Message in the Wind: I heard the wind chimes #chime

  ζ I heard the wind chimes ζ

∞Message in the wind∞

chime * chime * chime *

The inspiration behind the imagery and poem is a fascination with the element wind. It is that unseen, yet tangible force that often comes out of nowhere ~ yet everywhere. It’s moods and power are as varied as the oceans myriad of states. Sometimes both the element wind and water perform a dance with each other ~ an interconnection that we come to terms with as we know ourselves deep within our own recesses.

Each of the elements have standing ground in and of themselves as well as the interplay they display and weave with.

We carry the elements within us.

Let’s get into the wind element and become more cognizant of it in the moment we experience it and tap into its “voice” and message it is sending us.


♥The View♥

⇔Views set the stage⇔

The space where I edit my art images spills out into a viewing area of our screened in patio & then out into our garden.

On our screened in patio we have hanging a beautiful 6 metal rod wind chime ~ which has heavenly tones that ring out when the wind lifts it.

Often I edit with my sliding glass doors open that go out into the patio area ~ as this aids in my connectivity to the elements which pleases me to no end. I adore the celestial sounds of any wind chime ~ it evokes an angelic presence & magic that dances out into the atmosphere and circulates within my heart.

That blessed moment when the wind lifts & moves the wind chime rods to create divine music ~ there is something being “spoken” through this air ~ song ~ movement ~ music ~ dance.

It makes me stop in my tracks & I quiet myself, attune to the wind chimes, listen, & aim to receive what is being said. 

#elementsspeak  #listen

↔This art piece ~ (the subject holds a wind chime in her right hand)  ~  & poem were inspired by some rather spontaneous night activity of our patio wind chimes that occurred while I was laying in bed. Listening, experiencing, feeling, imagining, receiving……………↔


Blessed are the Sacred Winds

⊗Behold the Mighty Winds and allow them to reveal⊗ We have much to learn from the wind. From its graceful sway to powerful transforming energy. 

⊕The elements speak to us ~ when we stop to listen⊕


ζ I heard the wind chimes ζ

∞Message in the Wind∞

#chime #chime #chime


 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime

through my mind filled with light that rhymes

I turned around

a surprising praise this month of May

brilliant illuminating ethereal rays

expanding & coming my way

spilling out radiant diamond shapes

I opened my hand receiving the Grace

night fall awakens to fully embrace

light is bright upon my face

I received a nudge

from above

in the wind the all rests & moves

life giver ~ Holy Mother ~ baby to a breast

 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime

Play the song you know I love

freedom ~ the sky ~ a flying dove

the sounds are crystal pure

heaven’s singing I adore

 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime

I must say

I heard silence down the corridor

like waves moving on the shore

the wind it takes you through

carries you as angels often do

the walls removed ~ just air rushing through

the light within shining colors varying in blue

a message in the wind

with no words spoken

a holy oath unbroken

 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime

a language etched in the abstract

follow the impressions, blessed stay on track

some you can make out

& others recede back in space

it’s not a place you know to be

unless you go within to see

richness floating breathing with the sea

 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime

melody maker, heaven gives me a sign

it all happens in the blink of an eye

a message in the wind

eternity’s blessing make no deny

so eloquent & regal ~ Oh, so refined

all is given, nothing to sign

sweet taste on my lips

the very best of wine

 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime

a message in the wind

is for those that stop to hear

otherwise it will disappear

 harmony attunes you to bring it near

 receive the message in the wind

be aware when first the curtains take movement to breathe & dance

you will see it in a magical glance

look around

deep within your quietude you will know

the highest of the highest will bow & bestow

 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime

in composition & sequence

like a beacon

symbolic credence

building in frequency ~ make this your allegiance

a message in the wind

 answers you will find

a chorus spiraling

non linear mind

hear it to become undefined

miracles be yours with the wind as your guide

 I heard the wind chimes

chime chime chime




∈May the Great Winds always bless us!

◊Let us always pay homage to the sacred winds!

⊕ May we receive many blessings of the elements⊕

Thank you for viewing!!!!

Have a Blessed Day 🙂

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