Moon Rising ~ Moon in Me #moonbrew Grace

*^Samantha Pearl*^ Moon devotional

Samantha Pearl  ⊕New Earth Kitty⊕

◊Our rescue kitty Samantha Pearl serving as a  beautiful muse◊ Pearl is a symbol of the Moon & she was named after the Moon Goddess. Often I correlate a blog post on the Moon with her◊



⇑ Moon Rising ⇑

#fullmoon #moonwithin #lunarlight

Silver Charm

⇒Moon in Me⇐

⊗devotional to get in touch with our inner moon⊗

♥Moon brew Grace♥

Getting in touch with our inner moon ~ as She reflects back to us what needs to be cleared from our inner store house*  *as well as revealing to us our true essence *treasures within ~ so we may be fully illuminated 🙂

Moon Goddess ~ Splashing Her mystical Grace & drowning us in Her intoxicating silvery charm #moonbrew

             As we connect inwardly with our sacred moon inside us 🙂 #moonrising


Remember we must clear out to clear in.

The Moon (within us) serves as a reflection ~ lighting within us stale stagnant “stuff” that is required to clear ~ through  its recognition ~ surrendering ~ purging. The more we declutter within of all the old clamping’s ~ the more we make room within for the new to be enlivened & summoned forth. #outwiththeold #inwiththenew

We must do it ~ no one can do it for us. It is a gift we gift ourselves so that we may make room within/without for a life lived at our highest love light vibration as fully evolved enlightened beings.

Our inner moon & sun ~ that we all carry within us ~ our sacred divine feminine & masculine ~ work in consort with each other.

This relationship within us is gathered in greater symphonious levels as we acknowledge & take the “time” to go within & see what’s up with our inner moon & sun as much as possible. Leading to a more balanced life open to Grace.

This devotional is honoring our inner moon.

Let’s journey within to connect with our personal inner moon ~ our divine feminine within ~ gently summoning us & providing keys to “knowing thyself”


Let’s take quiet “time” to connect with our sacredness ~ the divinity that we were created as.

 This self honoring serves us greatly & is the richness of riches.

Moments away from the busyness of one level of life & a turning towards ~  attuning  to and or being in nature ~ a comfortable space within our dwelling ~ anywhere that feels right ~ is a integral aspect of creating balance, peace, unity ~ lifting us higher into our truth & holy light.

∴The downloads we receive during quiet inner attuning are beyond precious. This is where we get the highest guidance for our lives∴

Thank you for honoring & loving yourself 🙂 This is one of the greatest gifts we can offer to ourselves 🙂


⇑ Moon Rising ⇑

#fullmoon #moonwithin #lunarlight

Silver Charm

Moon brew Grace

⇒Moon in Me⇐

⊗devotional to get in touch with our inner moon⊗

♥Moon brew Grace♥



Moon Rising

Moon in me ~ full uprising

blues greens white

shoreline reflected bright

Moon Rising

Moon in me ~ mesmerizing

high in the sky ~ catch Her before drawing nigh

mystify ~ private eye ~ see Her with your inner eye

She will clarify, beautify, hum a silent lullaby

give Her the eye

Moon in cats eye

Moon Rising

Moon in Me ~ synchronizing

She purifies to unify

stars & night drop by

I look within ~ heart lotus ~ glorify

silver spoon ~ honey moon ~ signature tune

Moon Rising

Moon in Me ~ supervising

She knows that She knows

full like the sacred rose ~ dressed up to undress & expose

Her intimacy presupposes you to consider

reconsider ~ to be clearer ~ transmitter

Moon Rising

Moon in Me ~ advising

shadows transpose ~ enlightenment grows

silver lightning strikes ~ awakening ~ like dominoes

Moon Rising

Moon in Me  ~ inner reviving

arriving ~ moon diving

Hang on to Her ~ moon gliding

Moon Rising

Moon in Me ~ inner shining

insight ~ wisdom ~ nirvana

Aquarian Sadhana ~ belladonna

Moon Rising

Moon in Me ~ recognizing

Ma ~ donna ~ you wanna? ~ the end of karma

Moon Rising

Moon in Me ~ smiling

bring forth ~ henceforth ~ & so forth

Moon Rising

Moon in Me

gives birth

paradise ~ heaven on earth

 rise thy daughter ~ thy son~ blessed be upon the earth

divine prophecy assert

Moon Rising

Moon in Me ~ Spirit Soul riding

Heaven & Earth presiding

combining, coinciding, uniting

Moon Rising

Moon in Me ~ Silver Light

Ever guiding




⇑Blessings of the full moon rising within⇑ 

May we all love ourselves with unconditional love!

Blessings of Moon Grace!

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

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