⇒Do You Know? ~ ♥how beautiful you are…

Remembering the eternal Self


Crystal Light magical being praying for Earth inhabitants to remember their sacred beauty within ~ so without with her bunny helper



⇒Do You Know?

how beautiful you are…



The inspiration for this blog post ~ poem came about via observation. Observing others around me, observing myself, observing well known people. observing nature, observing animals…just plain observing and wondering…

⊗ …while taking visual scope around me I looked and wondered if those my eyes rested upon know how beautiful they are…⊗

This also stemmed as a reminder of encouragement to myself and hopefully to readers to identify with a higher inherent realm of beauty within and so without.

A beauty befitting All:

This beauty is non gender specific. It is the beauty of love and of light. Of intense exalted beauty emitting from someones core depth that elicits a sense of  beatific wonderment and penetrates straight to the heart. It is a beauty far transcending this world and the physical.

Moments of beauty:

 Moments of complete light………of complete love…….of complete beauty that awakens and stirs the heart to remember its inherent nature…….

 A beauty so tender, so loving, so kind, so benevolent in character and movement that has the power to alter our consciousness and state of being. Sometimes momentary, sometimes daily, sometimes longer…..we remember who we are and our interconnectedness sparkled with reverence for the Divine within all. 

Beauty has eyes that only see beauty…. that knows and senses what is behind it all. Seeing  the form and past the form to peer deeply into the soul essence always present.

Beauty as a connector device:

Beauty connects us to the present and with the larger picture

Beauty provides the impetus to regain memory of an unencumbered state of being. We see a sister (s), a brother (s) as beautiful beyond description, beyond form, beyond what they do or don’t do, beyond what is said or not said, beyond all physical placement thus connecting us to a higher perception of our self, others, and the world through the eyes and heart of beauty ~ inclusive of the animal and plant kingdoms.


⇒Sometimes we go away, sometimes we come back

Let’s come back to beauty↵


⇒ do you know…….how beautiful you are?

◊You are beautiful beyond measure ⇒ you are precious  ⇒ loved ⇒ and adored now, forever, and eternally

◊Your value is measureless

◊Your beauty is grand

◊Your life and what you create is vitally important and beautiful

◊I am in awe of your beauty. I thank you for your beauty. ⇒ Remember your beauty





⇒Do You Know?

how beautiful you are…



Do you know

how beautiful you are…

 beauty walks the path of moments

ripe and potent

beauty has no opponent

a holy surrender

is beauty’s bestowment

I explore your beauty now

to arrive at the throne of beauty’s poet

your citrine eyes penetrate

sparkle right sunbright ~ the male sheep, a ram

remembering the I AM

left moon spirit ~ the feminine

the sacred cow ~ now I Am

a smile whose light rays

speak shine so benevolent, so kind

a laugh

like a succession of silvery bells

 singing the transcendent song

a bewitching face

that twinkles

beautific glimmers  behold my mind

as I stand amongst your beauty undefined

Do you know

how beautiful you are…

when you sit and say nothing

you are so becoming

mystical particles spin about the air

least one becomes more aware

 your voice and lips dipped in divine wine

 each word spoken and the hum in between

carry a celestial echo

  riding in waves amidst the stratosphere

Do you know

how beautiful you are…

in and out of this world you move

swaying branches with dancing leaves

move alongside you

the earth shudders

and the sky melts

your beauty comes from far beyond

it reconstructs the living space

privy is the viewer who goes higher

released is true eternal power

your heart so dear and true

 showers a cosmic love

that mystics see

and lovers can not deny

supply is high so one can fly

Do you know

how beautiful you are..

when you rest upon your bed

 laying down with the moon

your skin a pearl glow

stardust carries you

to the stars across the galaxy

journeying to the realms of infinite beauty

  bringing it back here

so the onlooker

beholds a wondrous view

 make it your own

what Jesus taught and knew

Do you know

how beautiful you are…

when you rise with the morning sun

as if for the first time

bringing forth the mysteries and the rhyme

  beauty’s length and strength

no corners, no edges

your beauty the bridge

the only lesson

Do you know

how beautiful you are…

butterscotch nails

pretty on your hands and feet

brown sugar, vanila, butter, and a pinch of salt

senses arouse to anoint a sweet flush

  an enigmatic touch

sacred ground kisses your every step

gone are tears, for mercy has swept

Do you know

how beautiful you are…

nothing remains the same

that you touch or look upon

capacity moves brighter

candy insider fuels the hang glider

muse for the writer

your form brilliant in analogous hues

colors in threes

equal perfect harmony

Do you know

how beautiful you are…

nothing to be added nor subtracted

held assuredly

your beauty is exactness

Do you know

how beautiful you are…



May beauty reign in all that we see, know, touch, create, and live as.

◊Please remember how beautiful you are!

∴Please remember to see all sisters and brothers as beautiful ~ the Earth, flora & fauna

⇒Please remember to see the beauty all around………….

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

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Stepping Out ~ ◊By Moonlight with eyes that see in the dark…..

⇒Stepping Out……….

◊By Moonlight with eyes that see in the dark

∴For the brave Ones who dare to step out………..


Stepping out……….



I am known by moonlight and those that see in the dark



What does Stepping Out mean:

Stepping Out is showing up and stepping into the new even if fears or concerns tinker in the mind. Stepping Out is a demonstration of faith that your grandest wishes and desires can and will be made manifest. It is confidence in yourself and with the One you serve. Stepping Out is following your heart and soul whose steps bring you into the garden of green.

Insight: The Moon as the great illuminator to light our way as we step out into the dark which symbolizes the unknown, fears, doubts, hesitations, etc….and to move in concert with divine action accompanied by great wings of momentum to take the initial steps both inwardly and outwardly into the newness of what can be…….eyes that see in the dark are the eyes of trust that are shown step by step the way to go lit by the light of the Moon.

#trustyouwillbeshown #stepbystep #moonlightshinestheway


Below is a list of how Stepping Out looks from a practical stance:

*Create your own list and add what resonates with where you want your steps to take you and march into a world filled to completion with your deepest desires, wishes, and hopes…..

