Samantha Pearl #greenpastures #evergreen

Samantha Pearl ~ ^*Green Pastures*^

◊Samantha Pearl◊ #newearthkitty

⌈Our beloved rescue kitty serving as a beautiful muse⌉

Samantha Pearl’s color is green (a lime chartreuse) 

⊕Green Pastures⊕

⊥In Thee I rest⊥

#greenpastures #evergreen #restwithin


The inspiration for this blog post and imagery is from the well known beautiful Psalm 23:2

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”

Through all seasons of our life we have the Gift of a  non changing eternal living God present within us, as us, around us, and as the guiding principal in our lives when we turn our attention to the Highest.

Often when we transcend a current “reality” via direct contact with our green pastures through deep silence, meditation, and other spiritual practices ~ we become privy to a Higher state of consciousness that offers loving and tender communion with us ~ directing us to see and know an illumined perspective ~ while simultaneously offering refreshment for the Soul ~ a thirst that can only be quenched in such green pastures.

Green Pastures  lay holy in ourselves awaiting our acknowledgment ~ always inviting us to rest within this sacred space





Peace ↔ Contentment ↔ Still Waters

⇓Lay it down, Trust, Rest◊


→A poem for deep relaxation←

entering a inner space of becoming #evergreen

Nirvana #allover


I pray all seasons of your life you remain evergreen




⊕Green Pastures⊕

⊥In Thee I rest⊥


Green Pastures

In thee I rest

I request, suggest, Sunday’s best

In the eternal evergreen ~ ever I dream ~ my breathing machine

sacred Heaven’s Queen

reign supreme ~ 360 degrees

blessed Heaven’s King

 resting ~ nesting ~ green figurine

seven teen ~ seven lean

centerpiece ~ velvet green

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

Christed sheen ~ green intervene

in between ~ Mary Magdalene ~ bathing serene

armrest, mother’s breast, green blessed

 treasure chest

the green spaces

knowledge base ~ Queen Anne’s lace ~ showcase

rich and fertile

my emerald isle ~ Lily of the Nile ~ nautical mile

Green Pastures

I rest in Thee

here I plant my tree ~ fruit tree ~ you give to me

green land sea ~ rest like afternoon tea ~ carefree a guarantee

eternity I see ~ times three ~ laugh with glee

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

 whispering whispers ~ I draw from thee well

bethel ~ liberty bell ~ primary cell

I thirst no more ~ fully quenched

drenched ~ entrenched ~ no expense

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

all is pristine ~ May Queen ~ holy becomes seen

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

 suspending ~ suspension

 time bender ~ sublime ~ infinity chimes

ascended master’s scene ~ green divine ~ prime ~ green climb

I carve out my space

the space to be

forever free, color green, set up the screen

the lines of a vase, Grace, birthplace

green place is common place ~ face to face ~ embrace any place

first place ~ watering place ~ memory trace

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

dreaming, receiving, melting into the absolute

players: I hear the flute ~ in silence I take root

this is my commute ~ follow suit

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

star fruit ~ transmute ~ resolute

transcending ~ I go and you come to me ~ green shelter

we meet in the center

sweet presenter, surrender, mender

together, I render ~ splendor

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

 evergreen rapture ~ I gather ~ passers pass over

green sea takeover ~ 4 leaf clover ~ composure ~ occur over

evergreen aroma

spillover ~ changeover ~ moreover

green exposure ~ super nova ~ enclosure

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

Jehovah ~ composer ~ I reach closure

ambrosia pagoda

Magdala ~ Allah ~ vehicle merkaba

Green Pastures

In thee I rest

open woodland Impala

Brahma ~ Nirvana

I am complete

evergreen window seat

Sadhana ~ Lakshmi ~ Rama

rest upon

green cinerama

 Ananda ~  within my green Madonna

Green Pastures

In thee I rest




Blessings of Green Pastures!!! #evergreen

May we all be led to green pastures for  guidance, peace, resuscitation, holy communion, and purity

Thank you for reading!

Have a Blessed Day!!!!

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