🙂 🙂

Please consider adopting Sasha & bringing her into your heart & home. If you know anyone looking for a new best friend please also help circulate Sasha’s info.

For more information please contact Dafna at NAIA’s Pet Rescue. Phone 954 947 PETS  & on their website


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Have a Blessed Day 🙂 🙂

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