Having Trust & Faith to Step Out

♦step out of conventional norms that don’t resonate with inner beliefs

♦step into faith ~ be bold and trust the inner voice

♦step into your divine power to see within and allow that vision to be the driving force in life

♦courage to step into new territory in confidence, openness, and joy

♦step into the full surrendering of the past and all associations to be born anew

♦realization and fortitude to break free from habitual patterns of thinking and emotional reactions that don’t serve

♦ serve in a completely new agenda that is by divine design smothered with ease and Grace

♦step into conviction to follow your heart without reserve or doubt

♦see into the dark, the unknown, and walk the steps by the moonlight’s glow

The inspiration for this blog post and poem is the allowing and openness to step out into greater yet unknown territory to expand on all levels and thus transition and transform into all that one is meant to be. It is also a declaration and stance to be in this world yet not of this world as the Great Master Jesus taught. One steps into empowerment through the cultivated inner world of peace, self love, harmony, and divine attunement that does not waver nor is swayed from outside influences. This takes continuous focus, dedication, and a strong inner desire to rise above.

Stepping Out of the Same:

The same continues to be the same until one steps out where the same is no longer the same. Step Out of the same through willingness, desire, and placing the stakes upon the altar of the divine. With deep trust through Stepping Out the same spins into a world of new potentialities, greater happiness, higher states of knowing oneself, and miracles!

  This post is also to activate the divine fire within that sparks a flame of trust. It is the energy to move into the direction of expansion, of a knowing held buried and obscured from vision, now heralding the spring of its coming.



See In The Dark:

Seeing in the dark is a reference to our ability to trust in the stepping out in faith process. It is a portal of direction and blessings we open to when we allow the Divine to guide our holy steps with inspired action. We may not know the outcome nor how it will all come together. It is a moment to step, a step in each moment, being led by a higher wisdom, knowing, and attunement.

⊕Though it be dark, the Divine shines a light and says “this way my beloved. Come, follow me, as I show you the way with enough light in each step to see in the dark. Bless you my dear child for choosing to see in the dark. See through to eventually realize there is no dark…….”⊕


*the digital image was from a photo session that I later turned into a digital art piece



⇒Stepping Out……….

◊By Moonlight with eyes that see in the dark


Though the day did bear fruit

it was gone with the change of a suit

the night appeared suddenly

 the day evaporated and the moon and I were in company

it twas the night that held a spellbound allure

in a blue green peacock dress

I stepped out into the night

by moonlight with eyes that see in the dark

under the new moon adoration

 who might be present this eve in silvery vicinity?

a returning mystic

sprinkling electric awakening into the starry eyed receptive soul

when the peacock feather appears

take note to know

the knock of eternity sweeps through the opened door

stardust to memory rhythmed the nights pulsation

the dragonfly circles three times

transformation alchemy sign

8:08 time bends back

see into the night past the darkness

in a blue green peacock dress

I stepped out into the night

by moonlight with eyes that see in the dark

my dress of feathers

shines equal to the morning sun

 the night paves on a street called now

like Mary Magdalene’s gypsy rose and crystal skull

kneeling to honor amidst the moonlight

in mystical surround sounds became home

there is no logical value

yet it all makes sense within the order of wholeness

 madness turns to wizardry

 Merlin raises his scepter

 his cloak of stars shines with brilliance

healing waters spin with vapors that stir the air

wind chimes play the sequence of now

night lotus perfumes the air

the magician tickles the peacock feather under my nose

musky flowery ether scent engulfs me from beyond this world

movement in the stillness

the stillness moves on

a point that exists in the mind of the author

  the eternal blue  straddles between the times

 brought back to Earth as a point in nightfall

in a blue green peacock dress

I stepped out into the night

by moonlight with eyes that see in the dark

stepping out

  light shines on the ground showing the steps to embark

see into the night, step out, write the new day from dark to light

trusting in the divine for two on the vine is the design

 divine together widens the line



ΘBlessings of Stepping Out!

∞May all Step Out with Eyes that see into the dark and see clearly the way!

∇Many joyous Gifts of Stepping Out!

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

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Kingdom of Heaven ~ #freedom #joy

~^~ Living in the Kingdom of Heaven ~^~

⇒Kingdom of Heaven∴

Removing the illusions that veil our true knowing of our God Self in order to live in our sovereign divinity!

#freedom #joy

 What resides in the Kingdom of Heaven resides within our inner dwelling place. The accessing, acknowledgment, and living forth as the Kingdom of Heaven is our greatest happiness and highest calling here on Earth.

When we focus through purposeful spiritual practices and pathways to dissolve the veils of illusion our mind and heart sync to a holy rhythm and flow. The eternal song of a resting place immersed in brilliant light and love become our thoughts and heartbeat. Through our dedication to shine as wayshowers and heal, clear, and transmute our inner shadows we receive glimmers and shimmers along the way of a potential of living and being that echos the Kingdom of Heaven. After much purification through our dedication to inner work, ultimately we will fully become situated with and slip into a state of surrender where a new world appears before us. We enter our home of homes.

There is nothing else that remains. Only our holy reflection shining back to us the truth of our being

When we take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, and face our fears as our own then a powerful impetus develops that moves our awareness step by step in the direction of knowing who we are as eternal beings.

Be an ever lit candle of encouragement to yourself to move forward and continue, love on yourself, and be this source of encouragement and love to others in kind gesture and measure

  When we know the truth of our being and allow this truth to be our day to day conscious attention then a state of freedom and joy becomes the momentum. This takes discipline, constant observance, and dedication to detect what the mind is placing its attention on and serve to remove illusions and opt for a higher state. Going deeper into oneself to see errors of thought perception that belong to a mind confined to limitation, past and future static, and then taking measure to clearing them is purification. Favored is an open heart and a mind transfixed in a transcendental operating field consciously creating blessings from where all potential exists.

*digital art work is from a photo session with Maria Scozzari*


~^~ Claiming the Kingdom of Heaven ~^~

∞Claiming the Kingdom of Heaven as our Own∞

 The Kingdom of Heaven accessed within is to be claimed! Claimed to be a living reality! The content and attributes remind us that we are not separate from the Kingdom of Heaven and these qualities are ours.

⇒Kingdom of Heaven∴

Removing the illusions that veil our true knowing of our God Self in order to live in our sovereign divinity!

#freedom #joy




Below is an affirmation list consisting of aspects belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven to remind us daily of our divinity.

