Violet Alchemy ~ Receiving

Violet Alchemy


trans-formative ~ violet flame~ regeneration

ceremony of purification


Drinking from the waters

of alchemical rivers

summoning wave after wave

of the violet sacred fire

a fire of bright eternal light

consuming & removing all impurities held within

 fueled & transported ~ a divination of the Divine

a shamanic gift ~ the receiver of thee

one enters a purification of mind ~ body ~ spirit

clear it ~ more clearance

the deeper one can receive this magical fire

the further the cleansing & awakening to the renewal

a new garment worn, but on the inside, that catapults the outer

for liberation, releasing, letting go

a tool provided, given, a transcendent baptism

when the desire is stronger to purify then it is to remain the same

All are free to invoke this Holy Violet Fire

the call is answered ~ appearing whenever it is summoned

bulldozing the Way ~ so the path lay smooth & uncluttered

powers ~ be aware ~ of its mighty force

transmutation ~ transformation ~ transfiguration

bring then, peace within thee

 cleansing mind nonsense, energetic discord, all blockages removed to access the In Dweller

breathing like  new

surely, it will be

 bathing in the alchemy pool

refreshed ~ pure ~ alive ~ new


receive, receive, receive………………………….


Thank you for viewing!!!

Have a Blessed Day!!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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