Samantha Pearl ~ conscious living

Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty

Conscious Living

♥Pet owners & lovers know the value of animals as the wisdom keepers that they are. Always imparting wisdom to us if we awaken to their offering♥

Golden pearls #wisdom

*Some practical advice*

Ωfrom the new earth kittyΩ


∞ take time to relax, rest, & regenerate ~ as part of loving yourself

∞ meditate daily & experience your Heaven on Earth within

∞ adopt pets & support animal rescue agencies

∞ incorporate a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle

∞ be kind to yourself & others

∞ live in your heart

∞ let the sun shine on you

∞ spend time in nature

∞ answer only to yourself ~ your God Self

∞ tap into the LOVE frequency

∞ vibrate to harmony

∞ remember we are all ONE

∞ take time to laugh & experience joy

∞ be childlike

∞ trust

∞ honor your inner Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine

∞ honor the moon & sun

∞ conscious breathing

∞ complete the inner “work” necessary in order to live fully as your Brilliant Higher Self

∞ be Grateful

∞ create beauty & take note of beauty

∞ follow your passions

∞ lighten up ~ don’t take things too seriously

∞ seek balance

∞ commune with the Divine

∞ knock on the door of the Divine

∞ receive ~ know you are worthy

∞ accept yourself & others

∞ know thyself

∞ honor & be in sync with the cycles of nature

∞ bless the Earth

∞ bless your food

∞ send out good thoughts


Blessings of conscious living

Thank you for viewing!!!!

Have a Blessed Day!!!

Miracles Happen #stayaware

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Samantha Pearl #newearthkitty 🙂 🙂  

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