Allow them to saturate the mind to envelope Kingdom ways of thinking, seeing, and knowing

⇒Add to this list and create your own Kingdom of Heaven affirmations!

Claim your Joy, exuberance, and freedom 


In the Kingdom of Heaven there is only

 wholeness, therefore I am wholeness

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no

 illness, therefore I am perfect health

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no

darkness, therefore I am all light

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no

 lack, therefore I lack nothing

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no

 doubt or worry, therefore I have nothing to doubt or worry

In the Kingdom of Heaven there are no

mistakes, therefore I have made no mistakes

In the Kingdom of Heaven there are no

 judgments, therefore I have nothing to judge

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is no

 death, therefore I can not die

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 nothing to gain, therefore I having nothing to gain

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is only

perfection, therefore I am perfection

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is only

love and that which is loved, therefore I am love and I am loved

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is only

 One, therefore I am One

In the Kingdom of Heaven

the eternal is real and everlasting, therefore I am eternal and everlasting

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 relaxation and ease, therefore I live in relaxation and ease

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 only truth, therefore I live in truth

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 only beauty, therefore I am beautiful and all I see is beauty

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 abundance and plenty, therefore I am abundant and plenty

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is only

 harmony and bliss, therefore I am harmony and bliss

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 only radiance, therefore I am radiant

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 only purity, therefore I am pure

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

only innocence, therefore I am innocent

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 only happiness and joy, therefore I am happiness and joy

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 pure flow of light, therefore I flow in pure light

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 only peace, therefore I am peace

In the Kingdom of Heaven there are only

 glorious creations, therefore I create glorious creations

In the Kingdom of Heaven

all is fruitful, therefore I am fruitful

In the Kingdom of Heaven

all is blessed, therefore I am blessed

In the Kingdom of Heaven

all is holy, therefore I am holy

In the Kingdom of Heaven

all is forgiven, therefore I am forgiven and offer all forgiveness

In the Kingdom of Heaven there is

 all, therefore I am all


⊗Blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven while here on Earth!

∞May all experience the Kingdom of Heaven within and so without!

∇Many joyous Gifts of the Kingdom of Heaven!

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Have a blessed day!

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Walking On Northern Grass ~ Bethlehem Angel Hair

→Walking on Northern Grass⇔

θBethlehem Angel Hairθ

walking on new ground ~ grass ~ new thoughts ~ breakthroughs ~ new opportunities ~ new horizons

Allowing things to happen ~ allowing oneself to be led by Spirit spills out to open green fields widening ones awareness of potentials




Themes: allowing things to happen, aware of surroundings, connecting the dots in symbolic reference, new beginnings ~ new opportunities 

As spontaneous as it gets this blog post arrived rather unexpectedly. While on vacation in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania I enjoyed early morning walks around the neighboring property from the hotel we were staying in last summer. Quiet and peaceful, my feet walked upon Northern grass. The grass immediately grabbed my attention as it was vastly different from the grass we have in South Florida. In South Florida the grass has thick wide blades that are hardy and robust. The Bethlehem, Pennsylvania grass has slender blades, soft and wispy like velvet strands of angel hair.

Spirit took my feet walking

I had no intention nor thought of a blog post, poem, and accompanying photos, however, Spirit had other plans. My first walk saturated me with ideas, heightened sensations, sights, and words that spontaneously came to me under the morning light. The Bethlehem angel grass and all that appeared before me on my walk suddenly became a wealth of inspiration running in and through me.

I was listening to country music love songs on my phone in my left hand and my right hand carried my morning cup of tea. Since my hands were occupied on my initial walk, I was not able to take any photos. I could feel this preliminary walk was specific to allowing information to be downloaded into my consciousness and to allow myself to just experience.

The second walk the following morning was when I took the photos and the gestation phase turned to solid ground rich and fertile with ideas. There was a distinct difference between the first walk with no intention but to go for a morning walk and the second walk in pursuit of photographic imagery that would visually describe what I was feeling. I knew that I must strike a balance between allowing things to happen and looking for what to photograph. Aiming to meet myself and this walk in the middle I forged ahead. A few images came from a third walk on a completely different path from a neighboring area.

Acorns, feathers, and pinecones were continually upon the path I walked. Grateful for the little confirmations from heaven, I have included these features within the poem below as a literal reference.

Although this blog post was a while in the making, it feels right on time with Spring being in our midst (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere). What grass could be greener both in content and form then upon a Spring day……..

◊It’s truly wonderful and a heavenly gift when we allow things to happen….

♥The green of grass is a symbolic color of the heart♥

Grass Symbolism:

While experiencing the striking contrast of the Bethlehem, Pennsylvania grass with my home turf, I was not thinking in terms of symbolism. I do like to step back and assess what comes into my view in symbolic terms. For me it is a way the Universe is directly speaking to me (and to all of us) through a symbolic language that requires one (if interested) to look deeper into the meaning.

Typically grass is a symbol for growth and expansion ~ as well as new life and a sense of hope and rebirth.

♥The green of grass is a symbolic color of the heart♥

As we walk upon the Earth, we walk upon the Heart. Our feet literally touch the heart and heartbeat of Blessed Mother ~ Earth. The frequencies of the Mother’s Heart energetically run through our feet and into our consciousness, body, and energy systems. Communication, therefore, is ongoing ~ a continual flow whether tapping in to it or not. 

Miracles happen #beaware


Walking: Movement

Set a focus and move with it:

Choose an area of your life you would like an increase in growth and expansion in and come on a walk with me…..

