Winter Lion Solstice 2018 ~ *Lion Solstice Grace

Winter Lion Solstice 2018

December 21, 2018

 ΩLion Solstice GraceΩ


♦ into the darkness which leads to the light ♦



*This original image is from a photo I took of one of the lions at the NYC Bronx Zoo this Summer 🙂 #nyclion #bronxzoo


We enter the winter solstice

shortest day of light of the year

the Northern Hemisphere leans farthest away from the sun during the winter solstice

creating the longest darkest night

we enter the dark abyss

the heavy darkness ~ the darkness that becomes the seeing ~ the darkness that takes away the darkness

we move through the darkness

to see what we can not see in the light

to traverse through the murky waters ~ where stale stagnant energy has resulted in paralysis

this energy summons the light within us

by moving us into & thrugh the darkness for regeneration

sparking tides of higher states of consciousness

  refreshment & graceful movement & flow

we become anew by virtue of this seeing

the darkness awakens the light

the light awakens the darkness

to see that all is light

 the inner lighthouse shines the way back to the shore

so that we are transformed

a spiritual celebration with matter


ΦWhy must we enter the darkness?……

the darkness clears the passage way to the opened door of our dearest wishes


the lands become still ~ quietude ~ colder weather ~ water freezes ~ stand stills ~ snow

trees become bare ~ vegetation takes a respite ~ stars are bright on a wintry night

motionless ~ silent ~ dark emptiness proclaims higher wisdom

the intelligence of nature guides us in like fashion

the earth prepares ~ so we prepare

 nature turns our attention within

to echo this symbolically ~ in sync

the animals also join this trajectory

even here in S Florida nature prompts us


⇒We move through the darkness…..

so we germinate new seeds that blossom in due time


δThe darkness invites us …..

to breathe in

that which has never been breathed in before

to breathe out


to offer the key that unlocks our truth

to release the heavy chains ~ to become the soaring bird ~  up high ~ atop the mountain peak

the darkness makes way for the light

to know the only Way is the Way

we speak to our darkness ~ that knows only light

 the light calls to the darkness ~ to know it is light

to end the suffering

to being acquainted with the hidden no longer hidden

to know what is within you


⊂The edges of darkness recede & upon exiting we are exalted⊃

we lift thine eyes up ~ to the light

to see the light ~ to know we are the light

we bow down in holy servitude to the light

we remember that we are light

 we live in Freedom


⊗As the light dawns & shines brighter so does our holy knowing⊗

through the darkness we emerge victorious

like the lion

awake at night ~ awake through the darkness ~ awake when all are asleep

lunar light that meets up to dance with the solar light

a vibrant golden mane ~ golden light ~ golden crown

 the lion ~ a sacred symbol ~ goddess ~ god

the lion ~ solar symbol ~ majesty of divinity ~ kings & queens

the birth of the Light within us

strength ~ courage ~ power ~ might

walk with the lion this winter solstice

gain the lion’s

mastery of self




∴Winter Lion Solstice Blessings∴

May you emerge Victorious

Thank you for viewing!!!

Have a blessed day 🙂

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂




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