Brides with Spirit

ΩBrides with SpiritΩ

∴Brides with an animal totem∴


 #brideswithspirit #animaltotem

#lion #peacock #foxfam #leopard



ΩBrides with SpiritΩ

I began this series, Brides with Spirit, several years ago. Here are a few samples of some of the art pieces from this series. As a fun and different twist to bridal imagery, I came up with the concept of pairing beautiful bridal photo’s  with animal totems ~ the bride selects her animal totem connection and it is added to one of her bridal images.

Often a Brides with Spirit image is of the bride solo with the animal spirit, however sometimes both the bride and groom have a particular shared kinship with a blessed animal and the image is woven together.


“A totem is a spirit being, sacred object, or symbol of a tribe, clan, family or individual. … For some, knowing what is their totem animal is almost an innate process. It’s as if they’ve always known, inexplicably drawn to the animal or having a special feeling for the animal’s energy”



What is your animal totem?

Many  people feel a direct link in both literal and symbolic terms with a particular animal (s).

Animal totems can be perceived as and serve on a platform as a



⇔⇔ healing

influence on many levels ~ spanning beyond this lifetime.

They bring in “something” of greatness, perhaps an awakening, an epiphany,  true companionship, unconditional love, and so much more!!!

These animal totems range from the domesticated, non domesticated, to beyond.

It is about what each individual, in this case a bride, is drawn to.

This deep felt animal association, can last a life time and also can change based on current circumstances as one cycles through life.


May your animal spirit bless you always!

Thank you for viewing!!!!

Have a Blessed Day 🙂 🙂

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*Much Gratitude*

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