Let’s go…….!!!!………


→Walking on Northern Grass⇔

θBethlehem Angel Hairθ

Walk where you have never walked before ~ be led by the One who knows ~ trust in the evergreen of forever more



→Walking on Northern Grass⇔

θBethlehem Angel Hairθ


acorns, feathers, and pinecones

  anchored in succession upon my footpath

 trice speaking up from the sacred ground

 making themselves known while circles come round

heavens sanction to say come walk with me

elements guide me spellbound

as I survey with a look around

grass of the angels sigh

plush beneath my feet

sights, colors, and sounds

mix with the green of the emerald star

 what rests ahead is unknown, far to far

no how

to know

 walk only knowing

    all that sparkles and twinkles is in this morning hour

I am

walking on new ground

this is where I walk this day

almighty grace doth show the way

walking on northern grass

 Bethlehem angel hair

soft and wispy beneath my feet

a miracle in every blade

the old world fades away

 every step death clears way for new life

thinking about the years gone by

thinking about where I am now

paying it some mind

smoke and cries lay by the wasteside

winds are still as I leave the past behind

only light fills my mind

not a morning could be quieter

the green grass so thin and fine

like threads connecting my mind

my eyes transfixed upon the soft airy grass

walking with One in no define

 Her design spills out before me, walk and let’s see what we find

walking on northern grass

 Bethlehem angel hair

soft and wispy beneath my feet

country love songs coming from my left hand

my morning tea in my right hand

Mother Heart I step and repeat

the East morning sun

lights up my back and sides

bright topaz sun

my feet just glide

guided by a new tide

a door opens in the ground

spilling out adventures of a golden hour

 the Great Spirit shows Her Mighty Power

a blue eye ride and hawk eyes

opportunities arise open to the bluest of skies

walking on northern grass

 Bethlehem angel hair

soft and wispy beneath my feet

 I am walking in my mind

somewhere else beyond the realms of time

the grass speaks green in whispers

on the wings of a Western breeze

large oak trees echo stories

perhaps Aristotle be here now

life has potentiality, be in observance

formal logic, science, mathematical equations

realms of existence given by the sacred cow

sharing notes On the Soul

the nutritive soul, the sensible soul, and the rational soul

a syllogism offered to the mind

the golden mean to stay in between

be a seer of no lines

pay attention to the signs

walking on northern grass

 Bethlehem angel hair

soft and wispy beneath my feet

wondering what might unfold in this holy hour

weeds that look like flowers

 beauty in perception and what we see is ours

thinking about how young love gets me high

nineteen again, the scent of vanilla bean, the sun’s rays blessings of citrine

hand in hand with jasmine young love walks

 receiving the kiss of rebirth

the unwrapped heart meets the divine encounter

 exchanging this world for one more sounder

walking on northern grass

Bethlehem angel hair

soft and wispy beneath my feet

I walk and walk

 nature sets the course

grass stretching onto open fields

no sidewalks

no one else around

only country sounds

quiet, easy, bright morning

in this Bethlehem town

 where new ground is found

walking on northern grass

Bethlehem angel hair

soft and wispy beneath my feet

where moments become miles

laid out by God’s surprises

the green of new horizons

becomes unearthed

 heaven signals the new birth

walk with confidence on grass of green

melting with the heart of emerald green

be taken, be led, and walk new ground

all becomes fulfilled, have no doubt

see within and look around

walking on northern grass

Bethlehem angel hair

soft and wispy beneath my feet

listen to the wisdom from the country seat

allow your feet to take you to your breakthrough

where all is forgiven and the taste is sweet

 Bethlehem angel hair

soft and wispy beneath my feet

 walk the green grass

 where your expansion has been prepared

 walk into now

the answered prayer



⊗Blessings of walking on new ground!

∞May doors of new opportunity for the highest good of all make its presence known!

∇Many joyous Gifts of the Spirit ~ of Nature Divine to grace our lives eternalΔ

Thank you for viewing 🙂

Have a blessed day!

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Miracles Happen #stayaware

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Inner Voice Check ~ Holy Spirit Attunement

→Inner Voice Check

♥Holy Spirit Attunement♥

A checklist used as a tool to evaluate how well we are hearing and allowing our blessed inner voice to guide us in our daily lives


Golden Earthscape where all are in tune with Spirit ~ *one heart *one voice *one mind



During a recent meditation some words formulized in my awareness from the Holy Spirit as a guideline to gadge how much inner voice acknowledgement and follow through is taking place within. It is a major focus of mine to be in concert with the Holy Spirit to receive any and all guidance moment to moment (ideally). It requires continued daily practice and a desire to be in deep communion.

Although my word reference choice is Holy Spirit, feel free to substitute a word that you resonate with that kindles within you the loving heart and voice of the Divine. The list below is by no means complete, there are many general and individual ways that the Holy Spirit reaches us and multiple ways to determine if we are in check.

Perhaps in part, the Holy Spirit presented me with some barometers of how well I am hearing Her as I had presented what felt like deep issues to resolve and receive guidance on. My perception was not in sync with Her as I was allowing more egoic thoughts to enter in and clutter up space. In an effort to simmer down a bit and focus, the Holy Spirit ushered forth a check list to help me stay on track. Always truth and light is to be shared, so here I offer what was given to me in the hope that it will be of service to you to have a deeper alignment with your inner voice in all moments.

See what resonates with you and add your own stamp to the list. Write in the comments how you personally are reached by the Holy Spirit and how you can tell how aligned you are.

◊Blessings of great Holy Spirit listening and follow through◊

*digital art is an Earthscape I created with a couple different versions.



Inner voice quotes to get the inner fire burning:


Always listen to your inner voice

~Oprah Winfrey

Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice

~Steve Jobs

Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself


To find your angels….start trusting your inner voice & intuition


Listen to your inner voice

You will find the answers

~Karen Hackel



→Inner Voice Check

♥Holy Spirit Attunement♥


∴Read the checklist below slowly, check in with yourself for areas that are in sync and areas that need some tlc with continued monitoring.


Δ∇ Are you engaged daily in your passion & joy?

Δ∇ Do things feel blah? Home, work, neighborhood environments seem dull ~ not new & fresh?

Δ∇ How aware are you being in paying attention to Spirit clues and answers in your immediate environment that come in various ways such as seeing & literal hearing resulting in inner prompts? Are you making a inner connection & knowing?

Δ∇ How body conscious are you being versus Spirit conscious being?

Δ∇ How much are you buying into time & space?

Δ∇ Track your thoughts ~ are they predominantly ego mind or Spirit mind? Which side are you weighing in on?

Δ∇ How much compassion and gentleness are you offering to yourself?

Δ∇ How much “time” are you spending one on one with Spirit? How open are you being to receiving and connecting in with your divinity?

Δ∇ How much of your thinking is based on that you know? This limits Spirits voice as the assumption is already taken that you know.

Δ∇ How much effortlessness is their in your life?

Δ∇ How much happiness and joy are you experiencing daily?

Δ∇ How much of your thinking is based on the past or in the future? Breathing & coming back to the present moment helps us hear Spirit (be easy with yourself as this one in particular takes continual diligence, focus, and awareness to wipe out past conditioning).

