Just like that ~ if not now #comeintobeing

“Silence is the communion of a conscious soul with itself. If the soul attend for a moment to its own infinity, then and there is silence…” Henry David Thoreau

Oh, to dream…..to dream *Field of Poppies*

*Mother Mary calls to me….*

*Selfie with my beloved rescue kitty ^Samantha Pearl^

Steve playing his electric guitar

Samantha Pearl and the mystical Light

*Divine Feminine receiving…*

^Transcending Limitations^

Exuberant storm ~ centered

*The Magic of Her Ways*

^Love as One^

Bridge to Dreams made manifest

χJust Like thatχ

⊗If not now⊗

ΣWhen it comes into being∑


⇑Dreams come into existence⇓

φthe appearance

φthe materialization

φ it turns up

φ it comes about

φ The Light φ


≈We occupy & envision our most cherished dreams ~ while taking ownership of our current lives ~ coupled with a rising knowing that in its own Way , in some universal timing the sacred winds will breathe mighty favor upon them≈

⊗This poem is about what can come about, through our deep centered unwavering belief. 

⊗As we make noteworthy, & place daily significance to be in accord with our exalted heart, mind, & spirit.

∴Offering encouragement & upliftment for all ~ especially those on the path of Ascension ~ knowing that our journey will lead us to the ultimate life that we can experience. We move forward ~ day to day ~ following the course of our heart, enriching & balancing our lives as more & more Creator Light becomes us as we realize we are this. Finding inspiration within us, motivating ourselves to stay the course, sacred firelight feeding our life flame into full completion of our destiny.

◊We stay centered in our center ~ daily offering thanksgiving, dedication to lives walking in the Light ~ positioning ourselves in our truth, yielding to the voice of the heart, taking steps in wonderment & marvel, being our own solution, moving in the ebb & flow of our dharma, affording ourselves the gift of self love, & leaving a trail of Light Eternal◊

ςSometimes you have to move away from something to get closer to itς

ΦSimultaneously ~ in lively playfulness ~ we entertain the fulfillment of our destiny ~ the ordinance of our boundlessness ~ our  purposeful consecrated lives lived in the totality of our crowning divinity ~ the luminescence of Light ~ Unity ~ Christ Consciousness. Engaging in a unconstrained & unconfined disposition so as to allow for the maturation of its blooming ~ fortified with a pleasurable rousing ~ a bubbling frenzy ~ of the wildness of dreams taking shape. We delight in it ~ yet relax in it. Moving closer can actually be a distancingΦ

◊We marvel in the mystery of it & the mystery & of our day to day lives◊

ζAlong the Way we make note of the Grace, the treasures, the gifts already present in our lives & offer gratitude. Then ~  in some out of the way Way ~ like a sudden bolt of momentous lightningζ

◊in the blink of an eye

◊the arranged becomes arranged

  ◊manifestation of our dreams…

◊the physical emergence ~ ~ the serendipity ~~  of  a world & life long desired ~ makes an appearance ~ ~ the profusion of Blessings poured into our lives

→Knowing but not knowing↔ we don’t know when or how…but we do know←

ΩThe journey will complete itself in the Way it was designed ~ our part is to live our lives in balance, consideration, & complete the necessary endeavors of purification so that we match & march in the wholeness of our sovereign provenance ~ honoring our life & all lifeΩ


⊗Since manifestation has a birthing quality to it ~ we can also submit attention to, further develop, & deepen our interpersonal connection with the Divine Mother. This “partnership” blesses us ~ integration towards wholeness ~ the flowering & transformation as we progress on our collective & individual paths into higher states of consciousness & conscious living. I have written several devotionals to the Divine Mother on my blog that you can read as a divination tool as you develop your own kindred spirited relationship with the Divine⊗

∇Here is a devotional to the Divine Mother∇

*In the Arms of the Divine Mother*

∇Here is a devotional to honoring the Moon as Goddess∇

Honoring the Moon As Goddess ~ emotional body restoration #moonwithin




χJust Like thatχ

⊗If not now⊗

ΣWhen it comes into being∑


After sunset

when the stillness meets the soul

the heart lotus creation spins

the universe inside alive where no thoughts arise

here the altar

the I AM alone shines

the Divine asks who knows me as their own?

to those that answer and cognize

the unseen Mystic comes out to play

Her Way ~ without delay

a charismatic hypnotic attraction

contraction ~ She births ~ in heart heat passion

everlasting ~ beyond the bounds of the imagined ~ unfastened

to Her satisfaction ~ Her sanction

Magical ~ She directs the actions

the four winds envelope all directions

flight filled wings ~ a well spring

a powerful zephyr ~ expressed ~ rapture ~ abreast

fields of the land ~ the atmosphere

to be blessed ~ angels appear

the Soul lays open

 the Christ Light unveiling

primordial sounds ~ Garden of Eden prevailing ~ detailing

She Divine outflows ~ sacred rose ~ wind rose

circling, circulating, breathing

leading out again the inner breath ~ divine releasing

weaving ~ what the magician knows

thus & so

Just like that

If not now

in the wink of God’s eye

to be made below

 the final curtain

the blue birds cries signify

in such a Way

as follows

the tree of life

the true life ~ true to life ~ true love ritualized

immortality ~ a new modality

song birds in the fertile flowering tree

Just like that

If not now

now the new Light

as it was before

from the Mother’s womb ~ marriage with the bridegroom

Her sun intimately risen ~ morning glory ~ perfumed

through & through

Her allowance everywhere ~ become ~ into

new view ~ in view

Just like that

If not now

encircled by the fanlight circle

it has completed itself ~ to oneself ~ the non-self

eternal ~ the internal ~ the external

the ending of the journal

return to universal ~ both maternal & paternal

  hallowed garden ~ flourishing

petal to the rose ~ all potential

She composes and bestows

Just like that

If not now

Earth to infinity ~ blessing upon humanity

here eventually ~ the Light ~ our new nationality

Just like that

If not now

a new reality ~ multi dimensional ~ liberality

the uncommon now our commonality

a world and Self that has united

we have become knighted ~ enlightened

we walk like the Ascended Masters ~ undivided

all becomes answered ~ all is provided

out of our alchemy ~ all areas victorious

Age of Aquarius ~ we are lighthouses of the Glorious

 our destiny ~ the scent of euphoria

honey & milk, the feel of silk

Just like that

If not now

endow ~ Blessed Giving Light ~ here & now

from the deep silence, the sacred cow

we empty ourselves, we bow to thee All know how

Just like that

If not now


Blessings of “Just like that” in your life

Thank you for reading

Have a blessed day!!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry!!! 🙂 🙂

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