ζRapturous Blueζ
ōEye of the Sun
«Call of the bluebird»
≅Aum I See
∞an invitation to open our third eye∞
Happy new year 2022! What better way to start off the new year then with the call of the bluebird to ignite waves of rapturious blue bliss. The awakening of the mystical eye, of the mystical Self, of the magic within and to be experienced without!
During my morning meditation, in the deep stillness and quiet, inspiration hit for a blog post centering on the third eye and it’s awakening for all to experience.
Joyous awakenings to rapturous blue!
* all digital art are my creations
Bluebird Calling
Sounds of the bluebird
♥Listen to this beautiful bluebird call to set the stage to enter rapturous blue♥
∇Third Eye Chakra∇
Ajna: to perceive ~ to command
The eye of intuition and intellect ~ The associated sense organ is the brain
The old world is falling, as we awaken to the truth of who we are, our sovereignty, our power, our purposefulness, our wholeness, and the divinity that carries us through and that we are.
≅Visual Art to awaken, inspire, and enter the ocean of cosmic blue≅
ζRapturous Blueζ
ōEye of the Sun
«Call of the bluebird»
≅Aum I See
∞an invitation to open our third eye∞
*read out loud or silently while imagining sapphire blue light in your mind with a gentle focus on your third eye and heart. Perfect to read before meditating or drifting off at night. If possible light a indigo colored candle. If reading before morning meditation and sunlight is available, then take a few moments to receive the morning light into your brow area.
rapturous blue the blue bird calling
eye of the sun old world falling
Aum I See
blue vision in symphony regal in its ministry
my mind stretching to infinity
the mystical in the form of blue electricity
illusions fade and all turns to possibilities
the blue beyond offers true sight
day and night, moon and star unite
sapphire dance of indigo blue
inner sight blue light
the language of One sung in the Sun
waves of Sophia’s breath come by flames of blue fire spun
take me ~ make me blue undone
Her blue starlight dancing
my eyes entranced with understanding
magicians wizards and mystics of wise
play with blue as the prize
visit the land where the unicorns arise
rapturous blue the blue bird calling
eye of the sun old world falling
Aum I See
blue light in the headway opens the mystical gateway
for all to experience on our holy day
unified threads of universality
higher mind ~ intuition fuse as spiritual and physical reality
rapturous blue the blue bird calling
eye of the sun old world falling
Aum I See
the masculine and the feminine moaning in blue bliss ecstasy
he is she ~ she is he
creative and logical laughing endlessly
ajna is the song of destiny
rapturous blue the blue bird calling
eye of the sun old world falling
Aum I See
five pointed star the gift of seeing
the blue field where the circle unites
blue being ~ the human and spirit take flight
macrocosmic great world within
cobalt radiant stir dancing upon my skin
all tones rising including the silent sixth
blue light spoken, seeing, and hearing
brings magic to the mix
rapturous blue the blue bird calling
eye of the sun old world falling
Aum I See
God’s open mouth breathing blue into me
the base of my skull
the all, the will. a Shakespeare blue spill
scents of sage, juniper, sandalwood, and vetiver
the grapevines of Chablis, flavored spices and tea
rapturous blue the blue bird calling
eye of the sun old world falling
Aum I see
lapis flow from ancient memory
visible worlds of feathery blue hum wild
both hemispheres of the brain in synchronicity
rapturous blue the blue bird calling
eye of the sun old world falling
Aum I See
Ajna blue prana
the Self reflected back to me
ΘBlessed Awakenings of the 3rd Eye!
∞May the Eye of the Sun within open for all to see true reality!
∇Many joyous Gifts of the Spirit to all in 2022!
Thank you for viewing 🙂
Have a blessed day!
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*Much Gratitude*
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