Δ∇ How much are you trusting? How much are you believing in yourself through the power of God within?

Δ∇ Are you offering your divine gifts?

Δ∇ How much of your day is filled with synchronicities?

Δ∇  Are you resisting? This is particularly in regard to when you hear your inner voice, it surfaces in your awareness, and there is resistance to following through with the guidance.

Δ∇ Are you daily taking “time” to play, have fun, and take it easy and just be?

Δ∇ How much forgiveness & acceptance are you offering?

Δ∇ Is your self care routine practiced daily?


∴Take time to reflect after reading the list and just be with yourself. Assess without judgements. Love yourself unconditionally and thank yourself for being open to walking in truth and anchoring your sovereign light to shine and shine more and more.

∞May we all live from the indwelling holy voice of the Holy Spirit to guide our every step, flow through us to bless our every thought, word, action, & allow miracles to shine in our life and to bless all.




ΞBlessings of Holy Spirit inner voice attunement in all areas of our lives!

Blessings of joy, peace, great health on the awakening path℘

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Allman Brothers Band Morning

ξAllman Brothers Band Morning

℘the lovers who wear no clothes bared to

the soul

When you stop doing what you think you need to do and stop to listen to what’s making itself known to do from a higher space for the good of oneself which in turn is for the good of the whole

When anything can happen and magic becomes the moment 

*the Eternal morning*


The inspiration for this blog post and poem formed spontaneously as the morning lined up to present The Allman Brothers Band music mixed with the morning sunlight which created a flow of feelings turned into words stemming from the great music of this classic band.

When the morning light hits you so right, when music fills the atmosphere, when the heart sky is high, when the feeding is so right from on High, when the mind stretches farther then before to circle back to be its origin, when the muses make their appearance known and the light shines through, when the heart of love appears again in song to fill the happy form = that’s when anything can happen and magic becomes the moment and the attentive mind allows the Spirit to guide the form to create what the moment would birth.

*top photo is a sunrise skyscape digital art piece and the eagle digital art image was created for a July 4th blog post and tribute poem about 2 years ago*


The Allman Brothers Band

The Allman Brothers Band, March 1971. From left to right: Dickey Betts, Duane Allman, Gregg Allman, Jaimoe Johanson, Berry Oakley, Butch Trucks. (internet photo)

The Allman Brothers Band were an American rock band formed in Jacksonville, Florida in 1969 by brothers Duane Allman and Gregg Allman. Pioneers of classic southern rock music!


Feel the southern winds that carry ancient memories to be heard in the music of this region. Here is a Allman Brothers Band playlist to step into the heart of the Southern United States.



*The great eagle, sacred bird, and popular national symbol for the U.S.A. representing flight, freedom, victory, and strength*



ξAllman Brothers Band Morning

℘the lovers who wear no clothes bared to

the soul


Allman Brothers Band in the morning

 for the lovers who wear no clothes bared to the soul

the southern winds come again when it’s time for a returning

to ignite the southern heart a burning for humankind needs a turning

to hear the music of the south is to walk through the veil

walk with southern shoes barefoot in the morning trail

Allman Brothers Band in the morning

 for the lovers who wear no clothes bared to the soul

cat on the counter where the story is told in tale

the cats meow rings in the chime alive in the songs of the south

it is a wail and a calling

that mirrors the human when stalling

the morning star is stylish in her southern charm

the morning hours when ducks gather round the lake

morning light bathing in notes of the royal south

still palm trees and grass ignited in green

sliding glass door opens to welcome a kiss of the first sun

my soul is moving high in the morning light

cereal and coconut milk

chai tea sipped & spiced rolls like silk

southern magnetism at my finger tips

southern gypsy rock blues enchant the air

breathing is relaxed and my only news

my mind is on the front porch swinging in the southern countryside

riding along the backroads where the trees speak for miles

the crimes are over that never even began

my mind remembers its wholeness

while the bluebird perches upon my shoulder

the morning is eternal

nothing blocks my view

the morning is high

crunchy and sweet

 words arise from light beyond this world

join in the flow that effortlessly knows where to go

Allman Brothers Band in the morning

 for the lovers who wear no clothes bared to the soul

the cries of the soul are felt deep in the southland

it’s the cry of all nestled into the land where Mother Mary presides

all arms lay down to rest

as the truth becomes revealed

lady luck shines dazzling from field to ever field

Her southern hospitality reigning while offering loving Grace

dial up an open heart

relax into the morning light

a tear is cried in the beauty of the moment

that transcends this world

the miracles happen when eyes rise high

Allman Brothers Band in the morning

 for the lovers who wear no clothes bared to the soul

guitar and slide, smoky driving instrumentals that sends one to release and let go

organ and piano, percussion and drums, bass

vocals that hum, purr, howl, and invocate

 southern rock earthy, genre of Americana, poetic traveling the endless road

parts to the whole waking up the dreamer to celebrate

nothing comes and nothing goes

 I am in another place in my mind yet I am still right here

the curtains don’t move they are only decorative

it tells of what can’t be spoken only felt deep inside

the south feels the despair that all souls cry

and puts it to melodic form

to bring a welcomed remembering

of what has been forgotten

to look to the sky

 to water the earth

the laying on of hands

is the opening of the heart

the motherland waits her turn

to rise and collect her children

singing to them songs

to know their wings are not broken

that their petitions have been heard

Allman Brothers Band in the morning

 for the lovers who wear no clothes bared to the soul

the wild southern sun in the wild southern heart

in the wild southern soul crackles and burns

the wild men play to the calling

the wild women dance in ecstatic grounding

Allman Brothers Band in the morning

 for the lovers who wear no clothes bared to the soul

 hear the ancients call in southern musical style

 stroll in the morning light resting a while

lift off with the southern bird taking flight

hold on to it through the day and into the night

Allman Brothers Band in the morning

 for the lovers who wear no clothes bared to the soul




If you like classic rock in general then check out my rock n’ soul blog post including a rock n’ roll anthem. Click here:

Rock N’ Roll Soul #whenitrunsthroughyourveins



≅Happy Eternal mornings!

ΞBlessings of the morning light to take us places that awaken & inspire our soul!

ΞBlessings of music to uplift, encourage, and spur spontaneous joy in each moment.

