Path of the Autumn Sun ~ Autumn Moon

*^Samantha Pearl^* Path of the *Autumn Sun *Autumn Moon

⊗Path of the Autumn Sun ~ the Autumn Moon⊗



Welcome to the Autumn season!

The Song of Autumn

The voice of the harvest:

We become entranced with the delights of the season.

We sense the changes even before they appear ~ we attune to the changing of the season and recalculate.

The air and the magic weaver spin the dance into the mystical. The wizard appears with a basketry of spells reminding us what is truly real and possible.

 We journey a bit more inward from the outings of Summer days.

We count our many blessings.

Moon lore whispers around camp fires. The Moon and Her majestic mystery draw us closer to Her and we learn more about our truth. The Goddess is highlighted and takes Her rightful place!

Cooler temperatures, leaves changing color and falling to grace the earth, a time change, a desire for the cozy, symbolic baskets of fruit, pumpkins, neutral tones mixed with warm colors, nature crafts, and all the splendor the Autumn season affords us.

 We let go of the old and enter the unknown new.


ΩSamantha PearlΩ


Samantha Pearl our rescue kitty serving as a great muse ~ inspiration for each season.

Like most pet owners, I enjoy photographing our beloved cat! I then edit them into an art piece for a blog post incorporating a devotional or poem. Sometimes the visual idea comes first ~ sometimes the poem or devotional idea emerges first, and the rest follows suit. 

It is wonderful to experience all the seasons together and observe cyclical patterns in nature, in our selves, and in our beloved pets. 

⇒Great blessings for a joyous Autumn season!

The Autumn Season

The sun transitions from the summer sparkle sun to a thicker condensed warm toned sun. The Earth begins to settle into herself ~ a quiet hush permeates the air ~ the change of the season arrives in Her splendid timing.

Harvest colors surface. Rustic reds, burnt oranges, warm yellows, golds. So spicy and warm!

ō The Harvest Moon, Halloween, Thanksgiving~ and all the magical delights of Autumn await their destined arrival.




The in spirit guidance for this blog post is to invite and celebrate the Autumn Season! Highlighting the mystery that surfaces this time of year in just about everything. Offering up honor and praise to the Moon Goddess ~ particularly Her celestial song that chants a witchy rapturous joyance so prevalent as part of Autumn’s ritual . The poem recognizes the change in look and feel of the Autumn Sun, however, with a heavier concentration on the Moon. Allowing both Her mystical presence and illumination to be aroused within us. Her spellbinding light offering us a peak into other worlds as well as shining on our inner darkness so that we may release it and become shadow less. 


⊗Path of the Autumn Sun ~ the Autumn Moon⊗

Path of the Autumn Sun ~ Autumn Moon

Autumn Sun ~ a weaver has spun ~ all is already done

  decree ~ the number three

Autumn Moon ~ silver spoon ~ lights up the dunes

laughing ~ hiding ~ smiling

shining, inviting, rising

goldmine ~ moon mine ~ drink of the wine

Autumn Sun ~ Autumn Moon

we are but both ~ intertwined ~ the mystics dine

sacred number nine

change of season ~ holy light a beacon

carnation ~  harvest celebration

 summer flowers give way ~ brown earth ~ spicy mirth

bloodline ~ feline ~ honey colored new earth

bronze star ~ aerial flight

spirit insight ~ alive ~ greater heights

path of the Autumn Sun ~ Autumn Moon

 eternal fire dances ~ amber wind ushers in romance

rekindled realms ~ magical shells ~ pearl water well

Autumn Sun luminous rays ~ glow ~ cooler though

 sparking yellow brownish resin light ~ coals burning bright

crops and fruits ~ pumpkin ~ acorn ~ squash ~ seduce

flag of truce, on the loose, transduce

divine cows graze ~ holy mother nectar milk ~ always

upraise, sacred ground, nowadays

third season of the year ~ opaque ~ semi sheer

caramel colored sky ~ leaves of the cosmic tree ~ unleashed

leading up to the feast

Autumn Moon ~ new moon ~ full moon

hanging  ~ signaling in the sky

dragonfly ~ lotus fly ~ beautify

third eye ~ palace like Versailles

moon like whiskers white ~ mystical shine on me tonight

I heard you call me in the night ~ to awaken to the morning light

sprites ~ fairies ~ greet me in delight

wake up ~  the end of twilight ~ bright ~ excite ~ all is right

red orange yellow light

color waves  ~ aromatic ~ savor the airwaves

Path of the Autumn Sun ~ Autumn Moon

drawing us closer ~ release control

let nature takeover

enigmatic Autumn light ~ keyhole

path of the Autumn Sun ~ Autumn Moon

 walking steps of magnetic cheer ~ purr roars ~ angels I did overhear

we could not be ~ anywhere else but here

all be gone ~ yet only Light appear

Path of the Autumn Sun ~ Autumn Moon

swing door ~ transfer ~ soft like velour

go forth

all is answered for

crops ready

  reaping and garnering

raise the curtain

receive boons

a timely blessing

harvest moon

 cocoon morphs into wings

Glory be done

Autumn sings

path of the Autumn Sun to the Autumn Moon

the aurora season

a change of believing

Autumn greets

release for increase

quiet ~ a kiss of peace

 we approach the close of the year

reflect ~ offer harmony for fear

path of the Autumn Sun to the Autumn Moon

the Moon so near

 mystify appears

all becomes clear

change in the atmosphere

path of the Autumn Sun to the Autumn Moon

catch a falling leaf

Autumn buzz

at your feet

path of the Autumn Sun to the Autumn Moon

we enter to complete

be like the shining stars above

the moon lays out Her Autumn offering

to know all is love

Blessings of the Autumn Moon

Autumn’s garment

 rejoice ~ happy harvest

may the darkest be farthest

gone with the stardust

spoken of in the promise

Path of the Autumn Sun ~ Autumn Moon

cosmic Autumn

providence of the Goddess




Blessings of the Autumn Sun ~ Autumn Moon!

Happy Autumn!

May Autumn greet all of us with many blessings!

May magic fill our days and nights!

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

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