Big Apple Bites


πŸ™‚ Bite This πŸ™‚

#NYC #freedomtower #ladyliberty #brooklynbridge #USA

Here are some Big Apple Bites in a homemade GIf with luv πŸ™‚ from a recent NYC visit. The Freedom Tower is really something to see ~ great silence & reverence surrounding it, a walkway close to the Brooklyn Bridge, the Brooklyn Bridge, & the Statue of Liberty. Walking on the Brooklyn Bridge really gives the viewer an interesting perspective, that is, if you can make your way through all the peeps ~ tons of peeps walking and biking going here & there. There is a yum smoothie stand on the Manhattan side that got me through walking it on a Summer’s day. Its structure is just beautiful & enrichingly warm. No matter how many times I have seen the Statue of Liberty it commands such a Divine Presence that truly it takes your breath away ~ a v profound energy surrounding the beautiful Lady Liberty. #freedomrings #USA


#nyc highlights recap πŸ™‚


Thank you for viewing!!!! πŸ™‚

Have a Blessed Day!!!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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