∞May we live from a place of allowing the One who knows to instill divine thought and action through us in each of our days….

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Have a blessed day!

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Prayer for Abundance

⊕Prayer for Abundance⊕

⇑⇓⇑⇓ As above so below⇑⇓⇑⇓


⇒A prayer to allow ourselves to accept our divinity and wholeness.

♦The sweet nectar of Mother Father God’s giving nature to bless Her/His children♦

**Abundance blessing the Earth for all to receive


⇑May our perceptions rise to Christ Knowing⇑

∞May all be blessed with an abundant life∞


**Receiving abundance from Source



*top image is a digital Earthscape

*bottom image is a digital art piece from a photo session with Maria Scozarri



⊕Prayer for Abundance⊕

⇑⇓⇑⇓ As above so below⇑⇓⇑⇓


Recite and read whenever the flow of ample sufficiency needs to be remembered, stabilized, and received.

Light a candle if possible. Open as a child to receive.

ΞMay all drink of the hallowed truth of the vine whose branches bear much sweet fruit


⊕Prayer for Abundance⊕

⇑⇓⇑⇓ As above so below⇑⇓⇑⇓


In the loving wholeness of Mother Father God

I open my awareness to attune to the divine design that I am

I have been created in wholeness and in wholeness of the One I am

God is my provider, strength, & loving giver of all my needs

flowing waters run deep and thine eyes are steadfast fixed upon thee

there can be no lack in my world, as lack is not of thy Kingdom

thy Christ Glory within is my true reservoir of all

my heart, mind, & soul align with abundance as my true living & being moment to moment

my heart twinkles in open receptivity to receive the divine chalice pouring forth as the holy giver of abundance

no delusions of lack abide in my inner dwelling nor in my outer world

I receive freely and give freely

delight of giving is the Lord’s benevolence and so is mine

no walls of prevention in my mind remain in my full being

my thoughts are cleansed washed by the sacred fires that initiate the fullness of truth

my mind receives higher wisdom and expands to know not an end

I declare and let go of all that precludes divine abundance

new sustenance and renewal are mine each day

praise unto thy Lord for such gifts of eternal love

my day is filled with riches, bounty, and beauty

my needs are provided for in each moment in surplus

all I need and desire are made present and carry me through my life and all circumstances

the power, force, and love of the universe are my great supplier and mainstay

a continual ebb and flow of beatific love, glory, and bountifulness

are the wellspring that surge in and through my life

all my days are a consecrated example of the generosity and fruitful love of the Divine

an overflow of abundance is my ever present blessing

I give thee my faithful heart in affection, awe, and devotion

the sacred movement of God’s profusion is in my joyful receiving and giving


ΘBlessings of plentitude for all!

∞May our perception widen to see, accept, and allow the true reality of abundance to bless us!

♥Many joyous Gifts of the Spirit to all!

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Have a blessed day!

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Rapturous Blue ~ Eye of the Sun



ζRapturous Blueζ

ōEye of the Sun

«Call of the bluebird»

≅Aum I See

∞an invitation to open our third eye∞


Ajna opening




Happy new year 2022! What better way to start off the new year then with the call of the bluebird to ignite waves of rapturious blue bliss. The awakening of the mystical eye, of the mystical Self, of the magic within and to be experienced without!

During my morning meditation, in the deep stillness and quiet, inspiration hit for a blog post centering on the third eye and it’s awakening for all to experience.

Joyous awakenings to rapturous blue!

* all digital art are my creations


Bluebird Calling

Sounds of the bluebird

♥Listen to this beautiful bluebird call to set the stage to enter rapturous blue♥


∇Third Eye Chakra∇

Ajna: to perceive ~ to command

The eye of intuition and intellect ~  The associated sense organ is the brain

“The third eye chakra, also known as Ajna, is considered to be the sixth chakra in the body. This chakra is said to be located in the center of your head, parallel to the middle of your eyebrows. It’s believed to be linked to perception, awareness, and spiritual communication.”


The old world is falling, as we awaken to the truth of who we are, our sovereignty, our power, our purposefulness, our wholeness, and the divinity that carries us through and that we are.



≅Visual Art to awaken, inspire, and enter the ocean of cosmic blue≅

Pleiadian Starship Eyes * a lil’ help from our friends *


Ajna 3rd eye opening


Ajna Earth Awakening


ζRapturous Blueζ

ōEye of the Sun

«Call of the bluebird»

≅Aum I See

∞an invitation to open our third eye∞

*read out loud or silently while imagining sapphire blue light in your mind with a gentle focus on your third eye and heart. Perfect to read before meditating or drifting off at night. If possible light a indigo colored candle. If reading before morning meditation and sunlight is available, then take a few moments to receive the morning light into your brow area.


rapturous blue the blue bird calling

eye of the sun old world falling

Aum I See

   blue vision in symphony regal in its ministry

my mind stretching to infinity

the mystical in the form of blue electricity

illusions fade and all turns to possibilities

 the blue beyond offers true sight

day and night, moon and star unite

sapphire dance of indigo blue

inner sight blue light

the language of One sung in the Sun

waves of Sophia’s breath come by flames of blue fire spun

take me ~ make me blue undone

Her blue starlight dancing

my eyes entranced with understanding

 magicians wizards and mystics of wise

play with blue as the prize

visit the land where the unicorns arise

rapturous blue the blue bird calling

eye of the sun old world falling

Aum I See

 blue light in the headway opens the mystical gateway

for all to experience on our holy day

unified threads of universality

higher mind ~ intuition fuse as spiritual and physical reality

rapturous blue the blue bird calling

eye of the sun old world falling

Aum I See

the masculine and the feminine moaning in blue bliss ecstasy

he is she ~ she is he

creative and logical laughing endlessly

ajna is the song of destiny

rapturous blue the blue bird calling

eye of the sun old world falling

Aum I See

five pointed star the gift of seeing

   the blue field where the circle unites

blue being ~ the human and spirit take flight

macrocosmic great world within

 cobalt radiant stir dancing upon my skin

all tones rising including the silent sixth

blue light spoken, seeing, and hearing

brings magic to the mix

rapturous blue the blue bird calling

eye of the sun old world falling

Aum I See

God’s open mouth breathing blue into me

the base of my skull

the all, the will. a Shakespeare blue spill

scents of sage, juniper, sandalwood, and vetiver

the grapevines of Chablis, flavored spices and tea

rapturous blue the blue bird calling

eye of the sun old world falling

Aum I see

lapis flow from ancient memory

visible worlds of feathery blue hum wild

both hemispheres of the brain in synchronicity

rapturous blue the blue bird calling

eye of the sun old world falling

Aum I See


Ajna blue prana

the Self reflected back to me




ΘBlessed Awakenings of the 3rd Eye!

