Honoring the Moon As Goddess ~ emotional body restoration #moonwithin

⊗Honoring the Moon⊗

◊as Goddess◊

Restoration of the Emotional Body


◊Moon Goddess devotional◊ 


Here is some information on the importance of the Moon, & honoring Her, as  She is an active principle in our lives towards equilibrium & balance within our emotional states. Part & parcel of the Divine Feminine aspect within us & throughout creation.

Let us move in the direction to reinstate Her in Her Divine role ~ while we simultaneously gain & remain in equal footing with our emotional steadiness.


⊥Balancing our emotional body through collaboration with the Moon Goddess⊥ 

Set yourself Free


ζThe Moon Goddess is our allyζ

♥Our sacred confidant♥

It is important we take holy repose to honor the Moon Goddess as She is a part of us. We are actually honoring this sacred aspect of our selves.



The balancing of our inner moon ~ emotional body ~ as well as our inner sun ~ mental body ~ is in part what each of us are here to harmonize with. I have a devotional blog post to balance the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine within. Here, the focus in on the Moon ~ Moon Goddess ~ the inner moon Goddess ~ opening to this alliance within. She is our remedy ~ our illumination ~ our healing salve ~ the gateway ~ for our emotional stability.


The Moon Goddess Light shows us the areas needed to be cleansed, acknowledged, & liberated∇

⊂Revelations Light the Way⊃

Our emotional & mental states, when in full balance are the initial path that lead us into higher states of consciousness. Our inner child becomes whole ~ the character of our emotional body is healed, content, & happy. The emotional body is open & receptive ~ leading to compatibility with our dreams ~ doors open to a life of blessedness & rapture. 

The character of our mental body (balancing our inner sun) when in equilibrium, becomes a reservoir of stillness & tranquility ~ clarity ~ doors open to co creation with the Universal Higher Mind.

The combined Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine in coherent domain is crucial to our well being & is our union Freedom. Then, our Soul voice, our exalted being, takes on its prestigious esteemed position as a governing force in our life. All the clutter & disorder has been cleared out ~ the ways our inner child had run become aged ~ inactive.

This inner “work” must be accomplished through our inward measures ~ no one can do it for us ~ we decide to mend, heal, & restore ~ inner life becomes our prominent meeting place ~ as we return to our divinity. 

We venture into this territory in our own unique way.

The Universe backs us up & knows the split second we enter this terrain ~ as well as our continuation upon this spirit filled path ~ much Grace is offered to us. 

We become re ~ established with our true nature ~ solidarity of & in spirit 

The final victory ~ once complete ~ our emotional & mental bodies assembled in holy matrimony ~ a holy marriage within. An all powerful event ~ mastery achieved.  A major leap in our evolution ~ responsive ~ vigilant ~ converged with the All of who we truly are.  

This reestablishment is tied into our divine purpose ~ as well as each of us having our own specialized divine purpose while living on Earth.


∇If possible please light a candle (plus any moon rituals) to enliven sacred awareness as we commune & invite the Moon Goddess within so without∇


