WWJB ~ What Would Jesus Buy @dollarstore :)

Contemporary Christ


§What Would Jesus Buy @dollarstore§


⊥Who wants to go shopping with Lord Jesus?

⊥At the Dollar Store ~ yipee⊥

⇑Let’s Go…⇓



Yes, as many great minds have wondered in these contemporary times, if Jesus was in physical form now what in the world would our Beloved Jesus buy at the Dollar Store ?????……….so much to choose from and at only a buckaroo. Such deep contemplation on this most sacred of mysteries must be resolved.



The art image is from a portrait I took and then turned into a version of Jesus I imagined as the Contemporary Christ. 


Here We Go

So much running through my head, what will He buy, what will peeps say, who care’s……….let the $$$ Dollar Tree $$$ journey begin……………

Lord Jesus picks me up on his motorcycle and we are off……Dollar Tree store bound….

Off to the Dollar Store we go………. Beloved Jesus and I. My camera in hand, my imagination off the charts……… next stop The Dollar Tree around the corner.



$$$ Dollar Store $$$



Well, me Oh my, right smack dab as soon as you enter the Dollar Tree store, Lord Jesus and I see straight away His image on candles. He turns to me and says…” I must be in the right place…………” He further mentions something about the world being a mirror of our inner state of being ~ that we see our own reflection wherever we are. I was doing my best to listen, however, I was lost in a myriad of color, texture, a plethora of items and I was somewhat losing focusing ability. He told me to keep my eye on Him and that would keep me focused.

The World is a mirror……….



Okay, in an effort to be organized, acting like it is a normal thing to be  surrounded by blazing golden light ~  Lord Jesus has such brilliant light surrounding him and he was emitting it onto me also ~  so keeping my cool like this is just an ordinary day at an ordinary store ~ I seek out a shopping cart to begin our shopping experience. I heard him say something about seek and you shall find.  So, just like that a shopping cart appears. It looked a little more shiny and bright then the other carts. Lord Jesus looked over at me smiling as he nodded approvingly.

Let the shopping fun begin……..filler up!!!

The shopping Fun begins…………..



First we head down the sundries isle. Lord Jesus likes that clean fresh scent. I watch, observe, wondering with great anticipation what he will select first. Holding my camera ~ armed and ready ~ what will the Master lay his hands on? Well, what do you know. He loves the Men’s 3n1 shampoo/conditioner/body wash in Cool Ocean Wave. He says the 3 in the 1 holds great significance. Awesome I said as I take a snappy. In goes the first Dollar Tree product into the shopping cart. We proceed down the isle. His gate smooth, rhythmic, and captivating. Next item is a Power Stick, some sort of fragrance, with delight Lord Jesus place’s it in the cart.

The pace is picking up now. Lightening speed is in the air. Hoping I can keep up, we move in and through more isles. Wha~la ~ he  then made a B ~ line  to the Sun night light item. With great reverence he holds the Sun night light. The Light of the World ~ Light in the darkness I heard him say. Moving even faster now ~ he then stops and looks in great stillness ~ as if eternity is speaking ~ at a product. I get a closer look. Feeling the quiet reflection ~ I see he is looking at a can of fish. Mackerel to be exact. With great excitement Lord Jesus says that this is “holy” ~ so in fly several cans.

Items Lord Jesus purchases at the $Dollar Tree$.


I am getting used to the high vibe frequency now and basking in the golden light ~ kinda even chillaxing ~ enjoying such elation in the Dollar Tree ~ almost dreaming ~ until I realize Lord Jesus is in another isle and I better catch up! He leaves a trail of golden white glittery particles so all I had to do was follow them.

Off to various isles I go……..to find Lord Jesus.

Isles & Isles




Found him!!! In the electronic section. He looks at me adoringly and mentions he needs some new ear buds for his mobile devices. He likes the yellow ear buds so into the cart goes another product. Glowing with a fervent intensity, Lord Jesus mentions he likes his tire wheels super shiny on his motorcycle and he gets a tire and wheel product.

In the domestics isle, he adds a set of 4 coffee mugs into the cart. I said “You drink coffee?” Lord Jesus somewhat amused and also somewhat serious says to me “Of course!! Never doubt, just have Faith my dear!!” He flashes me a double huge smile. Lord Jesus selects the coffee mugs that say “Live in the Moment” ~ he says that is all that really exists. I smiled back. Just the thought of coffee was incredibly making me want some ~ I started to imagine things ~ coffee related things ~ I saw magnificent delicious coffee in Master Jesus’s new coffee mugs ~ I was deliriously swirling about in mocha java heaven ~ when ~ Lord Jesus placed his Divine hand on my shoulder and said we need to continue our shopping experience. Whoaa ~ brought back down to earthly focus by the Masters touch….. but still thoughts of a splendid cup of coffee were brewing about in my internal atmosphere.

Lord Jesus found a sign or sticker of some sort that had the words “Friends” on it. He mentions he is going to put this in front of his house so that his peeps would know they are welcome. He said all are welcome in his house. Lord Jesus expresses to me that he is glad we are friends and I concurred. We embraced in a hug and a happy dance in the Dollar Tree isle. Good friends are like family he continued saying. He also found a 5×7 picture frame that he added to the cart. The picture frame had a photograph of a couple nestled together inside the frame. He said he felt a kinship with the people in the photo and then expressed something about being created in the image and likeness of. Moreover, he said that this happy love couple photo reminded him of his Beloved Mary Magdalene and that he had the perfect photograph of them together that he would place in the frame. He then spotted some pink roses in the floral section that he added to give to Mary.

WWJB @dollarstore More of Lord Jesus’s purchases 🙂

Pink roses for Mary Magdalene



Sensing that our Dollar Tree shopping extravaganza is complete, we review the items in the cart.

Okay, with a tally of items let’s see what we have:

  • 3n1 shower product
  • Power Stick
  • Sun night light
  • 3 cans Mackerel fish
  • ear buds
  • 4 coffee mugs
  • friends sign
  • 5×7 picture frame
  • a dozen pink roses

= $ 25.00

We are finished with our shopping and getting in line. Lord Jesus presents the cashier with a gold master card. I did not know there was such a thing. He said there is and anyone can apply for one now and that there are many rewards with it.

As we leave, Lord Jesus points upward. I notice the sign above the entrance and exit doors giving thanks for shopping: Gratitude coming in and Gratitude going out.

Giving Thanks




Lord Jesus says we will have another shopping escapade sometime in the near future. He did notice some other products to get, but that will be for another day.

So, out into the brilliant Light Lord Jesus & I go………………………..

While in the gift bag isle, I took a pic of these words on one of the gift bags as I knew this would sum things up…………

Best Day Ever!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂



∴Blessings of shopping with Lord Jesus∴

ΩMay all your shopping experiences be GoldenΩ

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Have a blessed day!

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