∞May the Eye of the Sun within open for all to see true reality!

∇Many joyous Gifts of the Spirit to all in 2022!

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Happy New Year 2022! ~words and love

ΞHappy New Year 2022!

ξWords & Love

Our Voices will rise together as One in Victory

Happy new year 2022! Many blessings of the heart to all!



Change is in the air! We are entering a new year ~ 2022! Lots of excitement & exhilaration as we turn another page and enter the new. We say goodbye to 2021 and bless all that it brought to us ~ challenges, breakthroughs ~ all of it, and say goodbye and relax into our new next page.

Spontaneously the day after Christmas I received some words from Spirit connected to 2022 to share. Most of the downloads came at once. When I went into my office studio space to write everything down, I had a beautiful confirmation when I looked out my window and saw a rainbow cascading across our community lake fountain. I was so grateful to receive such a wonderful confirmation.



Words & Love

Ξ Peace: Washes of peace will be experienced for the believers, the light keepers, the peace makers more so than we have ever experienced. This is all on the inner plane of consciousness. So don’t be surprised if you feel washes of great stillness, solace, and peace circulating through your system and awareness.

Ξ Natural remedies: There will be a highlight on natural remedies and Spirit is guiding us to fortification of our bodies through continual and new applications of nutritional supplements, herbs, homeopathic, essential oils, vitamins, etc…any and all natural substances to heal. If you are already on a nutritional regimen be on the lookout for the arrival of new supplements ~ esp. vitamins and or herbs combining several natural ingredients combined in one capsule. If you take a few or no natural supplements then see  & look into what you feel guided to take. Look at areas you want to heal and research potential options. Research will be key for expanded knowledge, listening to inner guidance, and some products will come to us in different ways. If you are a natural healer practitioner, this may be your year to really aid and promote your knowledge and share healing properties to open ears. Bottom line: be your own healer, look into natural remedies that feel right to you, do research, and share with others what has helped you if and when applicable.

◊If you are a vegetarian and not taking B12 & omega 3’s then you may want to look into this and other boosts to your system. I have personally found Hemp Oil to be highly beneficial as well as CBD oil. I take a couple of teaspoons daily of Hemp Oil and CBD oil at night.

Ξ Healing: There will be an acceleration of healing for all bodies (mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical) Yeah!

ΞAnimals: Our beloved animals we share the planet with will have a strong role in 2022. This is for domesticated and undomesticated animals.

Ξ Miracles: This will be a year of many miracles for us that will come in unexpected moments for all. Not only will those that are the holders of love’s eternal flame be recipients of miracles, but those that seemingly have not yet embarked on their sacred spiritual journey will receive miracles so that they may return to the acknowledgement of their divinity and know first hand Divine Love.

Ξ Inner Voice: Our inner voice will be much stronger and clearer. We are guided to truly listen and follow and not to doubt or second guess. Those with a prominent connection will further increase and expand out into other kingdoms. Aim to cultivate through silence, dedication, and openness to hear within the true inner voice and allow it to speak within you, through you, guide you, bless you, and be a best friend. Establishing this connection will pay off in big ways. Those with an established connection are guided to teach others and serve as prompted.

ΞSlow down: Take it easy and slow down in relationship to rushing about and aiming to get things done. Spirit wants to show us the illusion of time and one of Her ways is to recommend to move about with a calm demeanor and mind and let go of the habit of rushing to get through things while being tied to time. If we relax more in the moment, Spirit will show us the illusory properties of time and we will release its hold. If you tend to move about quickly or fast throughout the day, then take measures to slow down the pace as you can and see all get’s done that needs to and judgements of doing will begin to fade as strongholds. Those that are easy going through the day and  connect into the moment are guided to help others in gentle and compassionate ways to be an example of how each day can be lived with joy and smoothness.

Ξ Let It Be: This is the only possible challenging aspect. It’s a call from Spirit to truly surrender without trying to change or fix anything whether in our personal lives or seemingly in the outer world. See where this may be applicable to you and if it shows up a beneficial reminder is to remember all things work together for good. The beauty of this surrendering is acknowledgement that we don’t know ~ we only think we know. This thinking we think we know and then taking non~guided action to fix something has taken many of us on a meandering path that only caused strife and hardship. Letting it be will help us loosen ties to the movie we seem to be watching and release getting caught up in the characters. Getting out of the way, letting the Divine do their thing, and listening to our inner voice for guidance, clarity, and when and if action is appropriate is the way to letting it be. Be the observer and cultivate child like innocence.

ΞMusic: New innovations in music Sounds in connection to music will be applied in new ways.

ΞFirst half/second half: There seems to be a demarcation point at the center of the year around June and then the rest of the year. The first half of the year will be very different from the second half. Spirit is guiding us to heal traumas, shadow areas that need light to be cleared as early in 2022 as possible. Focus early on in the year to what needs to be healed.

ΞShine: Step up & Shine. Keepers of the flame will be called upon to amp up leadership positions and share, teach, encourage, and offer knowledge in the way that only you can. Those already in prominent light leadership roles will expand into new and continued avenues as opportunities are brought to you. Those just beginning to step up to the plate as light will grow exponentially into solid based roles uniquely designed and connected to your soul. For beautiful light holders who have been laying on the side lines, you will be asked to step into a new role as a presenter of divine light and love. I don’t see an option in this per se, however, Spirit is always highly gentle and moves us step by step as deemed ready. Those who have feared back due to shyness and insecurity will take on formidable roles that are linked into your interests, passions, and gifts of the Spirit ~ shyness and insecurity will morph into empowerment! So step up if you haven’t already! Be open to opportunities inspired to create and or brought to you, collaborative efforts in your community, circle of friends and network, online, etc…All light servers must share, teach, provide, and offer God given skills and abilities.

