All that Is ~ Knowing yourself as God




<*God*> Is


^*I Am Presence*^

∞All that Is∞

→Knowing yourself as God↵



The inspiration for this blog post was to create a list of Godhead qualities that could be referred to again and again to serve as a daily reminder of who we are as Divine Creator God Beings.

The Infinite Almighty really can’t be reduced to words, nor a list, however, I felt that it may serve some merit to provide a blog post echoing a mirror that reflected back to us a standard or measure unto which we include as our divine heritage.

Through reading this list and meditating upon it, we can develop a God self referral orientation ~ along with all our other daily spiritual practices. Each of our days filled with gratitude and validity as we hone into our true core Self.

This is just a short list and the list is endless….add your own God qualities to serve as a guide post that enhances your Divine walk.


The first image I created is to set the tone to get out of the headspace and move into a more relaxed open atmosphere conducive to receptivity to the Divine.

The second image is a recreation of what I saw in my inner awareness during a morning meditation.


 Rise up

Call upon God qualities and claim them as yours!

Let us enliven and give God life and God breath into our perceptions, speech, actions, emotions, thoughts, movements ~ all or our ways. The world isn’t going to do this for us ~ we have to take it upon ourselves to remember and live out the Truth of who we are.

Our allowance and direct experience will inspire others to do the same!


⇒With each passing day

With each turn within

With each inner ~ outer remembering

 We become


God ~ Goddess Present⇐


 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Wonderful are your works;
    my soul knows it very well

Matthew 5:48

Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.



“Self-knowledge is the key to the knowledge of Truth or God. And throughout the ages, all the great enlightened beings taught this.”

I found all these great quotes on knowing thyself in one bundle on Anthony’s Blog. Here is the full blog if you would like to read it:

Anthony’s Blog

  • “Know Thyself” – Socrates 
  • “Examine yourself & understand who you are… Whoever does not know self, does not know anything. But, whoever knows self, has acquired the knowledge of the universe.” ~ Jesus, Book of Thomas (Gnostic Gospels)
  • “Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom.” – Lao-Tzu
  • “This is true knowledge, to seek the Self…To seek anything else is ignorance.” – Bhagavad-Gita
  • “He who knows himself knows God.” – The prophet Muhammad
  • “The body is the temple of the gods within you. And therefore, it is said, “Man: know thyself.” – ~ Egyptian Proverb
  • “Jesus said, ‘When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you shall know that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty.’” – Gospel of Thomas
  • “Those who know and realize the Self are forever free.” – Katha Upanishad
  • “All the scriptures tell us one thing: Know Thyself. If you have known yourself, you have known everything else.” – Swami Satchidananda
  •  “know thyself you will know the universe & God.” – Pythagoras
  •  “know thyself you will know the universe & God.” – Pythagoras



◊Acceptance and Acknowledgement 

of our True Self

Knowing and Living as our God Realized Self

The infinite unbounded brilliance that We truly are!




 Living, being, and knowing our God status

The One of Pure Creator Source Love and Light.

We grow and expand into this Higher State of Godship as we take conscious focus on going within to experience the depth of our being.

We leave the external world which provides no indication or validation of this ~ as we know our inner reality ~ through ∴meditation ∴prayer ∴observation  ∴contemplation ∴yoga ∴chanting ~ ∴any and all spiritual practices ~ offer to us only what is real as we leave the unreal to what it is and craft our awareness tailor made to our eternal God Self nature. Higher and Higher we climb closer each moment to full recognition and direct contact with the Truth of our existence and All that Is.

Blessings of

Full God Realization!


Signs are everywhere ~ no longer play small!

Step Up and In!

Give it Up & Own it Up!

Own your divine heritage

Own your blessedness

Own your inner Truth

Own your Christ nature



Below are Divine aspects and qualities of God to contemplate on, to explore within. We can assess whether or not we are accepting this as ourselves and if not why.

Read them at your own pace, stopping at ones that call to you and experience within what it is telling you. See if you are perceiving yourself in this view ~ explore what barriers may exist within ~  take note also how you have progressed. Take it all in without self criticism. Be your own best friend. Open to new and exciting eyes and paths of inner vision that will take you higher and higher.

 Our evolution and enlightenment is our journey, no matter how it looks or is, it is our path Home to knowing fully who we are. Each in our own way ~ each of us to live out and be this truth.

Remember to add God attributes not on the list that resonate with you.

Light a candle and read aloud or silently while affirming your Truth!

∞All that Is∞

→Knowing yourself as God↵


As God Is ~ I Am 

As God is One ~ I am One

As God is Holy ~ I am Holy

As God is Divine ~ I am Divine

As God is Love ~ I am Love

As God is Light ~ I am Light

As God is Wonderful~ I am Wonderful

As God is Magical ~ I am Magical

As God is Giving ~ I am Giving

As God is Perfect ~ I am Perfect

As God is Whole ~ I am Whole

As God is Eternal ~ I am Eternal

As God is Abundant ~ I am Abundant

As God is Unbounded ~ I am Unbounded

As God is Infinite ~ I am Infinite

As God is Beautiful ~ I am Beautiful

As God is Peaceful ~ I am Peaceful

As God is Complete ~ I am Complete

As God is Self Sufficient ~ I am Self Sufficient

As God is Self Empowered ~ I am Self Empowered

As God is All Powerful ~ I am All Powerful

As God is Sacred ~ I am Sacred

As God is Creative Intelligence ~ I am Creative Intelligence

As God is Strong ~ I am Strong

As God is Forgiving ~ I am Forgiving

As God Is Bliss ~ I am Bliss

As God is Everywhere ~ I am Everywhere

As God is All Knowing ~ I am All Knowing

As God is Compassionate ~ I am Compassionate

As God is Transcendent ~ I am Transcendent

As God is Merciful ~ I am Merciful

As God is Virtuous ~ I am Virtuous

As God is Faithful ~ I am Faithful

As God is Miraculous ~ I am Miraculous

As God is Pure ~ I am Pure

As God is Victorious ~ I am Victorious

As God is Innocence ~ I am Innocence

As God is Absolute Truth ~ I am Absolute Truth

As God is Sovereign ~ I am Sovereign

As God is Benevolent ~ I am Benevolent

As God is a Comforter ~ I am a Comforter

As God is new every morning ~ I am new every morning

As God is Worthy~ I am Worthy

As God is Gracious ~ I am Gracious

As God is Glorious ~ I am Glorious

As God is Amazing ~ I am Amazing

As God is Trustworthy ~ I am Trustworthy

As God is Kind ~ I am Kind

As God is Majestic ~ I am Majestic

As God is Radiant ~ I am Radiant

As God is Magnificent ~ I am Magnificent

As God Is ~ I Am





Blessings of knowing yourself as God♥!

◊May our journey to Unity be filled with joy, blessings, and abundant living!

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Have a blessed day!

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