Lilly ~ 4ever Home #petadoption

Lilly ~ 4ever home needed

#petadoption #catsunited #bringhomethefur

Please read below some information about Lilly ~ a beautiful kitty who is ready for her 4ever home. Please share with anyone you know who might be interested in adopting Lilly. She would make a great addition to any heart & home. If you would like more info please contact Lori Jenkins ~ her contact info is below πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ #petsmakeahouseahome

You may recall the posting for Lilly that went around last September. After much desperation a very nice lady offered to foster Lilly in her laundry room until permanent arrangements could be found. It’s been 9 months and now the foster is moving and Lilly must leave ASAP. Lilly has been very easy for the foster, she has very clean litter box habits and is a nice clean cat. She has often wandered outside the laundry room to meet the foster’s personal cats and Lilly enjoys them. She also enjoys the foster’s small dog. Lilly would do wonderful in a home where she could gradually become part of the family. She is curious and calm, and absolutely beautiful. Her back story is told below in the original email. However, Lilly is now an inside only cat, and will become more and more social over time. She just needs the opportunity. She wil disappoint. Can you open your heart and your home to one more kitty? If it’s not possible, please, please send this plea to everyone you can think of – you never know who’s heart Lilly might grab. She will be completely updated on all shots, and ready to go. Transport can be provided. To get more information or to meet Lilly please text, call, or email Lori at 954-661-0666,

Thank you for reading!!!

Have a blessed day!! πŸ™‚

Miracles Happen!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ #stayaware

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