Spells of the Eve ~ Into the Night

^*A Samantha Pearl Halloween*^

ξSpells of the Eveξ

⇔Into the Night⇔



October Winds

When the Moon Goddess reveals Herself



Yeah! It’s Halloween! 

The inspiration behind this poem and imagery is to tap into the wild mystical winds of October and send out a prayer for the Moon Goddess to reveal Herself.

⊗A Samantha Pearl Halloween #newearthkitty⊗

Samantha Pearl ~ our rescue kitty ~ serving often as a muse to go deeper within ourselves and nature ~ making inter related connections  on a experiential level as tools to evolve and “know ourselves.”

The imagery for this post is from a photograph I took of Samantha Pearl and then worked it up as a art image with the full moon and a October and Halloween feel. When Samantha Pearl was a little kitten on many a occasion I saw in my inner eye a full moon around her. Rather seamlessly the word pearl ~ a symbol of the moon ~ became connected with her first name which then completed her name as Samantha Pearl. If you want to hear her side of the purrstory check out her blog category on the home page!


ΘHalloween & Moon Mystic IlluminationΘ


#happyhalloween #moonlore #mysticalmoon

*silent watcher *maker of magic *feline majesty



ξSpells of the Eveξ

⇔Into the Night⇔

Moon Goddess

like a stir in the air

all becomes illumined

with nothing spared

October winds

begin to spin

what is real

no longer pretend

Spells of the Eve

into the night

the Moon’s door opens

silver mystery delight

October winds

shine a mystical light

the full Moon

like a pearl

a silent

reflecting reservoir


Moon lore

like a kid

in a candy store

Halloween Eve

Moon splendor

for all to receive

fortune dawns

witchy liaisons

sprites, fairies

play in the night

bats, goblins, warlocks

the Netherworld, vampires too

drink from the magical brew

Spells of the Eve

into the night

the Moon’s door opens

silver mystery delight

Moon wisdom

hats the worshiper

nature ~ teacher ~ nurturer

Her forever  portraiture

night garden


encircling Her

revealing what is true


feline pass through

Spells of the Eve

into the night

the Moon’s door opens

silver mystery delight

leaves falling ~ corn husks ~ stalks of wheat

characters in the street

tricks & treats

all in costume

midnight bloom


the vibration

close by taverns

children’s laughter

gives us answers

Spells of the Eve

into the night

the Moon’s door opens

silver mystery delight

Her milky smile ~ gentle ~ all awhile

Moon flavor


 take me to

your orbiting chamber


slipping in

I receive your favor

October winds

great orb of the night


in the

Autumn moonlight

Spells of the Eve

into the night

the Moon’s door opens

silver mystery delight

your heavenly body


dreamily I savor

 primal player


silver light creator

October winds

shine a rapturous light

Spells of the Eve

on and on

into the night





October Blessings!

*^ Blessings of Silvery Splendor *^

May we all be blessed as the *silent watcher with *feline majesty ~ as the *magic maker

Happy Halloween 🙂

Thank you for viewing!!!

Have a Blessed day 🙂

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