Samantha Pearl’s 4th Birthday #happypaws #bday #nyop

Samantha Pearl’s 4th Birthday

 🙂 May 1, 2018 Samantha Pearl turned “4” 🙂


#444 #solarreturn #4thbday #meow #celebrate

Samantha Pearl bday art





Celebration art piece above for Samantha Pearl turning 4 years old on May 1st 🙂 If you look closely you will see a series of 3 4’s embedded in her image! #444  #newearthkitty #cozmickitty #sofresh  #majickitty

Samantha Pearl advocates the new earth virtues & characteristics #goldenage

Ωcosmicunconditionallove Ωvegetarianveganlifestyle Ωhonoringtheanimals Ωblessingmotherearth Ωplaytime Ωloving&honoringurself Ωgoingwithin Ωmeditation Ωawakenwithin Ωdivinefeminine Ωease&flow Ωknowingurself Ωcosmicconsciousness Ωknowurdivinelight Ωchristlight Ωharmony Ωsoullight Ω5D+ Ωsun&moon ΩGrace Ωcentralsun Ωeternalawareness Ωbliss Ωtreats


Many many blessings now & always!!! #asabovesobelow


Thank you for viewing!!!

Follow Samantha Pearl on social media!!! 🙂

Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂

Have a Blessed Day 🙂 🙂

Miracles Happen!!! #stayaware

It’s A Visual Thing ~ Say It In Pictures!!! & Poetry 🙂 🙂

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