Why your Ascension matters #ascensionmatters

^Ascension^ ~~ the first wave ~~

∞Why your Ascension Matters∞

→Eyes Wide Open Within↵

*the journey inward*

≈Higher States of Consciousness ~ being aware ~ awake≈

#knowthyself #deepeningawareness #trust #magic #truth #lightwithin


Your Ascension Matters ~ this is because YOU matter. Your Voice matters, Your Light matters, Your Gifts & Talents matter, Your Brilliance matters, Your Contribution matters, Your Vision matters, Your Divinity matters.

All of this & more will be lifted, experienced, & released at higher expressions, with more joy, & blessings as you go within yourself & tap into the truth of your presence.


Knowing yourself as the divine co~creator source that you are ~  at your deepest actuality ~ beyond any beliefs ~ beyond any preconceived prior fellowship~ is the most significant personal acquisition & generous bestowal you can present to yourself & humanity.

Coming to terms with the innate you ~ a sacred assembly ~ a reunion of sorts with yourself  ~ the Light within ~ within all ~ & allowing this holy encounter to rise ~ will open inner eyes to a myriad of absoluteness & possibilities you did not recognize before hand. Your God seed Self igniting & sparking truths, sensibilities, & divine grace for both yourself & the planet. This worthy adventure is the grandest self offering & legacy you can grant to your evolution & that of our planet. This sacred inner exploration is unsurpassed in every way. This is the calibrating with the untouchable you ~ the pure emanation of Source Consciousness ~ Christ Consciousness ~ unfiltered ~ divine ~ spirit filled………..Soul Light connection. What could be above this?

The singular most important course of perseverance you can take is the journey within. Layer by layer ~ revealing ~ bringing to light~ divulging ~ proclaiming ~ anointing ~ is the Highest responsibility to Self. It demonstrates an honoring of your Self, who you are, a love & care for yourself that is beyond the physical (while including the physical). This inquiry within, is a Gift you give yourself, it brings you Gifts unexpected ~ this is because you took the plunge to love yourself enough to devote sacred time to  move into symmetry & orderliness with your awareness ~ advancing in time to higher states ~ this is your sole purpose beyond anything else. The unraveling & manifesting of who you truly are ~ is procedural ~ a process unique to you ~ which fortifies you  & blesses you. The path of awakening  is the most extraordinary walk you will take. The way ~ your unique individualized way ~ is gradually made clear ~ step by step ~ as you evolve ~ as you go within. You emerge triumphant with each probe, study, inquest, & inner investigation. This is because you are being re~acquainted with your Soul. You & your Soul in deep communion & Oneness. This is you. Your divine destiny, full bliss & joy, is made manifest through this joining consciously ~ this mingling ~ this synthesis ~ this absorption & team up with your Soul. This provision rewards you, bestows favor upon you ~ as trust replaces fear. This doesn’t mean you never go through things ~ but a new acquisition of trust in yourself, your Soul, the Universe takes up residence. Your Soul knows what must take place, taking you on the fastest trajectory to your world to come ~ faster than you could design or know how to accomplish it.

Allow yourself to be re~acquainted with your Divine Self ~ dismiss any & all external “realities”  ~ many of which have only served to further remove you from your sacred truth ~ that exists within ~ that is you ~ that is the truth of your existence ~ beyond physical manifestation ~ teachings ~ & commonly held beliefs. Dare to explore, being surprised & delighted, & blessed, while at varying intervals & degrees the Magnificence of Who You Are is revealed to you ~ in conscious recognition & appreciation. More & more realizations on many levels will become apparent to you ~ often rather spontaneously.

Your sacred journey will be exclusive to you ~ perfect for you. You will feel so much on deep levels. Remember to be kind & offer up tenderheartedness towards yourself as you progress on your Ascension path. The love of Self you offer to yourself is primary ~ this will spill over & out into the presentation you exhibit to others, animals, & the Earth. Take note of your transformations ~ as you experience the exalted states that surface as a direct result of readying yourself within. This is why it must start with you, your willingness, to go within, as this serves as the platform for all else. Opening to the true life within you, will grant you the truth of life here on Earth.


🙂 In adoration for your bravery ~ to allow veils to be lifted ~ as you maintain eyes wide open within 🙂

Bountiful Blessings on your awakening within!!!

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Miracles Happen #stayaware

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