ΞThe end of alone: No more doing it alone. Many of us have been going about life doing it alone, maybe feeling alone, making decisions alone, trying it all alone in one sense or another. This is the end of doing or going about it alone. Allow Spirit in so that this Earth thing is a together thing! Allow Spirit to fully guide, take the reigns, while we joyously co ~create together. Forgive yourself for going about it alone (if need be) and move on. Ask your divine counterparts, angelic team, Beings of Divine Light to walk and bless you each day. Surrender your life to and with them.

Ξ Children: Young children highly equipped will be popping up over the globe astounding us with their gifts. Although appearing in a young form, they are here to teach us and provide profound gifts to humanity.



Blessings for 2022 to be super charged with limitless Gifts from on High, perfect health, awakenings, heart openings & connections, and joy eternal! Many blessings of the heart now and always!


Self Love & Twin Flame Blessings:

Twin Flame Love


May all in 2022 rise to deeper heights of self love, care, and compassion. Fully loving ourselves unconditionally with beloved tenderness and forgiveness. Letting go of all ties to unworthiness, guilt, shame, and all that masks our greatness. May we love ourselves more than we have ever known, open our hearts to experience the wonder of it all and all that we are, and see this pure love in each other and in all of life.

May all who wish to join in the physical with their twin flame be blessed with such a holy encounter and blessed journey. For those who are already connected with their twin flame in the physical, may love grow ever deeper as One to new heights and bliss eternal.

*Art image is from a wedding I photographed several years ago and then worked up for a twin flame super moon.



Happy New Year 2022!

⊕May all awaken, be healed, whole and live in and as Light & Love Divine⊕

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Prayer to Become the Christ ~ I AM


ξPrayer to Become the Christ

→A Simple Prayer to transform and allow our holy I AM Presence to flow through us∴

Jesus Christ



Spontaneously during one of my morning meditations the words in this prayer came to me.

It’s a wonderful feeling to sit in silence and spontaneously receive precious downloads that serve to guide.

Being open to the unbounded field during deep silence, in communion with Source while in meditation is a great place to be!

It’s just a few days after Christmas celebrations and soon we will be in a new year, 2022! Many blessings to all now and in 2022! ♥

The digital art of Jesus Christ is from a photo I took of my boyfriend Steve’s prior band mate. His features and bone structure lent a feel for the basis of a digital art piece emulating my version of Jesus.


The Vision of Christ:

The Vision of Christ, to awaken to the inner Christ that resides in all, to be the Christ while living on Earth serves our greatest fulfillment and purpose. To live in such an exalted state of purity of heart, light mind, & body is to remember at the core who we are eternally. All falsehoods and illusions trail away as one  gains maturity in spiritual vision. It’s a process within a process that requires much dedication. To live as the Christ, as Jesus taught in his ministry, is our highest calling. Our paths unique and varying, yet united in the One vision of the Christ. This is who we are. This is who we are waking up to. This is who we are becoming as our perfected state of being and conscious alignment.

Beyond all preconceived notions, beyond what we have been taught and think we know ~ we go deeper into our being to experientially come face to face with our shining truth lovingly gazing back to us reflecting our divinity in true knowing and light eternal.


The Download:


The words that came into my awareness during my morning meditation came in such a way as if it is to be a prayer. It felt more prayerful and to be presented as a devotional then a straight up poem. The words came in covering all the senses and in practical ways relating to the human form and our daily experiences.



Prayer of Forgiveness:

Prelude to becoming the Christ:

Forgiveness unto me blessed be

to have seen and lived a non~reality

Forgiveness unto me blessed be

to now live free in the One true divine reality

coats of old and worn out trousers

now replaced with golden treasures

night vision brought to glory’s door

knower of now to see the Christ awakened in me and outpour

Forgiveness unto me blessed be

no longer illusions and darkness prevail

for my Christ heart has awakened to dissolve all veils

all forgiveness to those that seemed like others

who seemed to bring about much distaste and worldly hunger

Forgiveness unto me blessed be

all that was once in a unhealed mind

now stands in correction undefined

opened are eyes no longer blind

Forgiveness unto me blessed be

the world, myself, and all that held me under

is forgiven with eyes that rest to see only Thee

no shores do separate nor do walls exist apart from my One true reality

Forgiveness unto me blessed be

life now lived in symmetry

all my parts revealed to me

One station, One declaration, One Self

the truth, the Christ

risen inside myself

Forgiveness unto me blessed be

all is forgiven, ascended, and set free




I Am the Christ

I Am the Buddha

Awakened inside myself

I believe in the majesty and grandness I do possess

here now wholly blessed



Holy Spirit Blessing of Awakening:

the eyes of my heart fill with holy smoke

saged, cleansed, and ready for the inherit

Holy Spirit come, bless me eternal love flames apparent

all becomes One as One has spoke

my great I AM shown and known

humbled I am at thy Christ throne



ξPrayer to Become the Christξ

Thy Great God grant to me:

⊕Read aloud or silently once or in repetition⊕

⊕Light a candle nearby if possible⊕



Thy Great God grant to me

the vision of Christ

so I may be the eyes of Christ

Thy Great God grant to me

the hands of Christ

so I may be the touch of Christ

Thy Great God grant to me

the fragrant air of Christ

so I may be the breath of Christ

Thy Great God grant to me

the feet of Christ

 so I may walk as the Christ

Thy Great God grant to me

the voice of Christ

so I may speak as the Christ

Thy Great God grant to me

the sweetness of Christ

 so I may have the taste of Christ upon my lips

Thy Great God grant to me

 the ears of Christ

 so I may hear only the Christ

Thy Great God grant to me

the mind of Christ

so I may be the knower of Christ

Thy Great God grant to me

the heart of Christ

so I may be the holy love flame of Christ

Thy Great God grant to me

the form of Christ

so I may be the embodiment of Christ

Thy Great God grant to me

the essence of Christ

so I may be the presence of Christ

Thy Great God grant to me

the remembering of Christ

so I may be the awakened Christ

Thy Great God grant to me

 the bones of Christ

so I may be the strength of Christ

Thy Great God grant to me

 the living risen Christ

so I may be the miracle of Christ



♦As we move into 2022 may all be blessed in bountiful gifts of healing, awakening, and living as the risen Christ!♦

♥Happy New Year! 2022!



⊕May all awaken to the living Christ within⊕

♥Blessings of wholeness and wellness♥

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Have a blessed day!

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