◊Moon Goddess Devotional◊

The Moon Goddess ~ the Divine Feminine

aspect within us

that holds the sacred mystical reflected light

feminine clarity insight

the light of the Goddess

Shakti ~ enchantress ~ high priestess within

Supreme Mother being

universal power ~ surreal reality ~ alchemy

in all Her majesty ~ sacred sexuality ~ pageantry

Her totality ~ universality ~ sensuality

devotees rhapsody

open to Her blessed silvery magnetic light 

lunar worshipping ~ silver bells ring ~ nocturnal magic wellspring

we begin

Oh, when She sings ~ the pleasure it brings

moon gloss ~ lips like angel wings ~ illumination springs

swinging from star to star~ milk bar

rising star ~  setting star ~ movie star

celestial metallic tones ~ She is never far

omnipresent radar

cosmic moon-dust

She spills forth from her alchemy jar

diamond intuitive sparkles

open become the curtains ~ all will know

 maternal sheltering gospel ~ a new novel

Moon Goddess ~  matriarchal garden ~ grow to overflow

twinkle glamour glow

kiss like mistletoe

healing, love, compassion, Grace

 wisdom vibration ~ upon all nations

new to new ~ 29.5 ~ earth revive

  soft sheen ~ gentle ~ swan dive

moon contemplate ~ relaxed gait ~ love from her breastplate

the rushing sound of the wind in the trees ~ the seas ~ her velvet sough

eyes like a doe ~ hypnotized in her flow

she moves in silent repeated patterned rhythm

tempo & pulse ~ sound ~ inner vision

mysterious dilation

  white silver sheen ~ ancient chorus ~ 9fold Goddess

jewels behold

fragrant flowers unfold

new heights ~ eternity

Moon Mother Goddess ~ maternity

hanging in the night sky ~ lullaby

inner moon ~ amplify ~ mystify ~ beautify

unify ~ minds eye ~ supply ~ stand by

morning night glory ~ sacred story

 wondrous cycles she exhibits ~ poised ~ elegant

coexistence ~ path of least resistance

she is the ultimate observer

seeing all ~ nurturer ~ in honor therefore

 night surfer ~ find favor in Her

Moon Goddess ~ flawless ~ exotic

exquisite bodice

solar lite Goddess

circulatory ~ circuits ~ denoting cycles

inventory laboratory

inner knowledge depository

seen & unseen is her territory

insight ~ inner light ~ enlightenment rising

illusion ~ opposites ~ waning ~ fading

divination ~ transformation ~ restoration

  the immaculate enduring, waxing ~ uplifting

 cosmic existence  ~ process unfolding

 Mother Ray ~ womb of creation ~ praise

oceanic, elation sensation, lunation

hermetical call, waterfall, windfall

carry Her within you

& She will carry you through

  See Her in you

Moon Goddess

out of the blue ~ your break through





moments moon side #commune

◊Let the Moon shine in◊: Have you ever rested in bed with the drapes pulled back to reveal & bring in the majestic moon light? It’s a wonderful delight◊

◊Sharing some moon side moments◊

Often I pull the drapes back at night

from above my bed

& see the moon through my window

communing with her & inviting her in

going within myself I know her deeper

sultry silvery stillness

she dances & sings the creation song

white pearl fire light streaming in my window

the sacred pearl in the sky

diamond & round clear prismatic light shimmers

all my bodies in unison with her undulations

I feel the tide moving in & out

kissing her, kissing the shore line, kissing me, kissing the Earth

mermaid splash, faerie laugh, moon bath

in full balance & harmony

with her partner the Sun ~ Unified

sometimes I even sleep with the drapes open above my bed

& dream soft with the moon glow upon my face

shifting colors in the room

 pearl moonlight dancing through my window

pearls around my neck

she commands the elements

even the animals wake a sleepy eye

dragonfly’s circle with transparent wings

gathering the winds from far & wide

patterned breathing

whispering a balmy breeze

the palm trees sway to her majestic vibration

tropical flowers & fruits ~ receive her milky nectar

spirit worlds, planetary consciousness, & individual consciousness

travel, meet, & ride her glorious light

white, blue, orange & yellow rays

beauty weaving, in & out, back & forth

glistening on all reflective property & substance

ruling the night sky ~ holy presence

watery emotion within

she lives inside, within, all thoughts, all perceptions

she lights the Way, she illuminates

she throws light from the inside out

moonlight in my eyes

adorn, embellish, ornamental design

the doors swing open

she meets with us tonight




◊Blessings of the Moon Goddess◊

∴Grace for assimilating balance within the emotional body∴

⊗Gratitude for honoring the Moon Goddess⊗

Thank you for viewing!!! 🙂

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Have a Blessed Day 🙂 Miracles Happen! #stayaware

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂



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