From the Goddess We Are ~ To the Goddess We Return #primordialwaters

*The Blessed Goddess commanding the primordial waters*

◊Hymn to the Goddess within the ≈Primordial Waters≈

⇒From the Goddess we are⇐

⇒To the Goddess we return⇐

∇ Goddess Light∇


≈within the primordial waters≈

As the landscapes within us rise’s to the Goddess within ~ acknowledged & revered ~ we become reconstituted ~ delivered to the awakening of our sovereign divine state.

The Goddess is realer than this world. Yet, She is within this world & a part from it as well. She resides within All.

The Goddess communicates to us continuously ~ soft tones of high vibration ~ audible to the Spirit seeker responsive to their truth ~ in & out of each breath we take.

She is waiting, watching, seeing which of Her children listen, uphold, & connect within to Her ~ to seed within & germinate ~ a New World!

◊◊Blessings of a New World!


Snake symbolism:

The snake rising from the primordial waters as a symbol of both divinity & kundalini rising. In many ancient civilizations ~ the snake was considered & celebrated as a form of divinity ~ related to an exalted state of consciousness. We see this from across many lands ~ Minoan Civilization ~Ancient Egypt ~ India ~ Peru ( Inca Empire) ~ Mexico (Maya & Aztecs great civilizations) ~  often in visual imagery we find a snake accompanying sacred images.  As well as the Caduceus staff used as a symbol for medicine. The Goddess (although not exclusively) also is often correlated with the snake symbolizing great powers & authority.



The inspiration stems from a deep love and devotion to the Divine Feminine, to return to Her, and to honor Her. 

♥To know myself as Goddess ~ God♥

The imagery is from a photo session that I worked up as a digital art piece and in turn became the visual component for this blog post and devotional. The water was composited from Gulf photos I took during a visit to Naples, Florida.


ΩHonor to the GoddessΩ

⊂Become immerse in the sacred primordial waters ~ granted to us by the Supreme Goddess ~ She is the Great One who Awakens Us ⊃

Know the Absolute boundless Love afforded to us ~ recall Her ~ come into the holy territory where She resides within you ~ be in receipt of Her Blessing.

 Not for a dry eye ~ as She will shake the Earth we walk on ~ as we are mystified & humbled at the divine favor She will cause

Let us take our rightful place as divine enlightened Souls. Recollecting ourselves ~ experiencing again our fullness & total truth.

ΩLive as the crowned jewel that is your maximΩ



◊Hymn to the Goddess within the ≈Primordial Waters≈

⇒From the Goddess we are⇐

⇒To the Goddess we return⇐

∇ Goddess Light∇



 primordial waters ~ cosmic ocean

elemental celestial rivers ~ worlds wild & wheeled into existence

welled & sanctified as holy life ~ blessed by Her coexistence

arising in the blue green hypnotic waves

near the dolphins swimming

where the waters are stirring & filled with ancient cries

resides the Goddess

in Her wisdom ~ Her silent station

bringer of liberation ~ salvation invitation

outstretching Her arms ~ commanding the waters near & far

Her watery mystical illumination

dreamy reflections dance with delight

powers through Her sacred might

Her Presence echoing primordial majesty ~ resonance ~ Her heartbeat from the beginning of time

the waters hear & receive her ~ forwarding movements of her divine direction

 synchronizing ~ Her Voice full & reverberating

casting the light upwards ~ unwinding the serpent within

 unleashing us ~ presiding within us

hiding within us ~ guiding us ~ exciting over us

birthing us ~ prizing us ~ supplying for us

our twin as us ~ the wholeness of us ~ inspiring us

the moon overseeing ~ greeting ~ breast feeding

   serpentine anointing ~ baptismal appointing

sounds from the ether ~ three fold weaver

  the bride ~ eternal youth ~ fruit of truth

shaking ~ awaking ~ magical alchemy ~ in totality

stillness deepens ~ water flowing into opened gateways

creations ~ revelations ~ memory celebration

freedom soaring ~ light pouring ~ Goddess storming

  thunder in the sky ~ first minds eye ~ primary

unified ~ human side ~ glorified

flawless, solace, upon us

each one of us a star ~ ordained within us ~ to trust

One consciousness

Touched by the Goddess

Her heavenly bodice, Her promise,  all knowing ~ Gnosis

Her heart love’s rocket ~ pure ~ unlock it

The Goddess from within the primordial waters

continual birth showers ~ we are all Hers ~ honor

 lotus flowered ~ empowered

rising ~ Her consecrated sons & daughters

sacred order ~ move towards Her

ebb & flow upon Her sigh ~ come closer ~ adore Her

no corners ~ no borders

bathed in Her All ~ recall Her to be restored ~ transformed

when the serpent rises to play ~ an exuberant storm

from which all will be reborn

From the Goddess we are

 to the Goddess we return



ΞMay we all awaken and know ourselves as Goddess ~ God fully lived!

∇Blessings of the Great Goddess in our life∇

≈Blessings of the mystical primordial waters≈

May each of us awaken fully and live from the unbounded state of pure God Goddess realization!

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

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